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BS4S16 Leadership & Management Theories Assignment Brief

You are required to complete one assignment to test the following module learning outcomes:

1. Critically evaluate the development of leadership and managementtheories;

2. Critically appreciate the nature of leadership and management theories and their application
in a range of leadership and management settings.

1. Assignment Question

Critically evaluate the application of leadership theories to a leader in an organisational context (e.g.
a company of your choice) and management theories to a contemporary organisation.

2. Guidance

2.1 Structure

Students will decide on the appropriate structure and content but we would expect to see the
following elements:

 Introduction (explaining the purpose and structure of the report):

o the terms of reference for the report in general, the theoretical area and focus of
your report and approach taken (including method(s) used);
o setting the context (background to sector, organisation, organisational structure,
culture etc.).
o Structure of the report.
 Main body of the assignment (with subheadings for easier navigation & professionalism):
o Contextual discussion of the broader development of leadership and
management theory as appropriate to the chosen topic for critical evaluation;
o critical evaluation of leadership and management theories
o application of critiqued theory to evidenced practice within the selected
contemporary organisation;
o evaluation and commentary on the fit (or lack of fit) between your critiqued theory
and practice as evidenced.
 Conclusions:
o Your conclusions should relate to the terms of reference for the report (in other
words you should be reaching conclusions about theory, practice and the fit
between theory and practice).

2.2 Additional guidance

 This is an individual assessment, not a group task.

 You may use a leader and an organisation. It is a good idea to choose an organisation with
which you are familiar. It is often advisable to use your own organisation where possible as
you will often have better access to information. Remember you are required to present
evidence not make assertions about practice.
 If you use your own organisation, then you may wish to seek a sponsor for your work who
can help you to navigate access to documentation. If you are using confidential sources then
clearly mark your work as confidential on the front cover.
 You must be ethical in your approach to your work at all times. Your document will be
entered onto a global database (Turnitin) so bear this in mind. Your sponsor/boss may ask to
read your work;
 If you are not currently working then ensure that you choose a leader and an
organisation where there is good access to information in the publicdomain;
 When you are looking at a leader and an organisation, you need to identify relevant
practice. In the case of a leader this may relate to their traits and behaviours. Things that
they have said and done. In relation to your organisation you need to be looking at the
policies and approaches of organisations. You need to provide suitable EVIDENCE (which is
normally referenced). For example, classical and human relations approaches to
management have different conceptions of motivation, incentives and rewards, ways of
organising work and tasks etc. How are these reflected in company policies? Do not fall into
the trap of making assertions. You should only be giving your personal opinion here in
exceptional circumstances and if it is your opinion, make this clear to thereader.
 Remember to use a range of sources of information from both internal and external sources
to build up the reliability of yourevidence;
 In your introduction you should BRIEFLY state your methodology. This will normally involve
secondary research only but in exceptional cases, depending on your chosen theoretical
focus, you may hold interviews with relevant staff if considered appropriate. You are advised
to discuss this with your tutor. You may also use your own observations i.e. reflective
practice. Remember to reference this section of your report.
 Academic Literature should be sourced from a range of textbooks and peer reviewed journal
articles. A limited range of readings are made available. Start off with the lectures provided,
then consult text books, to give you a framework from which to build your understanding.
Do not use literature from unreliable sources like Wikipedia, Businessballs, online study
sources. It is essential that you are read peer reviewed journal articles to build your critical
 Use the University’s Harvard referencing system as per University regulations (see

Further general guidance on approaching your assignment work in the module is provided in the
Module Handbook and you are strongly advised to read this prior to commencing your
assignment work.

2.3 Presentation

Your work should:

Be presented using 12 pt Arial font and double line spacing;

Follow best practice in relation to report writing (see;
Use different headings and sub-headings to provide clarity to your work with a supporting
numbering system;
You are encouraged to provide different figures (tables, diagrams etc.) as appropriate. They
should be clearly numbered and included on the contents page. They should be used to
illustrate a point but NOT to make a point;
Do not include any appendices as they will NOT be read;
Be your own independent work and free from plagiarism by ensuring that work is clearly
Use Harvard style citation and referencing using the University’s published guidelines;
Be written in appropriate academic style. You are advised NOT to discuss the theory, then
the practice and then the fit. An integrated approach whereby you critically evaluate a
section of theory, apply it to practice and then discuss the fit works best as your reader will
be able to follow your discussion more easily.
Be professionally presented. You may wish to consider writing out your practice elements in
italics so it is easily identified and use an emboldening technique to link theory andpractice;
Have a good standard of written English and been spell checked and proof-read;
Have a clearly labelled front page detailing the module code and title, title of the
assignment, tutors name, your name and enrolment number and the date of submission;

3 Submitting Your Work

 The assignment script must be submitted electronically via ‘Turnitin’ by the last day of week
8, Sunday 2300 hours, UCT. All scripts are automatically processed via Turn-it-in upon
submissions in the VLE.
 Each submission is final and no further changes are allowed on the script’s content. There is
no multiple submissions function and therefore students cannot check the originality score
and make changes.
 Please note that tutors will not be able to pre-assess draft assessments.
 The maximum word for the assessment is 6,000 words, +/- 10%. This word count does not
include any appendices (which you should not need to any extent as all salient points should
be in the body of your report) but excludes the words in the reference list. This word count
must be adhered to.
 The University's late submission policy will be adhered to (see xxx for details).

 Late assignment submissions: a late submission (up to 5 days after the assessment deadline)
is capped at a grade of 40 (passing Grade). Submitting an assignment after the 5 day limit,
results to a grade of 0.
 If there are circumstances preventing you from submitting your assignment or you want to
requests an extension you should email at to
complete the extenuating circumstances form. Tutors are not responsible to grant
extensions to students.

Feedback will be available within twenty working days

4 Assessment Weightings

Element Weight %
Presentation, structure, style and referencing 10
Contextual discussion of the broader development of 10
leadership and management theory as appropriate to
the chosen topic for critical evaluation;
Critical evaluation of literature 30
Critical discussion of practice relating to leader and 30
Commentary on the fit between theory and practice 20

See the detailed assessment criteria below. Note that the Faculty of Business and Society’s
postgraduate assessment criteria (provided below) will be used to assess the quality of these aspects
of your work.

You are advised to read these criteria carefully before you start your work, whilst you complete your
work and then again before you submit your work. Remember to use the assessment weightings to
guide your effort.

5 Plagiarism

Please note that plagiarism in either examination or coursework will be dealt with in line with
University policy.

If you are in any doubt as to the difference between plagiarism and referencing the work of
someone else it is absolutely imperative that you seek guidance from the module leader or a
specialist study skills adviser (meetings can be arranged by skype). Ignorance of what constitutes
plagiarism will not be a defence. The information below should be read and fully understood.

What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is when you take the ideas, thoughts, words or inventions of someone else and present
them as your own. It includes copying from fellow students as well as from books, and taking ideas
and images from others as well as their actual words. It is a very serious academic offence.

You must ensure that all work submitted for assessment is your own, and has not been previously
submitted for any other award or module even by yourself (this is call “recycling”). When you use
source material summarise or paraphrase it in your own words, and cite your source in the text or

footnotes. The same applies to direct quotations but these should be used sparingly. If you take up
an idea from someone else, or wish to discuss someone's critique of a particular theory, you must
again cite the source. Only your own original thoughts and evaluations should remain unreferenced.

Plagiarism is an infringement of University Regulations. If you are found guilty of plagiarism, you
may be failed in the complete stage of the award, and in extreme cases may be discontinued.

6 Assessment Criteria – Please read this in conjunction with the FBS Generic Assessment Criteria

BS4S16 Leadership and Management Theories Report Assessment Criteria (read in conjunction with generic criteria below)
Fail Fail Pass Pass Merit Distinction Distinction
20% 35-39% 40-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70%-79% 80% - 100

Contextual Very limited Lack of Some evidence of Good use of Very good use Excellent use and Outstanding use
discussion of reference/source reference/source consulting reference/source and balance of balance of and balance of
the broader material. material. reference/source material. reference/source reference/source reference/source
development material. material. material. material.
of leadership And/or And/or And/or
and And/or And/or And/or And/or
management Very weak Weak
theory (10%) understanding of understanding of Some contextual Good contextual Very good In-depth Very in-depth
the context of the context of understanding of understanding of the contextual understanding of understanding of
development of development of the context of the context of the understanding of the context of the the context of the
the chosen the chosen development of development of the the context of development of development of
leadership or leadership or the chosen chosen leadership or the development the chosen the chosen
management management leadership or management theory of the chosen leadership or leadership or
theory relating to theory relating to management relating to the chosen leadership or management management
the chosen topic. the chosen topic. theory relating to topic from seminal management theory relating to theory relating to
the chosen topic work through to theory relating to the chosen topic the chosen topic
And/or And/or but gaps evident. contemporary theory. the chosen topic from antecedent from antecedent
from antecedent and seminal work and seminal work
The work remains Many references And/or And/or and seminal work through to through to
largely are missing through to contemporary contemporary
unreferenced /incorrectly cited Some references References are contemporary theory. theory.
and/or most in the body of the are missing or generally theory.
references are report and/or in incorrectly cited in appropriately cited in
incorrectly cited the list at the end. the body of the the body of the And/or And/or
and/or missing in report and/or in report. Some errors in References are
the body in the the list at the end. relation to the body appropriately All references are All references are
list at the end. of the report and/or cited in the body appropriately cited appropriately cited
list at the end. of the report and in the body of the in the body of the
the list at the report and the list report and the list
end. Few errors at the end with at the end without
e.g. in relation to very few errors. a single error.
page numbers
for quotations

Critical Very limited Lack of Some evidence of Good use of Very good use Excellent use Outstanding use
evaluation of reference/source reference/source consulting reference/source and balance of and balance of and balance of
literature material. material. reference/source material. reference/source reference/source reference/source
relating to material. material. material. material.
chosen And/or And/or And/or
focused And/or And/or
And/or And/or
theoretical Discussion is very Discussion is
topic (30%) superficial and superficial, lacks Discussion could Discussion is
lacks any real appropriate focus be further focused appropriately focused Discussion is Discussion is Discussion is
focus to evidence to evidence to evidence depth to evidence depth of focused down to excellent outstanding
knowledge and knowledge and of knowledge and knowledge and allow in-depth demonstrating demonstrating
understanding. understanding. understanding. understanding. discussion of in-depth in-depth
particular consideration of consideration of
And/or And/or And/or And/or aspects of the relevant aspects relevant aspects
theory and of theory to of theory to
Knowledge & Knowledge & Knowledge & thereby evidence
show thorough show thorough
understanding of understanding of understanding of Knowledge & depth of
theory to theory to underpin theory to underpin understanding of knowledge and
knowledge and knowledge and
underpin application to application to theory to underpin understanding. understanding. understanding.
application to organisational organisational application to
organisational practice is weak. practice could be organisational And/or And/or And/or
practice is further developed. practice is generally
extremely weak. And/or sound. Very good Excellent Outstanding
And/or knowledge & knowledge & knowledge &
And/or Lack of critical And/or understanding of understanding of understanding of
evaluation of Limited critical theory to theory to theory to
No critical theory. evaluation of Good critical underpin
underpin underpin
evaluation of theory. evaluation of theory application to
theory. And/or demonstrating ability organisational application to application to

to compare/contrast practice is organisational organisational
And/or Many references theoretical demonstrated. practice is practice is
are missing strengths/weaknesses demonstrated. demonstrated.
The work remains /incorrectly cited etc. And/or
largely in the body of the
And/or And/or
unreferenced report and/or in And/or And/or
and/or most the list at the end. Critical
references are Many references References are evaluation of Insightful critical Highly insightful
incorrectly cited are missing or generally theory clearly evaluation of the critical
and/or missing in incorrectly cited in appropriately cited in demonstrates theory with an evaluation of the
the body in the the body of the the body of the points of excellent theory with an
list at the end. report and/or in report. Some errors in comparison commentary outstanding
the list at the end. relation to the body between relating to points commentary
of the report and/or theories, relative of comparison, relating to points
list at the end. strengths and strengths and of comparison,
weaknesses of
weaknesses etc. strengths and
theory etc.
weaknesses etc.
And/or And/or
References are All references
appropriately are All references
cited in the body appropriately are
of the report and cited in the body appropriately
the list at the of the report and cited in the body
end. Very few of the report and
the list at the
errors e.g. in
end without a the list at the
relation to page
single error. end without a
numbers for
quotations etc. single error.

Discussion of Contextual Contextual Some contextual Good information in Detailed Excellent Outstanding
practice in information in information in information in relation to the information in information in information in
chosen relation to the relation to the relation to the organisation and its relation to the relation to the relation to the
organisation organisation is organisation is organisation is sector is provided and organisation and organisation and organisation and
in relation to very weak and/or weak and/or provided but there presented so that the its sector is its sector is clearly its sector is clearly

8 |Page
the elements are elements are are gaps. reader has an appropriately presented and presented and
theoretical missing. missing. understanding of the provided and discussed in all discussed in all
topic And/or context. presented so respects so that respects so that
(including And/or And/or Description of And/or that the reader the reader fully the reader fully
context) practice needs understands the understands the understands the
(30%) Description of Description of further Description of context. context. context.
practice is very practice is weak, development in practice is
weak, missing missing and/or relation to appropriate to the And/or And/or And/or
and/or lacking in lacking in essential appropriateness theoretical discussion
essential information to and/or detail to and provides tangible Description of Description of Description of
information to provide an evidence evidence for the practice is practice is practice is
provide an appropriate subsequent subsequent detailed and excellent providing outstanding
appropriate evidence base for discussion on fit discussion of fit appropriate to appropriate, providing
evidence base for the subsequent between theory between theory and the theoretical detailed and appropriate,
the subsequent discussion on fit and practice. practice. discussion insightful evidence detailed and
discussion on fit between theory providing good to inform the insightful evidence
between theory and practice. And/or And/or evidence for the subsequent to inform the
and practice. subsequent commentary on subsequent
And/or Application of Application of theory commentary on the fit between commentary on
And/or theory to practice to practice is fit between theory and the fit between
Application of could be further generally good and theory and practice. theory and
Application of theory to practice developed. the links are generally practice. practice.
theory to practice is weak. explained. And/or
is very weak. And/or And/or
Very good application of Outstanding
application of appropriate, in- application of
appropriate depth theory to appropriate, in-
theory to practice and the depth theory to
practice and the links are practice and the
links are very absolutely clear. links are
well explained. absolutely clear.
Commentary Commentary on Commentary on Commentary on Clear commentary on Very good Excellent Outstanding
on the fit the analysis and the analysis and the analysis and the analysis and commentary on commentary on all commentary on all
between evaluation of fit evaluation of fit evaluation of fit evaluation of fit all aspects of the aspects of the aspects of the
theory and between theory between theory between theory between theory and analysis and analysis and analysis and

9 |Page
practice and practice is and practice is and practice might practice is provided. evaluation of fit evaluation of the evaluation of the
(20%) very weak and/or weak. have been further between theory fit between theory fit between theory
missing. developed. and practice is and practice is and practice is
provided demonstrated demonstrated
throughout the showing insight in showing insight in
report. relation to both relation to both
the theory and the theory and
practice. practice.
Presentation, The written style The written style The written style The written style and The written style The written style The written style
Structure, and grammar are and grammar are and grammar are grammar are and grammar are and grammar are and grammar are
Style etc. very weak. weak. acceptable but generally good. very good. excellent outstanding
(10%) could be improved. throughout. throughout.
And/or And/or And/or And/or
Style, And/or And/or And/or
Grammar The report The report lacks a The report has a clear
Structure structure is very clear structure. The report has a structure. The report has a The report has an The report has an
(including unclear. clear structure but clear structure excellent structure outstandingly
number And/or could be improved. And/or including a and a clear clear structure and
system) And/or numbering numbering system a clear numbering
Introduction. There introduction And/or system, etc. system etc.
Conclusions There is no providing context, The introduction is numbered
introduction terms of reference, clear in all areas. figures/tables And/or And/or
providing aim/objectives There is an etc.
context, terms of report navigation introduction but And/or The introduction is The introduction is
reference, etc. is weak certain elements And/or excellent in all outstanding in all
aim/objectives are weak or Appropriate overall aspects. aspects.
report navigation And/or missing (e.g. conclusions are The introduction
etc. and/or it is context, terms of reached in line with is very clear and And/or And/or
very weak. Overall conclusions reference, the terms of appropriate in all
are not reached or aim/objectives, reference. elements. The conclusions The conclusions
And/or are weak in report navigation). reached are very reached are
relation to the And/or clear, complete exceptionallyclear,
Overall terms of reference. And/or and insightfulin complete and
conclusions are The conclusions relation to the insightful in
not reached or Overall conclusions reached are terms of relation to the
are very weak. are reached in clear, complete reference. terms of

10 | P a g e
relation to the and insightful in reference.
terms of reference relation to the
but some are terms of
weak/missing. reference

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University of South Wales Postgraduate Generic Assessment Criteria

Grade Relevance Knowledge Analysis Argument and Structure Critical Evaluation Presentation Reference to Literature

86 – The work examined is exemplary and provides clear evidence of a complete grasp of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the level of the qualification. There is also
100% ample excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and skills appropriate to that level are fully satisfied. The work is exemplary in all the categories shown above and
demonstrates a particularly compelling evaluation, originality, and elegance of argument, interpretation or discourse.

76-85% The work examined is outstanding and demonstrates comprehensive knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the level of the qualification. There is also excellent evidence
showing that all the learning outcomes and skills appropriate to that level are fully satisfied. The work is outstanding in the majority of the categories shown above or demonstrates
particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument, interpretation or discourse.

The work examined is excellent and is evidence of comprehensive knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the level of the qualification. There is also excellent evidence showing
that all the learning outcomes and skills appropriate to that level are satisfied. The work will be excellent in the majority of the categories shown above or demonstrates particularly
70 – 75% compelling evaluation and elegance of argument, interpretation or discourse.

Directly relevant to A substantial Comprehensive Well supported, focussed Contains distinctive or Well written, with Critical appraisal of up-to-
the requirements of knowledge of relevant analysis - clear and argument which is clear and independent thinking; standard spelling and date and/or appropriate
60 – 69% the assessment material, showing a orderly logically structured. and begins to formulate grammar, in a literature. Recognition of
clear grasp of presentation an independent position readable style with different perspectives. Very
themes, questions in relation to theory acceptable format good use of a wide range of

and issues therein and/or practice. sophisticated source material.

A reasonable Adequate knowledge Reasonable Generally coherent and It will contain some Competently written, Draws on a good variety of
attempt to address of a fair range of analytical treatment logically structured, using an distinctive or with only minor lapses literature which includes
50 – 59% the requirements of relevant material, with which has a clear appropriate mode of independent thinking; from standard recent texts and/or
the assessment: may intermittent evidence purpose argument. may begin to formulate grammar, with appropriate literature
drift away from this in of an appreciation of an independent position acceptable format including a range of
less focused its significance in relation to theory appropriate source material.
passages and/or practice.

40 – 49% Some correlation Basic understanding Some analytical Some attempt to construct a Work which expresses a A simple basic style Evidence of use of
with the of the subject but treatment, but may coherent argument, but may coherent position only in but with significant appropriate literature.
requirements of the addressing a limited be prone to suffer loss of focus and broad terms and in deficiencies in Frequently only uses a single
assessment but range of material description, or to consistency. uncritical conformity to expression or format source to support a point.
there is a significant narrative, which one or more standard that may pose Weak use of quotation.
lacks clear obstacles for the

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degree of irrelevance analytical purpose views of the topic reader

35 – 39% Relevance to the A limited Largely descriptive A basic argument is evident, Some evidence of a Numerous Barely adequate use of
requirements of the understanding of a or narrative, with but there is a lack of clarity view starting to be deficiencies in literature. Over reliance on
assessment may be narrow range of little evidence of and coherence formed but mainly expression and
very intermittent, and material analysis derivative. presentation; the material provided by the tutor.
may be reduced to writer may achieve
its vaguest and least clarity (if at all) only by
challenging terms using a simplistic or
repetitious style

The evidence provided shows that the majority of the learning outcomes and skills appropriate to that Level are satisfied.

30 – 34% The work examined provides insufficient evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification. The evidence provided shows that some of the
learning outcomes and skills appropriate to that Level are satisfied. The work will be weak in some of the indicators.

0-29% The work examined is unacceptable and provides little or no evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification. The evidence shows that few if
any of the learning outcomes and skills appropriate to that Level are satisfied. The work will be weak in the majority or all of the indicators.

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