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Republic of the Philippines


Graduate School
ACCESS, EJC Montilla, City of Tacurong

Topic: Characteristics of Policy


Characteristics of policy
1. Flexible in execution
It should be Flexible. It must have the character of adaptability and required
changes should not disturb the organization too much. Neither the changes should
be such which may require rethinking so far as the aims and objectives of the
organization are concerned. It should not be static. It must flexible only to the extent
to which it makes sense with the objectives, plans and requirements of the

2. An effective instrument for the execution

It should prove an effective instrument for the execution of the plans of the

3. Defined clearly
The code prescribed should stat procedure which is to be followed in a given

4. Reviewed periodically
Normal procedure should be clearly defined and should usually follow the
conventional and establish course since they have withstood the time and have now
been accepted by the organization. The change, if required, may be incorporated if
it is going to help the working. But such a change should be adequately tested
before it is given effect to.

5. Should follow established and conventional procedure in normal circumstances.

A particular policy may be good in one set of circumstances but it may not
prove useful in another set of circumstances. Since circumstances may not remain
the same all the time. It is therefore, necessary that the policy should be reviewed
periodically. A periodical review of the policy makes the policy more adaptable and
Characteristics of a Good Policy

1. Policies must be known and understood by all who are affected by them.
Written policies are most effective because they are spell out what
organization members should or should not do under a given situation.
2. Policies should be stable
If policies are to serve as guides to actions, they should not be changed
frequently. Careful study should therefore take in
3. Policies must be sincere.
It means that the policy implementers should be sincere to their policies.
4. Policies must be realistic.
Present situations or conditions must be considered if policy statements are
to be implemented.
5. Policies must be joined up
Policy making should be built around shared corporate goals and values, not
around organizational structures or existing functions.
6. Policies should be future proofed.
Reflects identified prospective trends and not only on past performance. As
is commonly stated: the past is not a guarantee of the future.
7. Policies must be goal based.
Focus on outcome delivered without unnecessary emphasis on the method
by which it is to be achieved.

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