Cell/ZOI8/.85: Rajastha High Court

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No. RHC/Exam Cell/ZOI8/.85 Date:19.02.2018

Applicotions are invited Jrom eligible condidotes having requisite
qualificotions for Controctuol engdgement os Legol Reseorcher
for deputing with:
S.No. Ndme o Hon'ble Chiel Justice / J
o1 Hon 'ble the ch .lustice Prodeep Nondro
02 Hon' bl e Ku mo ri J ustice N irmol. Kqur
oi Hon'ble Mr. !ustice Protop Krishno Lohra
04 Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arun Bhonsoli
05 H o n' ble M r. .lustice Dee pok M oheshwori

06 Hon'ble Mr. Justice Goverdhon Bordhor

07 Hon'ble Mr. Justice Pankoi Bhondori
08 Hon'ble Mr. Justice Dinesh Chondro Somoni
09 Hon'ble Mr. Justice Ss v Prokosh Shormo
70 Hon'ble Mr. Justice Ashok Kumqr Gaur
17 Hon'ble ML Justice lnde t sin h
H on le Dr Justtce vire ndro Ku m o r M a th

for o period one yeor under the scheme for engoging Legol Reseorcher'
yeor 2078 must not be more
Moximum oge of the candidote os on 7n Jonuory ol
(duly filled up and complete
thon 33 yedrs. fhe last dote fot submitting opplicotion
(Exominotion)' Roiosthdn
in every manner) must reoch to the oflice of Registror
(Monday) duing office hours'
High Court, Jodhpur on or before 72'03'2078
High court ond
The Scheme for engoging Legol Reseorcher in Roiosthon
the o|iciol website ol Roiosthon Hiqh
ippticotio, Form con be downlooded from
cou rt I htto : / /hctdi, nic.inl'

,&. \&-
oote : 19.02.2078 l€, .{
R strar (Examination)
Rajasthan High Court

Whereas sancdon of 38 Legal Researcher on fixed honorarium basis, for rheir

attachment with Hon'ble Hlgh Coun Judges, has been issued by rhe Governmenr of

Rajasahan, with a view, that the atGched Lcgal Researcher may assisr Hon'ble Judge
in Judicial work e.g. Searching out case Law, anicles, papers, taking down notes of
arguments and preparing notes about facts of the case etc. as also in administrative

work, and preparing of speech / articles etc. which add and enrich lcrowledge and
experience of concemed Legal researcher also.

l'herefore, !o obuin services of best incumbents, and with a view to keep

rransparency in the mode, and modality of engaging such Leg,al Researcher;
providing qualification / method of selection, brief job chan, general conditions of
job etc. Hon'ble Chief Justice, while exercising power conferred vide Article 229 of

the Constiturion of lDdia, hereby provides foilowirg guidelines:-

,. Title:
The guidelines provided herein after shall be called "Scheme for engaging
Legal Researcher in Rajasthan High Coun."
2. Definitions:
Unless there is arything repugnant in the subject or context-
(i) Chiel Justice mears Hon'ble Chief Justice of Rajasthan High Coun.
(ii) Judge means Hon'ble Judge of Rajasthan High Coun.
(iii) Legal Researcher means Legal Researcher recruited under this Scheme.
(iv) Schedule means schedule given at the end of these guidelines.
(v) website means official website of Rajatthan HiSh Court as may be
uploaded from time to lime. (At present it is http:rhcraj.nic.in)
(vi) Universities / Colleges / lnstitutioN shall mean the Universities /

Colleges / Instirudous esublished by law in hrdia.

3, Term and nature of engagement:

(t) Lego, Reseqrcher shall be engogeil on pute temPomry contr",caral
bosis initiolly for o term o[ one yedr but with cxtznsion for further
period of 4 years ot aill ,he rctircmena of conccrneil Hon'ble luilge
whichevq is esrliet subiect to his/her performance ,o the saaisfaction
of Hon'ble Judge \|ith whom he/ she is onoched, which shall not enmil
person concerneil to claim ony rcgular appoinlrnenL
(ii) onc Legal Researcher shall be attached with Hon'ble the Chief Jusrice so

also oDe'with each Hon'ble Judge.

(iii) Preruature discharge of lhe assignment given to l,egal Researcher

without anv notice shall be Lawful. provided that the Hon'ble Judge with
whom concemed Legal Researcber is attached, makes recommendation
in writing to rhe Hon'ble Cfuef Jusrice,
(iv) A Legal Researcher intending ro leave assignment at p:e-matur€ stage
shall be required to give prior notice of three mooths, or residuary term of
assignment, which ever is less.

4. Method of Selection:
(l) Legol Reseorcher sholl be selected by notifying requirement as ond
when the vaconcy would orise, Requirement would be natifted Hon,ble
Judge wise ond the applications would olso be invited Hon'ble ludge
wise. The proforma of obridged odvertisement sholl be ds is prescribed
in Schedule-L
(ii) Applicotions will be invited from the willing candidotes in Prolorms
prescribed in khedule-ll, Sinultoneous to rhis process, the Registrar,
Universities/ Colleges/ Institutions moy olso be intimoted about the
requirement, requestirg to persuode ond fontard opplicotlons of willing
candidotes along-uttith their recommendotion.
(iii) Notice for last dote of submission of application forms, intimotion for
appeoring in interuiew ond letteE of offer shall be published on the
offtcial website.
5. Examination Fce:
Every candidate shall pay tu.100/- as examinadon fee through Demand Draft
or Postal Order to be drawn in the name of Registar General of Rajasthan
High Coun.
6- selection of Leoal Researcher :

(l) Applicotions for oppoinnnent of Legol Reseqrcher will be ploced before

the Hon'ble Judge concerned. Under the directions of Hon'ble Judge
concerned, shortlbting of the opplications may obo be done on rhe bosis
of scademic corrier ond exto curricular ochievemena of the

(ii) Selection of the Legol Reseorcher will be made by l{on'ble the Chief
Justice ot the Hon'ble Judge concefied olter interviewing the condidotes

for ossessing their suitobility.

z Asc-aldllads4dig:
(i) A candidate musr not have attained rhe age of 33 years oo l" January

preceding the last date fixed for submission of the applicadoa.

(ii) He must be citizen of India.
8. Oualiocations:
(i) A candidate must be a fresh law graduate or post graduate in law from
Universitiey College/ lnstitutions eTablished by law jn lndia
(ii) A candidate musr have basic knowledge of compurer.
9. Disoualiffcation:
(i) A candidate musr nor be a practicing advocaE nor engaged./appointed
elsewhere, on honorarium/pafmen t basis.
(ii) A candidale must not have more rhan one wedded spouse, nor should be
married to such a person, who already had a living spouse at thar rime.
(iii) A candidare should not be involved in aDy criminal case, whelher
(onvicted or againsr whom criminal rrial is pending.

10, Character:
A candidate must be a persoo of integrity, honesty and good moral character,
for which he will submit certificate of rwo responsible persons, at Lhe time of
submitting application.
Il. Honorarium:
(i) A fixed honorarium of Rs.20,000/- per mouth without any deamess or
other allowance/ perquisite, shall bc paid to rhe Legal Researcher.
(ii) Proportionate reducdon of honorarium shall be made for unauthorised
absence, so also for absence beyond permissible period of leave.

12. Agerdagsc3EdLrar4er
(i) A Legal Researcher shall be enrided to one casual leave oo completion of
one calendar mo[th, aIId un-availed casual leave will accumulate, upti]l

calendar year.
(ii) The Hon'ble Judge with whom the Legal Researcher is attached, shall be
competent authority to sanction his leave.
(iii) Private Secretary of Hon'ble Judge to whom such Legal Researcher is
attached shall maintain account of attendance and casual leave of the

Legal Researcher, and will send its lnaimation on last working day of
each caleodar mooth to the Bill Sectio[, fol preParing bill oI honorarium.
13. Duaies of Legal Researcheri
(i) without adversely affecring generally of the job i.e. to assist Hon'ble
Judge in discharge of Judicial aod Adminislralive functions, rhe Legal
Researcher shall perform following duties, under direct control of
Hon'ble Judge with whom he is attached:
(a) To read the case files, and prepare the case i.e. case summary and notes

and chronology of events of such a comprehensive nature, that it may

give to the Hon'ble Judge a complete view of tbe mater, including the
l€gai qlestions involved, and the latest cas€-law having beadng on the
case ejther ways,
(b) to search and research legal poinls and principles under conrml aod
guidance of Hon'ble Judge,

(c) ro search out case iaw, anicles, papers and other relevant mate.ial

required in discharge of judiciayadminisharive work,

(d) to take down notes of arguments and to prepare notes of cases,
(e) to idendfy facts, issues and questions rhat may a se in rhe course of
argumeots, or as may be relevant forjudgment,
(0 to maintain rccord of judgmeoB by the Hon'ble Judge alongwith rhe
poinr of law decided in thar particular case, and to maiDtain ir in snch a
manner, as [o be very conveniently rctrievable, as and when needed by
the Judge, for any purpose whatever,

(g) maintenance of record of admioist.ative correspondence,

administradve files, and, if specifically en[usted, of particular judicia.l

(h) to perform whatever is directe4 in the conlse of impaning trainirg ro

him, with regard to procedure aod substantive law,

(i) to assist Hoo'ble Judge iD preparing any speecty'academic paper.

I4, Duty Hours:

It is full time job, and Legal Researcher may be requfed to anend residenrial
office of concemed Hon'ble Judge, in addition to normal duty during office
hours. He/She may be rcquired to attend office/residential office even on
gazerted-/ local holidays. However, the time schedule shall be mutually
adjusted by Hon'ble Judge conceuled, so as to make coDvenient workiDg of
the Legai Researcher as well as the Hon'ble Judge coocerned.

(i) A Legal Researcher shall maintain devotion to duty, and high srandard of

moral dudng the term of assignment. He/She will not disclose any fact

which comes to his/her klowledge on account of such official

attachment, during or after completion of term of assignment, unless such
disclosule is legally required in discharBe of lawful duties.
(ii) The Legal Researcher will not accept any other assignment duriDg lerm
of assignmelt as Legal Researcher,
(iii) He/She will not practice for a period of 3 yeors before Hon'ble Judge,
with whom he/she was anached, nor will ever handle a case, with
relation to which helshe has discharEed any duty, in any manner, as
Legal Researcher.
(iv) he will rct leave headquarter wirhout seeking permission from Hoa'ble
Judge concemed
(v) he will not avail leave without getting it sancrioned. In any case of
emergency, he will immediately contact and convey Private Secretary of
Hon'ble Judge corrcemed, of his inability to attend office.
16. Undertaking:
Beforc taking over assignment, Legal Researcher shall submit an unde(aking
in format, as may be prescribed in Schedule-Ill from time to time, before
Registrar Adminisoation of the Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur/Bench Jaipur.
1Z Cenificate:
(i) On successful completion of term of assignment, a cerrificare by the
Registrar General shall be issued, in form prescribed in khedule-N.
(ii) If the assignment is terminated due to pre-mature discharge by High
Court, or due to voluntarily giving up assignmenl by Legal Researc'her
concerned, no such cenificate shall be given.

18. Publication of the Scheme :

(i) The scheme shall be uploaded on website and intimation of uploading

may be given to the ReBistrars/ lnstitutions/ Universities/ Colleges,
(ii) Hon'ble Chief Justice may, direct publisbing of this scheme - in any other
additional manner also.
By rhe Orders of Hon'ble the Chief Justice
C{.,.--.1 1
Adv No/ Legal Researcher/ Name of Post: Legal Researcher
LastDate: 12.03.2018

Name of Hon'ble Judge for whom application is submitted-

1. Name of Applicant

(ln Capital Letter)

2. Date of Birth

3. Sex (Male/Female)

4. Nationality

5. Full Name of Father/Husband:

6. Present Postal Address

7. Permanent Address

8. Educational Qualification

Name of Name of Name of Year of Total Marks Percentage

Exam Board/ lnstitution/ Passing Marks Obtained of Marks
Passed University college obtained

9. Doyou have knowledge of computer Operation? (Yes/No)

a. Whether you have undergone any certificate diploma course in computer

operation from a recognized lnstitute? Please give particu1ars.....................

10.Are you married? lf so, do you have more than one spouse living or married a

person having spouse living? ..............,...

11. Number and Date of Bank draft/Banker cheque/lPO and Value:

Number- Amount: Rs. Date

Name of Bank/ Post Office:

- (Signature of Applicant)
l.Candidates should affix a latest taken colourcd photogaph taken on or after
in passport size with his own signature thereon and duly attested by some Gazetted
Officer at the place provided in the application.
2.The envelop containing application should be marked ..APPLICATION FOR THE
3.Envelop shall contain only one application form. An envelop containing more than one
application form shall stand rejected.
4.Candidates must attach with the application form, certified copies of the certificates in

suppofl of their age and educational qualifications, extra curricular activities and also in
support oftheir having computer kno$,ledge.

s.Applications may be sent either by Specd Post, Rcgistered Post A.D., or through
Courier, or can be deposited by hand dwing oflice hours.
6. Application will be rejected if photo is not pasted or Bank Draft,/Postal Order is not

attached or if certified copy ofcertificates arc not attached with it, or if it is not signed by

the applicant or if it is not rcceived by the last date/timc.

7. Applications received after last date shall not be entertained and the Court will not be
responsible for any postal delay. The defective applications, which are not complete in
any respect. will be rejecred out-right.
8.Candidate shall give an undeiaking on the prescribed proforma that during the
engagement as Lcgal Researcher, he/she shall not practice in any court of law nor engage

himselfTherself in any professional pursuit.

9.The candidates are required to fumish a checklist along with application tbrm
mentioning therein details aboul the certificates and the testimonials enclosed with the
l0.Information regarding format of application and other information are available on the
website ofthe Rajasthan lligh Court at http;/,4rcrai.nic.in which mvst be read carefully
before filling up application.



of_residenl of_

of Judiciav Administrative/ Off:ciav Semi Oflicial fuctions, do hereby submir my
undenaking and affirm as under;
That I have carefully read the SCHEME FOR ENGAGING LEGAL
R.ESEARCHER lN RAJASTHAN HIGH COURT and have fully underutood
the provisions coltained therein. I understand and do undenake that I am bound by

fte provisions contained in dte above said scheme and that I will abide by the
provisions of ir.

Datc Sig,naturc

(Name of Candidare)

(Resistrar General)

Reqn5lr? I 'r't
f,rj*th"n .r &ul
l. . .t,ur.


To whom so ever it mav concem

It is to cenifv that Mr./Mrs./Miss./ Son-/

Daughter,^dife of .. ... .. .. .. . ...... resident of

....... had performed job and successfully panicipared in
fiaining as Legal Researcher w.e.f......to.-..,...,.. He was attached to Hon'ble Mr.
Justice. ............... . Hon'ble Chief Justice/ Hon'ble Judge of
Rajasthan High Coufl and hi9 her performance was found to be satisfactory/


Rogistlat (A4.0!, )
Rriarthal lligh Coun
Upon selection of Mr./Mrs./Miss ..............
.....Son/ Wife/
Daughter of.................. resident of .. ... as Legal
Researcher under de provisions of Scheme for engaging Legal Researcher in
Rajasthan High Coun, offer to join within seven days from the date of
receipt of
lhis letter is being made broadly on following terms & conditioDs:_
t.That ir is pure remporary conractual assignment for a pedod of one year which
shall oot efltail you to claim any regular appoinrrnenr.
2.Premarure discharge of the assignmenr wirhout norice shall be lawful provided
Hon'ble Chief Justice / concemed Hon'ble Judge rnakes written recommendation.
3.A fixed honorarium of Rs.20,000/- per month without any dearness or other
allowauce/perquisite, shall be paid to you. However, propoftionare reducrion shall

be made on account of unauthorized absence so also, absence beyond permissible

period of leave.

4.You shall be endtled to orle casual leave oo completion of one ca]endar month and

un-availed casual leave will accumulate uptill determination of tenn of engagemenr

s.The provisions contained in Scheme for engaging Legal Researcher in Rajasrhat

High Court are binding upon you.

6.On successful complerion of term of assiglment, a certificate by the Regjsrrar
General shall be issred.

7.You will mainrain devotion to duty, and high standard of moral, during rhe rerm
of assignment. You will not disclose any facr which comes to your knowledge on
account of such official aftachment, during or after complerion of rerm of
assignment, udess such disdosurc is legaUy required in disdrarge of lawful duties.

8.Your principal duties are as followsi

(a)To read the case files, and prepare the case, i.e. case suErmary aod notes and
chronoiogy ol events of such a comprehensive nature, that it may give to the
Hon'ble Judge a complete view of the mater, including the legal questions involved,
and the latest case-.law having bealing on the case either ways,

(b)to search ard research Iegal points and principles under control and guides of
Hon'ble Judge,
(c)to search out case law, articles, papers and other relevant matedal required in
discharge of iudicial,/administrative work,
(d)to rake down notes of argumens and to prepare notes of cases,
(e)to identify facts, issues and questions that may arise in the course of aryumenrs,
or as may be releYant forjudgment,
(0ro maintaifl rccord ofjudgments by the Judge alongwi& the point of law decided
in thal particular case, and maintain iI in sucb a mamer, as to be very
conveniendy rerievable, as and when oeeded by the Jodge, for any purpose

(g)maintenance of record of administrative corresponding, administrative files, and

if specifically ennusted, of pafticular judicial file(s),

(h)to perform whatever is dirccted, in the course of impaning traioing to you, .wth

regard to procedure and substandvg law,

(i)to assist Hon'ble Judge h prepadng any speech/academic paper.

g.You will not be en tled to practice as a lawyer or to take any employment during
the rerm of assigllment. lf already enrolled, you will intimate Bar Colrnci] oI
Rajasrhan for suspcnsioll oI Enrol]Inent.

1o.That yo! sl':all wear a black coat (and in case of male, de also) duriog court

l i.That you will carry a photo affixed identity card with you so lhat free access at

coun room, computer c€ll and library can be 8iven.

12. That you vrill not proctice for o period of i yeors before Hon'ble Judge wirh

whom you were ottached, not utill ever handle a case, with relotion to which you
hove dischorged any duty , in ony monner , os Legol Researcher
t3.Brcacir of any term / conditioo or any indisciplin€ by you shall attract

terminalo! of assignmlrt wilhout notice,


:aegrrar {
Rairgtbal iligL Cota

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