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10/22/2019 Sadhna for beginners | ॐ

Sadhna for beginners


One thing must be kept in mind that no ma er how many books we have read on sadhana, no ma er
how many discussions we have heard or taken part in for sadhana, it will not have any effect on us. We
have to go for the practical part first of all.
It is like, swimming. You may read 100s of books on swimming…
You may know all techniques of swimming , still until you go into the water, try your hands, avoid
drowing, drink water through lungs, you can not learnt swimming.

So let us start the practical part now. Please remember, daily Sandhya (lighting of lamp, singing bhajans)
etc. are no doubt a part of sadhana, but not the real sadhna in itself. Sadhna is consciously and being
alert try to raise our mental vibrations from lower material world to the higher realms and finally reach
the Truth.

WARNING: Normally warnings are in the end, but I am deliberately pu ing it in the beginning.

I have seen many people, specially young people that after reading a few books, or listening to some
discourses on sadhna, they just jump for it. Since young people are very romantic and energetic, their
thoughts are easily and soon fixed on the Ultimate Truth and soon they wish to be like Vivekananda,
Yogananda, Lahiri ji, Paramhansa or other such saints. And when after some time, they see no progress,
they are disappointed, sad and depressed. They may even become more wordly than before. Many of
them keep changing the sadhna, keep changing gurus, keep changing the philosophy on which they
have to work…….. but get nothing.

Changing gurus, or theories, or sadhnas will not do. If we wish a well for water and dig laboriously for
10/15 feet and find no water and then we start digging at another place again after 10/15 feet we find no
water and thus keep digging here and there we will never find water.

If we continue digging at one place without tiring, without ge ing bored, without ge ing disappointed,
we will get water even in a desert or on a hill.

Thus sadhna is conscious continuous effort to get to the Truth, without fixing time-frames, without
eyeing the results, or without eyeing the fruits or siddhis. 1/13
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Our mind is very clever. It loves all the new ideas and tries to grab each idea,
understand it and reject it later or accept it as its own creation, if it understands. Since mind is made up
of Rajoguna, it is not its habit to stick to one idea, or one thought. It is its nature to wander and it
wanders on sadhna also. It may take interest in the beginning but may altogether lose interest in a few
days and may create some psychological or physical problems.

So first a beginner must understand his mind if it is a logical mind, analytical mind or an emotional
mind. There are different sadhnas for different minds. Do not copy others. Others may have got success
in a type of sadhna but that sadhna may not be suitable for your mind. If you have an emotional mind
but try to do the sadhna which is for a logical or analytical mind, you will never succeed.

Guru is an important part of sadhna. But beware of modern day gurus who are more a businessman
than gurus.

Do not chose a guru on the advice of your friends or relatives.

Do not be impressed by the number of disciples of a guru.

Do not be swept by the packages the modern gurus present, like kundalini jagran in a night or in a week
or in a month !

Do not go to any guru who demands Money for the initiation.

Do not go to a guru who criticizes other faiths.

Do not go to a guru who lives in palatial bunglows, drives costly cars and cares more for the richer

It is the God himself who is the real guru. If your time of awakening has come, God will make you meet
a guru so in my opinion, if you get a guru well and good, but if you cant find suitable guru, don’t wait
for him and Start Sadhna now. The Universal Guru Krishana (or Param shiva) is taking care of you…
keep this thing in mind very carefully.

Food Habits

Though at later stages, we have to be careful for our food habits, but to start with there is no rigid

Non-Veg Food: If you are a non-veg you can still start sadhna. It is only at very high levels, one has to
leave Non-veg food. But try to reduce it, because our Indian body is such that eating meat may bring
laziness etc. Fixing some days of the week like Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, when you will not
eat non-veg food, would be a very good idea.

Too much of chillies, too much of sour foods and junk food are not good for sadhna so try to avoid them
to the extent possible. 2/13
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Smoking & Drinking :

Smoking and drinking is even otherwise very bad habit and we should leave them altogether. If you find
it difficult to stop altogether then there are some advices, as I do not wish you stop your sadhna till you
leave these habits.

Try reducing the number of cigra es per day you can reduce one cig every week. At least one hour
before sadhna and one hour after sadhna do not smoke. Surprisingly, after some practice of ¾ months
you would find, your desire to smoke drastically cuts down, after sadhna, as you will feel refreshed.

Drinking alcohol is not good for sadhna. So it should be stopped altogether. However to begin with you
can start sadhna, but be careful that you do not have alcohol in your stomach at least 12 hours before

Drinking along with Sadhna may bring some catastrophic results for the mind. So the day you drink
don’t do sadhna! I am sure once you start finding enjoyment in sadhna, you will not need chemicals to
please you.

Drugs and sadhna do not mix. So stop drugs first then start sadhna.

Bad habits: Before you start sadhna, sit quietly for about 30 mnts a day for 2 or 3 days and analyze
carefully your habits. Here you have to be like your own enemy. Otherwise your mind will never let you
think that you are wrong anywhere. Look carefully and think about your recent hot arguments with
others and see where you were wrong. Even if you were right basically, you might have over-reacted. If
possible note down, the bad habits you think should be removed. This finding your own faults is
sufficient to start sadhna. No need to remove them before starting.

Any hatered, on the basis of caste, creed, color or race, any ungratefulness towards those who help you
in any way. Must be removed forehand, otherwise there will be no progress.

Before starting sadhna, request God to help you remove these habits and you will be surprised to find
that you are ge ing extra energy to remove the habits or at least when you are deep into them someone
would remind you about your folly.

Now let us come to the real part of sadhna. Many people get confused where to start. There are so many
things to do…pranayama dhayana, kundalini cleaning, japa, nada etc etc….

I would suggest, that all new sadhakas should start with Nama Japa. Goswami Tulsidas has also wri en
“Kaliyug Kewal Naam Adhara – In Kaliyug Japa is the only feasible sadhana”.

New Sadhaka should never start his sadhana from any Tantrik Sadhna, neither any sadhna to provoke
the Kundalini…these are very dangerous…like a loaded fire-arm in the hands of a child.

My personal experience is that new sadhaka should always start with Japa. For Japa one has to select a
deity….a personal god ! Thanks to our religion, we have god with different a ributes, fi ing every

Those who are a bit logical may go for Shiva. Those who are loving, imaginative and emotional may go
for Krishna. Those with practical a itude towards life may go for Shakti. BUT ONE THING SHOULD
AND THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE AMONG THEM. If you any feeling of superiority of certain form of
God, remove it immediately… otherwise it will not let you progress beyond a certain point. 3/13
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If you are still confused about deity….put a picture of a particular deity before you….and keep your
eyes fixed on the picture for some time thinking about the deity. 20-30 mnts would be sufficient. Then
close your eyes and sit still thinking about the mental picture of the god. If the wave-length of that
energy is in tune with your psyche…you will notice it… you may see a bright star suddenly for a nano
second before your closed eyes….or you may feel a dull colored cloud coming before your eyes….or you
may just feel happy or satisfied.

Deity/God chosen….now comes the Mantra. Mantras are of three type, as you know. Sagun Mantra,
Nirgun Mantra and Beeja Mantra. A beginner should never start with a nirgun or beej mantra. Always
start your sadhna with a sagun mantra in which you have an understandable name of God, and its
qualities (in some cases it may have a beeja manta in between but that would not be harmful).. I am
giving below some Mantras which are powerful and have changed lives of many.

Below are some Mantras, the respective deity, quantity of recitation where it becomes alive & result of

Mantra God Quantity Result

Om Shiva 300000 Moksha

Namah Shivaye

Om Vishnu 300000 Moksha

Namo Bhagwate & wordly comforts

Om Durga 125000 Safety

Dum Durgaye Namah from negativity

Om Saraswati 300000 Genius,knowledge

Aim Saraswataye & success

Om Kali 500000 Destroyer

Kring Kalikaye Namah of Negativity &

Krishan Brahm 500000 Moksha

GopijanVallabhaya Krishna 300000 Freedom

Swaha from the bodage of

Om Exellence 500000 All

Sachchidekam Brahm worldly comforts &
finally Moksha 4/13
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Dakshin-Kalike Kali 300000 Ashta

sidhi – moksha

Om Ganesh 125000 Removal

Gam Ganeshaye of obstacles

Gaytri Ved-Mata 500000 All

Mantra what you desire

So select any Mantra of your choice, but stick to it for ever, don’t change mantra after some time, finding
no progress.

The awakening of a Mantra does not mean siddhi of a mantra, but it means the Mantra has been tuned
to your being, and you will start seeing the progress signs.

So a beginner should do his Japa at least for one year before mixing any sadhna with it. Those who have
been doing japa for some time, 6 months would be sufficient.

For a beginner, following programme for sadhna will be quite suitable

Mantra Japa —- 1 year

Add Pranayam —- After six months

soft Kriyas —– after one year

Dhayana —– after six months/one year

Hence the beginner should start with Japa do it for abt 6/12 months and continue by adding pranayam
and kriyas and finally Dhayana. Dhayana which is the real meditation to get you to the higher realms.

So next we will touch the subject of pranayama, kriyas and dhayana for beginner…and a li le about the
progress signs etc.

Someone asked,” I already have made some progress in sadhna, why should I start from the

It is never harmful to start from the beginning. If you are at higher levels, then you will cross the stages
fast and will soon reach the higher realms.

Like, it took billions of years of our evolution from a single cell to human being…but this journey is
covered in seven months in the womb… A baby starts from a single cell…transforms into fish, reptiles,
monkey and finally as human in seventh month. Same is true about sadhna. If we have made some
progress in the last birth, and we start from zero, we will cover the path immediately and Nature will
bring us soon to the point where we were earlier.

This is why many higher souls and saints, just jumped and reached the highest stages. We should not
forget that it did not happen accidentally, but there is lot of sadhna of their previous life which worked. 5/13
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Also we should remember that our own bad karma, the lower negative energies around us, and the
lower prakriti…all these always try to put obstacles into our sadhna path, as they do not want us to
progress spiritually. We have to be patient, cool and positive.

We should always remember that when we select God, it was he who selected us first that is why we
have thought of starting sadhna.

Ok now deity selected Mantra selected we are ready for starting our sadhna. Select a proper mala
(beads) for the Japa. For Krishna and Gayatri mantra take a mala of Tulsi wood. For Shiva mantra a
Rudraksh Mala is good and for Shakti mantra a quar mala will be good. Keep your mala safe at a
proper place. Do not let others see or touch your mala, as it may absorb other’s negative energies.

Please do not disclose about your Sadhna to anyone, particularly those who are non-sadhakas. There is
no harm in discussing it senior sadhka or with a person who is also seriously doing some sadhna. Do not
boast about your sadhna in any case.

Before starting sadhna, it is always a good idea that you give some money in charity from your own
earnings. You can donate the money to some orphanage or some other charity organization. Take
blessings of your parents or other elder in the family and sit down for the Japa.

The best time for Japa is either early in the morning or evening. Sandhi Kaal is the time when day and
night meet. This time the energies in the atmosphere are calm and the sushumna nadi is more active in
our body. Start your Japa with clear and soft voice so that only you listen to your voice.

In the beginning when you sit for Japa, you will find many thoughts of the day haunting you.
Sometimes they may over-power your japa and you may go with them, but come back as soon as you
realize that you were swayed away by the thoughts. You will be surprised to find that how the a ack of
the thought is increasing day by day. This is very normal. Continue your japa and slowly their force will
become weaker and finally they will vanish altogether.

When you have continued your japa for about three months… make a small change.
Start with one last mala of the Japa as mental repeating. This is very important part of Japa. In the
beginning you will feel it very difficult but soon you will know the secret.

Let you be two persons, one chanting the name of God loudly in your brain and the second one listening
it carefully. Do not let other thoughts disturb you and if you can concentrate on the chanting done by
brain…soon you will see you have no other thoughts.

In Mantra Yoga this is very important as the Japa goes to Madhyama from Vaikhari. You can slowly
increase the number of malas for mental repeatition… say one every week. And a day will come when
all your 10/20 malas will be used in mental chanting.

This looks very easy to read but this part is really difficult, but you should not leave heart… For god’s
sake do not wait for any miracles or visions or sounds … They will come surely but not at this stage.
Only after you have got the mantra embedded in Chi a that you can notice the progress signs, about
which we will discuss later.
After 3 or 6 months you can add pranayam into your sadhna.
5 minutes are sufficient in the beginning. There are mainly 2 pranayamas which should be taken by a
new sadhaka. 6/13
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Bhasrika Pranayama:
Those who have Asthma, or heart probs should not do this pranayama
Sit in a comfortable posture, hold your knees with hands and throw the air out of lungs through nostrils,
with a jerk. Do not consciously inhale, but keep the air throwing out of lungs…Inhaling will be
automatic. In the beginning do it for 3-5 times and slowly increase the time as well as the speed at which
you through out the air.

Nadi-Shodhan Pranayama:
Close right nostril by fingers and inhale mentally counting 5. Without keeping air in lung, exhale it from
right nostril by closing left nostril with thumb. Then inhale to the count of 5 from right nostril…close it
and exhale from left…and this can continue.

Every 15 days you can increase the count by 1, thus making it 6,7,8,9 and so on. Till the count of 20 you
can do this pranayama without any harm.

These two pranayamas will start clearing the path for the energies which you will generate with your
Japa. They also remove many Negative energies from your chakras. But remember carefully, DO NOT
try to jump to higher counts in pranayam…do it very slowly…even slower than what I suggested. Any
force or speed used in pranayam will prove to be fatal for lungs…so do not haste.

If you continued your Japa and Pranayama for about six months you will certainly start feeling some
changes in you. Observe carefully your food habits….there may be a change in them. Notice the speed of
nails & hairs growing…you will see a change in their speed. Carefully note your dream pa erns. In the
beginning you may start seeing many dreams..most of them useless, horrible or confusing. It will be a
very good idea if you note down your dreams in a diary… Later when you read them, you can notice the
change of their pa ern.

In the beginning your dreams will be fearful. It is a sign of progress. It denotes clearly that the Mantra
and pranayama have started cleaning the chakras and chi a. The negative energies thus released are
seen as a horrible dragons, or fierce animals or demons in dreams and they die after making you afraid.
So more dreadful dreams, means more negativity gone.

During sadhna try to speak less. Do not gossip. Do not back-bite. Do not talk ill of others…even if they
have done a harm to you. With this Japa and Pranayama, you are going to generate some extra energies
in your system and those energies should not be wasted through tongue at least…otherwise it will be
like filling water in a bucket with holes……you will find no progress as the energy generated, was

So a day will come when you have finished your Japa for the awakening of the Mantra. With the last
Mala, pray to the God to help you in further progress and thank the God and Mother Nature for
allowing you to come up to this point.

It will be a good idea to do a small Yagya (Yajna) at this point…. chanting a mala of the Mantra and
offering it to the Agni. If Yajna is not possible, offer some money to some charity organization again. You
may also give new clothes to a widow in the family, or around you or to some orphan children. Do some
community service too.

When the Mantra is awakened, it gives clear indications to the sadhaka. Each one of us have a different
back ground, a different set of mind and a different type of back log of Karma, so the indication will be
of different nature for each. As a general view I can give you some idea as to how one may know that the 7/13
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Mantra has been awakened.

You may feel continuous tingling in the spine, while chanting the Mantra

You may feel bright light before your eyes, while chanting the Mantra

The mantra will be automatically u ered when you wake up in the morning or
when you have sudden pain.

When someone else chant that Mantra…you may feel immense joy or tingling in spine.

You may see your deity in dream or half-awakened sleep…the deity may look like smiling or talking to
you or simply giving blessings.

You may feel some throbbing somewhere in the spine while thinking of the Mantra or the deity. This
throbbing may be on Manipura area or Anhat Chakra area

When you go for sleep always chant a few of your mantras before sleeping…you may feel that you are
seeing bright light even with closed eyes.

So above I have given a few examples, which I gathered from my co-sadhakas and from own
experiences, but there may be many other symptoms, which will confirm to you that the Mantra has
been embedded.

You may continue the Japa Yoga till the Mantra becomes Siddha. There is no time-frame for the Mantra
siddhi… As it entirely depends on individuals. It may take a year, 2 years 5 years…or a whole life time
or may be next birth… Japa Yoga’s progress is very slow…but this progress is on solid grounds and
there are normally no chances of falling from the heights.

And if you are more energetic and feel that you need faster progress then the following teachings are for
you, but be ready for falls and sufferings…..why ? I will explain later.

After the Mantra has been awakened, we may stop 20/30 malas of japa and continue with 2, 3 or 5 malas
thus saving about 30 minutes. Now this time can be used for harmless Kriyas and Dhayana.

Kriyas are the yoga techniques, developed by enlightened souls for faster spiritual progress. Kriyas are a
mixture of Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga and some secret Tantra Techniques. Here I will omit the secret part
and will tell about the harmless Kriyas which may not give so fast a progress, but which are certainly
safe and can be done without proper initiation from a guru.

After you have done your pranayama and your japa…sit quietly for a minute and then feel as if your
mantra is being spoken in the Kundalini area, in the Muladhara Chakra. Feel as if the mantra is echoing
there and producing ripples in that chakra. There is no need for a fast repeating of the Mantra… as
numbers don’t ma er here…even a mantra can take 1 or 2 mnts…slowly, echoing into Muladhara

Feel the ripples created by your Mantra…are slowly traveling up the spine and after filling your spine…
the ripples are coming out of your Crown and spreading in the universe… feel as if the whole universe is
filled with the echo of your Mantra. 8/13
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This Kriya is difficult and need complete a ention on the Kriya…so if you cant get the desired results in
the beginning don’t worry. I have myself done this Kriya and it took me more than 2 months to actually
feel the Kriya entirely.

You may spend some 10 to 20 mnts on this Kriya…slowly drowning completely into the Kriya…in the
beginning your mind may give you an idea that it is enough of time, but don’t listen to the mind and
continue it. It may be a good idea to fix an alarm clock on 15 or 20 mnts….so that you stop only when
alarm rings.

The Kriya starts the cleansing process of your system. Many negative energies are released during the
process of this Kriya. You may feel sudden spells of depressions, stomach disorders, fever, vomiting
feelings, rashes on skin, throat infection or insomnia.

The cleansing process’s illnesses have a special identity. They come immediately and are never cured by
medicines….after some time they vanish suddenly. So be prepared for it and if you get any such
symptom…be happy… it means the Kriya has started working on your system.

2nd Kriya

Sit in a comfortable posture. Let the spine and neck be erect. Imagine your form of god standing up near
horizon. Feel that He is smiling and his/her one hand is in blessing posture (Aashirvad Mudra).

Feel immensely that a bright golden colored energy is coming out of the blessing hand of God and is
hi ing your third eye (Agya chakra)….upon entering through Agya chakara, feel that the energy is
going inside the body and spreading into each cell of the body.

Those who are not imaginative may feel li le difficulty in visualizing this Kriya, but some practice will
bring good results…at least till you don’t see anything just continue making the mental picture of the

After some days you will start feeling faint tingling on the Agya chakra or you may feel a li le heated
spot there…or you may feel supercooled point on the Agya chakra..This will conform that this Kriya has
started working. Continue this Kriya till you start ge ing tingling in the spine and finally over whole
body. You may also bring the blessing energy to your Heart chakra (Anahat)…

Means you can for a month do this Kriya through Agya chakra and next month on the Anahat chakra
thus switching between both chakra every month. This will balance the Mind and heart or logical and
emotional energies in the body.

When you get tingling clearly going down the spine, this Kriya is complete but it should be continued.

There is no need to do both the Kriyas together…you can try both and see which one you can do
easily…or which one is fit for your system…continue on that Kriya. 9/13
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The Kriyas and pranayama have a very strong cleaning effect on all the five bodies of human. As I
already mentioned, fever, stomach disorder, throat infection, rashes on skin or depression will suddenly
come and go….and these should be treated as positive signs.

During the later part of your sadhna, you may also feel a sort of Vairagya. You may also see that there is
definite change in the environment….some very old friends may suddenly become enemies…and some
altogether new relations may develop. There may be some illogical enemity with some close relative or
with office colleagues. These are all signs of your negativity coming to surface. do not blame anyone and
continue your sadhna.

Please also note carefully that when you start Kriya… you will feel sudden increase in your anger,
irritation and sexual desires. This too is a good sign, but you have to control these emotions, otherwise
energy generated will be wasted. When you feel the urges are strong…you can do Nadi-shodhan
pranyama for some minutes and you will find your urges becoming weaker.

Since the generated energy from Kundalini has its first outlet from sex organs, it increases the basic
instincts which need to be controlled.

You may also have some bad memories of your childhood, becoming alive or some forgo en old
incidents coming to conscious memory…just see them and avoid them. Though this is a good sign
because it proves that your sub-conscious is being churned by the energies to look for negativity, but if
you are affected by the memories…it will again turn into negativity….so seeing those old bad memories
in a stoic way is the best thing.

While doing Kriyas do observe the following :-

1- do not drink or smoke or indulge in sex

2- do not take meat, fish etc

3- do not accepts gifts from anybody….if some social obligation forces you to accept gift
reciprocate with costlier gift. This rules applies to all even your parents or close
relatives (except yr wife of course – if you have one)

4- Do not do any dishonesty in office, even if it gives loses

5- speak the truth… or keep quiet at least…don’t lie

If you observe the above honestly, I am sure you will be on a faster track.

Now let us come to the last part of our lessons…i.e.Dhyan.

What is Dhyana ? Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, in fact, sum-up the whole of Yoga in his first opening sentence.
“Yoga-shch.. vri i nirudhham”

Stopping of all vri is is Yoga..thus says Patanjali. Patanjali was a great scientist of Indian philosophy. He
wrote his sutra thousands of years ago….and no one else could produce, after him such a scientific and
logical explanation of Ashtang Yoga. 10/13
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So to gain the Vri i-nirudhham state, we have to first awake a conscious vri i…make it stronger…and
slowly give it too much concentration that this vri i becomes so strong that it stops all other vri is and
we are having only one conscious vri i in the chi a. That is the essential pre-stage to a ain the “Vri i-
Nirudhha” state.

Karma, Bhakti, Gyan Laya, Dhyana, Nada…all type of yogas and many of the Tantrik sadhanas…may
look different, may contradict each other in many ways…..their followers may foolishly fight with each
other…..But there is one place where all of them meet….i.e. Yoga as explained by Patanjali.

A bhakta utilizes Naam Sankirtan, dance etc. to please God….He actually stops all other vri is and let
the vri i of Bhakti take powerful shape.

A karma yogi, keeps all vri is away and stick on one vri is offering all his works to God…

A Gyani also rejects all vri is, and encourages single vri i of Aham Brahasmi or alike..

Nada yogi, keeps only one Vri i of listening to divine sounds and thus all other vri is weaken and
finally vanish.

So all the paths, meet on here… Making one Vri i the strongest and drown into that vri i. The chi a
takes shapes of that vri i and where ever concentration and chetna is fixed, Kundalini is agitated and
prepares to wake up.

Kundalini explains, all religions, all paths and all thoughts. Each and every sadhaka in the world by his
own way of meditation, is knowingly on unknowingly trying to stop his vri is, thus forcing Kundalini
to awake.

Even a scientist, when has got a single vri i and has stopped other vri is, which he does when he deeply
drowns into the project he is undergoing, he unknowingly taps the ultimate source of knowledge and
power….i.e.Kundalini. And the Kundalini replies to the scientist too.

All of us are aware of the miraculous finding of Radium by Mme Marie Curie how she got the solution
to her chemical equation from no-where. The inventor of sewing machine too was not ge ing a way out
regarding how to keep the thread in needle so that it sews….so he thought and thought…but no solution
came to his mind…and he slept with the worry and immediately saw the dream that a demon is
a acking him with a spear which had a hole on the head and a rope was tied on that hole… the inventor
immediately woke and wrote down his dream and next day, his sewing machine worked when he put
the thread on the head of the needle.

This is Kundalini which replies to all our querries… this is Kundalini who gives us power to put our
thoughts into action… and this Kundalini which takes us to the enlightenment. All paths, all religions,
all sects are unknowingly tapping this ultimate source of knowledge, wisdom and energy.

So Dhyana is the preparation for the pre-stage of “Vri i – Nirudhham”. We have our consciousness
focused on one thought and slowly make it stronger by drowing into this thought and making it
stronger and stronger… so much so that this strong vri i takes too much of our resources of energy…
thus blocking all other vri is… this is the simplest explanation of Dhyana.

For Dhyana chose a place where you are sure no one will disturb you… because if suddenly awakened
from Dhayana, it may lead to some complications. The room should be small… dimly lit with no
external disturbances like telephone, bell etc. sit in a comfortable posture, put some oil soaked co on in 11/13
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your ears to avoid disturbing external sounds…

Kriya 1 & 2, are excellent for Dhyana. When sufficient mastery has been achieved in those Kriya…and if
we continue doing those Kriyas… these Kriyas will slowly change into Dhyana itself, without any
conscious effort. For others another Dhyana will be very beneficial.

Imagine a big white structure before you eyes. The structure has a staircase which has 108 white
sparkling marble stairs…and each step has a number in black on it from number 1 to 108….

Imagine yourself chanting the name of your deity or AUM and consciously on each Japa ride one step,
carefully noting its number. Slowly go up the staircase, and at the end of 108th Stair, imagine you have
reached a big terrace on which there is a white marble statue of your God… sit before him and feel as if
sparkling golden dust coming from God and entering your body…
do it for some time… then bow before your deity and again chanting his name 108 times go down the
steps and after reaching the ground…feel as if you are lying down thinking of your deity…no
chanting…no effort…no thought.

This Dhyana is very powerful and those with balanced emotional and logical setup, find it very cool.

And how do we know, we are entering into Dhyana ? well there are clearly visible symptoms for that.

=> We will feel that our limbs are numbing…hands and feet will feel heavy in the beginning and later
you will feel you don’t have any limbs

=> Next you will stop listening external sounds….in the beginning you may feel that the external sounds
coming are echoing and as if coming from afar…and slowly you will not listen to any sound….so much
so that when you have gained sufficient ground in Dhyana, if somebody calls you, you may not listen
and respond.

=> There may be strange sounds….like that of bell, conch sea-surfs or flute…or there may be some
geometrical figures dancing before eyes…in different shapes and colors.

There are dozens of symptoms, which I would not like to mention, as it may allow the mind to fool you
by showing those symptoms before reaching the desired state.

With these words, I finish this topic here. If you have read this fully and you felt a strong urge to start
sadhna, or change your sadhna to this … are the chosen one, rest assured.

I bow to the divine power in all of you and thank all of you to carefully listen to this topic.

I am also grateful to Mother Nature who allowed me to be her tool and spread her message of love and
devotion to all those who needed it.

With my deepest love and highest blessings 12/13
10/22/2019 Sadhna for beginners | ॐ




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