In Praise of Women

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In Praise Of Women

No. 11
Cue: FREDRIK: Miss Armfeldt, thank you f o r your cooperation. 1 10
(he exits)
)n d i Polonaise

I \'
She would-n't. .. There - f o r e they

I ' did-nlt. .. So then it was-n't.. .Not un -less it.. .Would s h e ? She does-nlt. .. God knows sl

' need-nrt. .. There-fore it's not. He'd


I nev-er. . . There-fore they have-n't. . .Which m&e the ques-tion ab- s o - lute-ly, . .Could s h e 3 She
dare-n't. ..There-fore I must-n't. .. What ut - ter rot! Fi -


life. Fi - del - i -ty like mine to De' - si- r g e And

25 rit. [Dialogue] CHARLOTTE: How was Miss De/sire'e Armfeldt ?

C h a r - lotte, my de - vot - ed wife.

1 vamp j bum. u b LUG. W C I L ~

The pa-pers. .. He men-tioned pa-pers, Some le - gal


pa-pers which I did - nlt see there. .. Where were they 7 The god-damn pa-pers she had to

They were im - por-tant so he had to

I kill him. .. Why should I both-dr ? The wom-an's mine ! Be -

I sides, no mat - ter what one might -

in fer, One must have faith to some de -

49 rit.

I gree. The least that I can do is trust in h e r The way that Charlotte trusts i h
, 1 Ca - pa-ble, pli - a - bie worn - en.. . Worn -en.. .

1 Un - de-rnand-ingand r e - li - a - ble, Know - ing their place. In -

suf-fer - a - ble, yes, but gen - tle, Their weak-ness-es a r e in - c i - d

I -

f -tion - 21 but or- na - men - tal Race.

Dur - a - ble, sen - si - ble worn - en.. . Worn -en.. .

Ver - y near-ly in-dis - pen - s a -bIe crea - tures

'7 L
( knows the fool -ish- ness a - bout them, But if one had to do with - o;t them, The
pa-pers. ..Where were the pa-pers 3 Of course he might have talc-enback the pa-pers. .. She

I -' would-nft. .. There-fore they did- n't.. . The-worn-an's ... w. w. mine !

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