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Nama : Fendi Patah

NIM : 20170201154
Mata Kuliah : Business English
Dosen : Dasa Rajardjo So

1. How to get successful in your study and your career !

By learning and trying, keep trying to improve the ability
and experience.

2. The case :
You want to continue your study to university (bachelor d
egree or master degree) but your parents can’t afford to pa
y the tuition fee (college fee), what is your solution so yo
u can continue your study !
I will work to pay for my own education, so there is no n
eed to depend on parents

3. You get a problem with your English, what are your solut
ions !
Study English hard

4. You want to get extra money although you have got a sal
ary from your office, what is your solution !
Looking for a side job as an additional income
5. You've just started working for a software start-up. One d
ay you have a great idea for a new app, which you belie
ve is going to revolutionize the industry. You share it wit
h James, your coworker. The following day, you find out
James had presented the idea to the boss, claiming it was
his idea. Needless to say, the boss loved it, gave James t
he credit and the promotion, and the app is going to be p
roduced soon. What is your reaction !
Surely I will be angry, because it is related to copyright,
an idea that should be applied by me taken by someone e

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