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Teacher, my fellow classmates and friends, GOOD MORNING! I’m here in

front to inform you about ‘’TEENAGE PREGNANCY’’.

Do you imagine having a child at your teenage years? Do you experienced

playing a “bahay bahayan” with your friend and your friend is acting the father
and you as a mother and thinking that you have your own child? This example
is the proof that at the young age we are considered as nurturers. At the age of
10-19, no one wants to wake up early everyday just to take care the baby while
studying. Some prefer to drop out from their studies because of school
policies. If you have experience having a child at the age of 15-18 this is called
teenage pregnancy.

While facing the severe realities of teenage pregnancy it is not pleasant

because someone might tell inappropriate words towards you wherein the
condition of being pregnant at the young age. You might experience difficulties
because they been interrupted in school either future plans. It is a communal
problem, a family problem, and personal problem especially for the girls.

Teenage pregnancy is a serious issue that may seriously impact the future
of a young woman. Any teen pregnancy will be a challenge as teens typically
lack skills needed to handle a pregnancy and motherhood. Patience, maturity
and ability to handle stress are required by pregnant mothers of all ages. A
teen pregnancy may also impact the baby.

According to the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), teenage pregnancy has a

huge rate in the Philippines, especially among the poor. 2/3 of Filipinos, who
give birth before age 20, belongs to low-class society. Data from the National
Statistic Office showed that 8 percent among 1.7 million babies born in 2004
were born to mother 15-19 years old. Young mother gave birth to 818,000
babies in 2000 alone. This means, almost one of every 10 babies are born to
teenage mothers. The risk is, almost 10 percent of the born babies from young
mothers are malnourished. As years passed by, the teen pregnancy case is
increasing and increasing.

Submitted by: Rezalyn Ruelan

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