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Environmental Engineering Questions

1. Which of the following banned POPs was the key ingredient in Scotchgard, which is a popular
fabric protector made by the global manufacturing giant 3M?

(A) Chlordane -used for pesticide, termite treatment

(B) PFOS – perchlorooctanesulfonic acid, ingredient for fabric protector (one brand is Scotchgard)
(C) Lindane- pesticide/insecticide, anti-parasites for humans/animals
(D) DDT- dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, insecticide

POPs- persistent organic pollutants; resistant to environmental degradation through

photo/bio/chemical processes.

2. How many of the following statements is/are true about PCBs?

i. PCB stands for Polychlorinated Biphenols

ii. The resistance of a specific PCB to degradation is directly proportional to the number of Chlorine
atoms its molecule.
iii. The maximum number of Chlorine atoms that can be found in a PCB molecule is 10

(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) 3

PCB- Polychlorinated biphenyls, C12H10-xClx

- widely used in capacitors/transistors, however, considered as a POP
-can have various amounts of chlorine, as denoted by ClX
-As amount of chlorine increases, boiling point increases, and it is harder to dissolve

3. It is the international statue that is currently the primary basis of the Philippines in its latest
environmental dispute with Canada.

(A) Kyoto Protocol -protocol on greenhouse gases (GHGs)

(B) Copenhagen Talks- UN climate change conference
(C) Basel Convention- transboundary movement of wastes
(D) None of the Above

Other environmental accords:

Montreal Protocol -protocol on Chloroflourocarbons (CFCs)
Stockholm convention- limiting the use of POPs

4. What is the name of the report that formally defined and introduced the global concept of
‘Sustainable Development?’

(A) The Brundtland Report

(B) The Gro Harlem Report
(C) The World’s Future
(D) None of the Above

“The Brundtland Report” or “Our Common Future” formally defined global concept of sustainable
development, written by Gro Harlem Brundtland.

5. Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) are examples of tools
demanded by which ISO series?

(A) ISO 9000 – quality management

(B) ISO 14000 – environmental compliance
(C) ISO 22000 - food safety
(D) None of the Above

6. Which of the following refers to the Philippine Biofuels Act of 2006?

(A) RA 9763
(B) RA 9736
(C) RA 9637
(D) 9673

RA 9367

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