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Management of dentinal hypersensitivity: a review

Article  in  Journal of the California Dental Association · March 2011

Source: PubMed


35 847

3 authors:

Abhishek Parolia Kundabala Mala

International Medical University (IMU) Manipal Academy of Higher Education


Mandakini Mohan
International Medical University (IMU)


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dental caries and endodontic irrigants View project

Update on contemporary dental materials View project

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March 11 c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 9 , n º 3

d e pa rt m e n ts
129 The Editor/In the Blink of an Eye

137 Impressions

141 Periscope

143 CDA Presents

185 Classifieds

192 Advertiser Index

194 Dr. Bob/Nothing Trivial About Dental Trivia

f e at u r e s
152 E ndotox i n i n E ndodon t i c I nfe ct i o n s : A Rev i ew
The purpose of this paper is to review the role of gram-negative bacteria in endodontic infections,
structure and mechanisms of action of endotoxin, endotoxin in infected root canals, effects of
calcium hydroxide and polymixin B on endotoxin, and applications of endotoxin to measure leakage.
Zahed Mohammadi, DMD, MSD

163 P eri odon ta l P last i c I n terc ept i v e S u r gery for a Lab i a l ly I mpact ed
Ma x i l lary Can i ne: A Cas e R eport
The authors present a case that was managed by apically positioned flap surgery followed by
orthodontic treatment.
Neeraj Agrawal, BDS, MDS; Kavita Agrawal, BDS, MDS; K. Rosaiah, BDS, MDS;
and Ankur Chaukse, BDS, MDS

167 Ma n ag em en t of D en t i nal H ypers en s i t i v i t y: A Rev i ew

This article reviews the etiology, management, and prevention of dentinal hypersensitivity.
Abhishek Parolia, MDS; M. Kundabala, MDS; and Mandakini Mohan, MDS

180 I n traoral Rad i og raphi c F i nd i n g s i n Ac ne Calc i f i cat i o n : A Cas e Report

The authors have presented a case report of a patient with severe acne vulgaris as an adolescent.
This condition underwent calcification as was detected in periapical radiographs. Dentists should
be aware of this phenomenon, which they may visualize on their radiographic examination.
Gurminder Sidhu, BDS, DDS, MS; Jaswinder Sandhu, BDS; and William Carpenter, DDS, MS

m a r c h 2 0 1 1   127
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 9 , n º 3

Journal CDA Journal

Volume 39, Number 3
march 201 1

Robert E. Horseman,
Reader Guide:
DDS Upcoming Topics
contribut ng editor april: Recession Erosion Letters to the Editor
may: Somnology Kerry K. Carney, DDS
Journal of the California Patty Reyes, CDE june: Aggressive
Dental Association assistant editor Periodontitis
published by the Jenaé Gruchow Manuscript Submissions The subscription rate is
California Dental communications Patty Reyes, CDE $18 for all active members
Association assistant assistant editor of the association. The
1201 K St., 14th Floor subscription rate for
Sacramento, CA 95814 Advertising 916-554-5333 others is as follows:
800.232.7645 Corey Gerhard Author guidelines Non-CDA members and advertising manager are available at institutional: $40 Non-ADA member
Management Production journal_of_the_california_ dentists: $75

Kerry K. Carney, DDS Matt Mullin dental_association/ Foreign: $80
editor-in-chief cover design submit_a_manuscript Single copies: $10 Subscriptions may
Randi Taylor Classified Advertising commence at any time.

is why
Ruchi K. Sahota, DDS, CDE graphic design Jenaé Gruchow Please contact:
associate editor communications Jenaé Gruchow
Kathie Nute, Western Type assistant communications
Brian K. Shue, DDS typesetting assistant

associate editor 916-554-5332
California Dental 916-554-5332
Peter A. DuBois Association Display Advertising
executive director Andrew P. Soderstrom, Corey Gerhard Permission and Reprints

DDS advertising manager Jeanne Marie Tokunaga
Jennifer George president publications manager
vice president, 916-554-5304 JeanneMarie.Tokunaga@
marketing and Daniel G. Davidson, DMD
communications president-elect 916-554-5330

Robert F. Spinelli Lindsey A. Robinson, DDS

When you give to the vice president, Journal of the California Dental Association (issn
vice president
CDA Foundation, you help member enterprises 1043-2256) is published monthly by the California Dental
fund local clinics, support James D. Stephens, DDS Association, 1201 K St., 16th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814,
Alicia Malaby 916-554-5330. Periodicals postage paid at Sacramento,
dentists who serve in rural secretary
communications Calif. Postmaster: Send address changes to Journal
areas, and give countless director of the California Dental Association, P.O. Box 13749,
Clelan G. Ehrler, DDS
kids healthy, happy smiles. treasurer Sacramento, CA 95853.
Jeanne Marie Tokunaga
publications manager Alan L. Felsenfeld, DDS The Journal of the California Dental Association is
speaker of the house published under the supervision of CDA’s editorial staff.
Jack F. Conley, DDS Neither the editorial staff, the editor, nor the association
editor emeritus Thomas H. Stewart, DDS are responsible for any expression of opinion or statement
immediate past of fact, all of which are published solely on the authority
president of the author whose name is indicated. The association
reserves the right to illustrate, reduce, revise, or reject
any manuscript submitted. Articles are considered for
publication on condition that they are contributed solely
to the Journal.

Copyright 2011 by the California Dental Association.

128  m a r c h 2 0 1 1
Editor c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 9 , n º 3

In the Blink of an Eye

kerry k. carney, dds

t 6:11 p.m. on a Thursday
evening, my dear aunt (who Though we in California see our
turned 80 last June) would
normally be watching Larry share of disasters, they are not uncommon
King Live in her living room.
She would be 3 feet from the glass in the other 49 states.
windows that face the street. She would
be overlooking the trees in the park on
the other side of Glenview Drive in San
Bruno, Calif. The backyard gate had been blown On Aug. 16, 2010, the Virginia Dental
On this particular Thursday, Sept. 9, open. This was lucky because by that time, Association headquarters was struck by
2010, she was downstairs in the most the extreme heat would have made the lightning and destroyed in the fire that fol-
protected part of the home she had lived metal handle too hot to touch. As she lowed. No one was hurt, but the VDA had
in for more than 40 years. She was busy exited, she could see the house across the to relocate and rebound from the setback.
working at her computer on one of her street already was melting. She said the Across the nation, dental association leaders
volunteer duties for Mission Hospice. stucco was slumping off like cake frosting. were asking, “What if that happened here?”
When the 30-inch gas pipe ruptured She turned to her left and walked up Earl For California, the answer is clear: CDA
and exploded at the corner of Glenview Avenue toward the fire station. The 800- would enact its comprehensive Business
Drive and Earl Avenue, it was 20 feet foot flame fed by the gas venting from the Continuity Plan (BCP). It would continue
from her sidewalk. When great chunks of ruptured pipe had created its own weather to serve its members and policyholders.
asphalt (which my aunt insists on calling and was sucking the air down to the com- In 2005, between the 9/11 terror-
“the macadam”) from the destroyed pave- bustion point creating a gale force wind ist attacks and Hurricane Katrina, CDA
ment on Glenview Drive came raining that she had to struggle against to walk. began to develop its BCP. It also began
down on her house, they had to pass A neighbor saw her, put her in his a companywide Disaster Recovery (DR)
through the roof, her bedroom, and the car, and drove her up to the fire station. planning process, which consists of defin-
ceiling of her basement/laundry room She got out of her home with her most ing the policies and procedures, related to
before falling fortuitously in locations precious possession: her life. Everything preparing for recovery or continuation of
other than where she was sitting. Looking else was gone. business after a technology infrastructure
up from her secretary’s chair in the base- In the months that have followed, she interruption following a disaster. Because
ment, she could see open sky. has spent every day trying to restore her of the complexity of the organization, a
She knew right away it was not an life to a normal, safe, and comfortable ex- comprehensive plan took years to develop.
earthquake and she didn’t think it was a istence. It is a full-time job, an emotional In March 2010, CDA’s BCP was introduced.
plane crash, though San Bruno is in the roller coaster, and a personal tragedy. A The planning process included an as-
flight path for San Francisco International disaster as unusual as a catastrophic gas sessment of risks and the establishment
Airport. She thought that terrorists had pipe failure is difficult to anticipate but of business requirements as a basis for a
blown up the airport. She walked up the disaster preparedness is something for technical solution. It was determined that
seven stairs to the kitchen and looked which we all must plan. CDA’s needs were best met by having a
around the corner into the living room. California has the distinction of small temporary off-site location to be used
Through the shattered glass windows, she having opportunities almost annually to in an emergency. A secure Business Re-
could see that the trees in the park across practice and refine our disaster prepared- sumption Center (BRC) has been outfitted
the street were ablaze. She had the pres- ness.1 This is, after all, earthquake country with servers, workstations, and phones.
ence of mind to get her phone, her purse (oh yes: mudslide and wildfire country If a disaster affects CDA’s physical or
and a bottle of water. She turned, walked as well). Though we in California see our computer infrastructure, the BRC will
back down the stairs, and out the back share of disasters, they are not uncom- be activated. E-mail will function almost
door of the basement. mon in the other 49 states. immediately and toll-free phone lines will

m a r c h 2 0 1 1   129
march 11 editor
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 9 , n º 3

be available at the BRC within 24 hours. they acquire that information? At what testing, and planning again that an orga-
Replicated and backed-up computer files point would the BRC need to be activated? nization develops the agility and resilience
will be used by IT to recreate a limited- The test enabled the team to become to meet and overcome unanticipated prob-
function working environment at the BRC familiar with the communication and lems. The BCP/DR must be continually
to allow continued business. Full function- decision-making challenges of a simulated updated and kept current as CDA evolves.
ality (within BRC limits) will be established disaster situation. However, disasters and CDA’s BCP/DR is not the part of CDA
sometime after 24 hours, depending on the catastrophic cascades do not follow an that we, as members, think about at all. It
scope and nature of the disaster. Manage- existing playbook. Events have a way of is more like disability insurance: You hope
ment laptops will be configured to interact exploiting gaps in our plans. The tests are you will never need to rely on it. However,
with the BRC environment. In a regional an opportunity to refine the planning for it is exactly this kind of planning that is
disaster similar in size and scope to Hur- disaster preparedness. the hallmark of what we have come to
ricane Katrina, the priority would be the Dwight D. Eisenhower is credited with expect of CDA: foresight, flexibility, and
safety and well-being of staff and members, having said, “It’s all in the planning. The preparedness. When in place and execut-
rather than resumption of CDA functions. plan is useless: It’s the planning that’s im- ed properly, one may never be aware of
Last year the BCP was tested. During portant.” Through battlefield experience, it. CDA will strive to deliver the services
the simulated emergency, management he knew that soldiers in the field meet and communication we expect even in the
staff had a chance to address the following unanticipated, complicating circumstanc- aftermath of catastrophic interruption.
questions: Who should be contacted, when, es. Through a planning process, a chain of Living life in terror of manmade or
and how? What resources would realistically command can be set and a list of resources natural disasters cripples one’s ability
be available? What information would they to help address unforeseen problems can to enjoy and participate in life. Being
need for their decision-making? How would be made available. It is through planning, prepared for catastrophic detours from
the quotidian path allows one to be fully
present in the here and now. It is impor-
tant to keep this in mind. If you ask my
aunt, she will tell you: everything can
change, in the blink of an eye.

1. Shue B, Prepare your office for the big one. J Calif Dent
Assoc 38(11):781-2, November 2010.

additional resources
Tokunaga JM, California Dental Association’s Business
Continuity Plan, 2010

The Journal of the California Dental

Association welcomes letters from
readers on articles that have appeared in
the Journal. We reserve the right to edit all
communications and require that all
letters be signed. Letters should discuss
an item published in the Journal within the
past two months or matters of general
interest to our readership. Letters must be
no more than 500 words and cite no more
than five references. No illustrations will
be accepted. Letters may be submitted via
e-mail to the Journal editor-in-chief at By sending the
letter to the Journal, authors acknowledge
and agree that the letter and all rights of
the letter’s author become the property of
the California Dental Association.

130  m a r c h 2 0 1 1
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Letters c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 9 , n º 3

Controversy Controversial
o f t h e c a l i f o r n i a d e n ta l a s s o c i at i o n J A N UA RY 2 0 1 1

Dental Therapists

RDH in Alternative Practice

DHATs in Alaska

t is disturbing that the editor of the New Zealand, where dental therapists have
Journal of the California Dental Associa- existed for more than 50 years, oral health
tion proffers an obscure science-fiction has decreased after 40 years of improve-
writer’s opinion as if it were a law of ment, according to one study in 2006 TO CARE :
nature like the Law of Gravity, then by the New Zealand Ministry of Health, a controversy

uses that law to discredit all with passion “Good Oral Health, for All, for Life — the
as ignorant. Sound silly? According to Strategic Vision for Oral Health in New
Benford’s Law of Controversy, “passion is Zealand. Clearly, additional provider types
inversely proportional to the amount of and expansion of duties do not provide the

true/real information available.” Diction- solution to caring for the underserved. For defines ignorance as “lack of those who have caries and other oral health
knowledge, information, or education.” It problems, all the research leads to the
follows that those with the most passion conclusion that the single, largest barrier to
are the most ignorant. Benford’s Law of care is not the lack of a new provider.
Controversy is no more a law than Mur- Despite the push toward expanding
phy’s Law of Rush-Hour Traffic, which the dental workforce model to include
states that during rush hour whatever midlevel-type providers, oral health group has made their report, yet CDA has
lane you are driving in will be the slowest. literacy and water fluoridation continue no such restrictions and continues to use
The board of directors of the San Fer- to be the most cost-effective methods to its full resources to sway opinion in favor
nando Valley Dental Society is passionate reduce caries. In New Zealand, as Dr. Jay of such alternative workforce models.
about the oral health of the people of the Friedman points out in his article in the Only with an impartial and balanced
state of California. The more the SFVDS Journal of the California Dental Association account can CDA membership make
Board learned about several concepts (39(1)22:9, January 2011), fluoridation was educated decisions in this complex arena.
offered to care for those patients not the cause for the great reduction in the To date, CDA members are not receiving
currently served, the more passionate the number of dental therapists from 1970 to such respectful balance of opinion. The
SFVDS board has become in protecting today. That reduction can only come as a SFVDS asks for inclusion of the many alter-
those most vulnerable patients. Currently, result in the reduction of need for the den- natives to the midlevel provider and access
California has more types of license levels tal therapists. The benefits of community to care issues rather than the one-sided
for dental providers than any other state. water fluoridation require no additional view we have been subjected to thus far.
Hygienists can practice in alternative effort by any patient and are available sincerely,
m e h r a n a b ba s s i a n , d d s, president
settings, assistants can place and finish across all racial, socioeconomic, cultural, Board of Directors of the
restorations, as well as cement permanent and geographic boundaries. Improving oral San Fernando Valley Dental Society
crowns. Studies are under way to deter- health literacy can be accomplished using
mine the safety and quality of diagnosis dental team members within the duties Reader Appreciates Debate Over
by off-site dentists to aid in urgent treat- currently allowed by law. Dental Workforce
ment decisions thus helping to overcome The effort CDA is making to educate I want to applaud you for the January
the geographical barrier to care. its members about access to care is almost issue of the Journal of the California Dental
Every time there is an expansion of exclusively about the MLP and the tone Association (39(1)1-60, 2011). I know it took
duties, addition of places of practice, or is so condescending that all this educa- no small amount of courage to confront
change in level of supervision proposed, tion seems more like indoctrination and the challenges we face as a profession by
one of the reasons put forth is that the groundwork for a predetermined out- publishing articles that represent view-
change will improve access to care and come from the Access-to-Care Workgroup. points that are anathema to many den-
reduce the disparity in oral health levels of We at the SFVDS have been repeatedly tists. I agree with the assertions in your
the underserved. Yet, year after year, the told by various members of the CDA Exec- editorial and commend its measured and
access-to-care problem worsens and the utive Committee to withhold making any professional tone. Only knowledge and
disparity in oral health continues. Even in judgments until the Access-to-Care Work- con t i n u e s o n 1 3 4

132  m a r c h 2 0 1 1
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march 11 letters
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 9 , n º 3

l e t t e r s , c o n t i n u e d f r o m 132

discussion will eliminate the controversy  of AI/adolescents, age 15-19, have caries. Despite Dr. Nagel’s claim of “the imple-
The fallacy of the use of dental thera- Sixty-eight percent of AI/AN children mentation of significant public health pro-
pists to address the unmet dental needs of have untreated dental caries. One-third of grams of decay prevention by the Indian
native Alaskans is best illustrated by the schoolchildren report missing school be- Health Service (IHS) and tribe,” any dental
statistics cited by Dr. Nagel himself (page cause of dental pain and 25 percent report health professional understands these
31), “The American Indian/Alaska native avoiding laughing or smiling because of interventions, while well-intended, have
(AI/AN) population has the highest rate of the appearance of their teeth.” been inadequate for the circumstances.
dental caries of any population cohort in If the disease we were considering was We know no child is born with caries and
the United States, five times the U.S. aver- tuberculosis, no one would be suggesting we further know this epidemic is entirely
age for children 2 to 4 years of age. Seventy- we train an army of physician assistants preventable. While the damaged denti-
nine percent of AI/AN children, age 2-5, in Alaska (or New Zealand) to perform re- tions currently existing will all require a
have tooth decay, with 60 percent of these peated pulmonary surgeries. The surgical lifetime of professional care, the imple-
children having severe early childhood car- approach would be dismissed as insanity mentation of interceptive programs that
ies. Eighty-seven percent of these children, in favor of a medical approach that identi- either reduce the cariogenic pathogens or
age 6-14, have a history of decay, twice fied and then eliminated the underlying otherwise modify the dietary and learned
the rate of dental caries experience for the factors that allowed such an epidemic to behaviors that lead to the high incidence
general population. Ninety-one percent occur in the first place. of caries are the only hopes of significantly
reducing the suffering and would fur-
ther obviate the need for massive dental
When do we, as a profession, stop
blaming the patients or citing their
geographical circumstances and start
implementing the practices we know will
solve the problem?
s t e p h e n o. glenn, dds
Tulsa, Okla.
Editor’s note: The January issue of the
Journal provided the history and context for
the RDH alternative practice in California,
the dental therapist internationally, and the
dental health aide therapists in Alaska. In
the February issue, the Journal brought you
a letter from an administrator of the dental
therapist program in New Zealand, a review
of effective ways of addressing barriers to care
across the nation, and an article by one author
on his belief that the therapist model is neither
appropriate nor effective for the United States.
February also included an overview of what
the CDA Foundation has done to address the
issue of barriers to care in California.
In order to make decisions, it is impor-
tant to determine the problem and thoroughly
understand the external landscape. The Jour-
nal will continue to present a spectrum of
information on issues of concern to dentistry.

134  m a r c h 2 0 1 1
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Impressions c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 9 , n º 3

Mona Lisa, a 10-pound Pooch in the Practice: Mona Lisa

Makes Patients Smile
mix, has become a
by patty reyes, cde
welcome addition for the
staff and patients at the While it remains an age-old mystery
La Jolla practice of Dr. behind the smile of Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, it
Tracy A. Taddey and her is far less ambiguous for the patients of a
father, Dr. John Taddey. D
father-daughter dental team when it comes
to their dental therapy pooch, Mona Lisa.
When Tracy A. Taddey, DDS, recently
joined her father’s practice in La Jolla,
Calif., a picturesque seaside community
in San Diego, she brought along Mona
Lisa, a rescued 18-month-old Chihuahua/
Dachshund mix, as a way to soothe any
nervousness or tension a patient may
have about their dental procedure.
The 10-pound wonder with short,
Photo: Michael Spengler

butterscotch-colored fur and welcoming

green eyes has a wide fan base.
“I can honestly say that Mona has been
enthusiastically embraced by all of our
patients,” said Taddey, a third-generation
co n t i n u e s o n 1 3 8

RDAs Needed for Medical Mission to Central America

International Medical Alliance, a nonprofit group based in Southern California, is looking for two registered dental
assistants to volunteer for an upcoming medical mission to Esteli, Nicaragua, Aug. 4-14.
More than 60 dentists, nurses, doctors and support personnel already
have volunteered for the trip to Nicaragua’s third-largest city located on the
Pan-American Highway, north of Managua.
“We have a very diverse group of volunteers joining us for our medical
mission, including general, plastic, and maxillofacial surgeons,” said Ines Allen,
International Medical Alliance’s founder and president. “However, we are still
looking for two registered dental assistants to complete our team.”
Room and board will be provided by the Nicaraguan government;
volunteers are expected to pay for their own airfare.
International Medical Alliance recruits health care workers from all
medical fields to volunteer and help children and those with limited economic
means. For more information about the mission or International Medical
Alliance’s efforts in the United States and abroad, contact Ines Allen at
760-485-8963 or go to

m a r c h 2 0 1 1   137
march 11 impressions
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 9 , n º 3

CDT 2011-2012: The ADA Practical Guide to Procedure Codes
The American Dental Association is offering a resource, CDT 2011-2012: The ADA Practical

Guide to Dental Procedure Codes, to accurately and report dental services delivered to patients.
The book contains the updated edition of the “Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature,”
along with a number of expanded reference sections such as questions and answers concerning
Correction the selection of the appropriate procedure codes for patient records and for claim submissions.

Due to a technological error, several lines of New information and forms for caries risk assessment and documentation also are included.
one paragraph were missing from Page 99 of the
Additionally, the ADA also is offering a revised CDT companion: The ADA Practical Guide
February 2011 issue of the Journal. A corrected
version of the issue has been posted on CDA’s to Dental Coding that provides more information on areas ranging from dental/medical cross-
website at Following coding to how to submit dental claims to a patient’s medical insurance carrier. This version

are the restored sentences from the article
includes an expanded set of clinical coding scenarios that cover a wide variety of patient
“Improving Oral Health Care and Oral Health Care
Delivery for Children,” by James J. Crall, DDS, ScD:
services and can be a great resource for instructing dental staff on difficult coding scenarios.
In conclusion, national- and state-level The CDT 2011-2012: The ADA Practical Guide to Dental Procedure Codes that includes
evidence have clearly documented the a searchable CD-ROM, and the CDT Companion: The ADA Practical Guide to Dental Coding

existence and consequences of ongoing
are available as a set for $84.95 for ADA members and $127.45 for nonmembers. The CDT
disparities in children’s health and utilization
of oral health care services. Notable progress 2010-2012 and its CD-ROM are $49.95 for ADA members; $74.95 for nonmembers. The
in addressing these disparities has been CDT Companion is for $49.95 for ADA members and $74.95 for nonmembers. For more
made in states that have combined strong information, go to or call 800-947-4746.
leadership in both public and private sectors,
broad-based support, and a strategic
framework geared toward two major goals:
reducing the burden of dental disease over
mona lisa , continued from 137
time and ensuring access to and utilization of
appropriate diagnostic, preventive, treatment dentist. “I brought her to work im- did. Amazing for a little Chihuahua.”
and disease management services (with mediately after adopting her from the Taddey said the staff enjoys taking
priority given to programs focusing on children shelter. The first time she provided her turns walking the dog and love being
and high-risk families). The complex nature of special “pet therapy” was when a nervous greeted by Mona Lisa every morning.
the determinants of oral health and utilization
patient, who immediately adored Mona, Reaction from staff and patients regard-
of oral health services underscore the need
asked if she could be on her lap during ing Mona Lisa has been very positive and
for collaborative multifaceted approaches
to achieve these goals, including involvement
her procedure. Mona is a very mellow and downright fun. “In general, the consensus
of “nontraditional oral health stakeholders.”
nurturing little animal; it is her nature to seems to be that most of the population
Prominent contextual and overarching be held and fall asleep in your arms. She does not like going to the dentist. Mona’s
considerations and an increasingly diverse is quiet, obedient, and adores everyone. presence in our office has changed that
population underscore the need for approaches Knowing this, I introduced her to sitting negative aura with anxious patients as
that are innovative, solidly evidence-based, on this patient’s lap while I performed my well as with patients who just love dogs
targeted, and coordinated in order to maximize dental work. Mona immediately curled up or who have pets. She seems to appeal to
effectiveness and efficiency. on the patients lap and took a nap, and everyone’s humanistic side, whether she is
the patient cuddled and petted Mona to present in the clinical setting or just says
ease her own nerves and distract her from hello as patients check in or out.”
the dental work I was busy doing. Mona’s Taddey added that she and her father,
mere presence changed the whole experi- a New York University Dental School
ence for the patient — from the injection graduate, “find it refreshing and so
to the drill. Mona does not even perk her rewarding that a little rescue dog can pro-
ears up when the high-pitched hand piece vide so much ease and a positive experi-
starts up; she seems to know that is the ence to going to the dentist.”
beginning of the procedure and the end It’s a good thing Mona Lisa has her
is when I take my gloves off, remove my own business card, which provides lots of
mask, and tell the patient how great they cont i n u e s o n 1 3 9

138  m a r c h 2 0 1 1
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 9 , n º 3

Lower Income, Minority, Special Needs Children More Likely to Suffer Toothaches
Toothaches, according to a recent study, are more likely to afflict poor, minority,
and special needs children.
“Toothache is a source of chronic and often severe pain that interferes with a child’s
ability to play, eat, and pay attention in school,” said authors in a report published in
an issue of Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. “The most common cause of
toothache is dental decay” and the “process of dental decay is one that optimally would
be prevented or, at the very least, identified early and then arrested through provision of
regular professional dental care. However, for some U.S. children, including those who
are Medicaid-insured, access to preventive and restorative dental care is more difficult.”
Studying data from the 2007 National Survey of Children’s Health, Charlotte
Lewis, MD, MPH, and James Stout, MD, MPH, both of the University of Washington
School of Medicine, Seattle, tried to determine the risk factors and frequency for tooth-
ache in children. A population-based sample of parents/guardians of 86,730 children
between ages 1 and 17, from every state and the District of Columbia was the source of
the data. Authors found that an estimated 10.7 percent of U.S. children had a toothache
in the previous six months. A toothache was the most reported affliction for youngsters
between the ages of 6 and 12; one in seven reported toothaches in the past six months.
Additionally, findings revealed that 58 percent of children who had a toothache
also had cavities within the past six months.
The original article, “Toothache in U.S. Children,” by Lewis C, Stout J, appeared in Arch
Pediatr Adolesc Med, 164(11):1059-63, November 2010. Additional information provided by
ScienceDaily, (Accessed Jan. 13, 2011.)

m o n a l i s a, c o n t i n u e d f rom 138

levity as patients register, leave the office, true blessing and is an amazing experience
or make their next appointment. Patients we are both grateful for every day,” said
can call and specifically ask if Mona will be Dr. Tracy Taddey. “My dad has always been
available for their appointment, Taddey my inspiration, my mentor, and my best “Not only do we
said. “One of our patients made (Mona friend. He has taught me more than I ever
Lisa) a handmade quilt, which accompa- could have learned in dental school, and provide excellent dental
nies us everywhere, and she sits on this as we combine our generations, we learn
on the patient’s lap when she is requested from each other all the time. My dad is very treatment to our patients,
for their procedure.” open-minded and progressive. He is very
but they are having a
Taddey practices with her father, John excited to have the addition of “pet therapy”
Taddey, DDS, just as he practiced with to his 37-year-old La Jolla practice. I am soothing and happy
his father, also named Dr. John Taddey, honored to follow in his path and provide
in the Bronx. Dr. Tracy Taddey’s father new dimensions to the strong foundation experience while we
also taught postgraduate dentistry at he has spent his life building.
Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx before “Having Mona on board only provides take care of their
putting down roots in La Jolla in 1974 at a another level of happiness, uniqueness, and
location where he still works today. Prior caring that we can offer to our patients. We long-term dental health.”
to joining her father’s practice, Dr. Tracy agree that it is very gratifying as doctors to
Tracy A. Taddey, DDS
Taddey, a 1998 graduate from what is now know that not only do we provide excellent
known as the Arthur A. Dugoni School of dental treatment to our patients, but they
Dentistry in San Francisco, opened her are having a soothing and happy experience
own in Clairemont Mesa in 2001, where while we take care of their long-term dental
she currently also works part time. health. Our relationships with our patients
“Practicing together as father-daugh- are our first priority and Mona only adds to
ter, and as a third-generation dentist, is a this bond and the evolution of the practice.”

m a r c h 2 0 1 1   139
march 11 impressions
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 9 , n º 3

Particular Diet May Be Beneficial the U.S. population,” said Asghar Z. Naq-
to Those With Periodontitis vi, MPH, MNS, Department of Medicine,
Periodontitis, if left unchecked, may Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
lead to the accumulation of bacteria, and “To date, the treatment of periodontitis
potential bone and tooth loss. And while has primarily involved mechanical clean-
traditional treatments focus on bacterial ing and local antibiotic application. Thus,
infection, newer approaches target the a dietary therapy, if effective, might be a
inflammatory response. But there may be less expensive and safer method for the
another tack: diet. prevention and treatment of periodonti-
In a recent issue of the Journal of the tis. Given the evidence indicating a role
American Dietetic Association, Harvard for n-3 fatty acids in other chronic in-
Medical School and Harvard School of flammatory conditions, it is possible that
Public Health researchers found that di- treating periodontitis with n-3 fatty acids
etary intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids could have the added benefit of prevent-
“A dietary therapy, (PUFAs) such as fish oil, is known to have ing other chronic diseases associated with
anti-inflammatory properties and shows inflammation, including stroke as well.”
if effective, might be potential for treating and preventing Data from the National Health
periodontitis. Other foods that contain and Nutrition Examination Survey
a less expensive and
significant amounts of polyunsaturated (NHANES) was used. Investigators
safer method for the fats include fatty fish such as salmon; found that dietary intake of the PUFAs,
nuts, margarine, and peanut butter. DHA, and EPA were associated with a
prevention and treatment “We found that n-3 fatty acid intake, decreased prevalence of periodontitis,
particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) although linolenic acid (LNA) did not
of periodontitis.” and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), are show this association, according to a
inversely associated with periodontitis in news release by ScienceDaily.
Asghar Z. Naqvi, MPH, MNS

upcoming meetings


April 7–10 California Society of Pediatric Dentistry 36th annual Session/Western Society
of Pediatric Dentistry ninth annual session, San Francisco, 831-625-2773,

April 10–16 United States Dental Tennis Association, Tampa, Fla.,

May 12–14 CDA Presents the Art and Science of Dentistry, Anaheim, 800-CDA-SMILE

June 16–18 ADA New Dentist Conference, Chicago, 800-621-8099, ext. 2779,

Sept. 22–24 CDA Presents the Art and Science of Dentistry, San Francisco, 800-CDA-SMILE

Nov. 6–12 United States Dental Tennis Association, Palm Desert, Calif.,

To have an event included on this list of nonprofit association continuing education meetings, please send the information
to Upcoming Meetings, CDA Journal, 1201 K St., 16th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814 or fax the information to 916-554-5962.

140  m a r c h 2 0 1 1
Periscope c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 9 , n º 3

Periscope offers synopses of

current findings in dental research,
technology, and related fields.

technology implants
jin-ho phark, dds, richard t. kao, dds, phd, and david w. richard, dds, phd

Resin Infiltration Helps Control Caries The Two-Implant Overdenture Can Function
Ekstrand KR, Bakhshandeh A, Martignon S, Treatment of proximal for a Long Period
superficial caries lesions on primary molar teeth with resin
Vercruyssen M, Marcelis K, et al, Long-term, retrospective
infiltration and fluoride varnish versus fluoride varnish only: efficacy
evaluation (implant and patient-centered outcomes) of the two-
after one year. Caries Res 44(1):41-6, 2010.
implant-supported overdenture in the mandible. Part I: survival rate.
aim: The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of resin Clin Oral Impl Res 21(4):357-65, April 1, 2010.
infiltration and fluoride varnish (FV) application combined versus FV
aim: This study reports the long-term survival rate of implants used in
treatment-only of interproximal carious lesions on deciduous molars.
paired situations to support mandibular overdentures at the Catholic
methods: Forty-eight children with one or more pairs of interproximal University, Leuven, Belgium.
caries lesions on deciduous molars with no or initial clinical signs of
methods: Retrospective analysis of 495 cases where two implants
caries and radiological extension of the lesion up to the outer third of the
were used to support mandibular overdentures was performed. This
dentin were selected. One lesion of each pair was randomly allocated to
represented cases treated over the past 25 years at this academic
the test treatment (resin infiltration) followed by 2.26 percent FV), the
center. Of the 495 cases, 75 percent were available for clinical
other lesion was allocated to the control treatment (2.26 percent FV
evaluation or chart review. The rest represented patients who could
only). ICDAS scores of the selected lesions were recorded before the
not be contacted or had died.
treatments. FV was applied to both, the test and the control lesions six
and 12 months after the first treatment. After one year, ICDAS scores results: Most implants were machined (95 percent) while the rest
were obtained for 42 children and radiographs for 39. One external were anodized (TiUnite) Branemark type implants. The paired implants
examiner scored the radiographs twice for progression of caries. were used either as a bar (86.3 percent), ball attachments (11.7
percent), or magnets (1.6 percent) anchorage. The survival rate after
results: Baseline mean age of the children was 7.17± 0.68 years 20 years of loading was 95.5 percent. Factors associated with implant
and mean def-s was 8.1±6.9. After one year, the ICDAS scores of
failure included smoking and one-stage-placed implants. Implant
31 percent of the test lesions and 67 percent of the control lesions
length and bone quality had no impact on implant survival.
had progressed (p <0.01). Radiographically, 23 percent of the test
lesions and 62 percent of the control lesions had progressed (p <0.01). conclusions: This study supports the two-implant overdenture
Thus, the clinical and radiographic therapeutic effect of both resin concept in the mandible as a treatment approach that can function for
infiltration/FV over FV alone was >35 percent and significant. a long period of time.

conclusions: Resin infiltration in conjunction with fluoride varnish clinical relevance: Given the difficulty in obtaining mandibular
seems promising for controlling proximal lesion progression on denture stability, the use of two implants to provide anchorage will
deciduous molar teeth. improve function and quality of life. This study provides clinicians
with evidence that implants used in this approach can function for a
clinical relevance: Resin infiltration is an innovative concept to long period of time. Furthermore, these results were obtained using
arrest progression of caries lesions noninvasively. Resin infiltration
predominantly the older-styled machine surface implants. The newer
of interproximal caries lesions on deciduous molars is efficacious.
implant surfaces may potentially provide better results.
Application of this treatment can prevent or delay invasive treatment
in deciduous teeth.

m a r c h 2 0 1 1   141
march 11 periscope
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 9 , n º 3

surgery periodontics
d.d.r. yamashita, dds gerald i. drury, dds

Blast Explosion-Induced Injury, Basic One-Stage Full-Mouth Disinfection

Principles of Wound Physiology and Versus Full-Mouth Scaling and Root
Treatment, and Airway Management Planing and Quadrant SRP
Shuker S, Facial skin-mucosal biodynamic blast injuries and Swierkot K, Nonnenmacher CL, et al, One-stage, full-mouth
management. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 68(8):1818-25, August 2010. disinfection versus quadrant and full-mouth root planning.
J Clin Periodontol 36(3):240-9, March 2009.
aim: To evaluate both the nature of potential injuries to facial soft
tissue associated with blast explosions and the management of such background: The purpose of this study was to test whether
injuries. In addition, the biophysics of blast injuries is discussed. one-stage full-mouth disinfection (FMD) results in greater clinical
and microbiological improvement compared with full-mouth scaling
methods: This is a review article that initially examines the sci- and root planing (FMSRP) and quadrant SRP (QSRP) in patients with
ence of blast physics, which then leads to the in-depth exploration of chronic periodontitis (ChP).
biodynamic sequelae of blast trauma, specifically thermal injuries and
injuries related to the scalp, facial skin, eyelid, lip, and primary and sec- methods: Twenty females and five males diagnosed with ChP were
ondary blast effects. The emergent management of blast-associated randomly assigned to one of three groups: FMD, FMSRP within 24
airway compromise is also explored. hours, or QSRP in weekly intervals. FMD consisted of SRP within 24
hours along with subgingival, tongue, tonsil, and rinse application of
results: The incidence of blast morbidity and mortality has dramati- chlorhexidine. FMSR consisted of scaling performed within 24 hours
cally increased in recent years, particularly with the escalating use of without chlorhexidine. QSRP was performed by treating one quadrant
improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in global conflict. Understanding weekly without chlorhexidine. Clinical parameters, including PD, CAL,
the nature of associated facial soft-tissue injuries and airway compro- BOP, PlI, and API, were recorded at baseline, one, two, four, and eight
mise, along with management, can enhance the scope and quality of months after treatment.
care of the maxillofacial surgeon.
results: All treatment modalities resulted in significant improve-
conclusions: International interest in blast biophysics, injury, and ments in clinical parameters at all time points as compared with
injury management has been renewed with the evolution of weaponry, baseline. At the first and second months, either FMD or FMSRP
particularly IEDs. Quality management of the associated facial injuries showed significant improvements when compared with the other
and airway compromise demands vigilance, knowledge, and experience. treatment dependent on site and pocket depth; however, no signifi-
cant difference remained between any groups in clinical parameters
clinical relevance: Although blast explosion-induced injury is at eight months. Periodontopathogens were reduced in all groups
a highly specific aspect of maxillofacial trauma, basic principles of immediately after treatment and further decreased by eight months,
wound physiology and treatment, and airway management, underlie although a significant reduction in total bacterial load was only
quality care of any traumatic injury. Appreciation of blast injuries noted in the FMD group after eight months. A. actinomycetemcomi-
is particularly beneficial for maxillofacial surgeons, in training or in tans was significantly reduced by QSRP and FMSRP immediately
practice, at major trauma centers. following 24 hours and maintained after eighth months. PD at eight
months was correlated with both A. actinomycetemcomitans and P.
intermedia in the FMSRP group.

conclusion: All three treatments were successful in improving

clinical parameters and reducing periodontopathic burden with no
significant benefit noted of any one treatment over the others at
eight months.

bottom line: No advantage to one-stage full-mouth disinfection

over quadrant or full-mouth scaling.

142  m a r c h 2 0 1 1

The Art
and Science
of Dentistry


May 12-14,
New days:

Top Tips for Receiving C.E.

• Plan ahead — Arrive at least 15 minutes early to all
courses, and plan an alternate course in the event that
your preferred course is full. Doors close at the start of the
lecture, and late arrivals will not be admitted. often
• License numbers matter — When registering, include the
license numbers and formal names of all licensed attendees
to ensure C.E. credits are granted.
• Scan in and out of each course — Arrival and departure
times are used to issue C.E. credits. Scan upon entry and
exit, and remain in the course the entire time. Partial
credit cannot be granted. Credit cannot be given for
overlapping course times or incomplete course attendance.

• Write down course codes — During each course, the In an effort to do our part for the environment
host will give attendees a three-digit code that should be and save our members money, CDA Presents will
recorded and saved until you have your complete official no longer print course handouts for classes in
C.E. certificate after the convention. Anaheim and San Francisco. A small effort that will
save over 1.3 million pieces of paper each year.
• Go to the C.E. Pavilion or after
Plus, by investing the savings, we can continue to
attending class — At the C.E. Pavilion, you will verify
your C.E. units as well as take a brief survey for each enhance the benefits of CDA Presents for members
course attended. For your convenience, you can wait until and their teams.
you have attended all of your courses to verify, or visit up to five days after the meeting. Please Attendees can access most course handouts at
keep in mind that all courses displayed in the C.E. Pavilion and are welcome to print them
are those that have on-site scan activity and display does out if they wish. In addition, each show’s On-Site
not guarantee credit. Guide will now provide space for note taking. And
as always, audio recordings of most classes will be
• Print your certificate online — To make your C.E. available for purchase at the conclusion of each
certificates available in a timelier manner, certificates will show. By working together, we can do great things.
now be available online approximately three to four weeks
after the meeting. At that time, you will receive an e-mail
containing a link that will take you to your C.E. certificate.
You may also access your C.E. certificate at
Should you need a copy of your certificate mailed to you,
please call 800.232.7645 approximately four weeks after the
meeting, and we will be happy to mail you a copy.

Visit to
plan your meeting experience.


THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2011 California Dental Practice Act and

Infection Control —
California Dental Practice Act Ticketed Admission Only
Time: 5–7 p.m. The Dental Board of California mandates continuing
Course #: 001 education in infection control and the California Dental
Practice Act for license and permit renewal. CDA is proud
Diane Fee: $20 to present the following courses that will fulfill these required
units for license renewal.
Infection Control
Please note:
Time: 7–9 a.m.
• Admission to these C.E. courses will be by ticket only.
Course #: 002
• You may purchase your ticket in advance at
Tricia Fee: $20 or by completing the registration form on Page 13. Tickets
Osuna, are $20 and will guarantee your seat in the course.
FAADH • If available, tickets will also be sold on-site at the Ticket
Booth located in the registration area of the Anaheim
FRIDAY, MAY 13, 2011 Convention Center.
• There will be no late entries allowed. The California
California Dental Practice Act mandatory education requires 2 full hours for credit. It is
strongly recommended that you arrive a minimum of 15
Time: 7–9 a.m. minutes in advance of the starting time.
Course #: 003 • Seating is limited. Tickets will be sold on a first-come,
Diane Fee: $20 first-served basis.

Infection Control for California

Infection Control
Dental Board requirement for 2 units: This program provides
Time: 5–7 p.m.
you with the latest educational requirements specific to
Course #: 004 CCR section 1005, the Dental Board of California Infection
Tricia Fee: $20 Control Regulations.
Osuna, Note: This 2-hour course does not meet the new infection
RDH, BS, control education requirement that unlicensed dental assistants
take an 8-hour infection control course.

SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011

California Dental Practice Act
California Dental Practice Act Dental Board requirement for 2 units: This course meets the new
5–7 p.m. C.E. requirement for California Dental Practice Act education,
including the new one-time course requirement for unlicensed
Course #: 005
dental assistants.
Arthur W. Fee: $20
Curley, JD

Infection Control
Time: 7–9 a.m.
Course #: 006
Tricia Fee: $20

Required courses will be audio

recorded and available for purchase.

CDA Presents will feature more than 550 Grand Opening

exhibiting companies showcasing the latest in Thursday, 9:30 a.m.
dental technology, products and services. Stay
ahead of the curve by exploring the innovative New Exhibit Hall Days and Hours
new products being launched in the exhibit hall. Thursday, May 12, 9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Friday, May 13, 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m.
Saturday, May 14, 9:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Please note new days:
Thursday–Saturday, Family Hours
May 12–14, 2011 Daily, 9:30 a.m.– noon

Visit to maximize

your tradeshow experience.

The meeting place to

learn, engage and recharge!
• Aneducational theater
providing C.E. credits
• Cool and new products

• Internet Café and Wi-Fi lounge

• C.E. stations

Experience it.
Anaheim Convention Center
Exhibit Hall, near Registration Area

WineFUNdamentals Seminar and Reception
Join us for interactive wine activities and trivia! You’ll learn to
distinguish the various scents and flavors in wine by tasting both
white and red varietals and about pairings with both cheese and
chocolate. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to put your knowledge
to the test and win prizes!

Friday, May 13
Time: 4–5:30 p.m.
Fee: $25
Event #: 056
Location: The Spot, Exhibit Hall

CDA is pleased to offer a children’s program by No-Show Policy

KiddieCorp during CDA Presents. Questions regarding
Parents who do not arrive within 15 minutes of their
the children’s program can be directed to KiddieCorp at
reserved times will forfeit their reservations and not be
858.455.1718 or Register online at
eligible for a refund.
Please note: For the safety and productivity of all attendees,
children 10 and younger will only be permitted on the
exhibit floor from 9:30 to noon each day. A children’s Stroller Check
program is provided at the Hilton Anaheim Hotel each day. For the convenience and safety of all attendees, strollers are
Additionally, a “Kid Zone” will be provided for ages 4–12 not permitted on the exhibit floor. A stroller check will be
years old on the exhibit floor during exhibit hours for $5 per available for $2 per item.
child. There is a daily three-hour maximum for each child.
Dates: May 12–14, 2011
Location: Hilton Anaheim Hotel, Third Floor Kid Zone
(mezzanine) A “Kid Zone” will be provided for ages 4–12 years old on the
Time: 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Thursday exhibit floor during exhibit hours. There is a daily three-hour
7 a.m.–6 p.m. Friday maximum for each child. The cost is $5 for up to three hours.
7 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Saturday

Ages 6 Months Through 6 Years For safety reasons, strollers are not
KiddieCorp professionals are bonded, qualified child care permitted on the exhibit floor.
specialists who are carefully selected and trained. Age-
appropriate activities are selected for the children who join
them during the meeting.
Parents with infants must provide diapers, changing supplies,
milk, formula, baby food, etc. Please label personal belongings
and lunches. Nutritious snacks and beverages will be provided
by KiddieCorp. Meals can be supplied by parents or purchased
at the children’s program registration area.
Cost: Full day: $40
Half day: $20 (7 a.m.–1 p.m. or 1–6 p.m.)

Youth Program for Ages 7 Through 12 Years

Specially designed for children 7 through 12 years old, this
program by the professionals at KiddieCorp will keep your
kids entertained while you attend lectures or visit the exhibit
floor. Activities, games and movies will be provided in a
structured environment for your child’s entertainment.
Cost: Full day: $30
Half day: $15 (7 a.m.–1 p.m. or 1–6 p.m.)

Registration and Cancellation Deadline

The advance registration deadline is April 15, 2011. Advance
registration is strongly encouraged. Cancellations received
after April 15, 2011, will not be eligible for a refund.

Prepaid Early Bird Parking Prepaid Food Vouchers

To make your parking experience easier, CDA is offering the Treat your staff to lunch with vouchers for the Anaheim
opportunity to purchase parking vouchers in advance for the Convention Center concession areas. Available in increments
Anaheim Convention Center. Tickets will also be available of $10, vouchers allow a prepaid, hassle-free option to grab
at on-site registration for next day(s) use only. If you arrive something quick or sit down and enjoy a meal with your team
by 8:30 a.m., this will guarantee a parking space with the while attending the exhibit hall or between C.E. courses.
added convenience of not worrying about having cash on Menu options include specialty coffee and breakfast items,
hand. Purchase the tickets at along with Grab ’n’ Go for lunch, Mexican taqueria, made-to-order
your registration. sandwiches, All American Grill, barbecue, rice bowl and
pizza. Exact locations and food selections will be included
The following conditions apply: in your registration packet and on These
• Tickets are $12 per day and are available for Thursday, vouchers are nonrefundable and must be used for amount
Friday and Saturday. shown. Change cannot be given if purchase is less than $10.
• Arrive by 8:30 a.m. — prepaid parking spaces will not be
honored after that time.
• Parking passes are nonrefundable. Refunds cannot be given Purchasing Vouchers
for lost or forgotten passes. Purchase prepaid food and parking vouchers when you
• Original passes must be used. register online at or by submitting the
• Passes must be surrendered upon entry to the lot. advance registration form.
• Passes are only valid at the Anaheim Convention Center.
They cannot be used at off-site parking or Disney lots.
Prepaid Parking Voucher
Fee: $12
Traffic and Parking Recommendations
Event #: 059 Thursday
If you are driving to the Convention Center, traffic is
anticipated to be heaviest on Thursday and Friday mornings. 060 Friday
To minimize any inconvenience, early arrival is strongly 061 Saturday
recommended. The peak traffic and parking time is projected
to be from 8 to 11 a.m. Please watch the traffic control signs as
you exit the freeway for the most updated parking information. Prepaid Food Voucher
Fee: $10
Off-Site Parking Event #: 062
CDA is working to secure off-site parking near the freeway
exits with complimentary shuttle service to the Anaheim
Convention Center. Due to scheduling of events at these
venues, this can only be confirmed within a few weeks of
our meeting. Please watch for additional information in your
badge mailing, attendee e-mails or visit us at
for updated instructions the week prior to the meeting. The
morning of, traffic signage will also provide direction.

Get ready to have a ball at the CDA Presents beach

party! Attendees will enjoy tasty fish tacos, sliders, hot dogs,
appetizers and other refreshments while grooving to the lively
beach tunes of the Beach Toys Band. This entertaining group will
have you singing, dancing and reminiscing to the songs of the
Beatles and Beach Boys. Create a team with your colleagues and
friends and enjoy a friendly match on the volleyball court, relax in a
cabana, or if you prefer, visit one of our surf-side boardwalk games
for some amusement. Join us for a tidal wave of fun, food and
entertainment. (Two complimentary beverages will be provided,
and a cash bar will also be available throughout the evening.)
Date: Friday, May 13, 2011

Time: 7–10 p.m.

Fee: $65 per person

Event #: 055

Location: Arena Plaza at the Convention Center

Menu subject to change. Visit for the latest information.


Significantly discounted Disneyland® Resort theme park tickets

are available to attendees during CDA Presents. These tickets will
only be available for purchase online. These tickets are created just
for you, and not all are available at the front gates of theme parks.
Buy in advance and save! To purchase these tickets, please visit Please note that purchase of theme park tickets is
separate from CDA Presents registration. Ticket store closes at 9 p.m.
PST on Saturday, May 7, 2011. All tickets valid May 8–21, 2011.

one day/one park Admission to either Disneyland® Park or Disney’s California Adult: $68
Adventure® Park for one day. Child (3–9 years): $60

one-day park hopper® Admission and ability to visit both Disneyland® Park and Adult: $88
Disney’s California Adventure® Park on the same day for Child (3–9 years): $78
one day.

two-day park hopper® Admission and ability to visit both Disneyland® Park and Adult: $141
Disney’s California Adventure® Park on the same day for Child (3–9 years): $126
two days.

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O - A N T I GE N

Endotoxin in

Endodontic Infections:
A Review
zahed mohammadi, dmd, msd

abstract  Gram-negative bacteria play an essential role in primary endodontic

infections. They have several virulence factors such as endotoxin, a large molecule that
plays a role in the initiation and perpetuation of apical periodontitis. This paper reviews
the role of gram-negative bacteria in endodontic infections, structure and mechanisms
of action of endotoxin, endotoxin in infected root canals, effects of calcium hydroxide
and polymixin B on endotoxin, and applications of endotoxin to measure leakage.

author hen dental pulp is ex- more, some gram-negative anaerobic
Zahed Mohammadi,
posed to the oral cavity bacteria have been suggested to be
dmd, msd, is an due to caries or trauma, involved with symptomatic lesions.3
assistant professor and it is initially contami-
head, Department of nated by predominantly Lipopolysaccharide (Endotoxin)
Endodontics, Hamedan
aerobic and facultative microorganisms.
University of Medical
Sciences, Hamedan, Iran,
Due mainly to the existing nutritional Structure
and Iranian Center for relationships between microorganisms, The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is located
Endodontic Research together with the slow decrease of oxygen in the outer membrane of the bacterial
(ICER), Tehran, Iran. tension in root canals, a microbial shift cell wall.4 It is composed of three dis-
takes place leading to a predominance tinct structural regions, the O-specific
of anaerobic microorganisms.1 Technical polysaccharide, the common core, and a
advances in microbiological culture and lipid component called lipid A. Lipid A is
identification have shown that anaerobic responsible for many, if not all, biological
microorganisms predominate in root activities exhibited by bacterial LPS.4 Lipid
canals of teeth with pulp necrosis and A is a gluco-configured hexosamine-based
radiographically visible chronic periapical phospholipid that serves as the hydro-
lesion, especially gram-negative bacteria.2 phobic anchor of LPS on the majority
The most frequently detected culturable of gram-negative outer membranes. The
species in primary infection belong to the majority of bacterial lipid A structure is
gram-negative genera Tannerella, Dialister, conserved and consists of a mono- or
Porphyromonas, Prevotella, Fusobacterium, bi-phosphorylated disaccharide backbone
Campylobacter, and Treponema. Further- that has been acylated with C12-C14-

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length hydroxy and nonhydroxy fatty ac- how one motif can interact with all these (factor XII of coagulation), the first step of
ids at specific positions (C2, C3, C2’, C3’).5 molecules. The intracellular domain of the intrinsic clotting system that triggers
Furthermore, if present, the hydroxyl the TLRs, the TIR domain, is a conserved the coagulation cascade or the production
groups of these fatty acid chains can be protein-protein interaction module that of bradykinin.14-16 LPS also activates the
further esterified by additional fatty acids is also found in a number of transmem- complement system 6, induces the expres-
(second substitution). The classic struc- brane and cytoplasmic proteins in plants, sion of leukocyte adhesion molecules on
ture of lipid A is represented by Escherichia worms, arthropods, and even bacteria. endothelial cells, and stimulates osteo-
coli. This lipid A contains a one, 4-bi-phos- Interestingly, all these TIR-containing clast differentiation and bone resorption,
phorylated β(1-6)-linked D-glucosamine proteins seem to have a function in host particularly via interactions with TLR-4
disaccharide backbone (D-Glc N I, D-Glc defense, making the TIR domain one of on osteoblast-lineage cells.17-20 LPS may
N II) that is hexa-acylated via primary the earliest signaling motifs to evolve.10 be mitogenic to B-cells and epithelial
ester and amide linkages with secondary The region of homology is confined to cells. It also can stimulate B-cells in the
substitution on specific hydroxyl groups.5 absence of T-cells help.21 Wadachi and
Hargreaves proposed a mechanism of pain
Mechanisms of Action when free to act, associated with endodontic infections.22
When free to act, endotoxins do not They demonstrated that trigeminal af-
cause cell or tissue damage directly, but endotoxins do not cause ferent neurons express the TLR4 and
they stimulate competent cells to release cell or tissue damage CD14 receptor complex and that LPS
chemical mediators. It has been shown that activation of TLR-4/CD14 may trigger
macrophages are the main target of endo- directly, but they stimulate intracellular signaling cascades, leading to
toxins. After release from bacteria, LPS is competent cells to release peripheral release of neuropeptides and
initially bound to a plasma protein called central nociceptive neurotransmission.
LPS-binding protein (LBP) and is then chemical mediators.
delivered to CD14, a cell receptor for LPS LPS in Infected Root Canal
on the surface of macrophages. Subsequent Schein and Schilder showed that pulp-
activation of the macrophage is a result of three conserved boxes containing amino less teeth contained greater concentra-
a signal triggered by a signal-transducing acids crucial for signaling.11 An extending tions of endotoxin than those with vital
receptor called a toll-like receptor (TLR).6 loop in box 2, encompassing an RDxf1f2G pulps.23 Symptomatic teeth also contained
motif (where x represents any amino acid more endotoxin than asymptomatic teeth.
Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs) and f represents a hydrophobic residue) Dwyer and Torabinejad examined the
TLRs are evolutionarily conserved mediates interaction with the downstream periapical tissue reaction to three concen-
proteins characterized by an extracel- adaptor protein MyD88.12 The LPSd non- trations of E. coli endotoxin solutions, to
lular leucine-rich repeat domain and an responder phenotype of CH3/HeJ mice re- three detoxified E. coli endotoxin solu-
intracellular Toll/IL-1 receptor-like (TIR) sults from a Pro→His mutation at the f2 tions, and to a sterile saline as a control
domain.7 Leucine-rich repeats are found position in this loop in the TIR domain of solution in adult cats.24 The maxillary and
in both cytoplasmic and transmem- TLR4, which impairs interaction with the mandibular canines were isolated with a
brane proteins and are involved in ligand adaptor signaling protein MyD88, result- rubber dam, and the pulps were extir-
recognition and signal transduction.8 It ing in abrogation of the LPS response.12 pated. The solutions were deposited in
has been demonstrated that seven out The f2 proline residue is conserved in all the root canals of each cat, and the access
of 10 leucine-rich repeat motifs of the TLRs except TLR3, where it is replaced cavities were sealed. The periapical tissues
CD14 receptor, a transmembrane protein with another hydrophobic residue.13 were examined histologically and radio-
implicated in LPS recognition, could be graphically at two, four, and six weeks.
deleted without affecting LPS binding.9 Biological Activities of LPS The radiographic and histologic results
Furthermore, each TLR can recognize the Besides TLRs, there are some other indirectly demonstrated that endotoxins
most diverse ligands, lacking any struc- pathways regarding the biological effects had a part in initiating and perpetuating
tural similarity, making it hard to conceive of LPS. It activates the Hageman factor periapical inflammatory lesions. Pitts et

154  m a r c h 2 0 1 1
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al. investigated the role of endotoxin in most extensive lesions in periapical bone minutes to 41/2 hours. In two specimens,
periapical inflammation.25 Dental pulps were observed in those canals treated the concentration of endotoxin in the
in two dogs were removed and the canals with E. corrodens endotoxin. No antibody effluent leveled off in 41/2 and 5 hours,
shaped in six matched pairs of roots. titers were detected in sera from any of respectively, whereas in another two
Canals on the experimental side were the dogs during the observation period. the concentration continued to increase
injected with Salmonella Minnesota R-595 Histological examination showed throughout the experiment. In one
endotoxin and canals on the contralateral significant bone destribution and heavy specimen, no endotoxin was detected.
control side were injected with saline inflammatory cell infiltrate. Yamasaki et Nakane et al. treated human dental pulp
solution at weekly intervals. Radiographic al. measured the amount of endotoxin as cells with 1, 10, and 100 µ/ml of LP).30
examinations were performed weekly, well as to identify gram-negative bacteria The effects of treatment were ex-
and histologic evaluations were made at in experimental periapical lesions in rats amined by measurement of the DNA
four to five weeks. Periapical radiographic and found that the amount of endo- content, protein content, and alkaline
changes occurred sooner and to a more phosphatase activity of the cells. LPS
severe degree with the roots containing samples were purified from P. gingivalis,
endotoxin than with the roots contain- periapical radiographic P. endodontalis, and F. nucleatum isolated
ing saline solution. Histologic evaluation from root canals, and E. coli 0111:B4 LPS
showed greater periapical bone destruc- changes occurred sooner and was used as a positive control. At a con-
tion and a more marked inflammatory to a more severe degree with centration of 1 µ/ml, none of the LPSs
response. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes caused any change in the production of
were the predominating cells. Pinero et the roots containing endotoxin DNA or protein, whereas the amount of
al. assessed the effect of endotoxin on than with the roots DNA was increased at 10 micrograms/
the synthesis of connective tissue matrix ml and inhibited at 100 micrograms/
components by pulp fibroblasts in vitro.26 containing saline solution. ml. Protein synthesis was decreased by
Human and bovine pulp fibroblasts LPSs at both 10 and 100 micrograms/
were treated with low levels of endotoxin ml. Alkaline phosphatase activity was
and assayed for the utilization of various toxin in the periapical tissues gradually not changed at any concentration of LPS
isotopes to measure synthesis of DNA, increased with increasing time and that tested. Nagaoka et al. found that pulpal
collagen, and sulfated and nonsulfated gram-negative bacteria were isolated from fibroblasts were immunoresponsive cells
glycosaminoglycans. Endotoxin at 5 to the same region but did not increase in and can elaborate IL-8 upon stimulation
125 μg/ml stimulated the uptake of 3H- number concurrently with the increase with P. intermedia LPS.31 Hosoys and Mat-
thymidine by both cell lines. Utilization in the amount of endotoxin.28 Nissan sushima demonstrated that Porphyromo-
of the other isotopes also increased but et al. developed an in vitro system to nas endodontalis LPS stimulated IL-1 beta
varied with the cell lines and endotoxin determine whether bacterial endotoxin release from human dental pulp cells in
concentrations. Mattison et al. examined was capable of diffusing through dentin a time- and dose-dependent manner.32
periapical bone reaction to Eikenella cor- without the use of filtration pressure.29 However, IL-1 beta converting enzyme
rodens endotoxin in adult mongrel dogs.27 Cavities were prepared in five third molar activity was not increased by P. endodon-
Mandibular third and fourth premolars teeth in order to produce a split chamber talis LPS. Furthermore, Northern blot
were biomechanically prepared and in- device consisting of occlusal and pulpal hybridization analysis revealed that the
jected with E. corrodens 23834 endotoxin, chambers with 0.5 mm of intervening IL-1 beta mRNA level in human dental
E. coli 055:B5 endotoxin, or pyrogen-free dentin. An endotoxin was introduced pulp cells was increased by P. endodontalis
water at weekly intervals for four weeks. into the occlusal chamber and the efflu- LPS. Ko and Lim demonstrated that P.
Radiographs and blood samples were ent in the pulpal chamber was sampled endodontalis LPS was capable of stimu-
obtained weekly for 12 weeks and one ani- every 30 minutes for five hours and at 24 lating PMNs to produce chemotactic
mal was killed for histological evaluation hours using the limulus lysate assay. In cytokines and suggested that PMNs
at the end of the test period. Radiographi- four specimens, the initial appearance of stimulated with P. endodontalis LPS might
cally, the most rapidly progressing and endotoxin in the effluent ranged from 15 co n t i n u e s o n 1 5 8

m a r c h 2 0 1 1   155
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continued from 155

play a crucial role in the inflammatory biomechanical preparation using different extensively used parenterally for approxi-
and immunopathological reactions irrigating solutions and a Ca(OH)2-based mately two decades, after which they
of pulpal and periapical diseases.33 root canal dressing in a dog experimental were gradually withdrawn from clinical
Tokuda et al. indicated that P. interme- tooth model containing endotoxin.40 Re- practice owing to reports of toxicity.44-48
dia LPS-induced IL-10R gene expression sults showed that biomechanical prepara- Polymyxins consist of a cyclic de-
in human dental pulp fibroblasts in vit- tion with only irrigating solutions did not capeptide molecule, which is positively
ro.34 Fouad and Acosta compared periapi- inactivate the endotoxin, however, the charged and linked to a fatty acid chain
cal lesion progression and the expression same treatment associated with the use that has been found to be either 6-m-
of the bone modulating cytokines (IL-1α, of the Ca(OH)2 root canal dressing was ethyl-octanic acid or 6-methyl-eptanoic
TNF-α, IL-4, IL-6 and IL-11) in periapi- effective in the inactivation of the toxic acid. The main difference between the
cal lesions of normal and C3H/HeJ (LPS effects of this endotoxin. Jiang et al. in molecules of polymyxin B and polymyxin
hyporesponsive) mice.35 Findings showed 2003 also evaluated the direct effects of E is in the amino acid components.43
that there were no statistically significant Polymyxin E consists of D-leucine, L-
differences in progression of periapical in patients threonine and L-αγ-diaminobutyric acid,
lesions for both mouse strains with time. while polymyxin B contains D-phenylala-
Furthermore, the immunohistochemical with sepsis, nine instead of D-leucine.43 The cationic
staining revealed no overall differences be- continuous hemodialysis molecules of polymyxin B and poly-
tween the two strains in levels of expres- myxin E compete and displace Ca2+ and
sion of the cytokines. IL-11 expression did therapy with polymyxin-B Mg2+ ions, which normally stabilize the
not change from control levels in BALB/c immobilized fiber have been lipopolysaccharide molecule of the outer
mice, but correlated with the expres- membrane of gram-negative bacteria.
sion of IL-6 and IL-4 in C3H/HeJ mice. correlated with improvement This displacement causes local distur-
of the survival rates. bance of the cell membrane, increased
Calcium Hydroxide and Endotoxin cell permeability, leakage of the cell con-
Safavi and Nichols evaluated the effect tent, cell lysis, and death.49,50 In addition,
of calcium hydroxide on the endotoxin LPS on osteoclastogenesis and the capac- a remarkable property of polymyxins is
of Salmonella typhimurium in vitro and ity of Ca(OH)2 to inhibit the formation of the ability to neutralize lipopolysaccha-
found that it hydrolyzed the highly toxic osteoclasts stimulated by endotoxin and ride molecules of gram-negative bacteria,
lipid A molecule.36 In another study on found that Ca(OH)2 significantly reduced thus inducing antiendotoxin activities.51
the P. intermedia endotoxin, researchers osteoclast differentiation.41 Buck et al. in In patients with sepsis, continuous
found that Ca(OH)2 transformed lipid A 2001 found that long-term Ca(OH)2 as hemodialysis therapy with polymyxin-B
into fatty acids and amino sugars which well as 30-minute exposure to an alkaline immobilized fiber have been correlated
were atoxic.4 Barthel et al. investigated the mixture of chlorhexidine, ethanol, and so- with improvement of the survival rates.52
effect of Ca(OH)2 on the toxic potential dium hypochlorite did detoxify LPS mol- Their spectrum of activity includes gram-
of an E. coli LPS.37 Findings indicated that ecules by hydrolysis of ester bonds in the negative aerobic bacilli only, including
Ca(OH)2 was able to eliminate the ability fatty acid chains of the lipid A moiety.42 Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas
of E. coli LPS to stimulate TNF-alpha pro- aeruginosa, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter
duction in peripheral blood monocytes. In Ploymyxin B and Endotoxin species, Salmonella species, Shigella
in vivo studies, Nelson-Filho et al., as well Polymyxins are a group of polypeptide species and E. coli. Stenotrophomonas
as Silva et al., evaluated the effect of endo- cationic antibiotics.43 Major components maltophilia strains are usually suscep-
toxin plus Ca(OH)2 on apical and periapi- of this class of antimicrobial agents tible to polymyxins.53,54 On the other
cal tissues of a dog’s teeth radiographically that have been used in clinical practice hand, Proteus species, Serattia species,
and found that the endotoxin caused the represent colistin (polymyxin E) and Burkholderia species, Providencia species
formation of periapical lesions and that polymyxin B. Colistin and polymyxin B and Edwardsiella spp. are resistant to
Ca(OH)2 inactivated bacterial LPS.38,39 were discovered from different species of polymyxins.53 Oliveira et al. showed that
Tanomaru et al. evaluated the effect of bacillus polymyxa in the 1940s and were polymyxin B as an intracanal medica-

158  m a r c h 2 0 1 1
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with sepsis syndrome and acute renal failure. Ther Apher a1$7,21:,'((;32685(a
6:234-40, 2002.
53. Gales AC, Reis AO, Jones RN, Contemporary assessment 2ZQHG%\'HQWLVWV)RU'HQWLVWV
of antimicrobial susceptibility testing methods for polymyxin
B and colistin: review of available interpretative criteria and 7KLV LV ZKDW VHSDUDWHV :HVWHUQ 3UDFWLFH 6DOHV IURP RWKHU
quality control guidelines. J Clin Microbiol 39:183-90, 2001. EURNHUDJH ILUPV $V GHQWLVWV DQG EXVLQHVV SURIHVVLRQDOV LQ
54. Hogardt M, Schmoldt S, et al, Pitfalls of polymyxin anti- \RXU DUHD ZH XQGHUVWDQG WKH XQLTXH DVSHFWV RI \RXU
microbial susceptibility testing of Pseudomonas aeruginosa 7LP*LURX[''6
isolated from cystic fibrosis patients. J Antimicrob Chemother
55. Oliveira LD, Leão MV, et al, In vitro effects of calcium
hydroxide and polymyxin B on endotoxins in root canals. J Dent $V WKH RQO\ EURNHUDJH ILUP WKDW UHSUHVHQWV VHOOHUV DQG
33(2):107-14, 2005.
56. Hong CY, Lin SK, et al, The role of lipopolysaccharide in
infectious bone resorption of periapical lesion. J Oral Pathol $UL]RQD :HVWHUQ 3UDFWLFH 6DOHV QRW RQO\ RIIHUV
57. Tang HM, Torabinejad M, Kettering JD, Leakage evaluation UHVRXUFHV GDWD EDVH DQG QHWZRUNLQJ EXW DOVR
of root end filling materials using endotoxin. J Endod 28:5-7,
58. Carratù P, Amato M, et al, Evaluation of leakage of bacteria
and endotoxins in teeth treated endodontically by two differ-
ent techniques. J Endod 28:272-5, 2002. 7HVWLPRQLDOV
59. Williamson AE, Dawson DV, et al, Effect of root canal filling/
sealer systems on apical endotoxin penetration: a coronal leak- ´7KH IDFW WKDW \RX DUH D GHQWLVW DGGV D ZKROH QHZ
age evaluation. J Endod 31:599-604, 2005. GLPHQVLRQ WR \RXU DELOLWLHV DV D EURNHU RQH ZKLFK
60. Gulabivala K, Sayed AA, Wilson M, The effect of retrograde
cavity design on microleakage of amalgam fillings. Int Endod J PRVWRWKHUEURNHUVFDQQRWFRPHFORVHWRµ
28:204-12, 1995.
to request a printed copy of this article, please contact KDSSHQZDVDXQLTXHWRXFKµ
Zahed Mohammadi, DMD, MSD, at mohammadi_zahed@ µ<RX JDYH PH JXLGDQFH WKDW RQO\ D GHQWLVW ZRXOG


m a r c h 2 0 1 1   161
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interceptive surgery
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 9 , n º 3

Periodontal Plastic
Interceptive Surgery
for a Labially Impacted
Maxillary Canine:
A Case Report
neeraj agrawal, bds, mds; kavita agrawal, bds, mds; k. rosaiah, bds, mds;
and ankur chaukse, bds, mds

abstract  Management of an impacted canine often leads to an inadequate width of

attached gingiva, which can be a possible risk for future gingival recession and associated
complications. Uncovering a labially impacted maxillary canine can be performed by
gingivectomy, apically positioned flap surgery, or a closed eruption technique. Choosing
the right technique is sometimes confusing. The authors present a case that was
managed by apically positioned flap surgery followed by orthodontic treatment.


Neeraj Agrawal, bds, mds, K. Rosaiah, bds, mds fter the third molars, the crown tipping of the lateral incisor.2
is a senior lecturer, is a professor, Department
maxillary canines are the About one-third of impacted maxillary
Department of of Periodontics, People’s
Periodontics, People’s Dental Academy,
second-most commonly canines are positioned labially or within
Dental Academy, Bhopal, India. impacted permanent teeth the alveolus, and two-thirds are located
Bhopal, India. with the incidence of 1 to 2.5 palatally.3 There are three techniques for
Ankur Chaukse, bds, mds, percent.1 Management of impacted maxil- uncovering a labially impacted maxillary
Kavita Agrawal, bds, mds, is a senior lecturer,
lary canines can be very complex and canine: gingivectomy, apically positioned
is a senior lecturer, Department of
Department of Oral Orthodontics, People’s
requires a carefully planned interdisciplin- flap surgery, and closed eruption tech-
Medicine, Diagnosis and Dental Academy, ary approach. On the other hand, with nique.4 When there is an inadequate
Radiology, People’s Bhopal, India. the appropriately planned treatment, the width of the attached gingiva (WAG),
College of Dental eruption process can be simplified, result- the gingivectomy procedures may cause
Sciences, Bhopal, India.
ing in a predictably stable and esthetic post-treatment soft-tissue recession. To
result. Various clinical signs of canine preserve the WAG, an apically positioned
impaction are documented in the dental flap technique should be used. This article
literature. They include delayed eruption describes the management of a labi-
of the permanent canine, over-retention ally impacted maxillary canine uncov-
of primary canine, absence of labial bulge, ered by apically positioned flap surgery
presence of a palatal bulge, and distal followed by orthodontic treatment.

m a r c h 2 0 1 1   163
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figure 1. Intraoral view showing missing maxillary

permanent canine with labial bulge.

Case Report
A 16-year-old female was referred
from the department of orthodontics for
surgical exposure of the impacted right
maxillary canine after the extraction of f i g u r e 2 . Intraoral periapical X-ray showing f i g u r e 3 . Occlusal X-ray showing position of
the retained deciduous right upper canine. mesioangular impacted canine and retained impacted canine.
On intraoral examination, it was found deciduous tooth.

that the maxillary right permanent canine

was unerupted and all permanent first pre- exposed canine as a free gingival graft. The factors may be either localized or general-
molars had been extracted for orthodontic remainder of the flap was sutured to the ized. Generalized causes include systemic
correction (figure 1). Intraoral periapical periosteum in an apical position so that diseases, e.g. endocrinal abnormalities,
and occlusal radiographs (figures 2 and 3) flap would retain its new position until febrile diseases, and radiation exposure.
showed a labially impacted right maxillary healing, and, in spite of muscle pulling, Localized causes for impaction are, 1) tooth
canine in a mesioangular direction. Con- the suture would not come out (figure 6). size/arch length discrepancies, 2) prolong
sidering the location and other factors, an Immediately after exposure, an orthodon- retention or early loss of primary canine,
open eruption technique was planned with tic bracket was placed for retraction of the 3) abnormal position of the tooth bud, 4)
apically positioned flap surgery. A treat- canine. Medication was prescribed to the the presence of an alveolar cleft, 5) cystic or
ment plan was explained to the guardian patient. Ten days after surgery, the sutures neoplastic formation, 6) ankylosis, 7) dilac-
of the patient and consent was taken. were removed. Healing was uneventful and erations of the root, and 8) iatrogenic fac-
Medical contraindications for surgery oral hygiene instructions were given again tors or any idiopathic conditions.2 Failure
were ruled out. One crestal incision to pre- to the patient. The patient was referred of the primary canine roots to resorb cre-
serve the maximum width of attached gin- back to the orthodontic department, where ates a potential mechanical obstacle for the
giva, with two vertical incisions up to the treatment was initiated after two weeks. normal eruption of the permanent canine.
vestibule were made and a full-thickness After six months of orthodontic treat- This may be a possible causative factor for
flap was elevated (figure 4). On elevation ment, there was 5 mm of facial-attached permanent canine impaction in this case.
of the flap, only the tip of the impacted ca- gingiva with an exposed, retracted, and Assessing the position of an impacted
nine crown was visible and the remainder well-aligned canine with no evidence canine is the key to determining the feasi-
of the crown was covered by a thin plate of of soft-tissue recession (figure 7 ). bility of, and proper access for, a surgical
bone (figure 4). A round bur and a curette procedure, as well as the best direction
were used to remove a thin shell of bone Discussion for the application of orthodontic forces.
up to the cementoenamel junction (figure Disturbances in the eruption of per- The most common radiological methods
5 ). The dental follicle was also removed manent maxillary canines are common be- used in practice are the intraoral periapi-
with the help of a curette. With apical cause they develop deep within the maxilla cal radiograph (buccal object rule), and the
positioning of the flap, the area distal to and have the longest path to travel as well occlusal radiograph.3 Panoramic, poster-
the impacted canine would have healed by as development compared with any other oanterior, or lateral cephalometric radio-
secondary intention, so a small piece of tooth in the oral cavity. There are many graphs are also helpful in making a correct
flap was cut horizontally from the elevated documented etiological factors for im- diagnosis. Cone beam computed tomog-
flap and sutured at the distal area of the pacted maxillary canines.4 These etiological raphy can identify and locate the accurate

164  m a r c h 2 0 1 1
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figure 4. Reflection of flap with one crestal and two f i g u r e 5 . Exposure of the crown up to the f i g u r e 6 . Apical positioning and suturing of the flap
vertical incisions. Only the tip of the crown is visible, the cementoenamel junction by careful removal of the thin to the periosteum with closure of the distal wound with
rest of the crown is covered by bone. shell of the bone. free gingival graft.

table 1

Various Methods of Surgical Exposure of Labially Impacted Maxillary

Canine With Indications and Contraindications.4

Open Eruption Technique Closed Eruption

Gingivectomy Apically
Positioned Flap

Labiolingual position Tooth is labially Tooth is labially placed, Crown is deeper in

placed, not covered and often thin shell of alveolus
figure 7. Photographs after six months,
by bone bone is present
showing retracted canine with preservation of 5 mm of
attached gingiva..
Vertical position Canine cusp is coronal Crown cusp is apical Crown is significantly
to mucogingival to mucogingival apical to mucogingival
junction junction junction
position of impacted canines but have
limited use in routine practice because Width of attached Adequate (minimum 3 Inadequate (If
of the increased cost, time, radiation gingiva mm attached gingiva attached gingiva is
should be present expected to be less
exposure, and associated medico-legal after the procedure) than 3 mm, after
issues such as who may own and operate gingivectomy)
the machine, how broadly and narrowly
should the field be collimated, etc.5,6 Mesiodistal position Not recommended Only recommended Not recommended
of the canine if canine crown is technique if canine if canine crown is
Kokich in 2004 reported three meth- tilted mesially toward crown is tilted tilted mesially toward
ods for uncovering a labially impacted incisor mesially toward incisor
maxillary canine: gingivectomy, creating incisor
an apically positioned flap, and using
closed eruption techniques.7 He also sug-
gested four criteria for determining the area of the canine, the gingivectomy recommended. Considering all of these
correct techniques for surgically exposing technique cannot be used and the only criteria, an apically postnasal flap ap-
a labial or intra-alveolar impaction of a technique that predictably would pro- proach (APF) was planned for this case.
maxillary canine. These are: 1) the labio- duce more attached gingiva is an api- The main advantage of APF surgery
lingual position of the impacted canine cally positioned flap. If the crown is is that the keratinized gingiva is pre-
crown; 2) the vertical position of a tooth positioned mesially and over the root served, leading to minimal postopera-
relative to the mucogingival junction; 3) of the lateral incisor, it could be difficult tive complications.8 Disadvantages can
the amount of attached gingiva in the area to move the tooth through the alveolus include formation of accessory frenum,
of impacted canine; and 4) the mesiodistal unless it was completely exposed with which may cause orthodontic relapse;
position of the canine crown (table 1 ). an apically positioned flap. In this latter greater risk of recession with an un-
If there is insufficient gingiva (less situation, closed eruption or excisional even gingival margin; and considerable
than 3 mm following surgery) in the uncovering generally would not be bone removal during the procedure.

m a r c h 2 0 1 1   165
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Summary and Conclusion Therefore, clinicians should intercede 5. Elefteriadis JN, Athanasiou AE, Evaluation of impacted
canines by means of computerized tomography. Int J Adult
Although interceptive periodontal and extract the primary canine in a timely Orthodon Orthognath Surg 11(3):418-23, 1996.
plastic surgery is a successful procedure manner to prevent impaction of perma- 6. Friedland B, Medicolegal issues related to cone beam CT.
for providing long-term results, it is nent canines. But once it is impacted, Semin Orthod 15: 77-84, 2009.
7. Kokich VG, Surgical and orthodontic management of im-
influenced by the degree of impaction and a careful multidisciplinary treatment pacted maxillary canines. Am J Orth Dent Orthop 126(3):278-83,
the patient’s age during diagnosis. Early plan is required as discussed above. 2004.
diagnosis of impaction and intervention 8. Vermette ME, Kokich VG, Kennedy DB, Uncovering labially
impacted teeth: apically positioned flap and closed eruption
is the best strategy. Williams suggested references techniques. Angle Orthodont 65(1):23-32, 1995.
that extraction of the maxillary deciduous 1. Bass TB, Observations on the misplaced upper canine tooth. 9. Williams B, Diagnosis and prevention of maxillary cuspid
canine as early as 8 or 9 years of age will Dent Pract Dent Rec 18:25-33, 1967. impaction. Angle Orthod 51:30-40, 1981.
2. Bishara SE, Impacted maxillary canines: a review. Am J
enhance the eruption and self-correction Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 101:159-71, 1992.
of a labial or intra-alveolar maxillary ca- 3. Johnston WD, Treatment of palatally impacted canine teeth. to request a printed copy of this article, please contact
Am J Orthod 56:589-96, 1969. Neeraj Agrawal, BDS, MDS, at
nine impaction.9 However, the probability
4. Bedoya MM, Park JH, A review of the diagnosis and
for eruption and self-correction decreases management of impacted maxillary canines. J Am Dent Assoc
as the horizontal angulation increases. 140(12):1485-93, 2009.

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166  m a r c h 2 0 1 1
dentinal hypersensitivity
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 9 , n º 3

Management of
Dentinal Hypersensitivity:
A Review
abhishek parolia, mds; m. kundabala, mds; and mandakini mohan, mds

abstract  Dentinal hypersensitivity is a very common clinical finding that can cause
considerable concern for the patient. Clinicians must understand the various etiological
factors, their complexities, and numerous treatment options available. This article
reviews the etiology, management, and prevention of dentinal hypersensitivity.


Abhishek Parolia, M. Kundabala, mds, entin hypersensitivity has frequency of dentinal hypersensitivity
mds, is an assistant is a professor and been referred in the past by 38 percent in premolars, 26 percent in
professor, Department of head, Department of
various terminologies such incisors, 24 percent in canines and 12
Conservative Dentistry Conservative Dentistry
and Endodontics, Manipal and Endodontics, Manipal
as dentin sensitivity, cervical percent in molars.5 Dentinal hypersensi-
College of Dental College of Dental Sciences, dentin sensitivity and dentinal tivity may present on any surface, which
Sciences, Mangalore, Mangalore, Manipal hypersensitivity. Dentin hypersensitiv- includes cuspal or incisal edges, and on
Manipal University, India. University, India. ity (DH) is characterized by short, sharp lingual or palatal surfaces, but often it
pain arising from exposed dentin, in occurs on the buccal cervical margins (82
Mandakini Mohan,
MDS, is an assistant
response to stimuli typically thermal, percent), proximal surface (10 percent)
professor, Department of evaporative, chemical, tactile, or osmotic and lingual surfaces (8 percent).
Prosthodontics, Manipal that cannot be ascribed to any other
College of Dental Sciences, form of dental defect or disease.1 The Neuroanatomy of Pulp Dentin Complex
Mangalore, Manipal
prevalence appears to be fairly similar The sensory system of the pulp
University, India.
in different parts of the world, although appears to be well-suited for signal-
there are some regional differences. The ing potential damage to the tooth. The
reported prevalence of dentine hyper- pulp is richly innervated and contains
sensitivity varies from 4 to 57 percent.2-3 both A (myelinated) and C (unmyeli-
Dentin hypersensitivity often occurs nated) nerve fibers. Most of the nerve
in patients who are between 30 and 40 fibers enter the tooth through the apical
years old but it may affect the patients foramen or foramina, although a small
of any age.4 It affects women more often number may enter through accessory
than men, though the gender differ- canals. The nerves of the pulp include
ence rarely is statistically significant. primary afferent fibers that are involved
This condition may affect any tooth, in pain transmission as well as sym-
but it most often affects canines and pathetic efferent fibers that modulate
first premolars because they are promi- the microcirculation of the pulp.
nent in the arch.4 Orchadson found the These latter fibers originate in the su-

m a r c h 2 0 1 1   167
dentinal hypersensitivity
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table 1

Nerve Fibers According to Their Diameter, Conduction Velocity, and Function

Nerve Diameter Conduction Velocity Primary Function
(in micrometer) (m/s)
A-alpha 12-20 70-120 Propriocepation Nerve Endings
A-beta 5-12 30-70 Transmission of touch and No encapsulated receptors are known
pressure to exist in the pulp. Nonencapsulated
A-gamma 3-6 15-30 Motor function to spinal nerves receptors, or free nerve endings, are
A-delta 2-5 12-30 Transmission of pain, found in dental pulp. Both pain and touch
temperature and touch sensations have been ascribed to free
B 1-3 3-15 Preganglionic autonomic nerve endings. However, stimulation of
function nerve endings in the pulp gives rise only
C 0.2-2 0.5-2 Postganglionic sympathetic
to pain. The distribution of nerve termi-
pain and possibly heat, cold nals arising from the subodontoblastic
and pressure plexus in human teeth was studied and
classified in four types of nerve endings
according to where they terminated6:
perior cervical ganglion and when stimu- dent of each other. While most nerves 1. Marginal fibers do not reach as
lated, cause smooth muscle cells encircling are located in the central region of the far as the predentin and terminate as
arterioles and precapillary sphincters to pulp, some unmyelinated fibers are partially naked axons in the extracel-
con­tract, thus reducing the flow of blood situated toward the peripheral region. lular spaces of the cell-rich zone, the
through the pulp. Most of the myelinated After entering the apical foramen the cell-free zone, or the odontoblast layer.
fibers of the pulp have diam­eters ranging nerves pass upward in the radicular pulp These fibers were consistently found
from 1 to 4 micrometers. The rate at which with very little branching. Nerve axons throughout the peripheral pulp.
these fibers conduct impulses (conduc- located in the center of the radicular 2. Simple predentinal fibers ex-
tion velocity) varies from 4 to 30 meters pulp do not branch until reaching the tend to the odontoblast-predentin
per second, depending upon their size cervical or coronal pulp. Nerve termi- border or enter the pre­dentin. Some
(large fibers conduct impulses faster than nals in the root are probably derived of these fibers run straight or spi-
small fibers). Thus, these fibers fall into from small nerve bundles located in raled through a dentinal tubule along
the range of A-delta fibers. How­ever, a few the periph­eral pulp. As they pass into with an odontoblast process; oth-
larger fibers having conduction velocities the coronal pulp, nerves fan out and ers run diagonally along the odon-
as high as 48 meters per second have been branch into smaller nerve bundles. toblast-predentin border or within
reported. These are classified as A-beta As they approach the peripheral pulp, the preden­tin. Still others looped
fibers. In the pulp, the function of these individual “A fibers” within small nerve back toward the odontoblast layer.
larger fibers has yet to be elucidated. In bundles lose their myelin sheath. 3. Complex predentinal fibers arborize
the case of unmyelinated nerves, the indi- These fibers divide repeatedly and profusely within the predentin. The
vidual axons are usually less than 1 micron give off collaterals that form an exten- area innervated by one of these fibers
in diameter, and their conduction velocity sive interlacing network of nerve fibers often reached thousands of square mi­
ranges from 0.5 to 2 meters per second. known as the subodontoblastic plexus, crometers. These fibers were most often
or plexus of Raschkow. From this plexus, seen along the lateral wall of the pulp
Distribution of Neural Elements fibers extend toward the dentin. Some of chamber, especially near the cervix.
Most of the nerve fibers entering the these fibers form an end arborization of 4. Dentinal fibers pass through the
apical foramen are grouped together in delicate terminal fibers that wind verti- predentin without branching and enter
parallel bundles in the central region of cally through the odontoblast layer and the dentin through dentinal tubules.
the pulp. This connective tissue supports end in small knob-like thickening on the
the nerve fibers and blood vessels that surface of odon­toblasts. Other fibers loop Functional Characteristics of Sensory
together form a neurovascular bundle. back toward the pulp. Characteristically, Nerve Fibers of the Pulp
Not all nerve fibers entering the pulp these terminal branches show expan- Nerve fibers are classified accord-
are grouped in neurovascular bundles, sions and constrictions that give them ing to their conduction velocity and
as some nerves and vessels lay indepen- a charac­teristic beaded appearance. axon diameter and functions (table 1 ).

168  m a r c h 2 0 1 1
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Loss of enamel

Exposed dentinal tubules

Gingival recession

Prominent roots
Faulty toothbrushing
After periodontal therapy
Traumatic oral habits (excessive toothpicking)
Excessive tooth cleaning
Excessive flossing
ANUG, herpetic gingivostomatitis
Periodontal diseases
Trauma during tooth preparation
Anatomy of cementoenamel junction
(No union in between enamel and cementum)

figure 1. Etiology and predisposing factors for dentinal hypersensitivity.

Theories of Dentine Sensitivity direct communication with pulpal nerve that this fluid movement through dentin
fibers. While this theory has been support- excited mechanoreceptors nerves near the
Odontoblastic Transduction Theory ed by the observation of the presence of pulp. A corollary to this theory is that any-
According to this theory, odontoblastic unmyelinated nerve fibers in the outer lay- thing that interferes with fluid movement
processes are exposed on dentinal surface er of root dentin and the presence of neu- through dentinal tubules, or which lowers
and can be excited by a variety of chemi- rogenic peptides, it is still considered theo- nerve excitability, would decrease dentin
cal and mechanical stimuli. As a result of retical with little evidence to support it.7 sensitivity. In general, the excitement of
such stimulation, neurotransmitters are nerve fibers by different stimuli can be
released and impulses are transmitted Hydrodynamic Theory explained by the hydrodynamic theory.
toward the nerve endings. To date, no neu- The most accepted theory put forth by
rotransmitters have been found to be pro- Brannstrom and Astrom proposes that the Alternative Mechanism (Modified
duced or released by odontoblastic process. stimuli (temperature, physical, or osmotic Hydrodynamic Theory)
changes) cause a displacement of the fluid Several investigators have used a neuro-
Neural Theory that exists within the dentinal tubules physiological model to evaluate dentin hy-
This concept advocates that thermal (either in the inward or the outward direc- persensitivity. The results from these stud-
or mechanical stimuli directly affect nerve tion) and this mechanical disturbance ac- ies suggest that the application of various
endings within the dentinal tubule through tivates the nerve endings.8 They reasoned chemical solutions in particular potassium-

m a r c h 2 0 1 1   169
dentinal hypersensitivity
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Subjective assessment
Verbal rating scale
Visual analog scale
McGill pain questionnaire
Verbal descriptive checklist which is sealed peripherally by enamel
Tactile method or cementum, is not sensitive to osmotic
Thermal test
or tactile stimuli. However, the degree of
thermal sensitivity increases when dentin
Electric stimuli
becomes exposed. Exposure of dentine may
Osmotic stimuli
occur by loss of either enamel or peri-
Chemical stimuli odontal tissues, the latter of which is often
termed gingival recession11-13 (figure 1).

Bleaching as a Cause14
Increase rate of Dental bleaching has been reported to
dentinal fluid cause a number of side effects, including
tooth sensitivity, gingival irritation, tooth
pain, tingling of the tissues, and a sore
throat. Tooth sensitivity and gingival irrita-
tion are the most frequently reported com-
plaints. The hypersensitivity that occurs in
association with bleaching has been attrib-
uted to patient factors, length of exposure
Stimulation of to the bleaching agent, the concentration
Pulp nerve endings of the bleaching agent, pH of the whitening
solution, and tray factors. Patients, especial-
ly those who already have exposed dentin
figure 2. Etiology and predisposing factors for dentinal hypersensitivity.
or already have some type of hypersensitiv-
ity or those with larger pulps, should be
containing compounds to dentin resulted in of stimulus transmission across dentin warned that they may have a greater risk of
raising the intratubular potassium content appears to be an attractive alternative hypersensitivity secondary to bleaching.
that in turn rendered the interdental nerves to the hydrodynamic theory, this hy-
less excitable to further stimuli by depolar- pothesis requires further investigation. Measurement of Dentinal Pain
izing the nerves fibers of the membrane. Most methods for studying dentinal
Based on these studies, Kim pro- Etiology and Predisposing Factors of sensitivity use thermal, mechanical, os-
posed an alternative mechanism namely Dentinal Hypersensitivity motic, evaporative or electrical stimuli, all
depolarization of the dentin by blocking By virtue of its relation with the pulp, of which can elicit dental pain. However,
nerve activity (direct ionic diffusion).9 This dentine is naturally sensitive, but for this not all of these are equally suitable or
hypothesis was, however, criticized by sensitivity to manifest clinically, the den- sufficiently quantifiable for use in clinical
Sena who showed that Kim’s experiment tine must be exposed which can influence assessments. Ideally, the stimuli chosen
was based on deep-cut cavity prepara- its sensitivity. Dentine freshly exposed by for evaluation ought to be measurable and
tions with only a very thin slice of dentin cutting or root planing may not be particu- reproducible, but should also be clinically
between the exposed dentin surface and larly sensitive because of the presence of relevant and take account of the pain
the pulp.10 In consequence, potassium a smear layer.11 In hypersensitive dentine, experience of the individual (figure 2 ).
ions would have to overcome the opposing the smear layer is generally absent and the The requirements of methods
pulpal pressure that produces an outward tubules are patent. Two processes need used to evaluate sensitivity are:
flow of dentinal fluid. Such an outward to occur for dentine hypersensitivity to n  It should be quantifiable and
flow can prevent the inward diffusion of arise: the dentine has to become exposed reproducible;
substances from the oral cavity. While and the dentine tubule system has to be n  It should elicit dentinal pain rather
the alternative or modified hypothesis opened and be patent to the pulp. Dentin, than pulpal pain; and

170  m a r c h 2 0 1 1
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n  When more than one stimulus is Drawbacks of Tactile Method temperature would be easily measured.16
used there should not be any interference n  Testing and measuring tactile The apparatus consists of a miniature
with each other. sensitivity levels are dependent on the thermistor connected to a medical multi-
In practice, dentine sensitivity can patience and expertise of the investiga- channel recorder with a hand-held device to
be measured either as pain thresholds tor. The person should develop a feel register pain. When agents affecting tooth
to graded stimuli or by using one of the for applying tactile pressure to exposed sensitivity are assessed by this method, im-
various forms of subjective rating scales. dentin areas regardless of the device. provements are measured in centigrade and
Traditionally, dentin hypersensitivity n  Care must be exercised that the are expressed as percentage improvements.
has been evaluated mainly subjectively force is applied gradually and the force The tactile stimuli are usually applied
on the basis of the individual patient’s should not go beyond the point at which before the thermal stimuli if the two are
subjective response, for example, in the the subject actually perceives sensitivity. used in the same subject, since some time
form of verbal rating and visual ana- n  The total area of exposed dentin site is required for the test tooth to return to
logue scales. Furthermore, the subjective may not be sensitive. Only specific spots baseline and some adaptation to incremen-
nature of the response and variability tal temperature changes may take place.
in patient ability to express a given Thermal stimuli are effective hy-
response may also complicate the as- the tactile stimuli drodynamic stimuli because of the
sessment. Currently, no single method are usually applied differences in the thermal conductivity
of eliciting and assessing dentin hyper- and coefficients of expansion or con-
sensitivity may be considered ideal. before the thermal traction of pulpal/dentinal fluids and
stimuli if the two are used their containers: enamel and dentin.
Tactile Method Application of cold causes a more rapid
Different methods of applying tactile in the same subject. volumetric contraction of dentinal fluid
stimuli include scratching the dentin than occurs in dentin. This mismatch
surface with a sharp probe, scaling proce- of volumetric changes produces nega-
dures, mechanical pressure stimulators, may have to be swept in the suspected tive intrapulpal pressure that displaces
and, more recently, the Yeaple probe has area until the sensitive spot is found. mechano-reception and causes pain.
been used. The simplest tactile method
used to test for hypersensitivity is to Thermal Test Electrical Stimuli
lightly pass a sharp explorer over the A simple thermal method for testing The use of electrical stimuli to
sensitive area of a tooth cementoenamel is directing a burst of air at room temper- quantitate the degree of dentin hyper-
junction and to grade the response of the ature from a dental syringe onto the test sensitivity has been criticized on several
patient on a severity scale of 0-3. tooth. Generally, room air is cooler than grounds as being nonphysiologic. It
0: No pain felt teeth, and cooling by this means is easily only evaluates the presence or absence
1: Slight pain or discomfort detected as pain if the tooth is sensitive. of nerve vitality rather than degree of
2: Severe pain Air stimulation has been standardized sensitivity. Electrical stimuli differ from
3: Severe pain that lasts in a number of studies as a one-second most other dentinal stimuli in that they
Another tactile method is a hand-held blast from the air syringe of a dental unit, bypass the normal receptor mechanisms
scratch device developed by Kleinberg where its temperature is set generally be- and excite nerves directly in the pulp.
that consists of torsion gauge and a sharp tween 65- and 70-degrees Fahrenheit and
explorer-like probe that can be passed a pressure of 60 psi. The air is directed at Osmotic Stimuli
easily across a sensitive tooth.15 It has an right angles to test surface with adja- Osmotic stimuli is done by preparing
indicator that is displaced by the arm of cent teeth usually isolated by operator’s fresh, saturated solution of sucrose and
an explorer tine that records the force of fingers. Response is assessed from 0-3. allowing it to reach room temperature.
displacement in centi-Newton. A tooth Thrash, Deumen, and Smith used a The solution is applied to root surfaces
that fails to respond to a force of 80 centi- miniature thermistor that is connected to after isolation and retained in place for
Newtons is classified as nonsensitive. a multichannel recorder and found that the 10 seconds or until discomfort is per-

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Stimulating factors step i Frequency of each episode

Ensure the correct diagnosis of

Number and location of sensitive teeth Duration of each episode
dentine hypersensitivity based
History and nature of pain on patient’s history Intensity of pain

Check for dentinal exposure step ii Check for leaky restorations

Check for occlusal disharmony Apply gentle flow of air

Radiographic examination Check for stimulating factor

Clinical examination
Check for periodontal health Do percussion test

Do bite test Do tactile examination

Occlusal discrepancy step iii Leaky restorations

Abscessed or nonvital tooth Cracked tooth

Due to pulpal changes Dental caries

Always consider a
Medication sensitivity different diagnosis Palatogingival groove

Galvanic pain Genetic sensitivity

Bleaching Baradontalgia

Change in oral hygiene aid step iv Recent restorations

Treat any secondary condition

Change in oral hygiene regimen Change in diet
that induces symptoms similar to
Patient on home bleaching dentine hypersensitivity Periodontal treatment

step v
Remove or modify identified
etiological or predisposing factors
Recommend or provide treatments
appropriate to the individual needs

figure 3. Dianosis and management of dentinal hypersensitivity.

172  m a r c h 2 0 1 1
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ceived. The sensation is rated as pain n  The mathematical interpretation of Management of Dentinal Hypersensitivity
or no pain, which then is correlated to the scoring system is also challenging, in There are various treatment op-
reading 1 or 0. The osmotic challenge is that the scores are then analyzed as these tions available to manage dentinal
stopped by rinsing with warm water.17 numbers reflected true quantitative differ- hypersensitivity. Thorough diagno-
ences in pain, rather than simple qualita- sis and proper treatment planning
Chemical Stimuli tive differences. are the essential keys to treat den-
Chemical stimuli, for example, sodium tinal hypersensitivity (figure 3 ).
chloride, glucose, sucrose, and calcium Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Requirements for an ideal therapy:
chloride have been used to elicit dentin A visual analogue scale is a line usu- n  Relatively painless on application
hypersensitivity. The stimulus is not ally 10 cm in length, the extremes of the n  Easily applied
conducive to threshold measurement line representing the limits of pain a n  Rapid in its action
because repeated application of chemical subject might experience during a dentin n  Permanently effective
stimulus reduces sensitivity of exposed hypersensitivity episode. One end could n  Not discolor tooth structure
dentin. Problems such as inconvenience be labeled “no discomfort” or “no pain” n  Be cost effective
or difficulty in administering and control- whereas the other end could be labeled
ling the stimulus and possible injury to “severe discomfort” or “severe pain.” Prevention of Dentine Hypersensitivity
the adjacent soft tissues are the draw- Patients are asked to place a mark on a
backs of the chemical stimulus to be used 10 cm line that indicates the intensity of Suggestions for Patients
as a practical method of assessment of their current level of sensitivity or dis- n  Maintain good oral hygiene.
hypersensitivity in chemical studies.15 comfort following application of the test n  Avoid using large amounts of
stimuli. When VAS is properly explained dentifrice.
Subjective Assessment to subjects, they can easily understand n  Avoid hard-bristled toothbrushes
The subject’s quantitative assessment its use and successfully use it to indicate without end-rounded bristles.
of their own overall perception of hyper- their level of pain response to hypersen- n  Avoid brushing teeth immediately
sensitivity pain has been used in clinical sitive stimuli. The VAS is a more appro- following ingestion of acidic food or
studies. Patients were asked to rate their priate device than VRS for measuring beverages.
own perception of overall sensitivity to levels of sensitivity pain during subject n  Avoid overbrushing with excessive
hot/cold food and drink, air, toothbrush- assessment and for measuring tactile pressure for prolonged periods of time.
ing and sweet and sour food as expe- and thermal stimuli of hypersensitivity. n  Avoid excessive flossing or
rienced during everyday routine. They incorrect use of other interproximal
reported using either verbal rating scale McGill Pain Questionnaire cleaning devices.
or visual analogue scale. It is used to evaluate a variety of pain- n  Avoid “pecking” at the gums or
ful dental conditions including dentine using toothpicks inappropriately.
Verbal Rating Scale (VRS) sensitivity. The patient is shown 20 sets
The typical VRS to assess pain may of words and then asked to select a word Suggestions for Professionals
look like the following: from each set which best describes present n  Avoid overinstrumentation of root
0: No pain felt pain experience. Each set contains up to surfaces during calculus removal and
1: Slight pain or discomfort six words in descending order of severity. scaling and root planing.
2: Severe pain n  Avoid overpolishing the exposed
3: Severe pain that lasts Verbal Descriptor Checklist roots during stain removal.
A verbal descriptor checklist al- n  Avoid violating the biologic width
Drawbacks lows quantitative assessment of both when placing crown margins causing
n  The VRS offers a restrictive choice the sensory and affective dimensions subsequent recession.
of words that may not represent the pain of pain using a continuum across dif- n  Avoid “burning” the gingival tissue
experience with significant precision in all ferent pain condition instead of words during in-office tooth whitening or
the patients. intended to distinguish conditions. bleaching procedures.

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table 2

Types of Desensitizing Agents Based on Their Mode of Action

Mode of Action Agents
Anti-inflammatory Corticosteroids

Nerve desensitization Potassium nitrate toothpaste containing sodium fluoride

Protein precipitants Formaldehyde and calcium phosphates helps in the
Glutarldehyde reduction of dentinal hypersensitivity.18
Silver nitrate (28% ammonical silver nitrate)
Zinc chloride Strontium Salts
Strontium chloride Dentifrices containing 10 percent
Tubule occluding agents Calcium hydroxide strontium chloride hexahydrate as the
Dibasic calcium phosphate desensitizing agent have been widely
Ferric oxalates (6%) available for three decades. Zappa exam-
Dipotassium oxalate (30%) ined the effect of toothpastes containing
Monohydogen-monopotassium oxalate (3%)
Sodium fluorides (2%) strontium salts, either as the chloride
Stannous fluoride (4%) or the acetate, on patients with dentine
Sodium monofluorophosphate (0.76%) hypersensitivity and found it to be very
Strontium chloride effective in reducing dentinal hypersen-
Tubule sealants Varnish sitivity.19 It acts as a protein precipitant
Dental resin and adhesives and tubule occluding agent. Strontium
Glass ionomer cements penetrates into the dentinal depth of
20 micrometer and extends into the
Miscellaneous LASER
Soft-tissue grafts dentinal tubule. Strontium deposits are
Propolis produced by an exchange with calcium in
Acupuncture and hypnosis the dentin resulting in recrystalization in
the form of strontium apatite complex.

Potential Treatment Modalities for At-Home Treatments Potassium Salts

Dentine Hypersensitivity A wide range of commercial prod- Potassium salts are now the most
ucts is available for self-treatment. commonly used agents incorporated into
Nature’s Way of Desensitizing The products include agents such toothpastes and mouthwashes for the self-
Hypersensitive Dentin as potassium salts, strontium salts, applied treatment of dentine hypersensitiv-
n  Formation of reparative dentin that and fluoride salts in toothpaste, ity. On an overall basis, the clinical evidence
seals the dentinal tubule to an extent mouthwash, and gel formulations. supports the efficacy of 5 percent potassi-
n  Deposition of mineral tubules um nitrate dentifrice for the alleviation for
during formation of sclerotic dentin that Desensitizing Toothpastes/Dentifrices the pain of tooth hypersensitivity. Studies
obliterates the lumen Toothpastes are the most widely used on toothpastes reported by a number of au-
n  Salt present in saliva also helps in dentifrices for delivering over-the-coun- thors demonstrated a significant benefit for
occlusion of dentinal tubule ter desensitizing agents (table 3 ). The the tooth paste containing a potassium salt
n  Acquired pellicle and calculus first desensitizing toothpastes to appear compared with the control toothpaste.20-26
formation also participate in natural on the market claimed either to occlude
desensitization dentinal tubules (those that contained Proposed Mechanism of Action
Desensitizing agents: There are vari- strontium salts and fluorides) or destroy n  Alteration of nerve potential. Potassi-
ous types of desensitizing agents avail- vital elements within the tubules (those um ions are thought to diffuse along den-
able, which can be classified according that contained formaldehyde). Now, tinal tubules and decrease the excitability
to their mode of action (table 2 ). most desensitizing toothpastes contain a of intradental nerves by altering their
Other classifications: potassium salt such as potassium nitrate, membrane potential. Potassium ions into
n  Home used desensitizing agents potassium chloride, or potassium citrate. the pulp prevent repolarization of nerves
n  In-office treatment agents A study reported that a remineralizing after initial depolarization. This depolar-

174  m a r c h 2 0 1 1
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table 3

Commercially Available Desensitizing Toothpastes With Their Composition

Trade Names of Desensitizing Toothpaste Composition
Sensodyne F a) Potassium nitrate 5% w/w
b) Sodium monofluorophosphate 0.8% w/w Silver Nitrate
Twenty-eight percent ammonical
Sensodyne Strontium chloride hexahydrate 10% w/w
silver nitrate causes protein precipitation
Senquel F a) Potassium nitrate BP 5% w/w within the tubules to decrease hypersen-
b) Sodium monofluorophosphate 0.7% w/w sitivity. But the use of silver nitrate may
Sensodent K 5% Potassium nitrate turn the tooth surface black and poten-
Nitra Gel tially harm the pulp and gingival tissues.
a) Potassium nitrate BP 5% w/w
b) Sodium monofluorophosphate 0.6% w/w
Zinc Chloride
Thermoseal Strontium chloride hexahydrate 10% w/w Gottlieb developed the zinc chloride
Colgate sensitive a) Potassium nitrate BP 5% w/w potassium ferrocyanide impregnation
b) Sodium fluoride BP 0.22% w/w method for desensitizing root surfaces and
Sensoform Strontium chloride 10% w /w cavities.32 In this procedure, a 40 percent
solution of aqueous zinc chloride was
Potassium nitrate
rubbed into the surfaces of sensitive teeth
Thermoseal RA (Rapid Action) a) Potassium nitrate BP 5% w/w and allowed to remain for one minute. Sub-
b) Sodium monofIuorophosphate 0.7% w/w sequently, a 20 percent aqueous solution
Sensodent KF a) Potassium nitrate BP 5% w/w of potassium ferro cyanide was vigorously
b) Sodium monofIuorophosphate 0.7% w/w rubbed onto the dentin surface until an
orange, curdy precipitate formed. Scanning
the electron micrograph of this precipi-
ized state decreases pain perception.27,28 Anti-inflammatory Agents tate revealed a highly crystalline deposit
n  Protein precipitation. Potassium covering the dentin surface. As most of the
brings about precipitation of pro- Corticosteroids crystals were too large to enter the tubules,
tein within the dentinal tubules. Corticosteroids have been used topically it is doubtful whether this method would
n  Tubule occlusion. Potassium ions for their anti-inflammatory effects, but are provide a more efficient means of desen-
block dentinal tubules by the forma- not particularly effective. Lawson and Huff sitizing dentin than burnishing alone.
tion of potassium precipitates. found that paramethasone had a significant
There have been various formulations desensitizing action.29 Steroid application Tubule Occluding Agents
tried with potassium salts to get synergis- on dentin increases peri-tubular dentin
tic effects. A product containing 5 percent mineralization thereby decreasing the Burnishing of Dentin
potassium nitrate and 0.454 percent diameter of dentinal tubule and reduces tu- The burnishing of dentin with a
stannous fluoride in a silica base produced bule fluid movement, but the exact mecha- toothpick or orangewood stick results
significantly greater reduction in dentinal nism is not known and the validity of in the formation of a smear layer that
hypersensitivity than a toothpaste con- steroid application has been questioned.30 partially occludes the dentinal tubules.
taining 5 percent potassium nitrate and The burnishing of glycerin and sodium
0.243 percent sodium fluoride in a silica Protein Precipitants fluoride with an orangewood stick helps in
base, or than an alternative formulation the reduction of dentinal hypersensitivity.
containing 5 percent potassium nitrate Formaldehyde and Glutaraldehyde
and 0.76 percent sodium monofluorophos- These agents precipitate salivary Calcium Compounds
phate in a dicalcium phosphate base.23 proteins in dentinal tubules and helps
in reducing dentinal sensitivity. How- Calcium Hydroxide
In-Office Treatments ever, this effect has been questioned Calcium hydroxide can be used to treat
Dental professionals can deliver a since various formulations have hypersensitive dentine. The exact mecha-
wider range of more complex and more been found to have little or no ef- nism of action is unknown but evidence
potent desensitizing treatment. fect on dentinal hypersensitivity.31 suggests that it may block dentinal tubules

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2% sodium fluoride is used

Placement of negative electrode to dentin and positive electrode to patient’s face or arm
Isolate the tooth with cotton rolls
odontoblastic process or alteration of
G sensory mechanism of pain conduction
Current is applied by the use of an adapted plastic tip around the tooth n  Tubule occlusion by fluoride crystals

Fluoride is negatively charged and applied on negatively charged electrode disadvantages
G n  Expensive
Current is adjusted until the patient feels some sensation n  Difficult
to use
G n  Time consuming
Procedure is repeated at 7 days n  Operator sensitive

figure 4. Procedure of fluoride iontophoresis. Tubule Sealants

Cavity Varnish
or promote peritubular dentin formation. Sodium fluoride blocks dentinal Dentin becomes insensitive when
Calcium hydroxide might be capable of tubules by fluoride precipitation.36 open tubules are covered with a thin film
suppressing nerve activity because of an Stannous fluoride causes calcific of varnish. The use of 5 percent sodium
increase in the concentration of calcium barrier on dentinal tubules. fluoride (NaF) in a thick varnish as a
ions around nerve fibers, which can Sodium monofluorophosphate dentine desensitizer has been reported
result in decreased nerve excitability.33 interacts with hydroxyapatite crystals and to be an effective means of provid-
forms a barrier on dentinal tubules. ing temporary relief. The varnish does
Disadvantages temporarily occlude dentinal tubules but
n  One of the disadvantages is the action Fluoride Iontophoresis the material is readily lost over time.38,39
is not very prolonged and excess calcium Iontophoresis is the use of an elec-
hydroxide may irritate gingival tissue. trical potential to transfer ions into Adhesive Resin Primers
the body for therapeutic purposes. The use of adhesive resin primer
Oxalates The main objective of fluoride ionto- products has been shown to decrease
Oxalate-containing products are a phoresis is to drive fluoride ions deep dentine permeability for many years.40,41
popular agent for treating dentinal hyper- into dentinal tubules37 (figure 4). The treated surface becomes covered
sensitivity. Ferric oxalates and potassium with a layer of polymer about 5-10
oxalates along with calcium ions in the Iontophoresis Requires µm thick and some primitive resin
dentinal fluid form insoluble calcium n  A charged drug be delivered through tags are formed within open tubules.
oxalate and occlude dentinal tubules.34 the electrode of the same polarity; The long-term effectiveness of this
n  The condition or disease under resin product may be limited by the
advantages treatment be delivered at the electrode inability of the resin tags to bond to
n  Easy to apply of the same polarity; the walls of the peritubular dentine
n  Inexpensive n  The condition or disease under matrix lining most dentinal tubules.
n  Well-tolerated by the patients treatment be at or near the surface; and
n  A modern, sophisticated source of Glass Ionomer Cements
disadvantage direct current, with appropriate means of One of the first clinical evalua-
n  Ferricoxalate forms black precipi- application, be used. tions of the use of glass ionomers
tate so it has been replaced by aluminum for the treatment of hypersensitive
oxalate. Hypothesis to Explain the Mechanism dentine in cervical abrasion lesions
of Iontophoresis was reported by Low in 1981 and re-
Fluoride Compounds n  Induction of secondary dentin ported complete loss of hypersensitiv-
Lukomsky was the first to propose formation ity in 89.7 percent of all patients.42
sodium fluoride as a desensitizing agent.35 n  Induction of paresthesia on

176  m a r c h 2 0 1 1
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Recent Advances used in the treatment of dentinal hyper- Conclusion

sensitivity and found to be effective.48-50 Clinicians should identify the etiological
Laser factors responsible for localizing and
A rationale for laser-induced reduc- Topical Guanethidine initiating hypersensitive lesions. Detailed
tion in dentinal hypersensitivity is based The topical application of 1 percent history, accurate diagnosis and sound
on two possible mechanisms. The first guanethidine on dentin has found to be treatment planning are a must to manage
mechanism implies the direct effect of laser effective to reduce dentinal hypersen- dentinal hypersensitivity. Active manage-
irradiation on the electric activity of nerve stivity but further clinical research is ment of dentinal hypersensitivity usually
fibers within the dental pulp, whereas the needed to know the exact mechanism.51 involves a combination of at-home and
second involves modification of the tubular in-office therapies. In practice, professionals
structure of the dentin by melting and fus- Bioglass should adopt the regimen depending on the
ing of the hard tissue or smear layer, and It is a biocompatible material with perceived severity of the condition and the
subsequent sealing of the dentinal tubules. osteogenic potential. Gillam DG demon- number of teeth involved.
The lasers used for treatment may be strated that bioglass could occlude den-
divided into two groups: low output pow- tinal tubules claiming that calcium and references
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Dent 9(2):57-60, 1996. 4XHVWLRQ
41. Suda R, Andohy SM, et al, Clinical evaluation of the , UHFHQWO\ ERXJKW D SUDFWLFH ZKHUH WKH VHOOLQJ
sedative effect of HEMA solution on the hypersensitivity of GRFWRU FXW WKH ´FRSD\PHQWµ IRU PDQ\ RI WKH
dentin. Dent Mater J 9(2):163-6, 1990.
42. Low T, Effect of glass ionomer on dentine sensitivity. J 7LPRWK\**LURX[ SDWLHQWV :KDW DUH P\ LVVXHV DV WKH EX\HU LQ WKLV
Oral Rehab 8(1):81-9, 1981. ''6%URNHU VLWXDWLRQ"
43. Renton-Harper P, Midda M, Nd:YAG laser treatment of
44. Lan WH, Liu HC, Lin CP, The combined occluding effect
of sodium fluoride varnish and Nd:YAG laser irradiation on
human dentinal tubules. J Endod 25:424-6, 1999.
45. Moritz A, Schoop U, et al, Long-term effects of CO2 laser QRW LQIRUP WKH LQVXUDQFH FRPSDQ\ WKDW WKH\ H[WHQGHG WKDW GLVFRXQW &XWWLQJ FRSD\
46. Ciaramicoli MT, Carvalho RC, Eduardo CP, Treatment of
aluminum-garnet laser. Clinical evaluation. Lasers Surg Med SUDFWLFH ³ZDLYHV FRSD\´ RQ DODUJHVFDOH E\ VLPSO\ ORRNLQJ DWWKH EDVLF ILQDQFLDOV
50:2502-6, 2002.
48. Mahmoud A, Almas K, Dahlan A, The effect of propolis on
female subjects with dentinal hypersensitivity J Dent Res
49. Mahmoud AS, Almas K, Dahlan A, The effect of propolis
on dentinal hypersensitivity and level of satisfaction among
patients from a university hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
of propolis and saline application on human dentin: an SEM SKLORVRSKLHVRIWKHQHZEX\HU
study. J Dent Res 79:1281-4, 2000.
51. Dunne SM, Hannington-Kiff JG, The use of topical guanethi-
dine in the relief of dentine hypersensitivity: a controlled GHQWLVWVWRVLPSO\³DFFHSWZKDWWKHLQVXUDQFHSD\V´2QHVKRXOGDOZD\VFRQVXOWWKHLU
dentifrice on dentine sensitivity: a SEM investigation. J Oral WKDW GR 127 HQWHU LQWR WKH 332 FRQWUDFWV EXW WKHQ DGYHUWLVH WKDW WKH\ ZLOO DFFHSW
53. Lee BS, Chang CW, et al, In vitro study of dentin hyper-
sensitivity treated by Nd:YAP laser and bioglass. Dent Mater
54. Giniger M, Spaid M, et al, A 180-day clinical investigation of GHQWDOFDUH
the tooth whitening efficacy of a bleaching gel with added amor-
phous calcium phosphate. J Am Dent Assoc 136(3):383-92, 2005.
55. Azarpazhooh A, Limeback H, Clinical efficacy of casein
derivatives: a systematic review of the literature. J Am Dent PDLQWDLQ WKHLU FRVW FRQWDLQPHQW E\ UHGXFLQJ WKHLU IHH VFKHGXOH XVXDOO\ SD\LQJ OHVV
56. Miller PD Jr., Using periodontal plastic surgery techniques. 332¶V IURP P\ SUDFWLFH  'HQWLVWV VKRXOG EH IUHH WR DFFHSW DQGQHJRWLDWH ZKDWHYHU
to request a printed copy of this article, please contact
Abhishek Parolia, MDS, at Timothy G. Giroux, DDS is currently the Owner & Broker at Western Practice Sales
( and a member of the nationally recognized dental organization,
ADS Transitions. You may contact Dr Giroux at: or 800.641.4179

m a r c h 2 0 1 1   179
acne vulgaris
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 9 , n º 3

Radiographic Findings
in Acne Calcification:
A Case Report
gurminder sidhu, bds, dds, ms; jaswinder sandhu, bds;
and william carpenter, dds, ms

abstract  The authors present a case report of a 52-year-old Hispanic female who
presented for a routine dental exam at the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry in
San Francisco. Incidental findings of multiple, calcified acne vulgaris lesions were noted
in the soft tissues of the cheek that were viewed in the periapical radiographs. The
findings were confirmed by a clinical evaluation of the patient’s skin and past history.


Gurminder Sidhu, bds, Jaswinder Sandhu, bds, cne vulgaris (AV) is a disease of The authors report on one such case
dds, ms, is director of the is a visiting researcher, adolescence and early adult- detected by full-mouth radiographs.
radiology division at the Department of Dental
hood and only occasionally
Department of Dental Practice, Arthur A. Dugoni
Practice, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry in
persists into adult life, more Case Report
School of Dentistry in San Francisco. commonly in females. AV A 52-year-old Hispanic female pre-
San Francisco. chiefly affects the face, upper back, and sented to the Arthur A. Dugoni School of
William Carpenter, chest and produces two types of lesions: Dentistry in San Francisco for a routine
dds, msc, is chairman,
comedones and inflammatory lesions. AV dental exam. The patient had a positive
Department of Pathology
and Medicine, Arthur
is a multifactorial condition initially requir- medical history for arthritis and severe
A. Dugoni School ing sex hormone release in the activation AV as an adolescent. She had no other sig-
of Dentistry in San of the sebaceous glands. Three major nificant medical conditions. A full-mouth
Francisco. factors are concerned with the develop- series of radiographs were made for the
ment of this condition: androgens, sebum, initial clinical examination. The poste-
and a bacterium, propionibacterium rior periapicals and bitewings, bilaterally
acne. The inflammation in acne lesions is revealed multiple, small, circumscribed
derived from the breakdown products of radiopacities superimposed over the
sebaceous lipids from the byproducts of soft tissue of the cheeks (figures 1-3 ).
the P. acnes organisms and also by various No external swelling or change
immunological mechanisms produced in the color of the skin was noted. A
against these organisms. Occasionally, pitted appearance of the superficial
these chronic inflammatory conditions skin, with scarring, was noted in the
can undergo dystrophic calcification. cheek, nose, and chin area (figure 4 ).

180  m a r c h 2 0 1 1
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 9 , n º 3

figure 2. Bitewing radiograph of the right premolar area. figure 3. Bitewing radiograph of the left premolar area.
figure 1. Periapical radiograph of the maxillary right
premolar area.

figure 4a. figure 4b.

figure 4a and b. Right and left facial skin, respectively, with magnification revealing scarring and pitting as a result of severe acne vulgaris.

The differential diagnosis of super- it rarely becomes inflamed. The black

imposed soft-tissue radiopacities also color is due to melanin pigmentation.
included phleboliths, sialoliths, osteoma 2. The clinical “whitehead” is a closed
mucosae, myositis ossificans, calcinosis comedo with only a microscopic open-
cutis, and artifacts, e.g., fixer spots. ing, which prevents the contents from
escaping. The rupture of the walls of the
Discussion closed comedo sets off an inflamma-
AV is a skin disease caused by tory process and leads to the liberation
changes in the pilosebaceous units (a of lipoid tissue into the surrounding
skin structure consisting of a hair fol- dermis, with a resultant foreign body
licle and its associated sebaceous gland). reaction. This deep inflammatory lesion
This lesion begins with an increase in is often infected with P. acnes, an acid-
the size of the sebaceous glands and producing organism.1-4 These inflamma- f i g u r e 5 a . Closed comedo. Epidermis-intrafollicular
pustule. (5 b . ) Dermis-dilated blood vessels
intrafollicular hyperkeratosis. The fact tory acne lesions can appear as papules, (telangiectasia) with perivascular inflammation. (5c. )
that it starts in this region (the excre- pustules, nodules, or cysts (figure 5 ). Granulomatous reaction to contents of ruptured
tory ducts) suggests that the sebaceous During healing, two basic pro- pilosebaceous unit.

gland initiates the hyperkeratosis. cesses take place. Healing by fibrous

Noninflamed acne lesions appear as: tissue may lead to hypertrophic scar-
1. The clinical “blackhead” is an ring. In addition, the epidermis from
open comedo. The mouth of the come- the remaining follicular walls of the
dones is dilated, which enables the comedo constantly sends out sheaths of
contents to escape to the surface and epithelium, which tend to encapsulate

m a r c h 2 0 1 1   181
acne vulgaris
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 9 , n º 3

any inflammatory mass. It is possible no clinically obvious lesions. There is Conclusion

that in time, this inflammatory mass no correlation between the severity of The authors have presented a case
or the deep inflammatory lesion, which AV scarring and the presence of calci- report of a patient with severe AV as an
was infected with P. acnes may become fication. Calcium deposit in the skin is adolescent. This condition underwent
inspissated or thickened by evapora- traditionally divided into four broad calcification as was detected in periapi-
tion or absorption of fluid. This makes categories: metastatic, dystrophic, cal radiographs. Dentists should be
it possible for the tissue in the region iatrogenic, and idiopathic. Calcifica- aware of this phenomenon, which they
to become more compact or dense and, tion in AV is considered an inflamma- may visualize on their radiographic
hypertrophic scarring and the creation tory dystrophic calcification.8,9 examination.
of necrotic or degenerated tissue, According to Basler et al., deposition
which occurs during healing, provide of calcium may vary between calcification references
1. Lever WF, Histopathology of the skin, ninth ed., Philadelphia,
an ideal region for the formation of without ossification and true heterotrophic pages 469-71, 2005.
dystrophic cutaneous calcifications.2-4 bone formation.5 The clinically identifiable 2. Marks JG, Miller JJ, Lookingbill and Marks’ principles of
These calcifications can be observed form of calcium deposition in long-stand- dermatology, fourth ed., pages 189-94, 2006.
3. Strauss JS, Kligman AM, The pathologic dynamics of acne
radiographically and may be present ing AV has been described in numerous vulgaris. Arch Dermatol Syph 82(5):779-90,1960.
in as many as half of all cases of severe reports as representing true metaplastic 4. Ennis LR, Roentgenograhic appearance of calcified acne
long-standing AV.5-6 Postacne calcifica- ossification.10,11 Cutaneous ossification may lesions. J Am Dent Assoc 68(3): 351-7, 1964.
5. Basler RS, Walers JH, Taylor WB, Calcifying acne lesions. Int
tion was first reported by Hopkins in be primary or secondary. Primary ossifica- J Dermatol 16:755-8, 1977.
1928 and later was supported by several tion occurs when there is no preceding 6. Ratnavel RC, Burrows NP, Pye RJ, Osteoma cutis as a
other reports. Leider found radiographic cutaneous lesion. Secondary (metaplastic) sequela of acne. J R Soc Med 87:107-8, 1994.
7. Leider M, Osteoma cutis as a result of severe acne of long
evidence of opaque deposits in four of six ossification occurs within pre-existing duration. Arch Dermatol Syph 62:405-7, 1950.
patients with severe AV of long duration.7 cutaneous lesions e.g., long-standing 8. Barnhill RL, Crowson AN, Textbook of dermatology, second
Leider and Basler et al. examined acne.12,13 Leider suggested that all cases of ed., pages 400-2, 2004.
9. Basler RS, Taylor WB, Peacor DR, Post-acne osteoma cutis:
soft-tissue radiographs of 20 patients calcification might represent a metaplastic x-ray diffraction analysis. Arch Dermatol 110:113-4, 1974.
with long-standing AV and found process secondary to the traumatic rigors 10. Leider M, Osteoma cutis. Arch Dermatol Syph 61:329-30,
opaque densities in 50 percent to 60 to which the facial skin is exposed.11 No 1950.
11. Leider M, Osteoma cutis, report of case. Arch Dermatol
percent of these cases.5,7 Several pa- histopathological evaluation in this case Syph 58:168-76, August 1948.
tients had firm papules but most had was performed to resolve this issue. 12. Thielen AM, Stucki L, et al, Multiple cutaneous osteomas
of the face associated with chronic inflammatory acne. J Eur
Acad Dermatol Venereol 20:321-6, 2006.
13. Baginski DJ, Arpey CJ, Management of multiple miliary
osteoma cutis. Dermatol Surg 25(3):233-5, March 1999.

to request a printed copy of this article, please contact

Gurminder Sidhu, BDS, DDS, MS, Arthur A. Dugoni School of
Dentistry, 2155 Webster St., San Francisco, Calif., 94115.

182  m a r c h 2 0 1 1
Professional Practice Sales of The Great West

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Trask Leonard at 650-282-4620, e-mail at ries, ample parking, free standing one
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established pediatric dental office. Four Call 619-644-2906.
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con t i n u e s o n 1 8 6

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does not assume liability for contents
of classified advertising.

m a r c h 2 0 1 1   185
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classifieds, continued from 185

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186  m a r c h 2 0 1 1
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Making your transition a reality.
')%')#& ')%+#'&)!)#&!+"$#*+#&!*$'.
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,('%#&!*%#&)*&%') )+#((')+,&#+#* +#&+')$*
s !04/3 For F Sale - General Dentistry Practice. Highly desirable s ,/3!.'%,%3 For F Sale - General Dentistry Practice.1,200 sq ft s 3!#2!-%.4
! /2/3%6),,%
2  For
F Sale - One of many
n partners is
location. 2008 Gross Receipts ov o er $1Mil. w/adjusted ov o erhead at 51%. 4ops, 29 yrs in present location. Gross Receipts $274K with retiring in this highly successful General Dentistry Group Practice.
3-operatories in 1,000 sq. ft. P Pano
ano & Modi computerized software. adjusted net income of $89K. Owner to retire. Intra-Oral camera, Digital Pano-Dexis, electronic charts, owner

h days
a per week. Practice
location. Open 5 days a a week.

ractice oper
operated for past 33 years in same
k Owner willing to work back for new s ,/3!.'%,%3 For F Sale - General Dentis Dentistry Practice: This
Financing. Call for further information. #14334
practice 80% Dentical and has appro approxim 
ximatelyy 20
2000 active patients. s 3!.&2!.#)3#/ For F Sale-Patient
P Base for S -Owner passed aw
f Sale a ay
owner 2 days/wk.
a #14305
Owner has operated in same 
ame location for 31 years. 2009 receipts

last June and the practice has continued
ontinu on 4 days

a a week with an
s ")'"%!2#)49 For F Sale - General Dentistry Practice. 26 years at
current location. Gross Receipts $428K. 3-equipped operatories. 
were $709,000. 6 equipped tx rrms,

Ceph. Call for details.
ails. ##14319
m laser, Intra-Oral camera Pano and associate. Lease can’t be renew

neewed. There
here are approx. 1,000 acive patients
in the practice. The patient base can be purchased at no risk to buyer
Doctor owns the building. New lease aavailable or option to purchase. since the purchase price is paid according to the receipts collected on the
s -/$%34/ For F Sale - General Dent Dentistry Practice. 5 operatories, patients that transfer. #14312

s %,$/2!$/(),,3 F For Sale-General Dentistry Practice. 2009 GR 32-years in practice. Gross Receipts $8 $884K w/adjusted net income
$790,758 adjusted net income of $312 $312K. Intra-Oral camera, Pano,
$31 of $346. Dentrix, Cerec, and nd Int
IIntra-Oral camera. Owner to retire. s 3!. $)%'/ For F Sale-General Dentistr

Dentist y Pra
Dentistry Practice. This off
Pr ff ice is

Softdent software, 4-equippedd ops. 
ps. 6-h
h days.
a Practice has been in #14308
$2,200 per month.. 2009 
200 receipts

plumbed for 4 ops. 3 ops. aree equipped with P
Promo Equipment. Lease is
eceipts were $185,645. PPO and Fee for
its present location for
f past 18 8 years. Owner retiring. #14324
s .!0
. 0! For F Sale - General Dentistry st Practice. Gross Receipts
service practice. #14315
s &!)2
& /
/!+3&/,3/-'/,$ 2)6%2 For F Sale-Gross Receipts in $800K, with adjusted net income come of 
o $2550K. Fee for Service. 1300 sq
excess of $1.1 Million dollars for the past three years. Adjusted net
$450K. 2,400 sq ft off ff ice-5 ops. Hygiene days-6,
a Owner works 32 hours
ft 4 ops 6 hygiene
h days.
location. Owner to retire.

a 38 yrs in pre present location, 30 yrs in previous
pr s 3!. $)%'/ For Sale-General Dentistry practice. Gross Receipts
$414K. Practice has been operated by the same owner for the past 6
per week. Eagle Soft, Laser, Pano Intra-Oral camera, fiber f optics. years. Leased 950 sq. ft. off
ff ice with 3 equipped operatories. Dentix
Owner retiring. #14343 s ./24(%2.
2 #!,)&/2.)! For F Sale - Pediatric practice. Owner software, Intra-Oral camera, Panoramic X-Rayay. Owner to relocate.
has operated in same location for 32 years. Approx. 1,760 active
s &/,3/- For F Sale-General Dentistry Practice. Gross Receipts in patients, 1,160 sq. ft., Panoramic X-ray ay, Dexis Digital and Dentrix s 3!. $)%'/ ForF Sale-General Dentistry Practice. 6 ops, Intra-Oral
2010 were $703K, 3 1/2 day a week with adjusted net income of $300K. software in this 5-chair off ff ice. 2009 Gross Receipts $713K with camera, Eagle Soft Software. Off
ff ice square feet 2,300 with 3 years
5 days
a of hygiene
h and approx. 1,500 active patients. Leased off ff ice is 48% ov o erhead. Owner retiring. Call for details. #14322 remaining on lease. 2009 Gross Receipts $1,448,520, with an adjusted
2,000 sq. ft. with 4 equipped operatories - 5 possible. Patient Base net income of $545K. Doctor would like to phase out then retire.
software. Owner to retire. s /#%!.3)$% For F Sale - Modern looking off ff ice. 4 op, off
ff ice space #14331
and equipment only. y Belmont chairs. Gendex x-ray a system, intraoral
s &/,3/- For F Sale - General Dentistry Practice. Gross Receipts in camera, approx 1200 sq ft. Low ov o erhead-Rent is $1,900/month, and s 3!.$)%'/#)49 (%)'(43 For Sale-General Dentistry practice.
excess of 1.5M the past three years. 2009 Adjusted Net of $550K. 2,700 it's a 5 year lease. Staff f is ava ailable for rehire-front desk $15/hr, Owner has operated in same location for 12 years. Approx. 1,000 active
sq. ft. off
ff ice with 7 ops, Digital, Dentrix, Intra-Oral camera, Laser, assistant 13/hr. Update all the computer systems after purchasing the patients, Panoramic X-ray
ay, Intra-Oral camera, in this 3-chair off
ff ice.
5+year old equipment, 8 days a hygiene.
h Beautiful off
ff ice, great location. off
ff ice in 07. Computers and monitors in every room. #14346 #14321
Owner retiring. #14336 s 3!.4!
4 "!2"!2! For F Sale - General Dentistry Practice. This
s 0!,-
0 302).'3 ForF Sale - General Dentistry Practice. Fee for
s &/,3/- For F Sale - General Dentistry istr
stryy Practice 2009 Collections Service. 2009 Gross Receipts $282K with adjusted net income of excellent practice’s 2009 gross Receip
Receipts $891K with steady increase
every year. Practice has 6 da
ays of hygi
ygiene. 1,690 sq. ft., 5 ops, Laser,
$513K. Adjusted net income $184K.
camera, fiber
f optics all ops. P
84K. 4 ops (plumbed for 5), Intra-Oral

atient base software. Owner retiring.
$157K. 1,280 sq. ft., 3 equipped operatories. Intra-Oral camera,
Pano, Practice-NEB software. Doctor willing to transition by 
Intra-Oral camera, Schick Digital X-Ray ay, Datacon software. Doctor has
#14329 working 1-2 days a a week. #14332 been practice in same location for the past eleven years of his 31 years in
Santa Barbara. Doctor is retiring. #14333
s '2!33 6!,,%9
6  For
F Sale-General Dentistry Practice. 2009 GR of s 0,5-!3 #/5.49 For F Sale-3 equipped ops. Space av a ailable for
$307,590 (3 days/wk)
a with adjusted net income of $105K. 3 Ops. refers 4th op. 1,245 sf off ff ice in good location. 2009 gross receipts $475K. s 3/54( ,!+% 4!(/% 4 F Sale-
For G
Sale-G Dentistry Practice. 2007

out most/all Ortho. Perio, Endo, Surgery. y Laser, Intra-oral camera,
Diagnodent, EZ Dental Software. Good Location. Owner retiring.
Practice in present location ov o er 50 years. Owner is retiring. #14318 collections $534K. Off

ff ice iss 647
its present location for the past
6 sq. ft
ft. with 3 ops. Practice has been in
pas 26 years. Owner to retire.
#14337 s 2%$$).' For F Sale-Owner looking for Assoc. trans. into
Partnership w/Buy-Out. GR $1 Million dollars income $436K. 5.5 s 4/22!.#% For Sale- General Dentistry Practice: Owner has
s '2%!4%2
! 3!#2!-%.4
! / For
F Sale-Pediatric Practice. 2010 GR days
a hygiene, 2,200 sq. ft. #14293 operated in same location for 20 years. Approx. 1,000 active patients,
of $1,095,914, with a 45% ov o erhead. Prevention oriented practice with 1,080 sq. ft., Brican System, and Camsight software in this 2 equipped,
ff ice with Dentrix. Equipment is nine years old. s 2%./ For
2,600 sq. ft. Digital off F Sale - General Dentistryy Practice and Dental Building: 3 av
a ailable-chair off
ff ice. 2009 Gross receipts $434K with 38% ov
o erhead.
Delta Premier is only insurance. Owner retiring. 2009 Gross Receipts $517K with adjus adjusted
dju net income of $165K. 4 Owner relocating. #14320
s ,!'5.
! .! .)'5%, For F Sale-General Dentistry Practice. 2010 gross
½ hygiene
h days/w
a eek. 1, 80 
00 sq. ft
ft. with 6 equipped ops. (7 Av
Dentrix software, Pano. Practice has been in its present location for
A ail).
s 42!#9
!  For Sale- Equipment, furnishings, and leaseholds only. y In the
receipts were $503k. 4 operatories, Pan, computerized with EZ dental 40 years. Owner retiring. Central Valle
V y. y Fully equipped including 4 Belmont Accutrac chairs, 2
software. 1,500 sq. ft. lease. 10 years in present location. Owner Midmark chairs, 6 DCI rear delivery units, 3 Gendex X-ray a units, 1
retiring. s 2/#+,).
2 F Sale- General Dentistry Practice. Gross Receipts
For Soridex digital x-raya processor, 1 Statim 5000, 1 Harvey autoclav a e.
$593K in 2010 with $240K adjusted net income. Off ff ice is 1,630 sq. 2,800 sq. ft., 6 Ops. New lease av
a ailable from landlord. #14335
s ,!+% #/5.49 For F Sale-General Dentistry Practice. Gross ft., with 4 operatories equipped with fiber f optics. Owner has been in
Receipts 904K with adjusted net $302K. Practice has been in same present location for the past 13 years. 3 1/2 days a hygiene.
h Intra-Oral s 6)3!,)! For Sale- General Dentistry Practice. Gross Receipts $616K
location for past 23 yrs, and 25 yrs in previous location. 2,600 sq ft with camera, Dentrix software. Owner to retire. with an adjusted net income of $ 321K. Off ff ice is 1,380 sq ft with 3
8 equipped treatment rooms. Intral-Oral camera, Pano, and Data Con equipped operatories, Intra-Oral camera, Digital X-Rays, a Mogo
software. Owner to retire. #14338 s 2/3%6),,%
2 F Sale - Generall Dentistry Practice. Great
For software, equipment & leaseholds look new.
w 5 years in present location.
Location. 2009 GR $900K with adjus adjusted
djus  net income of $300K. Owner to relocate. #14347
s ,)6%2-/2% For F Sale - General Dentistry Practice. 2009
Collections were $688K with an adjuste
adjusted net income of $287K. There
1,975 sq. ft. with
Dentrix, Trojan,
ops, 8 days

ays hygiene
ygiene/wk. Digital, Intraoral camera,
optics, P & C chairs - all less than 5 years old.
are 4 ops in this nicely updated
dated 1,082 
,082 sq. ft. off
ff ice space. Dentrix Owner is retiring. #14327
software, 6-days/wk
a h
. Own
Owner has been in same location for 36
years with long-term employ o ees. Owner is retiring. #14326


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c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 9 , n º 3

c l a s s i f i e d s , c o n t i n u e d from 186

seeking managing dentists — If Lancaster, Palmdale, Los Angeles, Orange experience and be proficient in molar
you’re looking for a long-term commit- County, Inland Empire, San Diego and any endo RCT. A comprehensive benefits
ment and desire to be productive, the doctors looking to relocate to Arizona. package is offered including malpractice
opportunity is yours! Seeking FT manag- Steady patient flow in high volume HMO coverage. Competitive pay! For available
ing dentists to join large group practice in environment. Must have 3-5 years positions please call: 714-428-1305, submit
your resume to: kristin.armenta@ or fax to: 714-460-8564.

opportunities wanted

in house periodontist/implant
surgeon available for your
Paul Maimone practice — In the Greater San Fran-
Come Visit Us at the Anaheim CDA Booth 654 May 12-14, 2011 Broker/Owner
cisco Bay Area. Implant Surgeon/Bone
ALHAMBRA – (2) op G.P. Mostly cash pts. w some Ins/PPO. Gross Collect ~ $140K on a very Grafting/Perio Surgery/3rd Molar
limited schedule due to illness. Seller quotes 600+ active pts. SOLD Extractions. E-mail bayareaperio@gmail.
ANAHEIM – (3) op computerized G.P. Low overhead office. Cash/Ins/PPO/Denti-Cal patient base. com or call 617-869-1442.
Annual Gross Collect. $260K+ p.t. Will do more f.t. Seller motivated. REDUCED
ANAHEIM #2 – (4) op computerized G.P. & a free standing bldg for sale. Located on a major Blvd.
Excellent exposure/visibility/parking. Cash/Ins/PPO/Denti-Cal pt. base. New eqt., Dentrix s/w, & part-time dentist/hygienist —
intra oral camera. Digital ready. 2010 Gross Collect ~ $240K 3.5 days/wk. Ethical, experienced, kind, available to
BAKERSFIELD #22 – (5) op G.P. (4) eqt’d. Strip center location with exposure & signage. Collect. assist your practice in a time of need or
~ $200K/yr p.t. Next to medical clinic & WIC. Can collect. much more w more hours.
BAKERSFIELD #23 – (12) op comput. G.P. in a prime retail ctr. Cash/Ins/PPO pts. Networked ops prosperity. Covering Orange County and
w digital x-rays & Pano. Paperless office. Annual Gross Collect. $2M+. San Diego. Contact Ed 949-973-1018 or
BAKERSFIELD #24 – (4) op computerized G.P. 2 ops eqt’d w 2 additional plumbed not eqt’d. Cash/
Ins/PPO pt. base. Collect $200K+/yr. 3- 4 days/wk. In a strip ctr. Seller retiring.
CENTRAL VALLEY/So. FRESNO CTY. – (3) op compt. G.P. Newer eqt., digital x-rays & Dentrix
s/w. In a smaller town w ltd. competition. Cash/Ins/PPO. New bldg out in 2009. NEW
practices for sale
LAKE ELSINORE – (4) op comput. G.P. in a shop ctr, 3 ops eqt’d/4th plumbed. Networked ops &
digital x-rays. Cash/Ins/PPO/HMO pts. $1.2K/mos Cap ck. 2010 Gross Collect ~ $300K general practice in el cajon/san
No. L.A. CTY. – (5) op compt. G.P. in a shop ctr. w excell. exposure/visibility/signage. Annual Gross
diego for sale — Mainly cosmetics,
Collect $800K-900K. Cash/Ins/PPO/HMO/small % Denti-Cal. Cap Ck $5K+/mos. SOLD
NORTHRIDGE – (4) op compt. G.P. in a well known prof. bldg. near Northridge Hospital. (17) C&B, implants. No pedo, no HMOs. All
years of Goodwill. Cash/Ins/PPO pt. base. 2010 Gross Collect. ~ $400K. PENDING PPOs and cash. Collected over $650K in the
No. COUNTY SAN DIEGO – (4) op comput G.P. in a shop ctr. w excell exposure & signage. Cash/ last three consecutive years. Reduced price
Ins/PPO/HMO pts. Dentrix s/w, paperless & digital. Gross Collections $900K+/yr NEW
from $525K to $395K. Buy directly from
RESEDA #5 – (3) op comput G.P. located in a well know, easily accessible prof. bldg. Cash/Ins/PPO
pts. Annual Gross Collections ~ $200K on a p.t. schedule. NEW owner. Options of long term-lease or buy
SANTA CLARITA – (5) op comput. G.P. w newer eqt. Gross Collect $20K - $25K/mos. NEW the building as well. Call 619-401-0444.
TEMPLE CITY – (3) op turnkey office in a strip ctr. w exposure/visibility. (4) yr old eqt. NEW
UPLAND #3 – (5) op comput G.P. & Speciality Pract. in a free stand bldg. Gross Collect $525K-
santa cruz practice for sale —
$625K/yr. 2+ days/wk G.P., 1-2 days/wk Endo, 1-2 days/mos O.S. and 1-2 days/mos Pedo. NEW
VALLEY VILLAGE (SHERMAN OAKS) – (4) op computerized G.P. 2009 Collect. $477K. Cash/ General practice of 30+ years. Fee for
Ins/PPO pts. Seller is a 1-800-DENTIST. In a free stand. bldg. w visibility. SOLD service. Please respond to gadwalldds@
WEST HILLS – (3) op compt G.P. in a prof. bldg. Newer leaseholds. Cash/Ins/PPO. Digital x-rays
& Dentrix s/w. 2010 Gross Collect. ~ $325K part time. Seller retiring. PENDING
WESTLAKE VILLAGE #2 – (4) op compt. G.P. (3) eqt’d. Gross Collections ~ $629K. SOLD
WESTLAKE VILLAGE #3 – (4) op compt. G.P. (3) eqt’d. Gross Collect $200K+ p.t. SOLD stockton practice for sale —
UPCOMING PRACTICES: Camarillo, Corona, Covina, L.A., Oxnard, Pasadena, Poway, Reseda, Visible and easily accessible 1,100 sq. ft.
San Gabriel Valley, SFV, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, & West L.A. practice. Ideal opportunity for a dentist
looking to start a practice or for someone
• Practice Sales & Appraisals • Practice Search & Matching Services
• Practice & Equipment Financing • Locate & Negotiate Dental Lease Space looking to expand. Great location, next to
• Expert Witness Court Testimony • Medical/Dental Bldg. Sales & Leasing shopping. Equipment/charts included.
• Pre - Death and Disability Planning • Pre - Sale Planning Buyer would take over building lease.
P.O. Box #6681, WOODLAND HILLS, CA. 91365
Toll Free 866.425.1877 Outside So. CA or 818.591.1401 Fax: 818.591.1998 Selling dentist is retiring. Contact CA DRE Broker License # 01172430 209-957-0765 or 209-598-1640.
CA Representative for the National Associaton of Practice Brokers (NAPB)

march 201 1 1 2/7/11 3:59 PM
march 1 1 ad index
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 9 , n º 3

a dv e rt i s e r index
A. Lee Maddox, A Professional Law Corporation 130, 134

California Practice Sales 184

Carroll & Company Practice Sales 188

CDA Practice Support Center 156–157

D&M Practice Sales and Leasing 190

DOCS Education 131

Golden State Practice Sales 925-743-9682 186

Implant Direct 133

Lee Skarin and Associates, Inc. 191

Maddox Practice Group 134

Midwest Dental 166

Nevada Dental Assocation 182

Professional Practice Sales of the Great West 415-899-8580 183

Professional Practice Transitions 189

Select Practice Services, Inc. 195

The Dentists Insurance Company 126, 136

TOLD Partners, Inc. 185

Ultradent Products 196

Western Practice Sales/John M. Cahill Associates 161, 179, 187

Wood and Delgado 186

for advertising information, please contact corey gerhard at 916-554-5304.

192  m a r c h 2 0 1 1
march 1 1 dr. bob
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 9 , n º 3

d r . b o b , c o n t i n u e d f r o m 194

insatiable appetite for ticonium. Unlike feat, but the tongue, with an appropriate assembled a crude handpiece capable of
dogs who disdain anything without plaque, now resides in the Archives of the 1,700,000 rpm. Gerbil estimated he could
acrylic saddles, preferably bilateral distal Harvard Medical School. prepare a full-mouth rehab case with his
extensions, Clifford goes for the tico- n  Although Dr. Robert J. Nelsen is new handpiece in just a little over 31/2 min-
nium castings, but will take nobilium in generally recognized as the inventor of utes. “Trust me,” he chided his apprehen-
a pinch even though his owner states it the first commercially successful high- sive patient, “I’m a doctor.” Fortunately, or
gives him (Clifford) gas. speed handpiece, little is known about unfortunately, as case may be, in a preop
n  A dentist in Carlton, Ohio, was some earlier experiments done by Santos test, a blade from the turbine flew off,
fined $50 and court costs in 1883 for M. Gerbil, DDS, of Ptarmigan Falls, N.M., knocking a hole 4-by-6 feet in the side of
leaving the rugae off a denture he had during 1946-47. Dr. Gerbil had come into his operatory.
made. The plaintiff claimed he had possession of an Allison engine from Promising, should he remain impla-
trouble with his sibilants, which resulted a war surplus P-40 during one of his cable, to clap the darbies on him and cart
in his being called “Percy” by his peer forays into a local Goodwill store. He him off to the local Bastille, authorities in
group. He also ran afoul of Ohio laws subsequently coupled this to a rather Ptarmigan Falls finally persuaded Dr. Ger-
which made lisping in a public place a large compressor he had “liberated” from bil to abandon his attempts. Otherwise,
felony punishable by hanging. a Nazi submarine base at Bremerhaven the history of the high-speed handpiece
n  This month marks the 100th an- during his tour there with the Occupation would be quite another story from the
niversary honoring the flight of Rupert Forces. With these components, he had one we know now.
Icarus, DDS, of Dihedral, Maine. Icarus
made quite a splash in 1888 when he
launched himself from the second story
of his office/home wearing a pair of wings
he had constructed from rice paper and
sticky wax. Predictably, as he neared the
sun, the sticky wax softened and he au-
gured in, destroying whatever chance he
had of becoming an ADA Life Member.
n  Because of his early experiments
with the Roentgen ray, during which he
claimed he could “see right through hu-
man flesh,” Dr. Heinrich Blaupunkt was
declared a warlock by the town council of
Salem, Mass. He was saved from burning
at the stake when it was revealed he was
the only dentist in town. Elected secre-
tary-treasurer of a local coven, Blaupunkt
rose rapidly in the ranks, becoming a del-
egate to the whole Northeastern Regional
Coven until his untimely death at age 89
when his broom collided with a carriage
that had run a red light.
n  Finesa Otterbein, dental assis-
tant to Seymour B. Paddleford, DDS, of
Apollonia, Wis., became, in 1951, the first
dental assistant on record to disengage
a patient’s entire tongue from its moor-
ings with her high velocity vacuum tip.
Mrs. Otterbein later modestly denied
that there was anything special in her

m a r c h 2 0 1 1   193
Dr. Bob c da j o u r n a l , vo l 3 9 , n º 3

Nothing Trivial About

Dental Trivia

A goat named Clifford This is Dental Appreciation Month 1982 when diastema closure became de
although you’d never know it from the rigueur. Unfortunately, he died in 1971
residing on a small farm lay press. The media have given it the before this plan could be implemented.
same attention accorded to the late, n  A bill that would make possession
outside Wilkes-Barre, lamented Millard Fillmore Day that of a diastema a misdemeanor except dur-
never got off the ground either. Within ing the last two days of October, has been
Pa., has been discovered the profession, however, Dental Appre- stalled in committee, but proponents of
ciation Month is still alive and serving the bill have announced the availability of
to have an insatiable to remind us each year of the people bumper stickers and buttons with the cus-
appetite for ticonium. and events that make dentistry such an tomary red bar slashing diagonally over
exciting and fulfilling life. Some facts a representation of upper anteriors with
gleaned from this year’s celebration: centrals agape. Dentists aggrieved over
n  Thomas E. Dewey, who ran an some patients’ lack of concern with their
, Robert E. unsuccessful presidential race against diastemas, patients who, in fact, flaunt
Harry Truman in 1948, lost because of them, cheer this announcement and vow
Horseman, a diastema between his upper centrals not to give up the fight until this affront
DDS that he attempted to hide with a large to esthetics is wiped from Earth.
mustache. Plagued since early childhood n  A goat named Clifford residing
by dan hubig when he was often compared with Alfred on a small farm outside Wilkes-Barre,
E. Neuman of MAD magazine, Dewey Pa., has been discovered to have an
elected to postpone fixing his gap until con t i n u e s o n 1 9 3

194  m a r c h 2 0 1 1
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