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Coronary Artery Calcium Score and Risk Classification

for Coronary Heart Disease Prediction

Tamar S. Polonsky; Robyn L. McClelland; Neal W. Jorgensen; et al.
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current as of May 10, 2010. JAMA. 2010;303(16):1610-1616 (doi:10.1001/jama.2010.461)

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Coronary Artery Calcium Score

and Risk Classification
for Coronary Heart Disease Prediction
Tamar S. Polonsky, MD Context The coronary artery calcium score (CACS) has been shown to predict fu-
Robyn L. McClelland, PhD ture coronary heart disease (CHD) events. However, the extent to which adding CACS
Neal W. Jorgensen, BS to traditional CHD risk factors improves classification of risk is unclear.

Diane E. Bild, MD, MPH Objective To determine whether adding CACS to a prediction model based on tra-
ditional risk factors improves classification of risk.
Gregory L. Burke, MD, MSc
Design, Setting, and Participants CACS was measured by computed tomogra-
Alan D. Guerci, MD phy in 6814 participants from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA), a popu-
Philip Greenland, MD lation-based cohort without known cardiovascular disease. Recruitment spanned July
2000 to September 2002; follow-up extended through May 2008. Participants with

HE CORONARY ARTERY CALCIUM diabetes were excluded from the primary analysis. Five-year risk estimates for inci-
score (CACS) has been shown dent CHD were categorized as 0% to less than 3%, 3% to less than 10%, and 10%
in large prospective studies to or more using Cox proportional hazards models. Model 1 used age, sex, tobacco use,
be associated with the risk of fu- systolic blood pressure, antihypertensive medication use, total and high-density lipo-
protein cholesterol, and race/ethnicity. Model 2 used these risk factors plus CACS. We
ture cardiovascular events.1-4 Recent data
calculated the net reclassification improvement and compared the distribution of risk
from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Athero- using model 2 vs model 1.
sclerosis (MESA), a population-based co-
hort of individuals without known car- Main Outcome Measures Incident CHD events.
diovascular disease, found that a CACS Results During a median of 5.8 years of follow-up among a final cohort of 5878,
greater than 300 was associated with a 209 CHD events occurred, of which 122 were myocardial infarction, death from CHD,
hazard ratio for future coronary heart or resuscitated cardiac arrest. Model 2 resulted in significant improvements in risk pre-
diction compared with model 1 (net reclassification improvement=0.25; 95% confi-
disease (CHD) events of nearly 10.4 In
dence interval, 0.16-0.34; P⬍.001). In model 1, 69% of the cohort was classified in
addition, including CACS in a predic- the highest or lowest risk categories compared with 77% in model 2. An additional
tion model based on traditional risk fac- 23% of those who experienced events were reclassified as high risk, and an additional
tors significantly improved the predic- 13% without events were reclassified as low risk using model 2.
tion of future CHD events. Conclusion In this multi-ethnic cohort, addition of CACS to a prediction model based
While these findings clearly demon- on traditional risk factors significantly improved the classification of risk and placed
strated strong statistical association of more individuals in the most extreme risk categories.
CACS with cardiovascular risk, assessing JAMA. 2010;303(16):1610-1616
the clinical value of new markers in risk
prediction requires assessment of several
Author Affiliations: Department of Preventive Medi-
additional measures.5 Further investi- provement (NRI), which measures the cine, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois (Drs Po-
gation should evaluate how closely the extent to which persons with and with- lonsky and Greenland); Department of Biostatistics, Uni-
out events are appropriately reclassified versity of Washington, Seattle (Dr McClelland and Mr
predicted probabilities of risk using the Jorgensen); Division of Cardiovascular Sciences, Na-
new marker reflect observed risk. In ad- into clinically accepted higher or lower tional Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Bethesda, Mary-
risk categories with the addition of a new land (Dr Bild); Division of Public Health Sciences, Wake
dition, Pencina et al6 recently introduced Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem,
the concept of net reclassification im- marker. The NRI therefore provides a North Carolina (Dr Burke); and St Francis Hospital, The
method of quantifying the enhancement Heart Center, Roslyn, New York (Dr Guerci).
Corresponding Author: Philip Greenland, MD, Fein-
in clinically useful risk estimation when berg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, 750
For editorial comment see p 1646.
a novel marker is added to a standard risk N Lake Shore Dr, 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60611.

1610 JAMA, April 28, 2010—Vol 303, No. 16 (Reprinted) ©2010 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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prediction model. This new approach is terobserver agreements were excel- signed incidence dates. If they dis-
rapidly being accepted as an important lent (␬ = 0.93 and ␬ = 0.90, respec- agreed, the full committee made the fi-
method for evaluating the clinical util- tively). The participants were told either nal classification. We classified CHD
ity of new risk markers.7,8 that they had no coronary calcifica- events as myocardial infarction (MI),
We evaluated the extent to which tion or that the amount was less than death due to CHD, resuscitated cardiac
adding CACS to a model based on tra- average, average, or greater than aver- arrest, definite or probable angina fol-
ditional risk factors correctly reclassi- age and that they should discuss the re- lowed by coronary revascularization, and
fies participants in the MESA cohort in sults with their physicians. definite angina not followed by coro-
terms of risk of future CHD events. We nary revascularization. Revasculariza-
determined how the addition of CACS Risk Factors tions that were not based on a diagnosis
to a prediction model changes the over- As part of the baseline examination, of angina were not included in the pri-
all distribution of estimated risk. In con- clinical teams collected information on mary end point.
trast to previous studies that reported traditional cardiovascular risk factors, in- The diagnosis of MI was based on a
statistical associations only, we sought cluding age, blood pressure, and to- combination of symptoms, electrocar-
to clarify the potential utility of CACS bacco use (current, former, or no prior diographic findings, and levels of cir-
as a tool for risk stratification. use). Total and high-density lipopro- culating cardiac biomarkers. A death
tein cholesterol, triglycerides, and was considered related to CHD if it oc-
METHODS plasma glucose were measured from curred within 28 days after an MI, if the
Study Participants blood samples obtained after a 12-hour participant had had chest pain within
The study design for MESA has been fast. Using a Dinamap Pro 1000 auto- 72 hours before death, or if the partici-
published elsewhere.9 In brief, MESA is mated oscillometric sphygmomanom- pant had a history of CHD and there
a prospective cohort study of 6814 per- eter (Critikon, Tampa, Florida), we mea- was no known nonatherosclerotic, non-
sons aged 45 to 84 years without known sured resting blood pressure 3 times with cardiac cause of death. Reviewers clas-
cardiovascular disease. Participants were the participant in a seated position. The sified resuscitated cardiac arrest when
recruited from July 2000 through Sep- mean of the last 2 blood pressure mea- a patient successfully recovered from
tember 2002 and identified themselves surements was used. full cardiac arrest through cardiopul-
as white (38%), black (28%), Hispanic For the primary analysis, 883 indi- monary resuscitation (including car-
(22%), or Chinese (12%) at the time of viduals with diabetes were excluded be- dioversion). Adjudicators graded an-
enrollment. The study was approved by cause current National Cholesterol gina on the basis of their clinical
the institutional review boards of each Education Program guidelines con- judgment. A classification of definite or
site, and all participants gave written in- sider diabetes a CHD risk equiva- probable angina required clear and defi-
formed consent. lent.12 Diabetes was defined as a fast- nite documentation of symptoms dis-
ing plasma glucose level greater than tinct from the diagnosis of MI. A clas-
Measurement of CACS 126 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L) or a history sification of definite angina also
Carr et al10 reported the details of the of medical treatment for diabetes. required objective evidence of revers-
MESA CT scanning and interpreta- ible myocardial ischemia or obstruc-
tion methods. Scanning centers as- Follow-up tive coronary artery disease. A more de-
sessed coronary calcium by chest com- At intervals of 9 to 12 months, inter- tailed description of the MESA
puted tomography (CT) with either a viewers telephoned participants or a fam- follow-up methods is available at http:
cardiac-gated electron-beam CT scan- ily member to inquire about interim hos- //
ner (Chicago, Illinois; Los Angeles, pital admissions, outpatient diagnoses of
California; and New York, New York cardiovascular disease, and deaths. Fol- Statistical Analysis
field centers) or a multidetector CT sys- low-up for this analysis extended through Five-year estimated incident CHD risk
tem (Baltimore, Maryland; Forsyth May 2008. To verify self-reported diag- was calculated for each participant
County, North Carolina; and St Paul, noses, trained personnel abstracted data using a Cox proportional hazards
Minnesota field centers). Certified tech- from hospital records for an estimated model. Model 1 used the standard
nologists scanned all participants twice 96% of hospitalized cardiovascular Framingham risk factors (age, sex,
over phantoms of known physical cal- events; records were available for 95% of smoking, systolic blood pressure, use
cium concentration. A radiologist or outpatient diagnostic encounters. Next of antihypertensive medications, and
cardiologist read all CT scans at a cen- of kin and physicians were interviewed high-density lipoprotein and total cho-
tral reading center (Los Angeles Bio- for participants who experienced out- lesterol) and race/ethnicity. Model 2
medical Research Institute at Harbor– of-hospital cardiovascular deaths. Two used these standard risk factors plus
UCLA, Torrance, California). We used physician members of the MESA mor- CACS (expressed as ln[CACS ⫹ 1]).
the mean Agatston score for the 2 scans tality and morbidity review committee The risk estimates were categorized as
in all analyses.11 Intraobserver and in- independently classified events and as- 0% to less than 3%, 3% to less than
©2010 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, April 28, 2010—Vol 303, No. 16 1611

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We assessed calibration, which mea-

Table 1. Baseline Demographic Characteristics and Risk Factors by Estimated 5-Year Risk
Category, Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis, 2000-2002 sures how closely the predicted prob-
5-Year Risk in Model Without Coronary Artery abilities of risk using the new marker re-
Calcium Score a flect observed risk. We calculated the
0% to ⬍3% 3% to ⬍10% ⱖ10% Overall
survival-adapted Hosmer-Lemeshow ␹2
Characteristics (n = 3746) (n = 1847) (n = 285) (N = 5878) statistic for both models.15 P⬍.05 rep-
Age, mean (SD), y 58 (9) 68 (9) 75 (6) 62 (10) resents a significant difference between
Male, No. (%) 1169 (31) 1301 (70) 259 (91) 2729 (46) the expected and observed event rates
Systolic blood pressure, mean (SD), mm Hg 120 (19) 134 (21) 144 (21) 126 (21) and suggests that the model is not well
Use of blood pressure–lowering medication, 822 (22) 935 (51) 204 (72) 1961 (33) calibrated.
No. (%) Finally, we examined the risk strati-
Total cholesterol, mean (SD), mg/dL 193 (33) 197 (37) 199 (38) 195 (35) fication capacity as described by Janes et
High-density lipoprotein cholesterol, 55 (16) 47 (12) 42 (9) 52 (15)
mean (SD), mg/dL
al.16 The risk stratification capacity mea-
Current or former smoker, No. (%) 1550 (41) 1140 (62) 226 (79) 2916 (50)
sures the ability of a model to reclassify
SI conversions: To convert total and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol to mmol/L, multiply by 0.0259. participants from the intermediate risk
a Cox proportional hazards model based on age, sex, systolic blood pressure, use of blood pressure–lowering medi-
categories to the highest and lowest risk
cation, total and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and tobacco use.
categories, where treatment strategies are
better delineated.
⬍10%, and 10% or more, correspond- expected probabilities of events and non- All analyses were conducted with
ing to low, intermediate, and high risk, events, respectively, for the model with- Stata software, version 11.0 (Stata Corp,
respectively. Tests for nonpropor- out the new marker. When the inci- College Station, Texas).
tional hazards using Schoenfeld residu- dence of events is relatively small, it is
als were not significant. Interaction of recommended to calculate the relative RESULTS
CACS with sex was also tested and was IDI as well.6 The relative IDI is defined Study Cohort
not significant (P = .97). as (EY1−EY0)/(EX1−EX0)−1. The study population included 5931 in-
We assessed discrimination, which re- Cross-tabulations of risk categories dividuals without diabetes at baseline.
flects a marker’s ability to differentiate be- based on the models with and without Follow-up or risk factor information
tween individuals who do and do not CACS were performed to describe the was not available for 53 individuals,
have events. We constructed receiver op- number and percentage of participants leaving a final cohort of 5878 partici-
erating characteristic (ROC) curves and who were reclassified appropriately (ie, pants. There were 209 CHD events dur-
compared the areas under the ROC to a lower risk group for nonevents or to ing a median follow-up of 5.8 years (in-
curves with and without CACS in the a higher risk group for events) and inap- terquartile range, 5.6-5.9 years). One
model. We estimated predicted values propriately (ie, to a lower risk group for hundred twenty-two individuals had a
from a survival model and then treated events or to a higher risk group for non- major event (96 had an MI, 14 died of
the end point as binary and uncensored events). We calculated the NRI per Pen- CHD, and 12 had a resuscitated car-
for purposes of estimating and testing the cinaetal.6 TheNRIisestimatedas([num- diac arrest) and 87 had angina (81 with
areas under the ROC curves.13 As a sen- ber of events reclassified higher−number definite angina, of whom 67 were re-
sitivity analysis, we also calculated the of events reclassified lower]/number of vascularized, and 6 with probable an-
Harrell C statistic, which allows cen- events) ⫹ ([number of nonevents reclas- gina followed by revascularization).
sored data.14 These estimates were iden- sifiedlower−numberofnoneventsreclas- TABLE 1 shows the baseline cardio-
tical through 2 decimal places to the bi- sified higher]/number of nonevents). vascular risk factors, stratified by esti-
nary version for both models. Kaplan-Meier 5-year event rates were mated 5-year risk categories. As ex-
The integrated discrimination index calculated. Statistical significance was pected, the cardiovascular risk profile was
(IDI) measures the improvement in the established a priori as a P⬍.05. less favorable in those with a higher pre-
average sensitivity with the new marker, We sought to determine how the use dicted risk and included a higher pro-
and subtracts any increase in the mean of lipid-lowering therapy and the pres- portion of men and older individuals.
1−specificity. The integrals of sensitiv- ence of diabetes might change the NRI.
ity and 1−specificity over all possible cut- The NRI was recalculated after exclud- CACS and Estimation of Risk
off values from the (0, 1) interval are ing individuals who were receiving lipid- Measures of discrimination showed a
used.6 The IDI can be expressed as lowering therapy at the baseline exami- significant improvement with the in-
(EY1 − EY0) − (EX1 − EX0), where EY1 nation (16% of the cohort). We also clusion of CACS to the prediction
and EY0 are the mean expected prob- recalculated the NRI after including in- model. The area under the ROC curve
abilities of events and nonevents, respec- dividuals with diabetes. Presence or ab- for the prediction of CHD events was
tively, for the model including the new sence of diabetes was incorporated into 0.76 (95% confidence interval [CI],
marker and EX1 and EX0 are the mean the model as an additional variable. 0.72-0.79) using model 1 and in-
1612 JAMA, April 28, 2010—Vol 303, No. 16 (Reprinted) ©2010 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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creased to 0.81 (95% CI, 0.78-0.84) ticipants who were receiving lipid- risk classification is more balanced be-
(P⬍.001) with the addition of CACS, lowering therapy at the baseline exami- tween events and nonevents for inter-
consistent with a previous MESA re- nation (0.26; 95% CI, 0.16-0.37). mediate-risk individuals than the over-
port based on fewer events.4 The IDI Overall, 728 individuals in the entire all cohort (0.29 for events and 0.26 for
was 0.026 (P⬍.001), with the relative cohort were reclassified to a higher risk nonevents). Furthermore, of the 115
IDI showing an 81% improvement in category, with an event rate of 8.7% (95% events that occurred among interme-
the discrimination slope. CI, 6.9%-11.1%), and 814 were reclassi- diate-risk participants, 48 (41%) were
Cross-tabulations of the 5-year esti- fied to a lower risk category, with an event among individuals reclassified as high
mated risk using the models with and rate of 2.7% (95% CI, 1.8%-4.1%). The risk whereas 15 (13%) were among in-
without CACS are shown in TABLE 2. 5-year event rate for the entire cohort was dividuals reclassified as low risk.
Kaplan-Meier event rates for the model 3.1% (95% CI, 2.7%-3.6%). The hazard ratios associated with risk
using traditional risk factors and the We evaluated separately the most of a CHD event before and after adjust-
model using risk factors plus CACS are clinically meaningful reclassifications, ment for CACS are shown in TABLE 3.
shown. The survival-adapted Hosmer- which would presumably have the larg- Inclusion of CACS into the model sub-
Lemeshow ␹2 statistic was 6.72 (P=.46) est effect on treatment decisions. When stantially attenuated the risk associ-
for the model with traditional risk fac- CACS was added to the model, 298 ated with all of the risk factors, al-
tors and was 9.15 (P=.24) with the ad- (5.1%) were reclassified as high risk. though the hazard ratio associated with
dition of CACS, suggesting that nei- Among those upgraded to high risk, 49 high-density lipoprotein cholesterol was
ther model had a significant lack of fit. individuals (16.4%) experienced events. least influenced by the inclusion of
The addition of CACS to the predic- Conversely, 744 (12.7%) were reclassi- CACS to the model.
tive model resulted in reclassification fied as low risk, of whom 17 (2.3%) ex- The risk stratification capacity of a
of 26% of the sample. The NRI for perienced events. Two high-risk indi- CACS-adjusted model is shown in the
events was 0.23 and the NRI for non- viduals who were reclassified as low risk FIGURE. The left panel shows that in-
events was 0.02, achieving an NRI for experienced events (6.3%). cluding CACS in the model places 77%
the entire study cohort of 0.25 (95% CI, Among intermediate-risk individu- of the overall population into either the
0.16-0.34; P⬍.001) (Table 2). The NRI als, 292 (16%) were reclassified as high highest or lowest risk categories, com-
was essentially unchanged after includ- risk, while 712 (39%) were classified pared with 69% with traditional risk fac-
ing participants with diabetes (0.27; as low risk (NRI, 0.55; 95% CI, 0.41- tors alone. With the addition of CACS
95% CI, 0.19-0.34) or excluding par- 0.69; P ⬍ .001). The improvement in to the model, an additional 23% of those

Table 2. Five-Year Risk of Coronary Heart Disease Predicted by Models With and Without CACS, Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis, 2000-2008 a
5-Year Risk in Model With CACS

Reclassified as Reclassified as
5-Year Risk in Model Without CACS 0% to ⬍3% 3% to ⬍10% ⱖ10% Overall Higher Risk Lower Risk
0% to ⬍3%
No. of participants 3310 430 6 3746
No. of events 34 22 1 57 23 NA
No. with no events 3276 408 5 3689 413 NA
Kaplan-Meier 5-y estimate (95% CI) 0.9 (0.6-1.3) 4.8 (3.1-7.3) 20.0 (3.1-79.6) 1.4 (1.0-1.8)
3% to ⬍10%
No. of participants 712 843 292 1847
No. of events 15 52 48 115 48 15
No. with no events 697 791 244 1732 244 697
Kaplan-Meier 5-y estimate (95% CI) 1.9 (1.1-3.3) 5.4 (4.0-7.2) 14.8 (11.1-19.6) 5.5 (4.5-6.6)
No. of participants 32 70 183 285
No. of events 2 7 28 37 NA 9
No. with no events 30 63 155 248 NA 93
Kaplan-Meier 5-y estimate (95% CI) 6.2 (1.6-22.8) 8.9 (4.1-18.8) 14.4 (9.9-20.5) 12.1 (8.7-16.6)
No. of participants 4054 1343 481 5878
No. of events 51 81 77 209 71 24
No. with no events 4003 1262 404 5669 657 790
Kaplan-Meier 5-y estimate (95% CI) 1.1 (0.8-1.5) 5.3 (4.2-6.7) 14.7 (11.7-18.3) 3.1 (2.7-3.6)
Abbreviations: CACS, coronary artery calcium score; CI, confidence interval; NA, not applicable.
a The net reclassification improvement is 0.25 (95% CI, 0.16-0.34; P⬍.001).

©2010 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, April 28, 2010—Vol 303, No. 16 1613

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who experienced events were reclassi- risk of CHD events than traditional risk ever, particular concern has been raised
fied as high risk (center panel) and an factors alone. The intermediate-risk about the safety and cost associated with
additional 13% of those who did not ex- group achieved a substantially higher the widespread use of CACS. One re-
perience events were reclassified as low NRI than the overall cohort and, there- cent study suggested an elevated can-
risk (right panel). fore, appears to benefit the most from cer risk if a calcium score is obtained ev-
a CACS-adjusted strategy. This study ery 5 years.18 Others have questioned
COMMENT provides strong evidence that there may whether a CACS-guided strategy may ac-
The results of this study demonstrate be a significant amount of clinically use- tually cost more money and prevent
that when CACS is added to tradi- ful reclassification when CACS is added fewer events than simply treating all pa-
tional risk factors, it results in a sig- to risk assessment in asymptomatic in- tients at intermediate risk.19 In the set-
nificant improvement in the classifica- termediate-risk patients. ting of such uncertainty, it is impor-
tion of risk for the prediction of CHD Considerable debate remains about tant to understand how to maximize the
events in an asymptomatic population- how best to use CACS for risk assess- potential benefits of using CACS while
based sample of men and women drawn ment. Current American College of Car- minimizing harm.
from 4 US racial/ethnic groups. Our re- diology/American Heart Association Direct comparisons to studies evalu-
sults highlight improvements in risk statements recommend that asymptom- ating the NRI with other biomarkers
classification when using CACS. Incor- atic individuals at intermediate Framing- should be made with caution because the
poration of an individual’s CACS leads ham risk may be reasonable candidates number of risk categories used, defini-
to a more refined estimation of future for CHD testing using CACS.17 How- tion of the primary outcome, and length
of follow-up often differ between stud-
Table 3. Risk of Coronary Heart Disease Events Associated With Traditional Risk Factors as ies. However, it is of interest that the NRI
Predicted by Models With and Without CACS, Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis, 2000-2002 achieved with the addition of lipopro-
Model Without P Model With CACS, P tein particles was negligible, with glyco-
Risk Factors CACS, HR (95% CI) Value HR (95% CI) Value sylated hemoglobin was 0.034, with
Age a 1.30 (1.21-1.41) ⬍.001 1.08 (0.99-1.17) .09 midregional proadrenomedullin with
Male 2.21 (1.60-3.06) ⬍.001 1.48 (1.06-2.05) .02 N-terminal pro-␤-natriuretic peptide
Systolic blood pressure b 1.10 (1.03-1.18) .003 1.08 (1.01-1.15) .03 was 0.047, and with high-sensitivity C-
Use of blood pressure–lowering 1.61 (1.21-2.15) .001 1.37 (1.03-1.82) .03 reactive protein with family history was
Total cholesterol c 1.07 (1.03-1.11) .001 1.05 (1.01-1.10) .01
0.068.20-23 In another study from MESA,
High-density lipoprotein cholesterol c 0.81 (0.72-0.91) ⬍.001 0.84 (0.75-0.94) .002 the use of brachial artery flow-mediated
Current smoker 1.91 (1.25-2.91) .003 1.54 (1.00-2.35) .05 dilation resulted in an NRI of 0.29.24
CACS, lnCACS ⫹ 1 1.41 (1.31-1.51) ⬍.001 However, this included a substantial pro-
Abbreviations: CACS, coronary artery calcium score; CI, confidence interval; HR, hazard ratio. portion of inappropriate reclassifica-
a Per 5-year increase.
b Per 10-mm Hg increase. tions downward among individuals who
c Per 10-mg/dL increase. experienced events (23%).

Figure. Risk Stratification Capacity of the Model With and Without CACS, Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis, 2000-2008

Entire cohort Individuals who experienced events Individuals who did not
experience events
80 80 80
Without CACS
70 70 70
60 60 60
Participants, %

Participants, %

Participants, %

50 50 50

40 40 40

30 30 30

20 20 20

10 10 10

0 0 0
Low Intermediate High Low Intermediate High Low Intermediate High
Total No. Risk Category Risk Category Risk Category
Without CACS 3746 1847 285 57 115 37 3689 1732 248
With CACS 4054 1343 481 51 81 77 4003 1262 404

Distribution of individuals within each risk category when the model includes traditional risk factors vs traditional risk factors plus coronary artery calcium score (CACS).

1614 JAMA, April 28, 2010—Vol 303, No. 16 (Reprinted) ©2010 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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An important effect of a marker for Another metric of a risk marker’s util- which a marker must be shown to ad-
the prediction of risk is the number of ity is whether it separates individuals just predicted risk sufficiently to change
persons identified as having a higher into more clinically relevant risk cat- recommended therapy. Whether the
disease risk and, consequently, becom- egories, as seen by the risk stratifica- use of a marker improves clinical out-
ing eligible to receive more intensive tion capacity. Ideally, a model would comes enough to justify the associ-
therapy as a result of screening. A rela- reclassify most of the individuals out of ated cost should be tested in the final
tively small proportion of the total the intermediate-risk group and into the phase, preferably with a randomized
MESA population, 5.1%, was reclassi- highest or lowest risk categories. When clinical trial.
fied as high risk. Importantly, almost CACS is added to the model, more than Our study has limitations that should
60% of the events (123/209) occurred half of the intermediate-risk individu- be acknowledged. Our results will need
among individuals who were not clas- als are reclassified as high and low risk, to be validated in additional popula-
sified as high risk either by traditional where treatment strategies are better es- tions. Had our study population con-
risk factors or CACS. The smaller num- tablished. tained a larger proportion of higher-
ber of participants who were classified The values in the margins of the re- risk individuals, we may have seen
as high risk is likely in part a reflec- classification table best represent the net higher event rates and different rates of
tion of the study population. More than effect of including a novel marker in a reclassification. It is also possible that
half of the MESA cohort is in the low- risk prediction model.16 However, look- with longer follow-up and additional
est 5-year risk category based on tra- ing at individual cells can shed light on events, our results could change.
ditional risk factors. Participants who the potential limits of applying a marker In MESA, CACS was revealed to par-
were low risk required very elevated to the clinical setting. Only 4 of more ticipants and their physicians. This
CACS to be reclassified as high risk. In than 3000 low-risk individuals were re- could have affected our results in 2
contrast, the proportions of individu- classified as high risk, suggesting that ways. Knowledge of a high CACS may
als reclassified were larger among in- CACS may not be an efficient screen- have biased the diagnosis of angina and,
termediate-risk participants (16% to ing tool among low-risk individuals. An thus, could have increased the NRI. Al-
high risk and 39% to low risk). Al- additional concern is whether physi- ternatively, participants with a high
most half of the events among partici- cians can safely withhold or decrease CACS may have had more intensive risk
pants who were intermediate risk based therapy for patients who are reclassi- factor modification, thereby reducing
on traditional risk factors alone oc- fied to lower risk categories. We report the number of events and decreasing the
curred in individuals who were reclas- that individuals who were reclassified NRI. We do not expect that the diag-
sified as high risk based on their CACS from high risk to low risk experienced nosis of major coronary events would
(48/115). an event rate that was higher than pre- have been influenced by CACS.
Inspection of the relative contribu- dicted by the model with CACS. While In conclusion, we found that use of
tion of correct reclassification for events the absolute number of events was CACS plus traditional risk factors sub-
and nonevents also reveals important small, our data support the recommen- stantially enhances the ability to clas-
strengths and weaknesses of a CACS- dation that patients who are at high risk sify a multiethnic cohort of asymptom-
adjusted strategy. For the entire cohort, should be treated regardless of their atic persons without known CVD into
the NRI for events was 0.23, whereas the CACS and, as a result, should not un- clinically accepted categories of risk of
NRI for nonevents was 0.02. The re- dergo CACS testing for additional risk future CHD events. The results pro-
sults suggest that when applied to a gen- assessment. vide encouragement for moving to the
eral population, a CACS-adjusted strat- A critical question not answered in next stage of evaluation to assess the use
egy may effectively identify more this study is whether screening for sub- of CACS on clinical outcomes.
individuals who experience events, but clinical disease with CACS improves pa-
Author Contributions: Dr Polonsky had full access to all
at the expense of identifying many other tient outcomes. In a recent American of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the
individuals as higher risk who do not ex- Heart Association scientific state- integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.
Study concept and design: Polonsky, McClelland,
perience events. With the availability of ment, the steps needed before wide- Greenland.
generic statins and years of data con- spread adoption of a risk marker were Acquisition of data: McClelland, Bild, Burke, Guerci,
firming their tolerability, the disadvan- outlined.5 Initial phases of evaluation Analysis and interpretation of data: Polonsky,
tages of “overtreatment” may have be- should demonstrate that a marker can McClelland, Jorgensen, Bild, Burke, Guerci, Greenland.
come less significant over time. However, differentiate between people with and Drafting of the manuscript: Polonsky, Greenland.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important in-
the improvement in risk classification is without events, prospectively predict tellectual content: McClelland, Jorgensen, Bild, Burke,
more balanced among intermediate- future events, and add predictive in- Guerci.
Statistical analysis: McClelland, Jorgensen.
risk individuals (0.29 for events and 0.26 formation to traditional risk factors— Obtained funding: Bild, Burke, Guerci, Greenland.
for nonevents), again suggesting that a all of which have been accomplished Administrative, technical or material support: Polonsky,
McClelland, Jorgensen, Bild, Burke, Guerci, Greenland.
CACS-adjusted strategy may be most with CACS. The results in the current Study supervision: McClelland, Bild, Burke, Guerci,
clinically useful in this group. report address the fourth phase, in Greenland.

©2010 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, April 28, 2010—Vol 303, No. 16 1615

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Financial Disclosures: Dr Guerci reports that he has Council. Criteria for evaluation of novel markers of car- 17. Greenland P, Bonow RO, Brundage BH, et al;
received grant suppot from Pfizer. Dr Greenland re- diovascular risk: a scientific statement from the Ameri- American College of Cardiology Foundation Clinical
ports that he has served as a consultant to Pfizer and can Heart Association. Circulation. 2009;119(17): Expert Consensus Task Force (ACCF/AHA Writing
GE/Toshiba. No other disclosures were reported. 2408-2416. Committee to Update the 2000 Expert Consensus
Funding/Support: MESA was supported by contracts 6. Pencina MJ, D’Agostino RB Sr, D’Agostino RB Jr, Document on Electron Beam Computed Tomography);
N01-HC-95159 through N01-HC-95169 from the Na- Vasan RS. Evaluating the added predictive ability of a Society of Atherosclerosis Imaging and Prevention; So-
tional Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). Dr Po- new marker: from area under the ROC curve to re- ciety of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography. ACCF/
lonsky is supported by an NHLBI training grant in car- classification and beyond. Stat Med. 2008;27(2): AHA 2007 clinical expert consensus document on coro-
diovascular epidemiology and prevention (grant 157-172. nary artery calcium scoring by computed tomography
5T32HL069771). Dr Greenland is supported by a grant 7. Cooney MT, Dudina AL, Graham IM. Value and in global cardiovascular risk assessment and in evalu-
from the National Center for Research Resources (grant limitations of existing scores for the assessment of car- ation of patients with chest pain: a report of the Ameri-
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Role of the Sponsors: The NHLBI participated in the de- Cardiol. 2009;54(14):1209-1227. Consensus Task Force (ACCF/AHA Writing Commit-
sign and conduct of MESA. A member of the NHLBI staff 8. Tzoulaki I, Liberopoulos G, Ioannidis JP. Assess- tee to Update the 2000 Expert Consensus Document
served as a coauthor and had input into the collection, ment of claims of improved prediction beyond the on Electron Beam Computed Tomography) devel-
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