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The Uses of Biology in the Field of Computer Science –

Decoding of Brain Waves and its

Our brains, (along with the spinal cord and nerves) are responsible for almost all
of our macroscopic activities and control all the functions of the body. These
organs, together called the Nervous System, are of utmost importance as all our
major body functions (both voluntary and involuntary) are controlled by them.
Further these organs are irreplaceable, that is their constituent neurons (i.e.
nerve cells), unlike most cells in our body, cannot be regenerated on damage.
Thus, the nervous system is of utmost importance for the proper functioning of
our body.

The pathway for any neural message usually begins in the brain or the
spinal cord and is transmitted along neurons by means of an ionic imbalance
created by active transport of sodium and potassium ions. As these ‘waves’ of
information are responsible for all of our bodily functions, their accurate
interpretation and usage can give us complete access and control over these
bodily functions.

This ‘decoding’ involves working on various scans of brain activity, the most
important are the fMRI scans (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging -
which work by measuring the rate of blood flow into various parts of the brain,
thus locating which parts of the brain are functionally active in certain tasks) and
the EEG scans (Electroencephalography – which measures the voltage fluctuations
due to currents developed in neurons of the brain).

By application of machine learning and pattern recognition algorithms on

the data received from these scans, the cognitive state can be estimated with the
accuracy depending on the preciseness of scan data and the effectiveness of the
various algorithms. With new developments in both these fields it will soon be
possible to accurately predict the cognitive state(state of mind) and hence
identify with utmost accuracy, which neurons or brain parts affect the working of
which system of our body.
Once this system of decoding is sufficiently accurate, it has limitless applications
in the curing of brain related diseases and motor function.

By accurately identifying which parts of the nervous system affect the

functioning of a particular tissue, we can substitute the brain waves with
computer generated signals thus providing solutions to diseases like Alzheimer’s
disease, Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy, by substitution of the inefficient or
dead neurons with computer chips which will send the same signals and hence
effectively correct the disease.

This idea might also find application in treating of cell related diseases
where we may alter the signal received by the affected tissues and hence induce
the correction required. For example, the neurons affecting growth of lysosomes
in the cells of a particular tissue may be artificially induced, which may lead to the
death of cancer cells, and hence cure a cancer.

The main limitation to this form of curing brain related diseases is that the
machine learning algorithms and scanning machines of today are nowhere close
to the accuracy required to successfully implement this idea. The high deal of
accuracy is essential to this process, as even a slight error in the neural signals
sent may cause grave (and often unpredictable) implications on the functioning of
the test subject’s other organs and systems.

Another major problem is that the brain neural structure is highly dynamic
which needs to be accurately predicted beforehand by the pattern recognition
algorithms. Although a stationary model of neural networks may be assumed for
short periods (as is done with many scanning systems), dynamic handling is
required for the application of this idea for long term diseases.

Ashutosh Sharma

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