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THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM o Also contains proteins that protect

against disease
 the “river of life” CHARACTERISTICS OF BLOOD
 it functionally connects the different 1. Amount
body organ systems  Ave. Volume: 4 to 6 l [varies
depending on person’s size, with
HEMATOLOGY males having a higher blood
 branch of science concerned with the volume than females]
study of blood, blood-forming tissues &  Constitutes 20% of the ecf
the disorders associated with them  Approx. 8% of one’s body wt.
 Varies depending on amt. Of o2
o Delivers O2 from the lungs to the  Scarlet or bright red = arterial
cells blood (oxygen-rich)
o Moves CO2 from the cells to the  Dull red = venous blood (oxygen-
lungs poor)
o Carries nutrients, waste products,
hormones & other substances to 3. Ph
various destinations.  Slightly alkaline
2. REGULATION  7.35 to 7.45 = normal ph of blood
o Helps to maintain a steady PH (7.35-  Venous blood = is normally more
7.45)of body fluids acidic (lower ph) than arterial
3. TEMPERATURE 4. Viscosity
o Distributes heat, thereby adjusting  3 to 5 times denser/thicker than
body temperature water
1. Blood Vessel Dilates  Viscosity = refers to the thickness
(VASODILATION) or stickiness of a substance
2. Heat Loss across the
 The lesser the plasma/water
epidermis increases
content, the more viscous blood
3. Blood Vessel Constricts
5. Temperature
4. Heat loss across the epidermis
 38°C = about 1°C warmer than
your core body temp.
o In response to injury, it coagulates or
forms seals called clots, thereby
 makes up 55% of blood
preventing blood loss & maintaining
 the liquid component
cardiovascular function.
o Its WBCS protect against disease by
ingesting invading bacteria &producing
antibodies  the cellular elements
 make up 45% of blood  Gamma globulins
Comprise the following: also called “antibodies” or
a) Red blood cells (RBC) “immunoglobulins”;
b) Buffy coat produced by the
 A thin, gray layer between the LYMPHOCYTES; initiate the
Plasma and RBC destruction of pathogens &
 Contains white blood cells (WBCs) provide us with immunity
& platelets (PLTs)
c) PLASMA c) Fibrinogen
 Color: pale yellow (straw-colored) d) Also synthesized by the liver
 Consistency: sticky e) A clotting factor (plays an
Consists of: essential role in blood
i. 91% water; coagulation)
ii. 7% plasma proteins; &
iii. 2% other solutes 3. Other Solutes
o Electrolytes(Na+, K+, Cl–)
PLASMA o Nutrients(products of digestion
Components of Plasma such as amino acids, glucose,
1. WATER fatty acids, vitamins & minerals)
 acts as a solvent where different o Respiratory gases (O2, CO2)
substances are dissolved o Regulatory
2. PLASMA PROTEIN substances(hormones, enzymes)
a) Albumin o Waste products(urea, uric acid,
o The white of the egg creatinine, bilirubin, ammonia)
o Also synthesized in human
o Most abundant plasma • collective term for the RBCs, WBCs &
protein PLTs
 Contributes to the colloid osmotic • specific breakdown is as follows:
pressure of blood, which pulls fluid • RBCs or erythrocytes
from the tissues to the blood in the • PLTs or thrombocytes
capillaries,thereby maintaining • WBCs or leukocytes
normal blood volume & blood (have various types; they are ordered
pressure from most abundant to least abundant)
 Neutrophils(Granulocyte)
b) Globulins  Lymphocytes(Agranulocyte)
o are synthesized by the liver  monocytes(Agranulocyte)
o have various functions  eosinophils(Granulocyte)
depending on specific type  basophils (Granulocyte)
Types of Globulin:
 Alpha & beta globulins • FORMED ELEMENTS are all created in
 are synthesized by the liver the red bone marrow & are derived
 have various functions from a single population of stem cells.
depending on specific type
• also called “hematopoiesis” they give rise to mature
• the process of the formation & lymphocytes.
development of the formed elements of
Hemocytoblast : • or erythrocytes
• or “hemopoietic stem cell” • the most abundant formed element in
• resides in the red bone marrow the blood
• it has the capacity to differentiate • n° RBC count: 4.5 to 6 million cells per
into many different types of cubic millimeter (mm3 or μL) of blood
blood cells
• the primary stem cell where all Hematocrit (Hct):
the formed elements arise • refers to the percentage occupied by
• also divides into similar daughter RBCs in the blood relative to plasma
cells to ensure its steady supply • n° range: 38% to 48%
throughout our lifespan  an elevated Hct, w/c can occur
when one is dehydrated,
Red bone marrow : indicates  percentage of
• a highly vascularized tissue RBCs due to the  plasma
located in the microscopic spaces volume
between the trabeculae of spongy  since RBCs primarily
bone tissue determine the viscosity of
blood, an increased Hct
GROWTH FACTORS increases blood viscosity
• are several hormones w/c regulate the
proliferation & differentiation of Structure Of Mature Rbcs:
particular blood cells o shape: biconcave disc or flattened w/ a
• example: erythropoietin depressed center [this shape increases
the cell’s surface area making it suitable
Steps In Hemopoieses : for gas exchange]
1. In response to growth factors, o their plasma membrane is smooth &
hemocytoblasts produce two flexible w/c allows them to deform w/o
secondary stem cells namely myeloid rupturing as they squeeze through
stem cells & lymphoid stem cells narrow capillaries
o they are ANUCLEATE (do not have a
2. Myeloid stem cells begin their nucleus) & have no organelles
development in red bone marrow & o they can neither divide nor carry out
give rise to immature cells. Growth extensive metabolic activities [thus, they
factors influence their maturation. do not use up the O2 they carry making
Once they mature, they then exit the them efficient O2 transporters]
bone marrow & become rbcs, plts, o their cytoplasm is packed with
monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, o HEMOGLOBIN- they stain pink or
& basophils orange-pink in a blood smear since their
3. Lymphoid stem cells begin their hemoglobin attract the eosin dye found
development in red bone marrow in Wright’s stain
but complete it in lymphatic tissues;
HEMOGLOBIN (HGB): into erythrocytes (specialized cells) in
• the red pigment w/c occupies the response to hemopoietic growth factors
cytosol of RBCs & gives their color o Involves the transformation of
• an iron-based protein that binds most of hemocytoblasts into different
the O2& a small portion of the CO2& developmental stages of immature
allows the RBCs to transport these gases rbcsin the red bone marrow
through the blood o Duration of erythropoiesis: 5-9 days
• n° range: 12-18 grams per dL or
per 100 mL of blood Immature RBCs
•  HGB levels indicate  O2-  are precursors of erythrocytes w/c
carrying capacity of the blood possess cellular organelles & thus have
the ability to divide & synthesize
a) oxyhemoglobin: formed when HGB is proteins such as HGB
exposed to O2esp when RBCs pick up O2  lose their cellular organelles as they
in the pulmonary capillaries from the move to each stage of RBC development
lungs; gives arterial blood a bright red
appearance Reticulocyte
 a young erythrocyte w/c exits the bone
b) carboxyhemoglobin: formed when HGB marrow & enters the circulation to begin
is exposed to CO2esp when RBCs pick up its role of O2 transport
CO2 in the systemic capillaries from the  becomes a mature erythrocyte within 1
tissues; since little or no O2 molecules to 2 days after its release from the bone
are bound to it, that’s why venous blood marrow
appears dull red
ABNORMALITIES:  formed when the reticulocyte’s
ANEMIA cytoplasm is totally occupied by HGB
• medical term for a deficiency of molecules & loses its remaining cellular
mature RBCs &/or HGB in circulating organelles
blood  the mature RBC
• lab tests reveal a RBC count, HGB
&/or Hct Erythropoietin
POLYCYTHEMIA  the hemopoietic growth factor released
• medical term for elevated RBCs in by the kidneys w/c stimulates the
circulating blood maturation of proerythroblasts into
• lab tests reveal an RBC count, reticulocytes
HGB &/or Hct  renal failure can thus cause anemia

RED BLOOD FORMATION a) Duration of erythropoiesis: 5-9 days

b) A young erythrocyte w/c exits the bone
ERYTHROPOIESIS marrow & enters the circulation to begin its
o The process of forming & developing role of o2 transport
rbcsfrom hemocytoblasts (stem cells/ c) Becomes a mature erythrocyte within 1 to 2
unspecialized cells) which differentiate days after its release from the bone marrow
Folic acid & vitamin B12 : transferrin:
 Are nutrients derived from the diet w/c a plasma protein, specifically an iron-
are required for DNA synthesis & thus, binding beta globulin, w/c facilitates the
for erythropoiesis transport of iron to the bone marrow for
 Deficiency of these nutrients results in HGB synthesis or to the liver for storage
anemia ferritin:
Intrinsic factor :  iron-storage protein found primarily in
 A chemical produced by the cells of the the liver; stores iron for future use; when
stomach lining the quantity of iron falls in the plasma,
 Binds with vit. B12 in food to promote iron is removed from ferritin & is once
vit. B12 absorption in the small intestine again transported by transferrin
The RBC Life Cycle
Since mature RBCs do not have nuclei,
Pernicious anemia : they could not divide nor repair
 A type of anemia w/c results either from themselves
lack of vit. B12 in the diet or from Plasma membrane of RBCs eventually
intrinsic factor deficiency. become fragile with age & are likely
burst due to wear & tear
Formation of Hemoglobin ave. lifespan of RBCs: 120 days
During erythropoiesis, HGB is formed Spleen =
when RBCs are still immature. the graveyard of RBCs; the site where
HGB synthesis is still possible in worn-out RBCs are destroyed &
immature RBCs since they still possess sequestered/removed from the
nuclei, mitochondria & rough ER circulation
As HGB molecules occupy the cytoplasm after removal from the circulation,
of the RBCs, cellular organelles are worn-out RBCs are broken down & their
slowly ejected out of the immature RBC. breakdown products are recycled &
The RBC continues to synthesize HGB used in numerous metabolic processes,
until all the cellular organelles are lost including the formation of new RBCs
(until the reticulocyte stage of RBC
HGB is formed from the combination of heme
& globin
Amino Acids :
are needed to synthesize globin
a mineral needed to synthesize heme
sources of iron for HGB synthesis:
stored iron in the human liver
decomposed HGB from worn-out & Regulation of RBC Production
destroyed RBCs Usually, the rate of RBC production equals the
diet (iron-rich foods include organ meats, rate of RBC destruction.
egg yolk & legumes)
To maintain normal numbers of RBCs, new functions of mature WBCs:
mature cells must enter the bloodstream at a protects the body by engulfing invading
rate of at least 2 million per second. microbes, releasing chemicals that
However, if hypoxia occurs, then RBC initiate immune responses, or
production is stimulated at a rate faster than its producing antibodies
destruction. removes dead cells & debris from the
Hypoxia tissues by phagocytosis
 refers to below normal O2 levels in the leukocytosis :
body w/c can be due to: medical term for high overall WBC
 high altitude (the higher land is from sea count (>10,000/μL)
level, the lower the O2 in the air)
a normal, protective response to
 high  O2 demand (e.g. physiologic
stresses such as invading microbes,
strenuous exercise, anesthesia, &
 Low O2 supply (e.g. chronic respiratory
leukopenia :
medical term for an abnormally low
stimulates the kidneys to  its secretion of
WBC count (<5,000/ μL)
is never beneficial & indicates that one
 erythropoietin  RBC production &
is immunocompromised (at risk for
HGB synthesis  O2 levels in the body
causes include radiation &
the hormone in males w/c stimulate the
characteristics of mature WBCs:
release of erythropoietin
the only formed element of blood that
the reason why males have higher Hct
is a “complete” cell (is nucleated & has
as well as RBC & HGB counts than
several organelles)
females aside from the females having
do not contain hemoglobin
their regular menstruation
WHITE BLOOD CELLS (WBCs) characteristics of mature WBCs:
are capable of self-locomotion
or leukocytes (“leuko” means white)
less numerous than RBCs
diapedesis =
n° WBC count: 5,000 to 10,000 cells per
the process in w/c WBCs (unlike RBCs)
cubic millimeter (mm3 or μL) of blood
can leave the capillaries by squeezing
bet. epithelial cells of capillary walls &
like the RBCs, they also arise from migrate or travel from the blood to the
hemocytoblasts in red bone marrow interstitial fluid of invaded tissue
depending on each type, they
differentiate from the myeloid or chemotaxis =
lymphoid stem cells the ability of WBCs to migrate to
however, their development is invaded tissues in response to
stimulated by 2 diff. hemopoietic growth chemicals released by the attacked
factors: (a) interleukins& (b) colony- tissues & toxins produced by microbes
stimulating factors
human leukocyte antigens (HLA): penetrate infected tissues
 are membrane proteins in the WBCs w/c
are representative of the antigens
present on all cells of an individual  Leukocytes (pmns)
are cell-identity markers w/c recognize o the most abundant WBC
“self” from “non-self”  Basophils (BAS)
Classification of WBCs o the least abundant & rarest of the
1. Granulocytes WBCs
o are WBCs with visible cytoplasmic o n° basophil count: 0.5% to 1% of
granules when stained one’s total WBC
 Neutrophils (NEU)
o also called polymorphonuclear o their cytoplasmic granules contain a
o n° neutrophil count: 55% to 70% of variety of substances
one’s total WBC their levels increase during allergic
o their levels usually increase during reactions & parasitic infections
acute bacterial infections o substances secreted:
attracted by bacterial products, they
are the first to arrive at the site of histamine =
invasion since they migrate quickly  mediates inflammation; makes
functions: capillaries more permeable,
o being phagocytes, they engulf allowing tissue fluid in the
microorganisms especially bacteria damaged area & makes tissue
secrete chemicals that promote swollen (as in an allergy)
inflammation heparin =
o release bacteria-destroying o an anticoagulant that helps
substances (e.g. lysozymes) into the prevent abnormal clotting w/in
surrounding of the infected tissue blood vessels
segmenters =
 or “segs”; specific name for the mature  Eosinophils (EOS)
neutrophils; first to increase when there o n° eosinophil count: 1% to 3% of
is an infection but they have shorter life one’s total WBC
spans & die quickly in an infection o their cytoplasmic granules contain a
bands = variety of digestive enzymes that
 specific name for the immature function during allergic reactions &
neutrophils; their levels increase when parasitic infections.
segmenters die rapidly esp. during a
severe infection; since they are o functions:
immature, they are less efficient o release chemicals that kill
phagocytes parasitic worms
pus =
 an accumulation of cell debris, & fluid at
sites of infection; a normal response
especially to bacterial infections but
sometimes, if in excess, need to be
evacuated for antibiotic treatment to
2. Agranulocytes  Monocytes (MON)
 are WBCs with no visible cytoplasmic o largest of the WBCs
granules when stained n° monocyte count: 3% to 8% of
 Lymphocytes (LYM) one’s total WBC
o smallest of the WBCs o when they leave the bloodstream,
the 2nd most abundant WBC they enlarge & differentiate into
n° lymphocyte count: 20% to macrophages
40% of one’s total WBC o their numbers usually increase
during a chronic infection
o mostly reside in lymphatic
tissue (hence, their name) macrophages =
o are effective in fighting  like the neutrophils, they
infectious organisms because phagocytize bacteria, dead cells
each lymphocyte recognizes & & any other debris w/in the
acts against an antigen tissues; although they take
o usually increase during acute longer to reach a site of
viral infections infection than neutrophils, they
are more efficient phagocytes
antigen = fixed macrophages =
 any specific “non-self” or foreign  type of macrophage which
molecule that induces a response reside in a particular tissue;
from a lymphocyte examples include alveolar
 has 3 types: macrophages in the lungs &
T cells = macrophages in the spleen
help recognize antigens & wandering macrophages =
may directly destroy some  type of macrophage which roam
antigens the tissues & gather at sites of
B cells = infection or inflammation
become plasma cells that
produce antibodies w/c
bind to antigens PLATELETS (PLTs)
natural killer (NK) cells = o or thrombocytes
destroy foreign cells by o n° PLT count: 140,000 to 440,000 cells
chemically rupturing their per cubic millimeter (mm3 or μL) of
membranes blood
o functions: o are not true cells but are cellular
o regulate immunity fragments that are remnants of bone
o contribute to allergic reaction marrow cells called megakaryocytes
o reject grafts or donated
organs megakaryocytes =
o control tumors  immature cells that give rise to
PLTs; differentiate from
hemocytoblasts in red bone
thrombopoietin =  not to be confused w/ “homeostasis”
 stimulated in response to rupture or damage to
 a hormone/hemopoietic
blood vessels
growth factor produced by Hemorrhage
the liver that increases the  refers to the loss of a large amount of blood
rate of PLT production by from the blood vessels
stimulating the  can be prevented if hemostasis is successful
differentiation of myeloid  if too extensive, it needs medical intervention
stem cells to
Mechanisms of Hemostasis
megakaryocytes 1. Vascular spasm
 blood vessel damaged in traumatized
characteristics of PLTs: tissue  PLTs in the area of the rupture
 shape: irregularly disc-shaped release serotonin  smooth muscle in
 no nucleus blood vessel wall contracts
vasoconstriction & spasm  low
 have a short life span (5-9 days) blood flow to ruptured vessel
 its main function is for blood clotting

thrombocytopenia =
 the medical term for an
abnormally low PLT count
w/c indicates an risk for

 this process occurs immediately once

blood vessel is damaged
2. Platelet Plug Formation
 this process occurs within seconds from
damage to the blood vessel
 first, PLTs contact & stick to parts of the
damaged blood vessel (this process is
called, platelet adhesion)

 second, PLTs are activated & release

thromboxane A2 & ADP (this process is
called, platelet release reaction)
Thromboxane A2 & ADP activate nearby

o most of them are manufactured in the liver
o many of them require vitamin K for their
synthesis (factors X, IX, VII & II)
o vitamin K = produced by the bacteria inhabiting
the large intestine & stored in the liver
o they are designated by Roman numerals & are
numbered in the order of their discovery

Number Names
 I Fibrinogen
 third, the release of ADP & thromboxane A2
II Prothrombin
makes other PLTs in the area sticky, & the
III Tissue thromboplastin
stickiness of these PLTs causes them to adhere IV Calcium ions
to the originally activated PLTs (this gathering V Labile factor
of PLTs is called, platelet aggregation) VII Stable factor
Number Names
VIII Antihemophilic factor
IX Christmas factor
X Stuart-Prower factor
XI Plasma thromboplastin antecedent
XII Hageman factor
o XIII Fibrin stabilizing factor

 platelet aggregation then promotes the

Sum m ary of
formation of a platelet plug Clotting
 this process, however, is usually only effective Cascade
for damage to small blood vessels

3. Blood clotting
 also called blood coagulation
 is a series of chemical reactions that
culminates in formation of fibrin threads
involves several substances known as
clotting factors
 is thus a complex cascade of enzymatic
reactions in which each clotting factor o
activates many molecules of the next one in
a fixed sequence Fibrin Form ation
 the clot begins to develop within 15-20
seconds if the trauma is severe & about 1-2
minutes if the trauma is minor

clot =
a network of insoluble protein fibers called
fibrin in w/c the formed elements of blood
are trapped

Clotting Factors
o include Ca++ ions, certain plasma proteins,
inactive enzymes and chemicals released by
PLTs & damaged tissues
Hemostatic Control Mechanisms 3. Natural anticoagulants
o are “brakes” which prevent abnormal blood
clotting anticoagulant =
1. Fibrinolytic System o a substance w/c delays, suppresses or
prevents blood clotting usually by
fibrinolysis = disrupting a chemical reaction in the
 dissolution of a clot clotting cascade
this system prevents abnormal clotting
by dissolving small, inappropriate clots antithrombin =
its also dissolves clots at a site of o a natural anticoagulant produced by the
damage once the damage is repaired liver w/c blocks the action of several
plasminogen = clotting factors including factor XII, X &
 an inactive plasma enzyme II
incorporated into the clot when a clot is heparin =
formed o a natural anticoagulant produced by the
plasmin = basophils; combines w/ antithrombin &
 or fibrinolysin; the active enzyme that increases its effectiveness in blocking
dissolves clots by digesting fibrin thrombin
threads & inactivating fibrinogen &
thrombin ABO Blood Group
tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) =  is based on the presence (or absence) of two
 substance released by injured tissues major protein antigens on RBC membranes -
that activate plasminogen to plasmin antigen A & antigen B.
 Blood types & their antigens:
Type A = RBCs display only antigen A
2. Surface of endothelium Type B = display only antigen B
o the smoothness of the endothelium Type AB = both A & B antigens
prevents the activation of the intrinsic Type O = have neither antigen A nor B on RBCs
coagulation pathway  whenever antigen A is absent in RBCs, an
o when this smoothness is lost, it activates antibody called anti-A is produced, and
factor XII & the PLTs whenever antigen B is absent, an antibody
called anti-B is produced.
endothelium =  thus, an antibody & its corresponding antigen
the simple squamous epithelium w/c forms the are not normally present in the same blood
inner lining of blood vessels specimen.

Blood type Antigen Antibody

A A Anti-B
B B Anti-A
AB A and B Neither anti-A nor anti-B
O Neither A nor B Both anti-A and anti-B
 when the antibody (e.g. anti-A) & its
corresponding antigen (e.g. antigen A) are
combined, agglutination results such as in
blood type mismatch during a blood transfusion

ABO blood typing

 the screening of one’s blood for the presence of
antibodies to determine ABO blood type
 single drops of blood are mixed with different
antisera, which are solutions that contain
 One drop of blood is mixed with anti-A serum,
w/c contains anti-A antibodies that will
agglutinate RBCs that possess A antigens. Hem olytic Disease of the N ew born
 Another drop is mixed with anti-B serum, w/c
contains anti-B antibodies that will agglutinate
RBCs that possess B antigens.
 If the RBCs agglutinate only when mixed with
anti-A serum, the blood is type A. If the RBCs
agglutinate only when mixed with anti-B serum,
the blood is type B. The blood is type AB if both
drops agglutinate; if neither drop agglutinates,
the blood is type O.
Blood type
Compatible A, O B, O A, B, AB, O O
donor blood
(no hemolysis)
Incompatible B, AB A, AB none A, B, AB
donor blood

 Type “O”
known as the universal donor
they usually can give blood to the other
ABO blood types w/o causing an ABO
transfusion reaction.
 the donor’s RBCs have no ABO surface
antigens &, therefore, do not react w/ the
recipient’s anti-A or anti-B antibodies.

 Type “AB”
known as the universal recipient
the recipient’s plasma has no anti-A nor
anti-B antibodies & therefore, do not react
w/ the any ABO surface antigen on donor’s

 so named because it was first studied in the

rhesus monkey
 also called "D antigen”

Human erythrocytes are classified as Rh positive or

Rh negative depending solely on the presence or
absence of the D antigen

Designated as either Rh(+) or Rh (-); if combined

with one’s ABO blood type, could be written as O+
or O- depending on Rh blood type

Rh incompatibility is responsible for the hemolytic

disease of the newborn (HDN) or erythroblastosis
fetalis which occurs in an Rh(-) mother which leads
to death of second born Rh(+) child

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