Ukk B Inggris Viii 2019 - 503260172

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Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Sat. Pendidikan : SMP
Kelas : VIII (Delapan)

I. Answer The questions below by choosing the right answer between a, b, c, or, d

The text below is for questions 1 – 4

Last month, Salma and her parents were on holiday in Singapore. It was Salma’s first visit,but her
parents had been to Singapore time for business.
The first place of interest they went to was the Singapore Zoo. They enjoyed watching the animals
and had close encounters with them.
The next day, they visited the China town point. They shopped lots of clothing made of silk. Then
they visited the Mandai Orchid garden. They were thrilled to see orchid of different colours.

They really enjoyed their stay in Singapore.

1. How many places of interest did Salma and her parents visit?
a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four

2.What is the purpose of the text above?

a. To tell about Salma and her parents’ holiday in Singapore
b. To describe about Singapore zoo
c. To tell about shopping mall in Singapore
d. To descibe about interesting place in Singapore

3. They enjoyed watching the animals ( paragraph 2 )

The synonym of the underlined word is ......
a. Have fun
b. Take place
c. Looking for
d. Take care of

4. Which of the following statement is correct according to the text?

a. Salma and her parents visited China Town for shopping on the second day
b. The enjoyed watching the animals on the second day
c. Salma and her parents has visited Singapore for several times
d. They were thrilled to see orchid of different colours in Singapore’s Zoo

The text below is for questions 5 – 7

Dear Angel

Hi friend, here I invited you on my 13th birthday party

Date : Monday, June 7th 2014
Time : 4 p.m.
Place : My house
Jl. Mawar - Wanasari
Please come! Without you the party will be different

Cheer, Egi

5. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To invate someone
b. To inform someone
c. To ask someone going to party
d. A celebration of birthday party
6. Where will the party be held?
a. At Agi’s house
b. The house
c. At Jl. Mawar – Wanasari
d. At Angel’house
7. Egi hopes that Angel .....
a. brings a present
b. attends the party
c. wears a new dress
d. sings and dance

The text below is for questions 8 - 12

Long ago in the Neverland, there was lived a very beautiful princess, Snow White. The queen was her
stepmother. She was very jealous of her beauty. So, she wanted Snow White died.
Snow White knew about the evil plan. She escaped into a forest. There she made friends with seven
The queen turned into a witch. Snow White did not realize it. The witch gave her a poisoned apple.
As a result, Snow White was put into sleep for years.
Fortunately, in the end, Prince Charming revival her with a kiss. They lived together happily ever

8. Who were involved in the story?

a. Cinderella and Glass Shoes
b. Snow White and Seven Dwarfs
c. Alice in Wonderland
d. Sleeping Beauty

9. Why was the queen jealous to Snow White? We can find the answer in …
a. Paragraph 1
b. Paragraph 2
c. Paragraph 3
d. Paragraph 4

10. She escaped into a forest ( paragraph 2)

The words "escaped" has a close meaning with ....
a. Take care
b. Runaway
c. Keep in touch
d. Give help

11. Why did Snow White’s stepmother turn into a witch?

a. Because of Snow White’s beauty
b. Because of Snow White’s wealth
c. Because of Snow White’s boyfriend
d. Because Snow White was her step daughter

12. Which one is not correct based on the story about?

a. Snow white’s step mother was jealous of her beauty
b. Snow white knew her stepmother’s evil plan, so she escaped to the forest
c. Snow felt happy when The witch gave her a poisoned apple
d. Finally, Snow white lived happily with a prince

The text below is for questions 13 -15

I had a terrible day yesterday. First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn't go off.
Then, I (13).......... in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making breakfast. After breakfast, I got
dressed so (14) .............. that I forgot to wear socks.
Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus, but of course I missed it. I wanted to take a
taxi, but I didn't have enough money.
Finally, I ( 15) ............... the three miles to my school only to discover that it was Sunday! I hope I
never have a day as the one I had yesterday.

13. choose the correct word to complate

A. am B. Is C. Were D. was

14 choose the correct words to complate item

A. Finally
B. slowly
C. lately
D. Quickly
15. choose the correct words to complate item
A. walked B. run C. running D. walking

16. Our family – last Sunday – Bojong sari Water Boom – with – We – Went to
1 2 3 4 5 6
The correct arrangement of the jumble text is ....
a. 5 – 6 – 3 – 4 – 1 – 2
b. 2 – 3 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 2
c. 1 – 6 – 3– 4 – 5 – 2
d. 1 – 6 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 2

17. Arrange the following sentences to make a good paragraph .

1. Jack had an accident a few days ago.
2. Jill went to the hospital too visit him.
3. He is still in the hospital now.
4. She is at the hospital now.
5. He had to go to hospital.
A. 1-4-3-5-2
B. 1-3-5-4-2
C. 1-2-3-4-5
D. 1-5-3-2-4

18. in – seven – Snow White – woods – dwarfs – met – the

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The correct jumble words above is....
a. 3-6-2-4-1-7-5
b. 3-6-7-2-4-1-5
c. 3-6-2-5-1-7-4
d. 3-6-7-5-2-1-4

19. Arrange the following words to be a meaningful paragraph

1) For several days they had through the ocean with a wonderful night and days.
2) It started the voyage from Southampton England to New York USA.
3) In April 1912, about 2500 passagers and crews had a great voyage with a very great ship called Titanic “
The Unsinkable Ship”.
4) After that, the coque crashed the iceberg and the water started filled the ship.
5) Finally the unsinkable ship Titanic sank down before reaching to New York on April 15th, 1912 at 2:20 in
the morning and only 700 people survived.
6) It was the greatest and the most terrible marine disaster ever.
7) Then, the unseen iceberg was suddenly appeared , Titanic could not help avoided colliding it on April
14th, 1912.
a. 3-6-2-7-4-1-5
b. 3-2-4-1-7-6-5
c. 3-2-1-4-7-5-6
d. 3-2-1-7-4-5-6

The text below is for questions 20-22


There will be a holiday camp next month. All scout must

join this camp.
The activity will take place at Telaga Herang camping site
and last for three days.
for further information, please contact Mr. Arkan.

Bangodua, May 22 th, 2014

The Chief of Scout Organization

20. When will the activity be held ?

A. In May
B. In June
C. In July
D. In August
21. If the camp starts in June 5th, when will it end ?
A. June 6th. B. June5th. C. May 26th. D. May 25th.

22. Who must join the activity ?

A. All students
B. All scouts
C. All chiefs
D. All Telaga Herang people

The text below is for questions 23-24

Dear, Mila

Mila, don’t forget to study

Together at my house at 04.30 p.m.
Be on time!


23. When should Mila come to Cindy’s house for study togather?
a. In the morning
b. In the afternoon
c. In the night
d. In the evening

24. Which one is not true on the short message?

a. Cindy expects Mila to come on time
b. Cindy and Mila have an appointment to study together
c. Cindy and Mila will study together at Cindy’s house
d. Mila reminds Cindy about Their appointment to study together

The text below is for questions 25 -26

To: Liz

Sorry honey, I can’t keep my promise to

go with you to the Mall tonight. I’ve to
meet Mrs. Sri
at 07.00 pm. Please, don’t be angry.

25. How is Liz's mother feel about her promise?

A. Impressed B. Confused C. Relieved D. Guilty

26. Mom writes the text in order to …

A. apologize for not keeping the promise.
B. remind Liz that she has a promise with her.
C. tell Liz that she has to go to the meeting.
D. say that she cannot meet her in the Mall.

The text below is for questions 27-29

To : (085 297 777 622)

Koko, I need your help. Could you come

to my home to repair my Laptop? My
laptop is broken. I need it to make English
assignment and should submit tomorrow.
Please come around 10.00 a.m. I really
need your help?

From : Safarani ((085 243 522 211)

27. Who is the receiver of the massage?
a. Safarani
b. Koko
c. English Teacher
d. You

28. I need it to make English assignment

The word “it” in the sentence refers to….
a. Phone
b. Laptop
c. English Assignment
d. Help

29. Why does the writer need help?

a. Because she need her friend
b. Because her laptop is broken
c. Because she has English Assignment
d. Because she need help to repair her laptop to do his English Assignment

All students of class eight C are supposed to gather in
the school yard on Monday June 12 th, at 10 a.m. for
practicing flag ceremony.
Please be on time!


30. What is the purpose of writing the announcement?

a. To inform students of nine A for practicing flag ceremony
b. To ask students to prepare flag ceremony
c. To confirm students of nine A that the ceremony is canceled
d. To invite students to attend a meeting

31. Aunt Dewi : "Sri, come here please. Here is ....... money for your transportation fee."
Sri : "Thanks you, Aunt Dewi."
A. no
B. any
C. some
D. much

32. Boby : "Jim, did you see my watch ?"

Jim : "Where did you put it
Boby : "I don't remember where I put it, but I am sure it is ....... around here."
Jim : "Is it your watch ?"
Boby : "Yes, that's mine. Thanks."
A. anywhere
B. everywhere
C. nowhere
D. somewhere

33. A : " ...... will the rain leave ?"

B : "Immediately."
A. How far
B. How fast
C. How soon
D. How often

34. He cried for help, but .......

A. he told the news to me
B. somebody helped him
C. he entered the room
D. nobody heard him
35. Mr. Nuriman knows everything about Bali.
He ....... there for twenty years.
A. lives
B. is living
C. was living
D. had lived

36. I don't have any money to ...... a dictionary.

A. buy
B. buying
C. be bought
D. be buying

37. A teacher wanted to write on the blackboard, but the board was dirty.
So he said to the student. " ....... !"
A. Sweep the board, please
B. Clean the board, please
C. Brush the board, please
D. Polish the board, please

38. Patient A : "Have you ever suffered from malaria ?"

Patient B : "No, I haven't. What about you ?
Patient A : " .......... ."
A. Neither do I
B. Neither did I
C. I didn't either
D. I haven't either

39. "Our football team failed in the competition."

"We were ....... to hear it."
A. glad
B. happy
C. pleased
D. sorry

40. If you drive carelessly, you ........ an accident.

A. have
B. had
C. will have
D. are having

41. Rina : "My father will have a party for my birthday."

"Why don't you come ?"
Tati and Susi : "How nice of you, thanks a lot."
The underlined expression is used to show .......
A. an order
B. a refuse
C. a command
D. an invitation

42. Indra : "I've received some money from my uncle. I'll treat you Rima."
Rima : 'Thanks a lot."
In the dialoque above Rima is .......
A. expressing leave taking
B. asking Indra to treat her
C. expressing thanks to Indra
D. introducing someone to Indra

43. At the airport.

Nani : "Well, I am afraid it's time to say good bye."
"I have to check in now."
Asih : "Good bye, don't forget to write to me."
Nani : "No, I'll always remember you."
Nani is expressing ......
A. fear
B. introduction
C. leave taking
D. thanking people

44. Rinal : "Do you bring my dictionary with you now ?'
Dian : "I am sorry. I forgot."
Rinal : "Well, but don't forget to bring it tomorrow. I need it for the period class."
Dian : "I won't."
Dian is asking for ....... to Rinal.
A. help
B. approval
C. information
D. an apology

45. Hendra : "I am very hungry. How about having some gado-gado ?"
Susan : " ....... I am hungry, too".
A. Thanks a lot
B. I don't think so
C. That is a good idea
D. I am not very keen on it

II. ESSAY: Answer the following questions correctly

Long, long time ago, there lived a beautiful girl named Cinderella. Her parents passed away, she
lived with her step mother and step sisters. Cinderella was very sad everyday because she had to do the
housework alone.
One day, the king wanted to find the wife for his son. He invited all the beautiful girls to come.
Cinderella was very sad because her step sister did not let her go. Her sisters went to the palace without
Luckily, The Angel cam and helped Cinderella to go to the palace. In the palace, Cinderella danced
with the Prince. He fell in love with her; then he married her. They lived happily ever after.

45. What does the story tell us about?

Answer : __________________________________________________________
46. He invited all the beautiful girls to come
“He” refers to
Answer : __________________________________________________________

47. Find the meaning of the following words into bahasa indonesia
a. Step mother : _________________________
b. Step sister : _________________________
48. Find the meaning of the following words into bahasa indonesia
Pass away : _________________________
Invate : _________________________
49. Find the meaning of the following words into bahasa indonesia
Very sad : _________________________
Lived :

50. why Cinderella was very sad?

~Good Luck~

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