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ICSE IX & X Marks : 20

ASSIGNMENT Transformation Examples Time : 1 hr.

1. Use not only-but also or start with Not only but also as instructed in
the following sentences
a. N.T. Rama Rao was a good actor and an ace tennis player.
(Use not only-but also)
b. Empty vessels have more noise and lesser achievements.
(Start with Not only)
c. A short tempered man is a nuisance and an impediment.
(Use not only-but also)
d. Big achievers do their work silently and stylishly.
(Use not only –but also)
e. For perfect health one should know what to eat and how to eat.
(Use not only-but also)
f. A diabetic patient is expected to exercise regularly and control his diet.
(Use not only-but also)
g. He likes football and excels in it.
(Start with Not only)
h. While writing, Ann considers her topic and her audience.
(use not only before Ann)
i. Bimal Roy made movies that were thought-provoking and
(Use not only-but also)
j. I and J are letters that have a tittle.
(Start with Not only)

Do as directed
a. Please help me, or I will be unable to do it.
(Use : Unless)
b. If I meet him, I will tell him the whole truth.
(Use : Unless)
c. Unless you stop smoking, you will never get well.
(Remove Unless)
d. You will not be able to lose weight provided you exercise regularly.
(Use : Unless-never)
e. The teacher will not be furious unless you do the homework.
(Use : Provided)
f. You cannot go on vacation if you do not save some money.
(Use : Unless)
g. You will feel cold unless you wear a warm jacket.
(Use : If)
.. 2 ..
h. We must hurry or we will be late.
(Use : Unless)
i. Do not call me unless it's an emergency.
(Use : Only if)
j. Behave well, only then will I speak to you.
(Use : Unless)

3. Start the following sentences with No sooner…

a. I cut the vegetables and put them for cooking daily.
b. I cut the vegetables and put them for cooking this morning
c. I had had breakfast before I left.
d. I had breakfast before I left.
e. I had eaten before I left.
f. As soon as the news appears in the media, people believe it to be
the truth.
g. As soon as she nished a project, she started working on the next.
h As soon as they completed the work, they demanded the wages.
i. As soon as he graduated he was on his way to the states.
j. I unpacked my bags only to realize that my money was missing.

4. Use lest in the following sentences.

a. Be careful or you will trip.
b. Use an apron while dyeing your hair to avoid soiling your clothes.
c. Work hard or you will fail.
d. Tell him in advance or he may get angry.
e. Avoid outside food to prevent infection.

5. Use hardly-had in the following sentences.

a. The moment I nished cleaning, my son walked into the room with
shoes stepped in muck.
b. I just got home from work and my boss asked me to go to ofce again.
c. The moment I fell asleep the neighbour’s dog started barking.
d. As soon as the police had information about the rally, they were alert.
e. Once the batsman crossed his half century, he threw all caution to the
f. As soon as the bell rang, the students ran out of the class.
g. The moment he made a small mistake, he was showered with a lot of
h. When Bob opened the window, he noticed something strange in the
i. As soon as the prisoner made an attempt to escape, the guard red at
j. As soon as the meeting commenced, the protestors rushed to the plat
.. 3 ..
6. Do as directed.
a. The boy has too little intelligence to understand this.
(Remove too)
b. Her behavior was so rude that I could not tolerate it.
(Replace so with too)
c. He was too slow to keep pace with his friends.
(Remove too)
d. She was so beautiful that she had to win the beauty pageant.
(Use too)
e. She was so angry that she tore the letter up.
(Use too)
f. It is never too late to give up on your prejudices.
(Remove too)
g. Is the place too far to travel by bus?
(Remove too)
h. The cake was too delicious to be expressed in words.
(Remove too)
i. He has been spending too much time watching television.
(Remove too)
j. If we leave too late we will miss the trailers.
(Remove too)

7. Add a question tag to the following sentences.

a. The car is not there in the garage.
b. Cars pollute the environment.
c. Hugh had a red car.
d. Hugh had purchased a car.
e. Hugh has a car.
f. Hugh has purchased a car.
g. They have taken their bags.
h. They have their bags.
i. Let us revise.
j. Do not be rude while speaking.

8. Convert the following from Exclamatory to assertive or vice versa.

a. The man is very honest.
b. Had I the wings of a bird!
c. I wish I were a rich man.
d. Hurrah! We have won the game.
e. Alas! We lost the game.
f. Fie! He cannot tolerate the poor.
g. What a genius student he is!
h. He is a rich man indeed.
i. If only I were as tall as an actor!
j. How beautiful the state of Punjab looks!
.. 4 ..
9. Convert from Assertive to interrogative and vice versa.
a. Can’t you do the work?
b. Didn’t he play good football?
c. She likes ice-cream.
d. You never play football.
e. What can ruin him?
f. Everybody wishes to win.
g. Who can beat him?
h. Have I anything to do with it?
i. Who could ever count my love for you?
j. Everybody wants to win.

10. Convert from Afrmative to negative and vice versa.

a. There is no place in the world not aficted by crime and poverty.
b. He fails to understand what I am trying to say.
c. I never fail to meet my uncle when I visit Kolkata.
d. It is now a well-known fact that cold drinks do contain pesticides.
e. A doctor normally insists to his patient that he not smoke.
f. I could not hear the sounds of the cries of people due to the loud music.
g. I was the only person travelling in the bus this morning.
h. I am hard-pressed for time this year.
i. I decided to avoid meeting him at the party.

11. Do as directed :
a. Normally he does not lose his temper.
(Remove not)
b. Smoking is prohibited at public places.
(Use : not)
c. He is always seen with a sling bag.
(Use : never)
d. Children nowadays never play outdoor games.
(Use : avoid)
e. He is not only a good cricketer but also a successful academician.
(Make the sentence afrmative)
f. He is constantly inaccessible.
(Use not)
g. Barking dogs seldom bite.
(Use often)
h. One should never leap before one thinks.
(Use always)
i. What time is the train?
(Start with Do you know ……?)
j. I wonder where he has gone.
(Make it interrogative)

All the Best 

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