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Chapter 1 : An Overview of the financial reporting in Malaysia a) To provide its view to MASB on any matters that MASB

.: A Historical Perspective :. seeks to undertake or implement in relation to the MASB’s

1. Companies Ordinance 1940 , 1946 and 1956 function of issuing, reviewing,developing app acc standard
2. Malaysian Companies Act 1965 b) Review the performance MASB
c) Be responsible for all the financing arrangement for the
Malaysian operation of MASB including approving budget MASB
Companies Act d) Perform other function as Minister of Finance may
1965 prescribe by order published in the Gazette
- Function of MASB :
a) Issue new accounting stand as app acc stand
established the Ninth Schedule- b) Review,revise,adopt as app acc stand, existing acc
reporting specifies disclosure stand
requirement,rules requirement in c) Issue statement of principle for financial reporting
and regulation on financial statement d) Sponsor/undertake development of possible acc stand
accounting e) Conduct such public consultation as may be necessary
in order to determine the contents of acc concepts, principles &
- Providing information that is useful to users in making economic standards
decision f) Develop a conceptual framework for the purpose of
3. Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA) 1958 evaluating proposed acc stand
- Private sector accountancy body that carry title certified public g) Make such changes to the form and content of proposed acc
accountant (CPA) stand as it considers necessary
- First accounting guidance in 1968 h) Perform such other function as minister of finance may
- 1978 MICPA adopt International Accounting Standards (IASs) prescribe by order published in the Gazette
after be member of Internationall Accounting Standard .: Statutory Regulations on Financial accounting and Reporting :.
Committee (IASC)  Financial Reporting Act 1997
- 1978 (IASs 1 to 4) were adopted - Financial statements are required to be prepared or lodge under
- 1984 issued Malaysian Accounting Standard (Mas1) on ‘Earning any law administered by the SC, Central bank or Registrar
Per Share’ Companies & app accounting standard have been issued or
- Proses adopting IASs & Develop MASs continued until 1997 adopted by MASB
when MASB established  .Companies Act 1965
4. Malaysian Institute in Accountants (MIA) 1967 under Accountant - For proper accounting record , account must be recorded and
Act 1967 kept :
- Private sector accountancy body , and its regulations cover the ~ in such manner to make them easy to audit
practices of the whole accounting profession in Malaysia ~ within 60days of completion of transaction to which they relate
- 1987 MIA were elevated to that of a national accountancy body ~ for 7 years after the completion of the related transaction/
& begin issue accounting standards operation
5. Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) established on 1/3/1993 ~ at registered office
under SC Act 1993 - Local parent company must ensure within 2years after any
- Has investigative and enforcement power corporation become subsidiary, the financial year of that
- SC’s ultimate responsibility is protecting the investor subsidiary coincide with financial year
- SC encourages and promotes the development of the securities - First annual general meeting of shareholders should held not
and futures markets in Malaysia later than 18months after date of incorporation
.: The Current Financial Reporting Regime :. - Annual general meeting must held once in every calendar year &
- 1996 Malaysian Government announced to establish new not more than 15months from the last annual general meeting
financial aacounting & reporting - Directors of every company must present this statement:
- 6/3/1997 Financial Reporting Acr 1997 was gazette ~ audited profit & loss acc
- Two body established : ~ audited balance sheet
i) Financial Reporting Foundation FRF ~ director’s report on the state of affairs of company & group must
ii) Malaysian Accounting Standards Board MASB accompany the financial state
- Function FRF set in section 4(1) FRA : - Audited financial state&auditor’s report must sent to all
shareholder not less than 14days b4 annual general meeting
- Every company must lodge its annual return with the - MIA ,MICPA conduct review of financial state prepared & audit
Commissioner of Companies within 1month or 2month if branch by their member
register outside Malaysia after annual general meeting - Two professional body stop issue acc stand after financial
- Particular in ann.return of companies having a share/not should reporting act gazette in March 1997
up to date of general meeting/date not late than 14day after meet  Pronouncement under current financial reporting regime
 Income tax Act 1967 ~ Due Process MASB b4 2004
- Income tax payable is tax expense & charged in income ~ Due Process MASB after 2003
statement - MASB start convergence work in2004 to align its stand with IASB
- Extent unpaid is current liability in balance sheet - MASB stand rename Financial Reporting Stand(FRSs) in 2004 &
- Recipient shareholder record dividend income at gross mount & FRS represent FRS Framework
taxed on the gross income - Aug2008 FRF&MASB announce plan to bring Malaysia to full
 Regulation by The SC convergence with IFRS 1Jan2012
- Capital Markets and Services Act 2007(CMSA) enacted to (Stage 1: seek public comment on IASB)
secure Securities Industry Act 1983&Futures Industry Act 1993 - Due date for public to submit comment on MASB one month
to regulate&sediakn matter brkaitn aktvt,markets& intermediaries before IASB comment deadline to allow MASB working grou &
in capital market&consequential&incidental thereto MASB Board consider the comment before submit to IASB
- CMSA has to submit (Stage 2: deliberation on WG level on IASB draft pronoun)
~ copy of audited annual acc within 2weeks from date - Pronoun deliberated in WG meeting to provide comment&
~ interim&periodic report segera lps figure available recommendation to issue raise in pronoun MASB
~ listed corporation&director should kept such acc report (Stage 3: Deliberation at MASB)
~ corporation shall retain the record for 7years after completion - The comment tabled at MASB for deliberation & consideration ,
of transaction after that comment letter prepared&submit to IASB
 The Audit Oversight Board (Stage 4: Issuance of Stand by IASB)
- AOB established under part 111A of SC Act 1993 - WG deliberate on changes made if any & make recommendation
- Mission: bantu SC overseeing auditor of public interest entities & on IFRS .
protect interest investor by promote confidence in quality & (Stage 5: Issuance of standard by MASB)
reliability of audited financial state of public interest entities - MASB consider WG recommend & after delibration app IFRS
- AOB suruh semua auditor berdaftar adopt as FRS
- AOB ad kuasa utk pantau program on registered auditor to asses - Copy FRF present to FRF members for comment b4 FRS issued
extent of their compliance with recognized auditing&ethical stand as app acc stand in MAS
 Regulation by Bursa Malaysia  Private entity reporting Stand
- Exchange holding co. incorporated under Section15 CMSA2007 - 2006 MASB announce their private entity in MAS need not
to regulate co. listed on its exchange comply with FRSs
- Not have legal power to enforce compliance - PERS is a set of acc stand issue or adopt by MASB for
- Page 14 application by all private entity. The private entity for this purpose
 Regulation by Bank Negara Malaysia is company incorporated under CA1965 :
- BNM/GP3: classification of non-performing loan & provision for ~ not required prepare or lodge any financial state under any law
substandard,bad & doubtful debt administered by SC or BNM
- BNM/GP8: guideline on financial reporting for licensed institution ~ not subsidiary or jointly controlled by an entity which is required
- GP3 dikenalkan 1985 to streamlining method of income to prepare or lodge any financial state under any law
recognition and loan loss provisioning for the purpose of financial administered by SC or BNM
reporting by financial institution  Future Pronoun-IFRS-compliant Financial Reporting Stand
- GP8 dikenalkan dec1988 to standardize format of financial report - MASB issue an omnibus Exposure Draft MASB EB75, IFRS-
for bank & finance co. compliant financial reporting stand (FRSs)
.: Accounting Standard Pronouncement in Malaysia :.
 Pronpuncement b4 current financial reporting regime
- Before MASB, MIA and MICPA diorang blh control member
diorang je
- Diorang follow International Acc Stand (IASs) & Malaysian Acc
Stand (MASs)
C2: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK…. - Info variability and components of return important in assessing
.: Reason need acc Framework :. the uncertainty of future cash flow
- Provide starting point - Info reporting entity’s past financial performance&how its
- Formulation of high-quality & consistent reporting stand management discharged its responsibilities is helpful in predict
- Identify a foundation for financial reporting the entity’s future return on its economic resources
- Identify objective of financial reporting .: Financial performance reflected by Accrual Accounting :.
- Identify desirable qualitative characteristic of FR - AA show effect of transaction&other event&circumstance on a
- Serve reference point for resolving acc issue reporting entity’s economic resources&receipt&payment occur in
- Make preparer&other users understand better of FR diff period
.: MASb’s Conceptual Framework for FR :. - AA provide better basis for assessing the entity’s past and future
- July 1998, MASB issue discussion paper MASB DP1, framework performance than info solely about cash receipt&payment during
for preparation&presentation of FS. period
- July 2007 discussion paper finalized as MASB Framework - It explain that changes in reporting entity’s economic resources
- Purpose of Framework : and claims other than obtaining additional resources directly from
 Help MASB develop future MFRS &its review of existing MFRS capital providers are useful in assessing that entity’s past and
 Help prepare financial state in applying MFRS& dealing with future to generate net cash flow
topic that have yet to form the subject of an MFRS .: Financial performance reflected by past cash flow :.
 Help auditor forming opinion as to whether financial state - Help user to assess the entity’s ability to generate future net cash
follow the MFRS inflow
 Help user of financial state interpret info contained in financial - Help user understand a reporting entity’s operations, evaluate its
state prepared financing&investing activities, asses liquidity or solvency and
 Provide info about the formulation of MFRS to who are interpret other info about FP
interested in work of MASB .: Changes in ER&C not resulting from FP :.
- The framework deals with - Issuing additional ownership share
 Objective of financial state - Info this type of change is necessary to inform user why the
 Qualitative characteristic that determine usefulness of info in reporting entity’s ER&C changed & the effect of changes
financial state .: Qualitative Characteristic of useful Financial Info :.
- Fundamental Qualitative
 Definition,recognition & measurement of element from which
financial state are constructed
How information affect the decision making process of users
 Concept of capital & capital maintenance
Info is relevant when it influence the economic decision by help
.: The objective of General Purpose of Financial Reporting :.
them evaluate past,present&future event,corfim,correct their past
- To provide information to follow law & regulation
Financial info has predictive value if it can be used as an input to
- Provide info to all users including meeting the social need of
processes employed by user to predict future outcome
Confirmatory value it provide feedback about previous evaluation
- Provide info to specific groups of users
Judgement need to decide the info is relevant to user or not
.: Economic Resources and Claims :.
 Materiality
- Economic Resources – asset
An entity-specific aspect of relevance base on nature or
- Claims : Equity and Liabilities
magnitude or both of items to which the info relate in contect of
- The info help user to identify the strength and weakness of
an individual entity’s financial report
entity’s financial , help use assess the reporting’s liquidity and
- Info about priorities&payment requirement of existing claim help  Completeness
user predict how future cash flow will be distributed among those A complete depiction include all info necessary for user to
with claim against the reporting entity understand the phenomenon including the descripyions and
.: Changes in ER&C :. explainations
- Changes result from entity’s financial performance & other  Neutrality
transaction Without bias in selection presentation of financial info
- Info financial performance help user understand the return that Info should be not bias so user can free make their judgement
entity produced on its economic resources Info should base on fact and supportive evidence rather than
- Provide indication how well management discharged its personal opinion
responsibilities  Free from error
There are no error or omission in description of phenomenon& ~ ada arising yg ta masuk income state tp masuk equity (gain
process used to produce reported info arising from revaluation of fixed asset)
.: Step Applying fundamental qualitative characteristic :. Expenses
Identify economic phenomenon that has potential to be useful to ~ decrese in economic benefit during the accounting period in the
user of reporting entity form of outflow or depletion of asset
Identify the type of info about the phenomenon that most relevant ~ expenses arise in ordinary course of busines(cost of good sold)
if it available and can be faithfully represented ~loses realize or unrealized
Determine whether info is available and can be faithfully Capital Maintenance and adjustment
represented ~ revaluation of asset and liabilities give rise to increase or
decrease income state
 Comparability .: recognition of the element of financial state :.
Info can is more useful if can be compared with similar info in - Concerned with ‘what’ an entity discloses as item in the
same entity & similar info in other entity for another period statement of financial position or income state
Can compared with other company - Recognition criteria :
Characteristic comparability is achived when financial state It is probable that any future economic benefit associated with
present in consistent way the item will flow to or from entity
 Verifiability The item that has cost or value that can be measured with
Help user that info faithfully represent the economic phenomena reliability
it purpose to represent .: measurement of the elements of financial statement :.
It mean , diff knowledgeable&independent observer can agree - Concerned with ‘how much’ an entity allocate to amount
Direct : counting cash to verify amount of depicted recognized as elements in the statement of financial position or
Indirect : checking input to a valuation model&recalculating the income state
output using same method - Proses of determining the monetary amount at which the
 Timeliness element of financial state are to be recognized and carried in
Having info available to decision-makers in time to be capable of income state
influencing their decision
 Understandability
Financial info can be read and understood by user
Ta bermakna benda complex tayah tunjuk dlm financial info , jd
tugas reader utk make sure depa ada acc skill utk paham

- Element of financial position

~ A resouces controlled by the entity as a result of past events
and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to
the entity
~ beli kereta secara installment . kereta milik bank tp sbb kita ad
control so kereta tu asset kita
~ past event ( transaction mesti dh buat baru dikira asset)
~ Future economic benefit ( potential to contribute benefit )
~ present obligation of the entity arising from past transaction
~ Residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting all its
liabilities ( asset-liability=equity)
- Element of Performance
~ an increase economic benefits during the accounting period in
the form of inflows or enhancement of asset .
~ revenue arising from ordinary course of bisnes (sales)
C3 : PPE
.: Introduction :.
- PPE : long-term assets which arise from investment decidion of
reporting entities
- PPE classified as tangible when :
Use in production , supply of goods or service , rental to other ,
administrative purpose
Use more than one period
.: Recognition of PPE :.
- PPE recognized as asset if :
It is probable that future economic benefits associated with the
item will floe to the entity
The cost of the item to the entity can be measured reliably
- Classification PPE depend on nature and use of the item
.: Measurement at Recognition :.
PPE purchased for cash
Initial cost :
Purchased price XXXX
(-) : Trade discount (XX)
Initial Price XXX
(-) : Cash Disconut (X)
Import duty XX
Delivery fees XX
Electrical Installation cost XX
Maintenance cost XX
Training cost XX
Pre-production testing XX
Cost of the ….. XXX
.: Subsequent Cost on PPR :.
- It is an expenditure on asset after it is brought into use
~ A resouces controlled by the entity as a result of past events
and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to
the entity
- PPE classified as tangible when :
Use in production , supply of goods or service , rental to other ,
administrative purpose
Use more than one period
.: Recognition of PPE :.
- PPE recognized as asset if :
It is probable that future economic benefits associated with the
item will floe to the entity
The cost of the item to the entity can be measured reliably
Definition inventories :

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