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SSC Preparatory Examinations October-2019

Class X Social Studies Date: 25.10.2019

Max Marks: 20 Paper-II Time: 4.15 to 5.45pm
Instructions : Answer all the questions. 40 × ½ =20 Marks
1. Which international peace organization was formed immediately after world war-I?
2. When was Peking University established?
3. Find the odd one out from the following?
CCP KMT Manchu Dynasty NCNC
4. Who started Bolshwick Party in China?
5. Find out the correct matching from the following.
A)World war II – 1914-18 B) Great Depression- economic growth
C) Eric Habsbalm- Age of extremes D)Nazism- Italy
6. Identify the person in picture who started Vietnmese Communist Party?
7. Which of the following is not correct in related to World war -II.
i. murder of Duke Ferdinond ii. Hitler evaded Poland
iii. Japan Militarism iv. UNO
8. This man started Five year plans and Collective farming in Russia? Who was he?
9. Which organization the logo belongs to?
10. What was the name of secret police of Germany?
11. Which of the following was not one of the three principles of San Yet Sen?
Nationalism Capitalism Democracy Socialism
12. Expand USSR.
13. Name the country that is marked „5‟ in the given Europe Map
14. Employment is one of the main features of Great depression?
Do you agree?
15. Who was known as “founder of modern China”?
16. When was the leader of Muslim League?
17. Match the following.
i) Russian revolution - 1919
ii) League of Nations - 1939
iii) World war-II - 1917
18. Which of the following is correct related to the country shown in the map?
i) It was colonized by Britain
ii) It is famous for rice and rubber
iii) The country used Agent Orange against America
19. Arrange the following based on their years.
Republic of China, Enabling Act, establishment of UNO, Death of Lenin.
20. Russia, France and one other nation formed Triple Entente in 1907. What
was the name of other nation?
21. Who was the man related to „Long March‟?
22. Which of the following statements do you support?
a) Chiang-Kie-Shek succeeded in regulating capital and equalizing land
b) Mao-Gedong successfully implemented land reforms.
23. In the given picture one person was Hitler. Identify another person
24. UNESCO-Expand
25. Observe the following map and answer what are the important
tribal groups in southern part of the country?
26. What was the immediate cause of World war-I?
27. What was the name of the journal that run by „Young Annam‟?
28. Vietnamese fought against these nations.
French, America and _____________
29. Find out the incorrect matching. CCP-1921 ; May 4th movement-1919 ; Enabling act-
30. Name two countries which were not occupied by Japan
31. In which year British women got right to vote?
32. Parliament of USA is called like this.
DIET Reichstag Congres s Duma
33. “The wealth of a nation should be distributed equally
among all the citizens of that nation”. This principle
is known as…
Secularism Socialism Capitalism Aggressive nationalism
34. The Russian women started a movement on 8 March
1917. What was their main demand in that movement?
35. Who wrote the book „Animal Farm‟?
36. Observe the given graph and answer the question given.
Q) What does the Graph show about?
37. Roosevelt „New Deal Policy‟ promised 3Rs
Relief, Reform, ………? (find out third one)
38.Which cities of Japan were destroyed by Autumn Bomb of
39. Who was the leader of Nigerian National Democratic
40. Which of the following were caused for world wars?
a) Imperialism b) Socialism c) Aggressive nationalism
SSC Preparatory Examinations October-2019
Class X Social Studies Date: 25.10.2019
Max Marks: 12 Paper-II Time: 4.15 to 5.15pm
Instructions : Answer all the questions. 24 × ½ = 12 Marks
1. When was Peking University established?
2. Find the odd one out from the following?
CCP KMT Manchu Dynasty NCNC
3. Who started Bolshwick Party in China?
4. Find out the correct matching from the following.
A)World war II – 1914-18 B) Great Depression- economic growth
C) Eric Habsbalm- Age of extremes D)Nazism- Italy
5. This man started Five year plans and Collective farming in Russia? Who was he?
6. Which organization the logo belongs to?
7. What was the name of secret police of Germany?
8. Expand USSR.
9. When was the leader of Muslim League?
10. Which of the following was not one of the three principles of San Yet Sen?
Nationalism Capitalism Democracy Socialism
11. Employment is one of the main features of Great depression? Do you agree?
12. Who was known as “founder of modern China”?
13. Name the country that is marked „5‟ in the given Europe Map
14. Match the following.
i) Russian revolution - 1919
ii) League of Nations - 1939
iii) World war-II - 1917
15. Arrange the following based on their years.
Republic of China, Enabling Act, establishment of UNO,
Death of Lenin.
16. Russia, France and one other nation formed Triple Entente in
1907. What was the name of other nation?
17. Who was the man related to „Long March‟?
18. Which of the following statements do you support?
a) Chiang-Kie-Shek succeeded in regulating capital and equalizing land
b) Mao-Gedong successfully implemented land reforms.
19. In the given picture one person was Hitler. Identify another person
20. What was the name of the journal that run by „Young Annam‟?
21. Parliament of USA is called like this.
DIET Reichstag Congres Duma
22. The Russian women started a movement on 8 March 1917. What was their main
demand in that movement?
23. Roosevelt „New Deal Policy‟ promised 3Rs
Relief, Reform, ___________ (find out third one)
24. Who was the leader of Nigerian National Democratic Party?

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