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Type 1 vs.

Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms, Signs,

Diet, Tests
Diabetes mellitus is a disease that prevents your body from properly using the energy from
the food you eat. Diabetes occurs in one of the following situations:

• The pancreas (an organ behind your stomach) produces little insulin or no insulin at
all. Insulin is a naturally occurring hormone, produced by the beta cells of the
pancreas, which helps the body use sugar for energy.


• The pancreas makes insulin, but the insulin made does not work as it should. This
condition is called insulin resistance.

To better understand diabetes, it helps to know more about how the body uses food for
energy (a process called metabolism).

Your body is made up of millions of cells. To make energy, the cells need food in a very
simple form. When you eat or drink, much of your food is broken down into a simple sugar
called glucose. Glucose provides the energy your body needs for daily activities.
What causes diabetes?
The causes of diabetes are not known. The following risk factors may increase your chance
of getting diabetes:

o Family history of diabetes

o African-American, Hispanic, Native American, or Asian-American race, Pacific
Islander or ethnic background
o Being overweight
o Physical stress (such as surgery or illness)
o Use of certain medications, including steroids
o Injury to the pancreas (such as infection, tumor, surgery or accident)
o Autoimmune disease

o High blood pressure

o Abnormal blood cholesterol or triglyceride levels
o Age (risk increases with age)
o Smoking
o History of gestational diabetes

It is important to note that sugar itself does not cause diabetes. Eating a lot of sugar can
lead to tooth decay, but it does not cause diabetes.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes at Vidza

For the first time in medical history, a therapeutic lotion "Madhubairi lotion" has been
prepared by integrating Ancient Ayurvedic medicinal herbs with Yogi JagadGuru Shri Shri
Santoshi Baba's wisdom to lower the blood sugar levels effectively. As the name suggests
Madhu (honey or in medical science, we may refer to as sugar) Bairi (a power who takes
away all your pain and clears out the obstacles). Similarly MadhuBairi Lotion has proven
records of controlling Diabetes collected through clinical trials. Results are visible after 5
days of usage. Lifetime boon for diabetic patients from Vidza RiseHigh-Vedistan.
Where to get Madhubairi?
Vidza RiseHigh-Vedistan is a leading Supplier of “Madhubairi Lotion” throughout the
world. Please visit the store to get one for you:

To know more you can contact us on:

Vidza Rise High Private Limited

Phone: 1844-659-1635 (USA), +91 8527 - 122 – 149


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