Advanced Modern Korean (Lec 1)

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Korean100A (2019)

Advanced Modern Korean (Lec 1)

Instructor: Jae Eun Yoon, Korean lecturer

Office hours: Tuesday & Thursday 11:00AM~12:00PM, Royce 296


Class hours: TR: LEC 1: 9:30AM – 10:45PM, Room: BUNCHE 3211

F: DIS A : 10:00AM~10:50AM, Room: HAINES A28

DIS B: 11:00PM~11:50PM, Room: ROLFE 3116

Course Description: Lecture, three hours; discussion, two hours. Requisite: course 6, 6A, or 10
with grade of C or better or Korean placement test. Course 100A with grade of C or better or Korean
placement test is enforced requisite to 100B; course 100B with grade of C or better or Korean
placement test is enforced requisite to 100C. Not open to students who have learned, from whatever
source, enough Korean to qualify for more advanced courses. Continuation of courses 6/6A.
Readings of modern prose and poetry, with emphasis on grammar and Sino-Korean. P/NP
(undergraduates), S/U (graduates), or letter grading. The course will explore various topics in Korean
and further students’ skills in listening, reading, speaking, and writing in Korean.

Course objective: For students to develop skills to comprehend reading and listening materials, expand
vocabulary, grammatical accuracy in Korean and further knowledge in the culture and customs of Korea.

Prerequisite: Completion of Korean course 6, 6A, or 10 with grade of C or better or Korean placement
test result. Students should provide accurate background information regarding their Korean education
before receiving the instructor’s consent to enroll this course.


a. Yonsei Korean 3-1 (English version)

b. Supplementary handouts
Grading Structure:

Class participation 10%

Presentation 10%

Homework assignments 20%

Vocabulary quizzes 12%

Oral test 8%

Mid-term 20%

Final-Exam 20%


90~93 : A-, 94~97 : A, 98~100 : A+

80~83 : B-, 84~87 : B, 88~89 : B+

70~73 : C-, 74~77 : C, 78~79 : C+

60~63 : D-, 64~67: D, 68~69: D+

For classroom participation, students will be given a daily grade, which ranges from 0-4 (TR) 0-2 (F). This
daily grade will be based on the learner's performance of that day's lesson as well as their preparation.

Academic Honesty:

All students must uphold University of California Standards of Student Conduct as administered by the
Office of the Dean of Students. Students are subject to disciplinary action for several types of
misconduct or attempted misconduct, including but not limited to dishonesty such as cheating, multiple
submission, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information. For more information, see:

Regarding the pitfalls of plagiarism, and for helpful hints as to what kinds of information do or do not
require citation, see:

Academic Honesty:

Any composition with the sign of excessive outside help or plagiarism will be questioned by the
instructor and may result in the grade F.


Check your e-mail regularly and verify that URSA has your correct e-mail address on file.
Otherwise you might miss important announcements regarding this class.

Class Schedule:

While I have tried to anticipate the calendar, the actual dates and assignments are subject to change.
You must attend every lecture to keep up with the assignments and information covered. If you must be
absent, be sure to check your e-mail for class announcements.

Class Assistance:

If you have a documented disability and need classroom assistance or special test accommodations,
please introduce yourself to me during my office hours. Also, you should contact the Office for Students
with Disabilities (OSD) during the first two weeks of the quarter so that they will have time to process
your requests. For more information, see:

Alternative Test Dates:

If taking a test on the date listed in this syllabus would violate your religious creed, you may request an
alternative test day. This request must be printed, dated and signed, on standard letter-size stationary
and submitted within the first two weeks of the quarter. Include your full name and UID number. Clearly
identify the specific date(s) and explain how it would violate your religious creed.


University and departmental policy forbids auditing. Only students enrolled in this course may observe
and participate.

Missed Assignments:

Missed assignments or tests cannot be made up except in documented cases of sudden illness or family
emergency. On the first day you return you must submit verified documentation (signed and dated by a
doctor, etc.) as well as a formal printed letter, dated and signed by you, in which you explain the nature
of the illness or emergency. Include your full name and UID number. Assignments or tests missed due to
illness or family emergency must be made up without delay.

Presentation: Presentation topic will be announced by instructor.

You may get you presentation grade from instructor (50%) and classmates (50%).

Homework assignments

#1 due on 10 /10 Homework assignment handout #1

#2 due on 10/22 Homework assignment handout #2

#3 due on 11 /14 Homework assignment handout #3

#4 due on 12/3 Final review paper, make a 30 questions for the final review
Hard copy please!
Homework will be explained by instructor in detail. Each assignment must be submitted on time.
(Please submit the homework in classroom right before class start.)
Tentative Daily Schedule

Week 화요일 (Tue) 목요일 (Thu) 금요일 (Fri)

9/26 Introduction 9/27 Handout

1 10/1 10/3 10/4

L1 L1 L1

2 10/8 10/10 10/11

L1 Reading, Homework#1 Handout, VQ#1

3 10/15 10/17 10/18

L2 L2 L2

4 10/22 10/24 10/25

L2 , Homework#2 Reading Handout, VQ#2

5 10/29 10/31 11/1

Midterm ` L3 L3

6 11/5 11/7 11/8

OT OT L3, VQ#3

7 11/12 11/14 11/15

Presentation Presentation L3 활용 연습,Homework#3

8 11/19 11/21 11/22

L4, L4 L4, VQ#4

9 11/26 11/28 11/29

L5, Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving!

10 12/3 12/5 12/6

L5 , Homework#4 L5 Final Review

Final Exam: Friday, December 13, 2019

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
*Syllabus subject to change.

Tentative lesson schedule may change depend on number of enrolled students and class pace once quarter starts.

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