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Addiction on Pornography

Want do you want to be when you grow up? Some of here wanted to be a doctor, teachers,
police, etc. I am glad to hear that, so keep on studying hard until you achieve your dreams. So
ya’ll wonder why I am asking you that, because a lot of people in the world ended up in a wrong
future, why? Maybe because of addiction, peer pressures, or addiction in pornography? Wait
pornography? Who’s watching pornographic videos here? Nah I’m just kidding. Did you know
when you’re watching porn, it will create a big impact in your life if you can’t control it? And,
those actors in the video can earn money, so are we helping them? Yes, but in a bad way.
Here, in 2006, estimated revenues for sex-related entertainment businesses were just under
$13 billion in the US. These estimates included video sales and rentals, internet sales, cable,
pay-per-view, phone sex, exotic dance clubs magazines, and novelty stores. Did you know that
in every second there are 28, 258 users that are watching pornographic videos, $3, 075.64 is
spent on porn every second on the internet.

Pornography is the portrayal of sexual subject matter for the exclusive purpose of sexual
arousal. Pornography may be presented in a variety of media, including books, magazines,
postcards, photographs, sculpture, drawing, painting, animation, sound recording, phone calls,
writing, film, video, and video games. There will be a lot of effects of pornography.1) Effects on
mind, body, and, soul. 2) Desensitization, Habituation, and, Boredom. 3) Distorted Perception of
Reality. 4) Sexual Addiction. Addiction on Pornography can lead to many effects.
Slow Internet Connection

In modern world, generation Z, technology now elevates, childhood activities are now
memories. Internet is needed in our everyday life. Modern type of learning needs internet to
have further information about something to research. When internet speed decreases, we
complained. That's the modern problem. We know it requires modern solution. But how? There
are approximately 5.6 million internet users as of 2008. That is 11 years from now. In modern
world, internet makes the family weaken their relationship but that's not my point. It depends on
how you used it, limit it or something that uses the word "need". Let me talk about families with
OFW member/s, there are 2.3 million numbers of OFW estimated. With good internet
connection, they can communicate each other and also understand each other. They can see
the clear image of their family member who works outside in this country. With that, it has
positive view in our country, prioritizing good internet connection. Slow internet connection
makes the video call short. Sometimes if misinterpreted, OFW members think they are mad for
something or regret. Another thing. being social active means engage with the affairs of the
society and contribute to it. Nowadays, it requires internet to be social active in an easier way
right? Another thing again, we run out of patience when internet decreased its speed. Most of
the jobs right now requires internet and it has a large amount of salary. Some hard working
people give up easily because of internet error when sending or publishing paper works. Now,
slow internet connection makes life harder and harder when time goes by because as I said,
technology elevates, overtaking the nature and everyone cannot stop this until our planet earth
gives up.
Chapter II


The researchers' study aims to do it neatly and precisely according to these

steps. First, we have to gather waste ripe banana peelings. Then, wash those peelings

then scrape the inner part of the peelings. Next, place it in a 1 liter water and heat for

thirty minutes. After heating it, place an extract into sterilized bottle then add yeast.

Partially scale it and after, start fermenting it for over 3 months by placing the banana

peels into a mason jar and add water. Put a weight on top of the skins so that they stay

submerged. Cover the jar with a cloth after and use a rubber to keep it tight and in


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