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Modern English

Grammar RISKAWATI / G2Q118012


1. According to the rules of Modern english grammar” I am teaching” is categorized as

Present progressive tense. Case markers in English have faded but time markers are still
used even though they have been simplified or compared compared to Old English and
Middle English. Bookmarking is still needed because it has a function, actually,
bookmarking has a dual function in English. First, it indicates the timing of the action of
the verb. Second, time markers are needed to mark features of verbs. Without tenses
markers an English verb will look the same as an adverb or noun. Without the tenses
marker (-ed), we will find difficulty in identifying a verb of other types of words.

2. Examples of the development of English from ancient to modern languages in terms

of (1) Morphology, (2) Vocabulary, (3) Grammar is :
1) Morphology
Morphological changes include removal of suffixes.
Old English Modern English - Ure, urne, urum our
2) Vocabulary
Changes to vocabulary include: formation, absorption, and changes in semantic
New vocabulary formation includes:
1. Mixing two words: strongman, bloodcount, downgrade, cakewalk.
2. Intentions: Kodak, Yahoo, altruism.
3. Acronymization: NATO, radar, OK
3) Grammar
The evolution of English in the fifteenth century continued in England. In this
development it is recognized that there are three periods in the history of the English
language period which are the proper tools as a dividing line for the linguistic changes
that occur. These periods are: Old English: In this period there are many languages. There
are four main dialects in ancient England: Northumbrian, Mercian, West Saxon, and
Kenntish. In general, the difference between the ancient English and modern English is
the way to spell, pronunciation, vowels, and grammar (Albert C. Baugh, 1963: 62,
Modern English
Grammar RISKAWATI / G2Q118012

Haryono, 2002) Middle English (Middle English): Middle English period (Middle
English) 1150 - 1500) during this period many important changes in the English
language. Change is more feasible on extensive and fundamental.
Changes in this era affect English in grammar and vocab. In this part of
grammar by reducing English from high inflection to an analysis of significant
differences. (Albert C. Baugh, 1963: 189, Haryono, 2002). Modern English: In the 19th
century there was a change in personal pronouns into another form from the original
form. In the study there are three differences including:
-Not use thou, thy, and thee;
- Instead ye is you
As a nominative case and its introduction as possessive of it. At first a clear
distinction was made around the 17th century, then obtained regular form for both cases.
(Albert C. Baugh, 1963: 189, Haryono, 2002) Of the several ways of development in
English, the most interesting is the pronoun:
During this period there was a new form of possessive neuter, its; As we know,
the neuter pronoun in ancient English is declinated, hit, his, him, hit. By combining
Dative (accompanying object) and Accusative (suffering object) hits in mid English
become hit, his, hit. In this period the position of the hit pressure weakens to it, and at the
beginning of the modern period, it becomes the form commonly used as subjects and
objects. Its also a form that is suitable for possessive. (Albert C. Baugh, 1963: 294,
Haryono, 2002)
Changes to syntax include word order, use of verbs, making negations, and
affixing clauses in sentences.
Word order
Old English
Our daily loaf give us today
Modern English
Give to us today our each day’s bread
Use of verbs
Be eart the art be is
Negative word
Modern English
Grammar RISKAWATI / G2Q118012

Negative words by adding ne to old English, not after verbs like: worry me not.

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