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Roll number: L1F19BSEE0029

Date :18/10/2019

LAB report-1

Task 1
Exposure to electromagnetic fields is not a new phenomenon. Everyone is exposed to week and strong
electric field during in office work or at in home. Many electrical appliance’s produce strong and week
electrical radiation. the Low-frequency magnetic field circulate the currents within the human body. The
strength of these currents depends on the intensity of outside magnetic field. But there is no evidence that
electrical radiations are dangerous for human body. Week electrical radiation does not have ability to effects
our body.
According to report presented by “Norwegian Expert Committee"
There is no scientific evidence that low electromagnetic field exposure from our mobile phones and other
transmitting devices causes adverse health effects.

While when the value of electromagnetic radiations increases from certain limit. Then it will be very
dangerous to human for normal functioning of body. There is no doughty that small exposure to strong
electric field is very dangerous for human body. If the outer side magmatic field is high the, then large
current will pass through the body, and it will effect affect biological processes.
Task 2
As the name word show, paperless mean the removal of paper for office and other work and make
paper work digital. In simple words paperless mean, the using of computer or other electrical devise to
store data instead of using paper. This is a great step towards the friendly environment. However, there
are many advantages and many disadvantages of paperless averments.

Let we discuss some advantages of paperless environment:

Environment Friendly:
Many tresses are cut down to produce paper for our domestic and office work use. Over all hundreds of
tress are cut down to produce 1 ton of paper. 40% of the world’s commercially cut timber is used for the
production of paper. As we know that tress is the source of oxygen by using digital system instead of
using paper we can save millions of tress and make our environment free form pollution.

Energy consumption:
The paper industry is the 5th largest consumer of energy in the world. It uses up 4% of the world’s energy.
To produce 1 ton of paper, it is estimated that 253 gallons of petrol is used.

Less space:
Paper consumes lot of space and it is very default to find a important document on time but in computer
we can find any file by just one click.
Less overhead costs:
Digitizing documents has a direct impact on cost reduction. Not only because companies don’t need to
buy as much paper as before, but because it also saves on maintaining printers and purchasing spare parts.
On the other hand, if all of a company’s documents are digitized and can be sent by email, there is no
need to spend on mailings anymore

Keeps things simple:

When you have a digital document management system, you will be able to simplify several processes of
the business. Users may use authorities and transfer data whenever they want by simply using a few
buttons. When they order goods and authorize the invoices, it proves to become beneficial especially
because they are done digitally and doesn’t lead to much hassle

Paperless share data with the help of wireless or wired networks, which increases the risk for
data breaches and security hacks. moreover, data is also shared by the cloud which adds another
layer of security risk. Security is especially important for medical & law offices because the
documents and information being shared is often confidential and highly sensitive.

Dangerous for the environment:

The paper documents can be recycled very easily. On the other hand, you will have electrical items which
don’t need to be disposed of in a much smarter and effective manner otherwise dangerous chemicals shall
be sent and released to the environment and damage your health at the same time. So be very careful
when it comes to this. If you send dangerous chemicals into the environment, it could cause harm to

Making important notes:

Recent technological advancements have allowed most software programs to make more notes and
electronic documents so that people can remember. But according to me, nothing does a better job
than the Pan and Paper. There is also something about most of these paper that will not demand your
attention but will also prove much better than a word document that you will not even remember after
some point.

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