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Anna University Exams Nov / Dec 2018 – Regulation 2017 Unique Important Questions – 3rd Semester BE/BTECH

EC8395 Communication Engineering
UNIT - 1
1. Derive the mathematical expression for AM, describe its frequency spectrum, bandwidth, AM
voltage distribution and power distribution.
2. Explain the AM Super Heterodyne Receiver.
3. Derive the expression for DSBSC wave and explain the method of generation and detection.
4. Derive the expression for SSBSC wave and explain the method of modulation and demodulation.
5. Describe the Frequency discrimination method of generating SSB modulated wave and method to
demodulate it.
6. Derive the expression for frequency components in Angle modulated waves using Bessel’s function
7. The output of modulated wave of a standard AM transmitter is represented
S(t)=500(1+0.4sin3140t)cos6.28*107t. To find,
1. Modulating signal frequency 2. Carrier signal frequency 3. Mean output power at a load of 600Ω
8. Consider a modulating signal 2sin(2π103t) is used to modulate a carrier of frequency 106 Hz. Find
the bandwidth for
(a)Phase modulation & frequency modulation (b)when modulating frequency is doubled (c)when
amplitude of modulating signal is halved, thereafter. Use mp=10 and mf = 10.

UNIT - 2
1. Draw the block diagram of PCM transmitter and receiver and explain functions of each.
2. Explain delta modulation transmitter and receiver with block diagram. Explain different noises in
delta modulation system.
3. What are the drawbacks of the delta modulation/and how they are overcome in adaptive delta
modulation(ADM)? Explain with the help of neat block diagram.
4. Explain the Channel Vocoder with neat diagram
5. Define Multiplexing and explain its types.
6. State and Prove Sampling Theorem.

UNIT - 3

1. Discuss in detail about the BPSK transmitter and Receiver and also obtain the minimum double
sided Nyquist bandwidth.
2. Discuss in detail about the operation of QPSK modulator, demodulator and bandwidth
considerations with necessary diagrams.
3. Explain the concept of 8-PSK transmitter, receiver and bandwidth considerations with necessary
4. Illustrate the concept of 8-QAM transmitter receiver and bandwidth considerations with necessary
5. Write short notes on Differential PSK(DPSK) scheme.
6. For a BPSK modulator with a carrier frequency of 70MHz and an input bit rate of 10Mbps,
determine maximum and minimum upper and lower sideband frequencies, minimum bandwidth
and calculate Baud.

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UNIT – 4
1. The source of information A generates the symbol {A0,A1,A2,A3,A5}with the corresponding
probabilities {0.4,0.3,0.15,0.1,0.05}.Encoding the source symbol with the binary encoder and Shannon
fano encoder and compare its efficiency.
2. Five source messages are probable to appear as m1=0.4, m2 = 0.15, m3 = 0.15, m4 = 0.15, m4 = 0.15.
Find coding efficiency and redundancy for
(i) Shannon Fano coding
(ii) Huffmann coding.
3. The generator polynomial of a (15,11) Hamming code is given by G(x) = 1+x+x2. Design an encoder and
syndrome calculator for this code using systematic form. Generate the code word for the message
vector(1111 1111 111) using the developed encoder. Find the output of designed syndrome calculator
for the received code (1111 1111 1111 111).
4. Briefly discuss the generation of convolution code with an example and implement it with
(a) Code tree(b) Code Trellis(c) State diagram
5. Discuss about
i. Shannon’s channel capacity theorem Source Coding Theorem.
ii. Entropy and its properties.
iii. mutual information and channel capacity.
6. Draw and explain the generalized (a) (n,k) cyclic encoder to implement encoding procedure for an
(n,k) cyclic code in systematic form. (b) Syndrome calculator and properties of syndrome

UNIT - 5
1. Explain the properties and generation of PN Sequences(Maximum Length Sequence)in detail
2. What is DSSS? Explain in detail the operation of DS/BPSK.
3. Explain the Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum and its types in detail.
4. Explain about multiple access technique and its types with neat diagrams.

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