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Create an environment where children learn through play, inquiry, and exploration

Develop a curriculum inspired by children’s emerging interests. Create an environment where children learn through
play, inquiry, and exploration. The second edition includes:

 new information on exploration of inquiry-based practice

 re-examination of circle time and scripts for routines
 expansion of invitations—including invitations for children learning a second language
 new photos and documentation
 inclusion of Reggio Emilia
 updated information on technology

Combining new classroom stories with updates from educators who contributed to the first edition
makes Emergent Curriculum in Early Childhood Settings, Second Edition the perfect practical resource to show
how emergent curriculum can improve the educational culture of early childhood programs.







包括雷焦艾米利亚(Reggio Emilia)



Susan Stacey has worked in the field of early childhood for over 35 years, as an early childhood
educator, director, and practicum advisor. She obtained her Master’s degree at Pacific Oaks College,
Pasadena, California. Stacey frequently presents across North America about emergent curriculum,
reflective and responsive practices, inquiry, documentation, and the role of the arts in ECE. She
teaches adult ECE students at the N.S. College of Early Childhood Education, and belongs to several
professional organizations such as NAEYC and the Canadian Childcare Federation. Stacey has
presented frequently at NAEYC conferences, and has been published in Young Children, Young
Exceptional Children, and Exchange. Her books with Redleaf include Emergent Curriculum in Early
Childhood Settings, The Unscripted Classroom, and Pedagogical Documentation in Early Childhood.

苏珊·斯泰西(Susan Stacey)在幼儿领域工作了 35 年以上,担任幼儿教育者,导演和实习顾问。她

在加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳市的太平洋橡树学院获得硕士学位。 Stacey 经常在北美各地介绍新兴课程,

反思性和响应性实践,探究,文档以及艺术在欧洲经委会中的作用。她在 N.S.教成人 ECE 学生。幼儿

教育学院,隶属于 NAEYC 和加拿大儿童保育联合会等多个专业组织。斯黛西(Stacey)经常在 NAEYC

会议上发表演讲,并发表在《幼儿,特殊儿童和交流》上。她在 Redleaf 的书包括《幼儿环境中的紧急


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