Impromptu Speech Guidelines

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Impromptu Speech Guidelines

What is Impromptu Speaking?

Impromptu speaking is a speech and debate consolation event that involves a five to eight
minute speech with a characteristically short preparation time of one to three minutes. The
speeches tend to follow basic speech format, and cover a variety of topics, both humorous and
profound. The speaker receives a slip of paper, which provides three choices for their speech.
The topics can be abstract or concrete nouns, people, political events, quotations or proverbs.

Rules of Impromptu Speaking

1. Students will pick a topic out the Selection Bowl

2. Students will then go immediately to their assigned groups and begin brainstorming.

3. Students will be allowed fifteen minutes to divide between preparation and speech time.

4. Students must speak for no less than 2 minutes and no more than 3 minutes.

5. Limited notes are permitted.

6. The speech should involve the development of an argument in response to the thesis developed
or a response to the question.

Impromptu Speech Format

Impromptu differs from the rules provided above in the fact that you are provided with fifteen
minutes of time to divide at your discretion between prepping and practicing your speech.
Additionally, all topics are quotations—occasionally themed but generally random. Below you
will find the format for developing your impromptu speech.

1. Intro, Statement of Quotation,

A. Thesis (main point)
2. First contention (main point)
3. Second contention(main point)
4. Third contention (main point)
5. Conclusion
A. Restate your main points.
B. Impact statement

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