De Da Thi Thu DH Chuyen DHSP Lan 3 2012

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Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
Mã đề thi 339 Đề có 06 trang, gồm 80 câu trắc nghiệm

Thí sinh .........................................................

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
the sentence in italics

1. Desperate Housewives is the last program on Television I would want to watch.

A. No one can persuade me to watch Desperate Housewives when it’s on.
B. I would rather watch any other television program than Desperate Housewives.
C. Desperate Housewives will be the last program we watch on TV tonight.
D. There is no show on television like Desperate Housewives.

2. You’ll have no hope of growing crops here unless you find a way to irrigate this land.
A. Without discovering how to water this land, there is no chance that you can grow crops here.
B. Even if you find a method of watering this land, there is no hope that any crops will grow on it.
C. Because there is no way you can irrigate this land, you had batter give up trying to grow crops on it.
D. You’ll have to try growing crops elsewhere if you prove unable to irrigate this land here.

3. As we were heading out of the door of the café, we bumped into our plumber, who we still owned money to.
A. When we met our plumber in the cafe as we were about to leave, we realized that we hadn’t yet paid him
all the money we owed him.
B. Our plumber, whom we hadn’t paid back yet, was the person we encountered by chance at the moment
we were exiting the cafe.
C. Not wanting to see the plumber to whom we still owed a debt, we quickly headed out the door of the cafe
when we saw him coming in.
D. Our plumber, when we ran into him as he was entering the cafe that we were leaving, didn’t bring up our
debt to him.

4. Buying new clothes is something that I almost never make the effort to.
A. I hardly ever bother purchasing new clothes.
B. Not having bought any new clothes doesn’t bother me.
C. Almost all my clothes are old since I never buy any new ones.
D. It’s such a bother to buy new clothes that I never do it.

5. I haven’t seen either James or his sister for a very long time now.
A. Neither James nor his sister has been seen by anyone for ages.
B. I know I’ve met James, but I don’t think I’ve met his sister before.
C. It has been an awful long time since I saw either James or his sister.
D. I’ve met both James and his sister before, but it was a long time ago.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is
pronounced differently from that of others in each of the following questions.

6. A. punctual B. monkey C. language D. Monday

7. A. preface B. gazelle C. surface D. flamingo
8. A. goose B. crisis C. horse D. bases
9. A. certificate B. survive C. labour D. vertical
10. A. ancient B. capable C. danger D. angle
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the question from 11 to 20
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Scientists have developed a new bionic computer chip that can be mated with human cells to combat
disease. The tiny device, smaller and thinner than a strand of hair, combines a healthy human cell with an
electronic circuitry chip. Doctors can control the activity of the cell by controlling the chip with a computer.
It has long been established that cell members become permeable when exposed to electrical
impulses. Researchers have conducted genetic research for years with a trial-and-error process of
bombarding cells with electricity in an attempt to introduce foreign substances such as new drug treatments
or genetic material. They were unable to apply a particular level of voltage for a particular purpose. With the
new invention, the computer sends electrical impulses to the chip, which triggers the physicians to open a
cell’s pores with control.
Researchers hope that eventually they will be able to develop more advanced chips whereby they can
choose a particular voltage to activate particular tissues, whether they be muscle, bone, brain, or others. They
believe that they will be able to implant multiple chips into a person to deal with one problem or more than
one problem.
11. The word strand in the second sentence is closest in meaning to
A. chip B. type C. color D. thread

12. The author implies that scientists are excited about the new technology because
A. it is possible to kill cancer with a single jolt.
B. It is less expensive than current techniques.
C. It allows them to be able to shock cells for the first time.
D. It is more precise than previous techniques.

13. The word eventually in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to

A. in the future B. especially C. possibly D. finally

14. The author implies that up to now, the point of applying electric impulse to cells was to
A. open their walls to introduce medication B. kill them
C. combine cells D. stop growth

15. The word bombarding in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to

A. influencing B. receiving C. barraging D. testing

16. The author states that scientists previously were aware that
A. electric impulses could affect cells
B. electric charges could harm a person
C. cells interact with each other through electrical charges
D. they could control cells with a separate computer

17. The word they in the first sentences of the third paragraph refers to
A. chips B. tissues C. voltages D. researchers
18. The author indicates that it is expected doctors will be able to
A. place more than one chip in a single person
B. place one large chip in a person to control multiple problems
C. place a chip directly inside a cell
D. place a chip inside a strand of hair

19. The word others in the third paragraph refers to other

A. tissues B. voltages C. researchers D. chips

20. The word triggers in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to

A. assists B. causes C. shoots D. damages
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.
21. Although not widely sold, that book is considered to be best book on the subject.
A. the B. best C. not D. sold
22. This is the largest bleed of the horse found in this country.
A. the B. breed C. found D. the largest
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23. The new computer chip is the smallest one than has ever been developed.
A. ever been B. the smallest C. than D. developed

24. The hills lie to the north of town, raising to the foot of a rocky mountain, and a shallow stream runs
along the eastern border of the town.
A. of town B. along C. lie to D. raising

25. Although this ca appears to be manufactured by different company, it has the same body style, size,
and perform as that one.
A. different B. to be C. appears D. perform

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word for each of the blanks from 26 to 35
Working mothers
Carefully conducted (26) _______ that have followed the children of working mothers have not been
able to shown any long-term problems, compared with children of working mothers stayed at home. My
personal (27) _______ is that mothers should be allowed to work if they wish. Whether we like it or not,
there a number of mothers who just have to work. There are those who have invested such a big part of
their lives in establishing a career that they cannot afford to see it lost. Then there are many who must
work out of pure economic (28) ________. Many mothers are not (29) ________ out to be full-time
parents. After a few months at home with a much loved infant, they feel trapped and isolated.
There are a number of options when it (30) _______ to choosing childcare. These range from child
minders and nannies through to Granny of the kind lady (31) _______ the street. (32) ______, however,
many parents don’t have any choice; they have to accept anything they can get. Be prepared! No matter
how good the childcare may be, some children are going to protest wildly if they are left. This is a (33)
_______ normal stage of child development. Babies separate well in the first six months, but soon after
that they start to get a crush on Mum and close family members. Make sure that in first week you allow
plenty of time to help your child settle in.
All children are different. Some are independent, while others are more attached to their mothers.
Remember that if you want to (34) _______ the best for your children, it’s not the quantity of time you
spend with them, it’s the (35) ______ that matters.
26. A. researchers B. interviews C. questionnaires D. studies
27. A. thought B. decision C. view D. idea
28. A. necessity B. duty C. task D. reason
29. A. made B. born C. brought D. cut
30. A. turns B. comes C. refers D. concerns
31. A. of B. next to C. opposite D. across
32. A. In addition B. In fact C. In reality D. In contrast
33. A. certainly B. extremely C. very D. perfectly
34. A. make B. have C. do D. give
35. A. manner B. attitude C. behavior D. quality

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best way to complete each of the
following sentences.

36. Loudly applauding the speech, ____________ quickly left the stage.
A. the audience watched as the speaker B. the speaker waving to the audience
C. the audience saw the speaker D. the speaker waved to the audience and

37. I ______________ a sport unless I had had enough time to practice it.
A. could never have taken up B. could never take up
C. have never taken up D. would have taken up

38. ___________, FAO acts as a neutral forum where all nations meet as equals to negotiate agreements
and debate policy.
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A. Serving both developed and developing countries
B. Served both developed and developing countries
C. As it was served both developed and developing countries
D. Although it serves both developed and developing countries

39. _______________ she has! A. How a lovely dog B. What lovely dog
C. What a lovely dog D. How lovely dog
40. The trees _______________

A. in the backyard were grown yesterday by John B. were grown in the backyard by John yesterday
C. were grown by John yesterday in the backyard D. were grown in the backyard yesterday by John

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 41 to 50.
Collecting coins can be a good investment, but it requires the study of popularity, availability, and
grading techniques. Some coins are more desirable than others, their popularity being affected by the artists’
talent, the subject of design, the material from which the coin is made, and the time period when the coin
was created. Availability is just as critical. Providing the coin is otherwise interesting or pleasing to the eye,
the number of coins minted and available on the market seems to have a direct relationship to the popularity.
The ability to grade coins is perhaps the most important requirement of a collector. A coin that is
popular and scarce, which would normally make it valuable, may be worth much less or nothing at all if it
has a low grade. Grading is standardized, and one can buy books and take courses on how to do it.
Grades are given letter designations as well as numbers. The letters represent general levels of the
grade, while the numbers are more detailed/ For example, there re 11 number grades within the letter grade
for a mint state coin. A mint state coin is uncirculated, which means it has never been used in commerce. It is
in the condition that it left the mint, the place where a coin is created. The mint state letter designation is MS,
and the numbers range from 60 through 70. An absolutely perfect coin is MS-70. It takes much training and
a good eye to tell the difference between coins in this range. The things one considers include whether the
coin has contact marks, which are marks obtained when coins bounce against each other in a coin bag;
hairlines, which are marks appearing on the face of the coin from the minting process; luster, which is the
natural coloration; and eye appeal. For example, an MS-70 is said to have no contact marks, no hairlines,
very attractive and fully original luster, and outstanding eye appeal, while an MS-60 may have heavy
contact marks, noticeable hairlines, impaired luster, and poor eye appeal.
Below the mint state coin, the letter designation and number have the same meaning. That is, there
are generally no numbers within the range of letters. But there are categories:
 Coins that are About Uncirculated: Very Choice About Uncirculated, known as AU-58; Choice
About Uncirculated, known as AU-55; and About Uncirculated, known as AU-50.
 Coins that are Fine: Choice Extremely Fine, known as EF-45; Extremely Fine, known as EF-40;
Choice Very Fine, known as VF-30; Very Fine, known as VF-20; and Fine, known as F-12.
 Coins that are Good: Very Good, known as VG-8; Good, known as G-4; and About Good, known as
Thus, a circulated coin can have a number designation between 3 and 58, with only the numbers
shown above available. That is, one can not have a coin with a grade of 6, for example. It is either G-4 or
VG-8. It is possible for a coin labeled G-4 or even AG-3 to be extremely valuable, but generally it will be a
coin that is almost unavailable in higher grades. Books and publications monitor the coin market regularly,
just like the stock market is monitored, and they described a coin’s type, date, and grade, assigning a price to
every one unless that grade would have no value.
In general, coin collectors loathe cleaned coins, so artificial cleaning by adding any chemical will
detract greatly from a coin’s value. A true coin collector will say the dirt in the creases is a positive attribute
and much preferable to a leaned coin.
41. A good title for this passage would be
A. Coin Grading - One of the Most Important Skills in Coin Collecting
B. How Popularity and Availability Affect Coin Value
C. How to Grade Coins - A Detailed Study
D. The Financial Benefits of Coin Collecting

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42. The one grading category that has the most number grades within it is
A. Mint State B. About Uncirculated C. Good D. Fine

43. All of the following grades would be possible except

A. MS-64 B. AG-3 C. AU-56 D. VF-30

44. The author implies that

A. The only difference between an MS-60 and an AU-58 may be that the AU-58 has been in circulation
B. One must be a professional in order to obtain information on coin value
C. Cleaning a coin can increase its value
D. A low-grade coin never has value

45. The author implies that the most important feature of a coin is its
A. date B. depiction C. grade D. artist

46. The author implies that availability is primarily related to

A. the popularity of a coin
B. the material used to create a coin
C. the age of a coin
D. the number of coins of a given type and date that they were minted

47. According to the author, the phrase contact marks means

A. defects caused by cleaning
B. marks on a coin caused by banging from other coins
C. defects in the minting process
D. connections among coin dealers

48. According to the passage, a Mint State coin with which of the following characteristics would be
graded the highest?
A. One small contact mark, full luster, good eye appeal, and now hairlines
B. One large hairline, diminished luster, good eye appeal, and no contact marks
C. No contact marks, luster affected by cleaning, average eye appeal, and no hairlines
D. A small contact mark, a small hairline, foggy luster, and fair eye appeal

49. The word luster in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to

A. sheen B. material C. marked D. value

50. The author describes a coin’s popularity as involving all the following except
A. how well the artist created the work B. the coin’s material
C. grade D. the depiction on the coin

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
51. _______, I’ll pick you up at six. A. Time permitting C. Time being permitted
C. Time permitted D. If time permitted
52. Some of _______ are planning to drive throughout the country during the summer holidays.
A. boys we B. boys C. us boys D. We boys
53. John is good enough to make _______ in his office.
A. The team B. appointment C. the bed D. impression
54. I read the contract again and again ________ avoiding making spelling mistakes.
A. in terms of B. by means of C. with a view to D. in view of
55. Marine reptiles are among the few creatures that are known to have possible life span greater than
______. A. man B. that of man C. the man’s D. the one of man’s
56. You _________ s politely at party. Everyone was casually dressed.
A. couldn’t have dressed B. needn’t have dressed
C. didn’t need to dress D. mustn’t have dressed
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57. “You needn’t shout. I’m not deaf.” “________”
A. Oh, I’m sorry B. Of course C. That’s all right D. Yes, I know
58. What measures have been ______ to control traffic jam at rush hours?
A. imagined B. taken C. done D. carried
59. They were accused of treating the country’s flag with ________.
A. respect B. irrespect C. disrespect D. non-respect
60. When we visited _______ South, we stopped at _______ Civil War Museum in ________ Atlanta.
A. the; the; Ø B. the; Ø; Ø C. the; the; the D. Ø; the; Ø
61. “Thank you very much!” “ ___________”
A. Of course B. Nothing C. Not at all D. Please
62. Jane is very _________ about her career.
A. Single-handed B. single-minded C. fresh-face D. bare-faced
63. My father usually has a _______ egg and bread for breakfast.
A. soft-boiling B. boiling-soft C. boiled-soft D. soft-boiled
64. We have _______ what action to take.
A. yet decided B. not yet decide C. not yet to decide D. yet to decide
65. A: How much is this car? B: 15,000 dollars. My uncle paid for it by _______.
A. cash B. credit C. installments D. hire purchase
66. There are many different types of _______ mushroom, mildews, yeasts, and molds.
A. fungus including B. fungi including C. including fungi D. including fungus
67. ______ the fifth largest among the nine planets that make up our solar system.
A. That the Earth is B. The Earth is C. The Earth being D. Being The Earth
68. The fishermen worriedly looked at the _______ sky, a bad omen of a coming storm.
A. grey-dark B. gray-steel C. dark-steel D. steel-gray
69. Before beginning to work, all new employees should attend a(n) _______ session.
A. directed B. direction C. orientation D. orientated
70. “Jane is quite a scholar.”
A. to knowing B. knows C. knowing D. to know
71. Where (be) _________, Ann? I (try) _________ to get on to you for the last half hour. (You not
leave) ___________ your office at 5.00?
A. are you; had tried; Didn’t you leave B. were you; tried; won’t you leave
C. had you been; had tried; Hadn’t you leave D. have you been; have been trying, Didn’t you leave
72. “There is no further treatment we can give,” said Dr. Jekyll. “We must let the disease take its ______.
A. term B. end C. course D. way
73. “Aren’t you afraid of what people will say?”
A. Sure, I B. of course not C. Yes, I do D. No, I am
74. Light ________ are small planes with seats for no more than about six passengers.
A. airplane B. airship C. aircraft D. aircrafts
75. The coal and oil stocks are petering ________.
A. on B. out of C. up D. out
76. The Continental United States is ________ that there are four time zones.
A. so a big area B. very big C. much big D. so big an area
77. Ms. Lee did _________ good work on that project that she was quickly offered a promotion.
A. too B. much C. so D. such
78. “I can’t remember us ever _______, “ replied the stranger.
A. being met B. to have met C. having met D. to meet
79. After seeing the film Gone With The Wind, _______.
A. the book was read by many people B. the book made many people want to read it
C. many people wanted to read the book D. the reading of the book interested people
80. Jane has just bought __________.
A. an impressive reddish French wood coffee table.
B. a reddish impressive wood French coffee table.
C. an impressive French wood reddish coffee table.
D. an impressive wood French reddish coffee table.

-The end-
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1B 2A 3B 4A 5C 6D 7C 8D 9D 10D 11D 12D 13A 14A15C

16A 17D 18A19A 20B 21B 22A 23C 24D 25D 26D 27C 28A
29D 30B 31D 32C33 D34C 35D 36A 37A 38A 39C 40B

41A42A43C44A45C46D 47B 48A 49A 50C 51A 52C53A 54C 55B

56B 57A 58B59C60A 61C 62B 63A 64D 65C 66B 67B 68D 69C 70A
71D 72C 73B 74C 75D 76D 77D 78C 79C 80A

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