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, SURESH BABU SA(M) —_ZPHS BHATLAPENUMARRU Krishna Ot. cell:8179657695 1. REAL NUMBERS Paper: PKCCLASS Em) CHAPTERWISE QUESTIONS an Lee ee | 8. Find the value of log, 512 9. Expres 210 asa produto its rime fatos 10. Find the value of log. Ve nd the HCF of 96,72 by using Eu Dison Algorith. se Euld dlvslon lemma to show that any poatve odd Integers ofthe form eilotents et cere ees cae eres 4. Use Bul von emma bo show thatthe sauare of any postive Ing i of the form 3p, 3p+1 . 4. Use Euclid dvsion lemma to show thatthe cube of any pose Integers ofthe Fert Sat ore, ot 1. Show tht every pouty eve intagn li of the form 29 ard that every poets preheat i al a peelaadeeminehen 6 Explain why 7xiiad3 + 13 and 7x 6x5 x 4x 3x2 x1 45 arecomporite | numbers. | | 7. How will you show that (17 x 11 x 2) + (17 x 11 x 5) isa composite number? 5 ‘explain? 4 |& Check whether 6" can end with the digit 0 for any natural number n. Py 9. Provethat 5- V3 is irrational. | 10, Prove that VZ +3. Is irrational. {ane auesTions ” 1. If x? + y’ = 25xy,, then prove that 2log( x + y) = 3log3 +logx + logy. xty)_ 4 ny Z 2. IF log ( ) = 2 (tog x + logy }, then find the vaue’ot =" + 2, i 3 2 Xie | resuStet 3. 1F (231 = (023)"= 1000 thentindthe vale of > + 5. ae srs SURESH BARU SAM) __ZPHS BHATIAPENUMARRU Krsna BU 4.1 2°7 = 3 then find the value of x. 5. Solve 3° = 5** celesi79657695 al 6. Find x if 2log5 + > log9 +1og3 = logx 7. Show that -V2 is irrational.(practise V3, V5, 7 also) B. Write 2log3 + 3logS - Slog? asa single logarithm. C={x:x is a prime number which is a divisor of 60} De{ x: xis on integer, x'=4) Ez (x:x ts aprime number smaller than 10} G=(x:xis aprime number and a divisor of 6} He (x: xis a positive integer and a divisor of18) I= (x:xs even number smaller than 20) J= (x:x is a square number smaller than 100) 2. Wiite the following sets in the setbuilder form, A=(ae,to,u) B= (-2,-1,0,1,2) 4,9, 16,25) = (3,6,9,12,15} H= (P,R,LN,CA.L} (ey d= (2,2) (x) K=(17,26,35,44, 53, 62,71, 80) 2-MARK QUESTION: 10} thenfind A - 8 =? then find AU and BUA and compare. = {7,8} then show that AUB =BUA. B= (3,6,9,12,15 } then find A-B and B-A. n(AUB)=3 then find n(A 7.8) « Be(x: is a two digital number suchthat the sum of tts digits is 8) | SURESH_BABU SA() __2PHS BHATLAPENUMARRU Krishna D. 1. Draw | srams for the following 0 ANB (ii)A-B andBA 12. Draw Venn diagrams forthe questions (1 ‘eank QUESTIONS: =(:x is anatural number}, 8 =(x:x is an even number} ts anodd }, D=(x:x is a prime number} Thenfind (ANB. (i) BU C (ii) A~B (iv) C~D(v AUB(Wi) CUD (wil) CAD A =(x:x ts a natural number smaller then 10 }, 8 =(x:x is an even number natural smaller than 10) ts anodd natural numiber smaller than 10), AnB =o Polynomials Paper st 3. Give one example for cubic polynomial 4, Write the general form of a first degree polynomial in one variable. Write general form of a polynomial in a variable x of nth degree /. Write a polynomial that has one zero. Write a polynomial that has two zeroes. 9. How will you verify if it has only one zero. ‘that have no zeroes for x that are real numbers. the polynomial and co-efficient of x? of 5x". 4x's2x"+8. 1. Check whether 3 and -2 are the zeroes of the polynomial p(x) when plx) = | 2 Find the zeroes of the polynomial p(x) = (x +2)(x+3) 3. Why are Zand -1 éroes ofthe polynomials la 4. Find the zeroes ofthe polynomial p(x) =x"+7x+10 and verify the relationship between the zeroes and the coetiiens. 5. Find the zeroes ofthe polynomial p(x)= 7-3 and very the relationship between the zeroes and the coefficients. 6. Find a quadratic polynomial, the sum and product of whose zeroes are-3 and 2, Respectively. |» otnna errno eC wats VE and 2x #3y=8 and 4x+6y=7; [amar | 11. Verify that 1,-1 and -3 are the zeroes of the cubic polynomial x°+3x"-x-3 and check 1. Solve the following pairs of equations by reducing them to a pair of liner equations the relationship between zeroes and the coefficients. 243 gg hte oemeap oti 1 2. Verify that 3, -1,-5 are the zeroes ofthe cubic polynomial p(x) = 3x°-5x"-ALe-3, and ‘Then verify the relationship between the zeroes and the coefficients. 4, Find all the zeroes of 2x"-3x"-3x"+6x-2 , if you know that two of its zeroes are V2. and. 5. Divide 3x?.10-3x+5 by x-1-x" and verify the division algorithms. [aris - cra 1. Draw the graph of y= x"- x- 6 and find its zeroes . Draw the graph of y= 6 - x-x" and find zer ay Tay “Ry there are some bees and flowers. If one bee sits on each flower then one be left. if two bees sit on each flower, one flower will be left. Find the number of bees and number of flowers. 1. We have a linear equation 2x+3y-8 =0. Write another linear equation in two ‘such that the geometrical representation of the pair so formed is interse« ‘another one to form parallel lines, and write another one to form ‘and find the zeroes. isin Two Variables Paper: ing, parallel or coincident ‘consistent. 4x -6y=15 and 2x-3y=5; 0 see ifithas a unique solution, infinitely ‘many solutions or no solution. x 42y=6 and 2x+4y=12; | Se ee on os tere ate. a | | [5 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS Paper:t Mark _ ] 11. Write the standard form of a quadratic equation. 2. Write the formula to find out the roots of a quadratic equation, 3, What is discriminant? Write 4 uses of quadratic equation 2x4pye5 and 3x+3y=-6; ‘which the pair of equations 2x-ky+3=0 and 4x+6y-5=0 J. Write the sum of roots and product of roots of ax-+b x +c=0 . 2 i ie 5 8 5. Explain the nature of roots by using discriminant bac. ‘ 5 | 6 checker ss Sa aera 7. Find sum of the roots and product of the roots of 2x’ -5x+3=0. SURESH BABU SAM) ZPHS BHATLAPENUMARRU Krishna Ot call8179657695 [ 2Marks J 4. Find the rot ote ‘equation 2x°-5x+3-0,, by factorisation. 2. Verity that 1 and 2 are the roots of the equation 2x"-5x+3=0. 3, Find the roots of the quadratic equation by using the quadratic formula 2x2-2v2x+1=0. 44, Find the discriminant of the quadratic equation 2x*-4x+3=0, and hence find the. nature ofits roots. | __5. Find the values of k for the quadratic equation kx(x-2}+6=0. 6: Fndthedecoantof he quo 3-23 = and anc Fh ato ret ham i real 7. papanert ia floneg sate nthe fom of unk tae, Tas famsd ofS craucate povor esgad best parts the form of quadratic equation. is 25cm. We know that the difference in lengths Would like to find out the length of the two 3. Find the roots 14 vayxeoz 4. Find the roots x-2 =3;x#0. & lett cae aI. 5, a7 * 90 6. Find the roots of the equation 5x*-6x-2=0 by the method of completing the square. 7, Find the roots of the equation x°-5x+5 =0 by the method of completing the square. 8, Find two consecutive odd positive Integers, sum of whose squares is 290. - 3) diagonals. How many sides will a polygon ‘with 50 diagonals? till water, It takes 1 hour more to go 9. tf polygon of 'n’ sides: Having 65 diagon: Di BARTLAPENUMARRU Weide coi 70657695 [6 PROGRESSIONS Papert , SURESH BABU SA(M) LaMar | Write first four terms of AP, When a=2 and d=0. 2 Write first four terms of AP, When a =O and d=1>. eategeeaireeteraen IER lo, ” term of the AP : 5, 1, -3,-7. ‘whose 3" term is 5 and 7 term | | | | Write 6. fa =256 and 9. How many two digit numbers are divisible by 3? Find the 11" term from the last of the AP : 10, . Ifthe 3" and the" terms of an AP are 4 and of this AP is zero? How many terms of the AP : 2421, 18, ...must be taken so that their sum 1578. || 7: the sum of first 14 terms of an AP is 1050 and its first term is 10, find the 20" term. 8. Find the sum of frst 24 terms of the list of numbers whose nth term is, P. SURESH BABU SA(M) ‘Sets in the seventh y uniformly by a fixed production in the the total production in ‘a flower bed, there are 23 rose plants in the first row, 21 in the ‘second, 19 in the third, and so on. There are 5 rose plants in the last row. How many rows are there in the flower bed? Aum of Rs. 1000 is invested at 8% simple interest per year. Calculate ‘The interest at end of each year. Do these interests form an AP? If so, Find the interest at the end of 30 years. 1e production in the 10" year, Find the 12" term ofa GP whose 8” term ls 192 and the common Ratios 2. Whe G362,5838 ec and 2, 2 Zoos Have thelr” terms as Equal. Find the value of n. (40. MENSURATION paper] Mak @2m | Find the volume and surface area ofa sphere of radius 2.1em. 2. Find the volume andthe total surface area of & hemisphere of radius 3.5em. 3. Ajoker’s cap is in the form of right circular cone whose base radius is 7cm ‘and height is 24cm. Find the area of the sheet required to make 10 such Caps. 4. The radius of a conical tent is 7 meters and its height Is 10 meters. Calculate the length of canvas used in making the tent if width of Canvas is 2m. 5. Assphere, a cylinder and a cone are of the same radius and same height. Find the ratio of their curved surface areas? Jn the shape of a cylinder having the following dimensions: to paint the drum. Find the total charges tobe pad to the painter fr 10 drums. ‘A cylinder and cone have bases of equal radii and are of equal heights. show that their volumes are in the ratio of 3:1. The lateral surface area of a cylinder is equal to the curved surface area of cone. Ifthe radius be the same, find the ratio of the height of the BHATLAPENUMARRU Krish i 4070 cm? and its diameter is 70cm. atl 179657605 ‘The length of the capsule is 14mm. and the width is Smm, Find its surface area. 2. Two cubes each of volume 64 cm’ are joined end to end together. Find the total . Spherical Marbles of diameter 1.4em are dropped into a cylindrical beaker of diameter 7em. which contains some water. Find the number of marbles that should | 6. The diameter of the internal and external surfaces of a hollow hemispherical shell are em and 10cm respectively. tt ‘dem. Find the ‘A well of diameti evenly all aroun embankment. Find ‘8. How many spherical balls can be made out of a solid cube of lead whose edge ‘measures 4cm and each ball being dcm. in diameter.\ 9. Ahemispherical bow! of internal radius 15cm. contains a liquid. The liquid is to be filled into cylindrical bottles of diameter Sem. and height 6cm. How many bottles are necessary to empty the bowl? Ited and recast into a solid cylinder of diameter | 10.A solid metallic sphere of diameter 28cm is melted and recast into a number of | 41,4 solid toy is in the form of aright circ sear canes ech of meter #2 cua belgt Som, Fr the mmberofcomesc0| eat lend and a cone at the other enc the cylindrical and conical portions are 12m and 7em respectively. Find the volume of the solid toy. nd of Paper 1. questions

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