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Engineering Case Report

a a b a
Xing W. Ren , Ming D. Wang , Hui Z. Kang & Xiao X. Lu
Faculty of Safety Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology , Xuzhou , China
School of Management, China University of Mining & Technology , Xuzhou , China
Accepted author version posted online: 24 Feb 2012.Published online: 06 Apr 2012.

To cite this article: Xing W. Ren , Ming D. Wang , Hui Z. Kang & Xiao X. Lu (2012) Engineering Case Report, Journal of
Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 9:4, D77-D83, DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2012.667288

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Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 9: D77–D83
ISSN: 1545-9624 print / 1545-9632 online
Copyright c 2012 JOEH, LLC
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2012.667288

Engineering Case Report

A New Method for Reducing the
Prevalence of Pneumoconiosis Among
Coal Miners: Foam Technology for Dust
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Column Editor
Michael Larrañaga
C oal dust is one of the primary air contaminants in underground coal mines;
it is also the principal cause of coal mine accidents.(1,2) Miners suffer from
chronic exposure to coal dust, particularly respirable dust, which causes serious
Reported by
Xing W. Ren1
health problems, such as pneumoconiosis. Given that mechanized coal mining has
become increasingly popular in recent years, coal dust has become a significant Ming D. Wang1
problem in underground mines, causing safety hazards in coal production. According Hui Z. Kang2
to the statistics released by the Ministry of Health of China, more than 300,000 coal Xiao X. Lu1
miners suffered from pneumoconiosis by the end of 2007, accounting for 50% of
the total number of pneumoconiosis patients in China. Every year, more than 10,000 Faculty of Safety Engineering,
pneumoconiosis patients who work in key state-owned coal mines are registered. On China University of Mining &
average, 2500 Chinese miners die from pneumoconiosis every year. Technology, Xuzhou, China
The direct economic loss incurred from pneumoconiosis in the coal industry
reaches 1 billion yuan each year.(3–7) In addition, coal dust is the leading cause of School of Management, China
explosive incidents in China’s mining industry. Statistical data show that 106 coal dust University of Mining & Technol-
explosions occurred in China between 1949 and 2007, resulting in 4613 casualties.(8) ogy, Xuzhou, China
A number of methods have been widely adopted in controlling coal dust concentra-
tions. The most popular technologies are ventilation, water spraying, water infusion, Correspondence to:
water/wetting agent spraying, and dust collection using fans.(9–12) Although these Xing W. Ren, Faculty of Safety
technologies play an important role in dust control, they have certain limitations. Engineering, China University of
For instance, water infusion requires complicated equipment and a considerable Mining & Technology, Xuzhou
amount of water. Water spray nozzles are easily blocked, thereby reducing the 221116, China;
dust precipitation ratio. Dust collecting fans have an equipment structure that is e-mail:
complicated. These devices also require substantial wind power, but the environment
in underground coal mines constrains the use of such equipment.
To overcome the limitations of traditional methods, the authors developed a foam
technology to effectively control coal dust levels. Practical application showed that
airborne coal dust was efficiently controlled by foam technology; therefore, the
proposed technology presents promising application prospects in the coal mining


T he foam used for de-dusting is composed of air, water, and a foaming agent.
Surface tension of water is reduced when the foaming agent is added. Abundant

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene April 2012 D77

80 50 B

Wetting Time (min)

70 40
Surface Tension (mN/m)

30 C
30 10

20 0
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
Concentration of Agent (%)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 FIGURE 3. Comparison of surface wetability generated by the
Additive Concentration of Foaming Agent (%) three surfactants, and the mixed foaming agent for rock dust (less
than 200 mesh).
FIGURE 1. Relationship between foaming agent concentration
and surface tension.
of water. Moreover, dust wettability is rapidly improved and
Downloaded by [University of West Florida] at 23:06 30 December 2014

foam adhesion is very strong. Once the foam and dust collide,
small homogeneous foam is produced by the foam generator. the dust adheres to the foam quickly and firmly, enabling the
The foam is then sprayed into the air or on the surface of dust easier capture of dust particles.(13–18)
sources. Compared with traditional methods, the proposed
technology features the advantages of water spraying and TECHNIQUE AND DUST CONTROL EQUIPMENT
water/wetting agent spraying. Other benefits derived from this
technology are described below.
In water spraying, “empty spaces,” or voids, always exist
between the water droplets regardless of the fineness of the
K ey to the developed technique are the creation of the
foaming agent and the use of an effective foam gen-
erator. The foam is composed of air, water, and a foaming
droplets. Respirable dust particles can easily “escape” through agent/surfactant mixture. Multiple foam proportions were con-
these spaces. The foam developed in the current work can sidered to define the optimal foam application rate.
cover the entirety of the dust source, leaving no empty spaces
uncovered and effectively preventing dust from spreading. Foaming Agent and Its Functions
When the foam is formed, the entire volume and area To satisfy the requirements for foaming and dust removal,
covered by the foam film rapidly expands. Compared with many types of surfactants were screened. Three surfactants
water spraying, high-expansion foam covers much more space were selected: A, B, and C, respectively. Then the multi-
with the same amount of water, thereby increasing the prob- component complex formulation was made in the laboratory
ability of collision between foam and dust. The foam film using the three suitable surfactants along with a certain amount
contains an agent that significantly reduces the surface tension of auxiliary agent. Sodium silicate and sodium chloride were
used as an auxiliary agents that can improve foam capacity

50 B
Wetting Time (min)

20 mixed
40 A
Foaming Multiples

15 C
0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
0.05 0.15 0.3 0.5 0.7 2 Concentration of Agent (%)
Additive Concentration of Foaming Agent (%)
FIGURE 4. Comparison of the surface wettability generated by
FIGURE 2. Relationship between foaming agent concentration the three surfactants, and the mixed foaming agent for rock dust
and foaming multiples. (150 to 200 mesh).

D78 Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene April 2012

effect on reducing the surface tension of water and enhancing
20 dust wetting. Meanwhile, the foaming multiples visibly ex-
B pand. The two curves in Figures 1 and 2 show that variations in
Wetting Time (min)

15 mixed foaming agent concentration caused changes in surface tension

A of the liquid and foaming multiples.
C The efficiency of dust removal is directly related to the dust
wetting performance of the foaming agent. To investigate wet-
ting performance, four kinds of rock dust, each one weighing
5 10 g, were selected in the laboratory, including samples of
80–100, 100–150, 150–200, and less than 200 mesh sizes. The
0 dust wetting performance of the foaming agent was evaluated
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 by water film flotation, which was carried out by measuring
Concentration of Agent (%) the time consumed in the immersion of a certain amount of
dust in water. The dust was sprayed onto the water (or solution)
FIGURE 5. Comparison of the surface wettability generated by
the three surfactants, and the compound foaming agent for rock
dust (100 to 150 mesh). The experimental procedures are described as follows: a
200-mL solution containing different concentrations of foam-
Downloaded by [University of West Florida] at 23:06 30 December 2014

ing agent was prepared in a 500-mL cylinder. Subsequently, a

9-mL solution was extracted from the cylinder using a transfer
35 pipette and poured into four measuring cups. When the liquid
30 B
level in the measuring cups was stable, 0.2 g of rock dust of
mixed different particle sizes was weighed on an electronic balance
Wetting Time (min)

25 at an accuracy of 0.01 g. Then the rock dust was sprinkled

20 C onto the measuring cups. The duration of dust immersion in
the foam solution was recorded using a stopwatch. Finally, the
15 above-mentioned steps were repeated three times to determine
10 the average time consumed.
Figures 3 to 6 show the comparative graphs of surface wetta-
5 bility generated by the compound foaming agent and the three
0 surfactants (A,B, and C) for the different particle sizes of rock
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 dust. The curves clearly show that the mixed foaming agent
Concentration of agent (%) exhibited the best surface wettability for different particle sizes
under the same conditions. The most suitable concentration of
FIGURE 6. Comparison of surface wetability generated by the the foaming agent was determined to be 0.5% ( Figure 1).
three surfactants, and the compound foaming agent for rock dust
(80 to 100 mesh).
Foam Generator
Dust control foam is produced by the foam generator via
and viscosity. This combination resulted in a mixed system the physical method. The foam is then transported through a
characterized by synergism in the mixed-micelle formation, pipeline and sprayed onto the treated area. In this process, the
increasing the effectiveness of surface tension reduction. Thus, foam breaks down because of the friction between the pipeline
the new foaming agent (i.e., the mixed system) has a positive and the extrusion of the foam; the breakdown reduces foaming

FIGURE 7. Structure of the foam generator: (1) generator shell, (2) air inlet, (3) jet disturber, (4) Venturitube, (5) air-intake keyhole, (6) baffle.

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene April 2012 D79

FIGURE 8. Production process.

multiples, making a foam generator a crucial component of

the technology.
The structure of the foam generator typically used is the net-
and-filler type. However, the working conditions required for
this structure makes it inapplicable to coal mines. Although
domestic and international studies on other types of foam
Downloaded by [University of West Florida] at 23:06 30 December 2014

generators have been conducted, the foaming multiples in

these foaming generators are low, so they cannot satisfy the
dust control requirements for coal mines.(19–21) To address
this problem, a new foam generator that can be used in the
complicated and unique environment of underground coal
mines should be designed.
The foam generator proposed in the current work was
developed on the basis of turbulent jet theory. Its structure is
shown in Figure 7. The principle governing the foam generator
is the jet forms when the foam solution flows through the foam
generator. The static pressure of water can be transformed into
velocity pressure. Because of the entraining effect of the jet, the
compressed air is pulled into the jet core. Then, the gas-liquid,
two-phase jet flow increases the speed in the disturber, and
turbulence is formed behind the jet disturber in the generator. FIGURE 10. Dust control foam.
Subsequently, the flow runs through the baffle area, which is at

Air Air
compressor flowmeter

Reflux valve

Water flowmeter Control valve

Pump Governor
Pressure meter
valve Proportioner

Pressure meter

FIGURE 9. Experimental system for dust control foam production.

D80 Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene April 2012

FIGURE 11. Installation of the dust control foaming system.

the back of the foam generator. The flow further mixes the air Experimental Results
and liquid, after which stable and high-quality foam is formed. The foam was produced according to the best proportion of
The structure of the foam generator is simple but presents the foaming agent in the experimental system (Figure 10).
advantageous features such as immovable parts and strong
mixing intensity, as well as convenience and easy maintenance.
Downloaded by [University of West Florida] at 23:06 30 December 2014

LABORATORY X in’an Coal Mine is located along Zhao Yang Lake west of
Tengzhou City, Shandong Province, China. The amount
of recoverable reserves is 35.6071 million tons. The coal mine
Production Processes
The experimental system for foam production was estab- is newly built and currently has a production capacity of 5
lished in the laboratory to test the foam generator and foaming million tons per year. It is a low-gas mine, with coal dust being
agent. Figure 8 illustrates the process. First, the water is pulled the predominant safety issue.
into the experimental pipeline through the screw pump in the Figure 11 illustrates the installation of the underground
water storage tank. The foaming agent is added proportion- dust control foaming system. The water and air pipelines of
ately according to the water flow in the pipeline using the the foaming system were connected to the branches of the
proportioner. The water-containing foaming agent flows into main water and air pipes. The two branches were joined in the
the foam generator, while the compressed air is drawn into the foam generator, and the proportioner was installed in the water
foam generator. Finally, the foam is formed in the generator. branch. The pipeline is a high-pressure hose with a 25 mm
diameter. The foam generator was fixed onto the surface of the
fully mechanized coal mining machine. Foam was produced
Experimental Equipment and System in the generator and transported to the foam distributor using a
The experimental equipment consists of a self-made water hose with a 42 mm diameter. The foam nozzles were connected
storage tank with dimensions of 2000×1000 mm, G105-1 to the distributor, and then the foam was sprayed onto the dust
screw pump, GF15-1 screw pump, VW-4/8 air compressor, gas source to prevent coal dust from spreading.
flowmeter, electro-magnetic flowmeter, foaming agent tank, This was the first time that dust control foam technology
self-made foam generator, proportioner, and several testing was applied in an underground coal mine. In return-airway of
pipelines (Figure 9). the workface, three measuring points were set near the fully

FIGURE 12. Dust control efficiency levels of the foam technology and water spraying for all types of dust.

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene April 2012 D81

FIGURE 13. Dust control efficiency levels of the foam technology and water spraying for respirable dust.

mechanized coal mining machine. The P-5L 2 light scattering ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

digital conimeter was used to measure the dust in air when
Downloaded by [University of West Florida] at 23:06 30 December 2014

using the foam and spray technology. After measuring the three
measuring points, the average value was obtained and curves
were drawn. Figures 12 and 13 show the contrastive histogram
F inancial support was provided by the National Natural Sci-
ence Foundation of China (No. 51104153) and the Funda-
mental Research Funds for the Central Universities
of the dust control efficiency levels for total dust and respirable (No.2011QNB11). The authors would like to thank the en-
dust, respectively, after the adoption of foam and spray tech- gineering technicians of Zaozhuang Mining Industry Group
nology. As shown in the two histograms, the efficiency levels for their devoted help.
of foam technology for total dust and respirable dust were 2.11
and 1.72 times, respectively, that achieved with water spraying.
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Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene April 2012 D83

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