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Test of English 1

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced different.

1. A. natural B. strand C. caress D. cattle
2. A. sense B. transform C. necessary D. advertise
3. A. dishonest B. hour C. horrible D. honorable
4. A. fear B. beard C. cheerful D. pear
5. A. bottom B. caution C. nought D. fall
II. Choose the word whose stress is different
6. A. characteristic B. enviromental C. documentary D. responsibility
7. A. abstract B. cater C. career D. access
8. A. cartoon B. typhoon C. hurricane D. beloved
9. A. opinion B. appropriate C. miracle D. miraculous
10. A. audience B. entrance C. definite D. suppress
III. Choose the word or phrase from the list that best completes each sentence
11. The smaller the room is ……….. furniture it needs.
A. the fewer B. the more C. the smaller D. the less
12. Everyone must have a ……….. licence when using a motorbike.
A. driver B. driving C. drive D. driven
13. She is travelling to work by train today because her car is being……………..
A. stopped B. broken C. serviced D. rented
14. One third of the oranges ………. spoilt.
A. is B. are C. has been D. has
15. John has been trying for an hour; but his car is still …….. start
A. won’t B. wouldn’t C. didn’t D. hasn’t
16. Firemen are ………an inrease in pay next month.
A. received B. to receive C. having received D. will receive
17. “Look at that brush,” she said to her mother. “Isn’t it one of ………..?”
A. our’s B. ours’ C. ours D. our
18. Most underdeveloped countries are in………. of capital and technical assistance.
A. lack B. need C. shortage D. deficiency
19. “Thank you very much for your help.” “………….”
A. Never mind B. You’re welcome C. It doesn’t matter D. don’t mention
20. ……… of the shop, my friend Roger went in.
A. Coming out B. On coming out C. When coming out D. As I came out
21. The chid was told to eat all his vegetables or……………. he would get no ice-cream
A. in case B. else C. instead D. in fact
22. “Jack is a very ambition boy.” “Yes, he works on Saturdays so that ……….”
A. to earn extra money B. earning extra money C. he can earn
extra money D. he earn extra money
23. It was ordered that no smoking ……….. allowed in the library
A. is B. were C. was D. be
24. ………. country club she is a member of has many facilities to match its range of activities.
A. A B. An C. The D. Some
25. It’s no good ……….. your father about your failure.
A. to tell B. tell C. telling D. told
26. When I stopped talking, Sam finished my sentence for me as though he………. my mind.
A. would read B. had read C. reads D. can read
27. Is this the address to ………… you want the package sent.
A. where B. that C. which D. whom
28. Because of the rain, people are calling to ask…………… take place.
A. whether the parade will B. if or not the parade will
C. the parade will D. will the parade
29. Although I ……… in Brighton all my life, I ………. To Cosmos until last Sunday
A. was living/ have never been B. am living/ had never been
C. have lived/ have never been D. live/ have never been
30. I really appreciate…………… to help me, but I am sure that I will be able to manage it myself.
A. that you are offering B. your offering C. that you offerD. you
31………………., the worse I seem to feel
A. When I take more medicine B. taking more of the medicine
C. The more medicine I take D. all are correct
32. The road is easy to follow. It runs…………… for miles.
A. straight B. straightly C. towards D. immediately
33. The Philippines ……… from SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome).
A. has also suffered B. hav also suffered C. are suffering D. suffer
34. Fatenah looked down to discover a snake at her feet. When she saw it, she…………….
A. was screaming B. had screamed C. screamed D. screaming
35. It seems that whenever I travel abroad I ………. To take something I need.
A. forgot B. am forgeting C. forget D. had forgotten
36. By the time Alfonso finally graduated from high school, he ………… seven different school.
A. had been attending B. was attending C. had attended D. attended
37. Somepeople say that if you want a job………. right, you have to do the job yourself.
A. done B. to do C. doing D. have done
38. Dr Shelley is a person ……………..
A. in whom I don’t have much confidence B. in that I don’t have much confidence
C. whom I don’t have much confidence D. I don’t have much confidence
39. The salesmen left a good……….. on his customers.
A. emotion B. feeling C. inpression D. expression
40. Would you please…….. so loudly.
A. to speak not B. don’t speak C. not speak D. not to speak
41. Is it worth waiting for a table in this restaurant or shall we go …………. Else
A. anywhere B. otherwise C. somewhere D. everywhere
42. It always pays to buy high-quality goods. In the long……….. it is cheape.
A. race B. rush C, run D. way
43. I haven’t got any money at all. I’m completely …………
A. hroken B. hard up C. short D. broke
44. He got an excellent grade in his exam…………… the fact that he worked particulary hard.
A. in spite of B. on account of C. because D. although
45. He ran away………… he should be seen.
A. though B. for C. if D. lest
IV. Fill in the blank with one suitable word
Everyone(46) ……... of the president of the United States(47)………… the most powerful man in(48)
…………. . But when the representatives of the thirteen former British colonies(49)……… to draw up
the constitution of the new country(50)………. 1788, (51)………… of them were not sure whether
they(52)…………. To have a president at all. There were even (53)……….. who(54)……… a king, (55)
……….. their successful war agianst the British King, Goerge III. The decision was in doubt(56)
…………… the last moment. One group wanted(57)……… for life., while(58)………… suggested
that(59)………….not be a president, because a committee would govern the country better, a thid group
(60)…………. A president (61)………… term of office would last seven years but who cuold not stand
for re-election, because thay were afraid he would spend his time(62)…….. votes at the next next election.
In the end they Goerge Washington as President for four years and let him(63)………. for re-election
because they trusted him. But they were(64)……….. to make rules in case a future President(65)
………….. badly and these rules were used to get rid of President Nixon two hundred years later.
46. A. use to think B. think C. thinks D.uses to think
47. A. to be B. being C. like D as
48 A. western world B. the western world C. West D. occident
49. A. found B. met C. encountered D. put together
50. A. at B. by C. on D. in
51. A. a number B. a big lot C. a large amount D. the most
52. A. should B. would C. ought D. must
53. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
54. A. had prefered B.would have preferedC. Should have orefered D. were prefering
55. A. although B. however C. nevertheless D. in spite of
56. A. until B. as far as C. so far as D. by
57. A. that the President was elected B. that the President would be elected
C. the Presedent to be elected D. to be elected the President
58. A. another B. other C. the other D. some other
59. A. it should B. it would C. there should D. there would
60. A. would have liked B. would C. would like D. would be liking
61. A. that’s B. whose C. which D. of which
62. A. looking for B. to look at C. to look for D. looking at
63. A. stand B. to stand C. be standing D. that he stood
64. A. so careful B. too careful C. careful enough D. enough careful
65. A. would carry B. carried C. would behave D. behaved
V. Choose the word or phrase from the list that best completes each sentence from the four choices
Text A:
Cabbage is a very common vegetable native to England and northwestern France but now grown in many
parts of Europe, Asia, and the American continents. There are three kinds of cabbage, and all have the
round head. The three types are white, savoy, and red. While the white and red cabbages have prominent
veins in their leaves, the savay has wrinkled and blisterd leaves.
Cabbage seeds are quite small. Farmers normally sow the seeds in rows that are about 36 inches apart.
After young plants have sprouted, the rows are thinned to allow a space of 18 to 24 inches apart between
plants. Cabbage is a biennial. Farmers normally grow it one year, store it during the winter, and replant it
in the spring to produce seed. By controlling the temperature to which the plant is subjected in this way,
farmers can produce either heads or seeds.
66. Where was cabbage originally found?
A. all over the world B. in France and England C. in Europe, the Americas and Asia D.
in Asia
67. What is the main difference given in the passage between the types of cabbage mentioned.
A. Taste B. Mothed of cultivation C. Appearance D. Ability to withstand
68. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the cabbage?
A. Loose leaves and soft heads
B. Biennial growing season
C. Being grown successfully in many parts of the world
D. Small seeds
69. How are the young plants cultivated?
A. Foot and a half two feet, in rows that are three feet from the adjacent row
B. In rows that are 18 to 24 inches from nearby rows
C. In three-foot rows, very close together
D. NO closer than 36 inches from the next plant.
70. What is a biennial?
A. Something that is able fertilize seeds without another plant
B. A member of a cabbage family
C. Something that grows over a two-year period, alternating between producing plants and seeds
D. Something that cannot withstand cold temperature
Text B:
Some people believe that soon schools will no longer be necessary. These people say that because of the
Internet and other new technology, there is no longer any need for school buildings, formal classes, or
teachers. Perhaps this will be true one day, but it is hard for me to imagine a world without schools. In
fact, we need to look at how we can use new technology to make schools better – not to aliminate them.
We should invent a new kind of school that is linked to libraries, museums, science centers, liboratories,
and even corporations.
Corporations ought to create learning programs for schools in their area of expertise. Independent experts
could give talk on videosor over the Internet. TV networks and local stations could develop programming
about things students are actually studying in schools. Liboratoriescould set up websibes to demonstrate
new technology so students could view it on the Internet.
Is this just a dream? No. already there are several towns where this is beginning to happen. Blacksburg,
Virginia, is one of them. Here the entire city is linked to the Internet, and the learning can take place at
home, at school, and in the office. Businesses provide programs for the schools and the community. The
school provide computer labs for people at home. Because everyone has Internet access, older people
participate as much as younger ones, and everyone can visit distant libraries and museums as easily as
nearby ones. How will this new kind of school change learning? It is too early to be sure, but it is very
exciting to think about. Technology will change the way we learn: schools will change as wel; and we will
all learn something in the process.
71. It can be inferred from the passage that ……….
A. schools are not necessary B. schools are still necessary
C. new technology will replace D. A&C
72. According to the auther, the statements below are possible about schools except…………
A. corporations should get involved
B. everyone can visit distant libraries as easily as nearby ones
C. new technology will replace teacher completely
D. Technology will change the way we learn
73. The future schools should be…………..
A. linked to all the capital cities the world over
B. linked to libraries, museums, science centers, liboratories, and even corporations.
C.for all young international people
D. for old people only
74. Which of the following statements is true about Blacksburg
A. It’s the biggest city
B. It’s the school with new technology
C. It’s the city where there are no teachers
D. It’s a city in Virginia where learning can take place at home, at school, and in offices.
75. How does the auther feel about the change of schools in the future?
A. Pessimistic B. Positive C. Depressed D. Indifferent
VIII. Choose the answer which has the most similar meaning to the original sentence.
76. They usually have quite a big meal at lunch time.
A. They are used to having a big meal at lunch time.
B. They are used to have a big meal at lunch time.
C. They used to have a big meal at lunch time.
D. They used to having a big meal at lunch time.
77. The supermarket which is located at the corner of the street has an extensive range of teas.
A. You can buy expensive teas at the market at the corner of the street.
B. The supermarket at the corner of the street has a wide range of teas.
C. The supermarket locating at the corner of the street sells many kinds of teas.
D. The supermarket located at this street corner has expensive teas.
78. Could you take care of our dog while we are on holiday.
A. Would you mind looking after our dog while we are on holiday.
B. Would you mind to look after our dog while we are away.
C. Can you give us a helping hand taking care of the dog while we are not here.
D. Could the dog be cared about while we are on holiday.
79. Please do not talk in this part of the library.
A. This part of the library is not for friends to talk.
B. Students are requested not to talk in this part of the library.
C. When in this part of the library, talking is not permitted.
D. Talking is not allowed here.
80. Whose are these books and notebooks?
A. Do you know whose are these books and notebooks?
B. Who do these books and notebooks belong to?
C. Whom do these books and notebooks belong?
D. Who is the owner for these books and notebooks?

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