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Self-Evaluation - Selection Criteria

Individual Ranking = Please read the skill/criteria and rate yourself from excellent , good, average &
developing for each skill listed below
Overall Class Ranking= Everyone will rank the class in a separate document , on completition this will be
added to this document ready for the following weeks

Attack =
 Maintain general court position - Get back to base
 Quick movement to hit the shuttle
 Holding racquet high out in front of the body
 Awareness of opponents position
 Strategic skills and tactical skills used to create, use and defend space, such as altering body positions
and applying specific tactics (ACPMP081)
Defence =
 Recovery to base with quick footwork
 Keep moving to keep rally going
 Play to opponents weaknesses
 Strategic skills and tactical skills used to create, use and defend space, such as altering body positions
and applying specific tactics (ACPMP081)
 Defensive skills used to gain control and retain possession (ACPMP080)

Net play=
 Quick reaction time
 Good body positioning to return opponents shot
 Racquet control

 Stand mid court near the centre line
 Racquet held up behind body
 Ability to force opponent to defend off the serve

Overall Player=
 Willingness (effort put in not to lose a point)

Name ________________________________________________

Excellent Good Average Developing



Net Play



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