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Southem Technical University Third Year

Class: \
Engineering Technical College/Basra z)4lr +dr i*E' :!Slt
Subject: Industrial Safety
Department of Fuel and Energy Date and Time: l2l9l20l7 09:00 AM
Final Exam (Second Attempt) Duration: Three Hours

Answer Fiue Questions Only. (20 Mark) for each question.

A1- (r2+SMarks)
(4: A source of respirable particles must be mitigated by the use of an exhaust hood. The hood
entry slot is 2 in by 12 in. It is felt that the hood must be flanged, since the source of respirable
particles can be no closer than2 ft from the face of the hood slot. The air handler in the svstem will
draw a total of 8500 cfm.
1. What will the capture velocity be when it operates under these conditions (emission source 2 ft
from the hood and Q: 8500 cfm)?
2. lf the required capture velocity is 20 fps, will this hood system be able to operate satisfactorily
and successfully to capture the respirable particles?
(B): Compare between the following:
L Flammable liquids & combustible liquids.
2. Chemical hazards & ergonomic Hazards.

a- (6+6+8Marks)
(A): List the rights and responsibilities of the employees under OSHA law?
(B)z Define the MSDS and clarift the content of the reactivity data section in this sheet?
(C): The results from a gravimetric analysis of a dust sample containing 100% respirable free silica
are as follows. Based on the results below, what is the dust TWA in mglm3?
- Pre-sampling filter weighe 1.6578 g
- Post- sampling filter weight: 1.6621 g
- Sampling flow rate:3.1 L/min
- Sampling time: 1.5 hr

Q3'- (7+8+5Marks)
(A)z What is meant by the biological hazard? Discuss how the exposure to many of the harmful

stresses or hazards can produce an immediate response?

(B/: Estimate the committed dose of radiation for an adult male from one year of ingestion of
Strontium-9O in water at the workplace. Assume a 50-week work year and a 5-day work week. The
total daily water ingestion rate is assumed to be 1.5 L/day with one half (IR:0.75 L/day) being
consumed at the workplace. The Strontium-90 activity concentration in the water at the workplace

was measured at 5x103 Bq/L and the DCF for Strontium-90 via ingestion is 2.8x10-8 Sv/Bq.
(C): List the procedures that the workers should follow to deal with the flammable sases in the

Turn the Page

@ (f5 + 5 Marks)
(A): Define the following:
(l) Hazard (2) Personal protective Equipment (3) Auto-ignition Temperature
(4) rwA (s) Lrr
(B): what are oSHA reporting requirements? (Note: List Five incidents only)

E (10 + 10 Marks)
(A): Define the hood and compare between the three various types of hood?
l. What is the adjusted TWA for a worker exposed to Ethyl Alcohol if the 8-hours TWA is 1000
ppm (TLV-C: 7 ppm) and the actual work shift is 12 hours?

2. Assume that the worker in point (1) would expose to the risk of Cyanide gas as well as the
exposure to Ethyl Alcohol. The TWA of the Cyanide is 4 ppm with 5 ppm TLV-C. Does the n
exposure exceed the TLV?

@ (6 + 14 Marks)
(24,).' Consider that number of employees in the South Oil Company would be exposed to the
hazad of methane. What are the procedures that these workers should follow to identifi the
hazard in their workplace?

(B): Two air samples were taken over an 8-hour time period work in cement factory and submitted
to the laboratory for analysis. The following data in the table below is known for each sample.
Determine whether the worker's exposure (TWA) is above or below OSHA PEL for silica dust?
Sample Volume Sampled Respirable Dust Laboratory Analysis

I 425 L 0.855 mg
5.2Yo quartz n
2.3% cristobalite
4.8%6 quartz
2 275 L 0.619 mg
1.7% cristobalite

Good Luck

Doaa Faisal Dr. Amjed Ahmed

Examiner Head of Department
Southern Technical University BETC Class: Third Year
tp,tr/&,lLrr :gi!r ldf tl
Engineering Technical College/Basre rki|@<rred(le!
Subj ect: Industrial Safety
Department of Fuel and Energy Date and Time: 221612017 09:00 AM
Final Exam (First Attempt) Duration: Three Hours
Note: Answer Five Questions ooty., (20 Mork)
fo, Eath eurstion
(A):What -16^ ,tlll--T,,^--^-
is the hood? Compare between the enclosing hood and the receiving
(B/" Classify and explain the environmental stresses that cause sickness
and significant discomfort
to the workers?
(C): Fill in the spaces:
1' " ' " is the lowest temperature at which a substance will ignite without an ignition source.
2. At work you can use the three . ... steps to help prevent accidents.
3' " " ...... is the measurement of time during which the subject is at risk from a hazard,.
4' "" .... is the TWA concentration for an average 8-10 hour day and 40 hour workweek.
5. All employers must report to OSHA within eight hours of leaming

!b. (6+S+9Marks)
(A): Consider that number of employees in the weatherford company would
be exposed to the
hazard of cyanide. What are the procedures that these workers should
follow to assess the risk in
their workplace?
(B): Define the MSDS and explain the three various types of exposgre
1' What is the adjusted TWA for a worker exposed to the risk of methane? If the g-hr TWA is 450
ppm (TLV-C:7 ppm) and the period of this worker to expose to this chemical
is 25 hours/day and
5 days/week?

2' Assume that the worker in point (l) would expose to the hydrogen chloride gas as well as the
exposure to methane. If the TWA of hydrogen chloride gas is 4 ppm with 5 ppm TLV-C, Does the
exposure exceed the TLV?

a3- (7 + 4+ 9 Marls)
(A): compare between the flammable liquids and the combustible liquids.
(B): As an industrial hygienist, clarify how you would deal with the flammable solids in
workplace? Give two examples of the flammable solids?
(C): An 8 in by 8 in square flanged opening hood is mounted flush as part of a wall
assembly and
exhausts an air volume of 1850 cfm.

l. Calculate the maximum distance from the hood in inches that a soldering operation could be
placed in order to affectively capture the contaminants if the required capture velocity
is 250 fpm
and 1850 cfrn air volume?
2. If the required capture velocity is 20 fps, will this hood system be able to operate satisfactorily
and successfully to capture the respirable particles?

Turn the Page

@ (6 + 14 Marks)
(A): Define the local exhaust ventilation and list the five basic elements of the local exhaust
(B): Two samples are obtained for a construction foreman overseeing a concrete drill press
operation. Sample collected with a personal cyclone placed in the breathing zone of silica dusts of
the worker. The lab analyzed the sample by x-ray diffraction. The table below shows the results of
each sample. Determine the severity of the mixture?

sample componenr Y:!lt concentration Sampling Period Volume

(me) (me/m3) (mins) (L)
Respirable Dust 0.855 2.1

I Quartz 0.044 0.11

238 405
Cristobalite 0.020 0.05
Tridymite ND ND
Respirable Dust 0.619 1.9

Quartz 0.030 0.09

r92 326
Cristobalite 0.01I 0.03
Tridymite ND ND

Define the following: (Choose Three only)
(l ) Risk Identification (2) PPE (3) PEL (4) Flammable Gases
(B): List only the rights and responsibilities of the employers in their workplace under OSHA law?
(C): What are the factors that must exist for a fire to occur? List the fire safety rules in the

(A): What is meant by the capture velocity? Discuss how the air motion affects the air flow into the
ventilation system?
@)t Explain how the new employee safety orientation session done and what are the topics would
be covered in that session?
(C): A sample is obtained for a construction jackhammer operator using the gravimetric sampling
method specified in OSHA Method ID-I42. The sample is run in the breathing zone of the worker
for 240 minutes at a flow rate of 1.7 l/min. The respirable dust collected on the filter is determined
to weigh 0.857 mg before the sampling and 1.253 mg after the sampling. The Salt Take Chemical
Center (SLTC) reports that the sample contains 55%o quartz. The SLTC also reports an analytical
error of 0.20 for the sample. Does the worker's exposure above or below the OSHA PEL?
Good Luck
Doaa Faisal Dr. Amjed Ahmed
Examiner Head of Department

(7 +'7+ 6 Marks)
as- giye trl'o
(A): List the Points that leed to be considered when you work w'ith tlammable gascs and
examples of these gases?
(B): F,xplain what are OSHA enforcement activities? List the priorities that lead OSHA to do
enforcement roles?
(C): Theoperator works for l5 mins on a process in which he is exposed to a substance hazardous
to health. The average exposure during that period is measured as 410 ppm. The operator
of the worker?
works for a further 6 mins in which he is exposed to 250 pprn. What is the TWA
0+ 13 Marks)
7i), npluin the conditions rhat must exist fbr a fire to occLrr and list the safety of the fire in the
(A/: Use NIOSH Lifting Equation to analyze the task in the figure below. The operator in this task
must load a heavy reel of supply stock (illustrated at floor height) from the floor onto the machine.
The diameter of the reel is 30 inches, the width of the reel between the worker's hands is l2 inches,
and the reel weighs 44 lbs.
The activity occurs only once per shift. so F is assumed to be < 0.2, and duration is assumed to be
less than I hour. No asymmetric lifting is involved (i.e, A 0), and the couplings are classified as
fair. Determine RWL and LI at both the origin and the destination of the lift?
AS.sUH€g ka, 2t rLcl€8

Hofisnr I
r -l
fir il{cf.tEs -|

Good Luck

Doaa Faisal
Examiner Amjed Ahmetl
Head of Deportment
Nliuistry of Highc'r Educati'n ;rntl stiientific Research - '-*,.

Southern Technical U niversitv

Engineering Technical College'of dasrah
Department of Fuel and Energy
Subject: Industrial Safety
Lngrlreering I'echniq ues
Class: 3'd Year
r':aj.:ij' frJ<Jt
Exam Duration:3 hr
Academic Year: 2015-2016
Total Marks: 100
Final exam/second attempt
Note: An:sw€r Five questions only

G D"frnethe (10 + l0,Marks)

14 foilowing (choose four only):
(l) Hazard (2) Personal Protective Equipment (3) Risk Assessmlnt
(4) MSDS (5) Auro-ignition T.mperutu."
(B): The results from a gravimetric analysis of a dusi sample
containing ]}}%respirable free silica
are as follows. Based on the results below, what is the duit TwA in
- Pre-sampling filter weight: 1.657g g
- Post- sampling filter weight: 1.6621 g
- Sampling llow rate: 3.1 L/min
- Sampling time: 1.5 hrs

(A)z List and explain the three common types of hood?

(B): List only the three steps that used to manage health and safety at work?
(Q: Fill in the spaces:
I. ..... ..... is an event that results in injury/damage to persons, property or process.
2. .... hazards, assessing risk, taking action to eliminate or
...... is the process of identifying
reduce risk, and monitoring and reviewing results.
3. Three steps called .... used to manage health and safety at work are: hazatd
identification, risk assessment, and risk control.
4. .... ... is the amount of a chemical that a person can be exposed to, averaged over a
15 minute period, before it causes harm.
5. One of the employers' responsibilities under osHA law is.
(7 +7 +
a),wt''taletheemployer'sresponsibilitiessunderoSHAlaw? can cause sickness,
(B): List and explain the various environmental factors or
stresses that
impaired health, or significant discomfort in
of the local exhaust
(f2 + 8 Marks)
a4- The hood
mitigated by the use of an exhaust hood.
ff, osource of respirable particles must be r --^--^3 L^ fl^---'| cinne the qource
source or
u t, r.n that the hood must be nanged, since the

K;T:1'J;;;;.;';;;iffi;;. -^^ of
tr,* z feet from the face ^c+L^ ^nzl olnt
the thood The air handler in
slot' rhe
::ffi;: o.,.t.i.r'.*";.';";i;
the system will draw a total of
(emission $ource 2
it operates under these conditions
l. what will the capture velocity be when
feet from hood and Q: 8500 be able to
is 20 fps (feet per second), will this hood sYstem
;:ffi'Jr"r"rril-**re velocity
. .r -'--^^-:-^l^l- ^ottinleq?
i;il#"'"i#,"dffi "*""it'',""111T:'L:::Xil:-'5"ljTl
Turn the Page

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Southern Technical University Class:Third Year
Engineering Technical College/Basral ,Siifirr,: Subject: Industrial Safety
Department of Fuel and Energy Date and Time: 41512016 9:00 AM
First Examination (201 5 -201 6) Duration: Two Hours

Note: Please, Organize your answers and try to make them straightforward, clear, and out of
ambisuous information.
(12 + 5 Marks)
(A): Define the following:
(1) PEL (2) Lost Time InjurY (3) Short Term Exposure Limit (4) Risk Management

(B): A worker carried a photo-ionizalion detector meter while venting was carried out in 30 minutes.
ilr. reading Auiing venting was 6 ppm. For the rest of the shift, the PID meter detected no
methylbromide. Determine the TWA o!helo.k".?
(10 + 15 Marks)
(A): Explain the various environmental factors that can cause sickness or significant discomfon for
(B): Assume that you are an industrial hygienist that has been asked to conduct air monitoring within
a cave at a National Park where construction is being done. The cave is mostly granite and
and the concern relates to silica exposure to the construction workers. Being the good the industrial
hygienist that you are- you calibraie your pump where conditions are NTP. Assume that you have
coiducted sampling 1 worker and have been provided the following results from the lap analysis.
Based on the data below, determine the severity of the exposure to the silica dust?
Parameter Value
T and P in cave T:20 Co, P: I atm
Average flow rate 1.45 L/min
Sampling Time 391 min
Filter Weight
Before Sampling 1.6578 g
After Sampling 1.6621 g
Percent Silica Quartz: 3 %0, Cri stob alite: 2o/o, Tridym ite: 3 %
(10 + 8 Marks)
(A): Compare between the flammables and Combustibles Chemicals? Explain the flammable
chemicals classifications?
(B): What are the employer's responsibilities under OSFIA law?
(10 + 10 Marks)
accidental inhalation of
1i;: rne committed dose of radiation for anxadult male from one year ofwork year, a 5-day work
cesium-l 37 in air at the workplace was 2.15 10-a Sv. Assume a 50-week
week with an 8-hour work day. The air inhalation rate is assumed to be 20 m3 over 24 hours so that
the air inhalation rate attributubl. to 8-hours at the workplace is 6.67 m3. The DCF
for cesium-137
via inhalation is 1.30 10-8 Sv/Bq. Estimate the cesium-137 activity concentration in the air at the
(B): Explain what are OSHA enforcement activities? List the priorities that lead OSHA to do its
enforcement roles?
(10 + 10 Marks)
(A): Define the environmental stresses and discuss how the exposure to many of the harmful
stresses lead to produce an immediate response?
(B): Define the assessment of the risk? As an industrial hygienist, what are the questions you should
ask yourself when you asses! any risk? Give two e
Good Luck

Doaa Faisal Amjed Ahmed

Examiner Head of DePartment
@ (7 + t0 Marks)
(A): What is the procedure of the new employee safety orientation? List the
topics will be covered
in that session?
(B): Use NIOSH Lifting Equation to analyze the task in the figure below. The
worker is inspecting
containers for damage on a lower shelf, and then lifting them with both
hands, directly in nont of
the body, from Shelf I to Shelf 2 at a rate of 3 per minute, for duration
of 45 minutes.
In this task analysis, assume that the worker cannot take a step forward when placing
the object at
the destination due to the shelf design. No asymmetric lifting is involved
and the couplings are
classified as fair. Determine RWL and LI at both the origin and
the destination of the lift?

vmT*f,L t+l t3$rjt#

* trH?ftor


t )
a I I
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Flo8rzoi'rr^t (+)

411 Good Luck

Doaa Faisal Amjed Ahmed

Examiner Head of Depnrtment
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Southern Technical Universitv
Engineering Technical College of Basrah
Department of Fuel and Energy
Subject: Industrial Safetv
Engineering Techniques STTJ
}}H'['( Date: 30-05-2016
Stage: 3'd
Exam Duration:3hr
Academic Year: 2015-2016
Total Marks: 100
Final exam/first attempt
Note: Please, Organize your answe .

ambiguous information
Ql- Answer two only:
/ /\ n-. ,t . .,
(A)z r.. that must exist for a (16 Marks)
Explain the conditions fire to occur and list the safety of the fire in the
(B): What are the workers' responsibilities under OSHA law?
(C): Explain what is meant by Job Safety Analysis? List the three Think
Safe steps that you can
use to manage health and safety at worL 3nq gr\€
lyo exa@e hazards?
!)2-. (7 + 12 Marks)
(A): What is a hood? Compare between the enclosing hood and the capturing
(B)z Two air samples were taken over an 8-hour time period work
in cement factory and submitted
to the laboratory for analysis. The following data in the table below is known for each
Determine whether the worker's exposure (TWA) is above or below OSHA pEL
for silica dust?
sample volume Sampled Respirable Dust Laboratory Analysis
5.2Yo quartz
425 L 0.855 mg
2.3Yo qistobalite
275 L 4.8%o quartz
0.619 mg
1.7%o cristobalite
Totals 700 L 1.474 mg

G (12 + 6 Marks)
(A): Define the following: (Answer four only)
(l) Exposure (2) Severity (3) TwA (4) Hazard (5) Lost time injury
(B): Define the MSDS and explain what information it provides for the workers?
!& (f0 +6 Marks)
(4: An 8 in by 5 in flanged opening exhaust hood is mounted flush as part of a wall assembly
exhausts an air volume of 1850 cfm.
l ' Calculate the maximum distance from the hood in feet that a soldering
operation could be
placed in order to effectively capture the contaminants if the required
capture velocity is 250 fpm?
2. If the required capture velocity is 150 fpm, will this hood system be able to
operate satisfactorily
and successfully to capture the respirable particles?
(B): List OSHA reporting requirements within 8-hours of work related injury?
05- Answer two only: (14 Marks)
(A): what is meant by "capture velocity"? Explain how the air motion works in the ventilation
(B/.' Several points need to be considered when you work with flammable
dusts. List these points
and give two examples of flammable dusts?
(C): Compare between the flammables and Combustibles Chemicals? Explain the f'lammable
chemicals classifi cations?

Turn the page

IhHe t Tl**o f Tr{*€ 5
Fhriml l*rltipliar V€rticsl he$riplisr Frnrylmrcy lvhrltiplier

H ttr ll lx Y v$ v l.r uBntr

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g iio" or t;l;ifficar iiaucaiion Subject: Industrial safety
.Technical DatelT l9l20l;
iFuel and energy Techniques Dept. Time: 3 HourS
Third year
ffiffi Final Exam,

Ql\ Explain briefly safety rules, standards and safety policy in plant design?

Q2) Define occupational safety and explain:

I - chemical hazards ?
2 - electncal hazards ?
3 -physicalhazards?
4- mechanical risk?

Q3 \ what are personal protection equipment's ?give examples ?

Q4)what is accident costs ?how can prevention chemical hazardes?

Q5) Describe: industrial safety by the following f,3uns !


Dr.amjad ahmbd
Ilead of the Deprtuent
TYaaq.4 .,Ila.meu
Sothern Technical university Subj ect:Industrial safety
: Technical College/Basra
RETC Date 224 15l20ls
DePt' Time: 3 Hour
: Tt*:l$frff
fl;rechniques W Final Exam/2014-2015

Ql) Describe industrial safety by the following terms and shapes?

l) 2) 3) Visors q Corrosive

Q2) Explain briefly safety rules, standards and safety policy in plant design?

Q3) The physical hazards are classified into invisible risks faced employee at factory.

Qa) Explain: - 1- mechanical hazard. 2- Accidents types and methods of accident


Q5) classified of personal protective equipment in safety?give example?

Q6) what are method prevention following risks?

1-chemical risk
2-mechanical risk
3-physical risk (heat hazards)


Dr.Amjad ahmed
Head of the Department
Thaq.,{ .,lllo,meq
l:Foundaiion of fectrnicat nducation Subject: Industriai safety
I Technical College/Basra Date 227 | 4 12015
+Fuel and Energy. Techniques Dept. Time: 2 llour
Class: Third year First Examl20l4-2015

Ql) Deline occupational safety and explain:

1 - chemical hazards ?
2 - electrical hazards ?
3 - physical hazards ?

Q2 \ what are personal protection equipment's ?give examples ?

Q3)what is accident costs ?how can prevention chemical hazardes?

Q4) Describe: industrial safety by the following shapes?


flL r'1v'ftr'L '

Examiner Dr.amjad ahrired
Assist lecturer Head of the Departmgryt
Thctq.fl .lllomeu
Foundatioo or t".rili*i
"' - .; .:,r.);l: : ..i..':...

Subjecfi industrial safety

..: .,..: ... - l -

Technical College/Basra Date :12

Fuel andPetrochemical dept. Time: 3 Hour
Third class year Final Exam /2013-2014
----: =::==:::::-:::::::::--:=:. :-
Note: Answer four questions only

( AII questions carrv an equal mark)

Ql) Explain :-

I- noise in physical hazards ?

2- fires and explosion hazards
- ?
3 - electrical hazards ?

Q2) 1- Define occupational safety?

2- what are personal protection equipment ?give examples ?

Q3) Explain the chemical hazards in the laboratory? How can prevent this risks ?

Q4) Describe industrial safety by the following terms and shapes?

poisonous l-

) 4

Q5\ What are method prevention following risks?

l-chemical risk
2:meehanie*l risk
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Foundation of Technical Education Subject: Industrial safety
Technicat College/Basra Date 228 1412013
Fuel and Energy. Techniques I)ept. Time: 2 Hour
Class: Third year First Examl20l2-2013

Ql) Explain :-

1 - noise in physical hazards ?

2 - fires and explosion hazards ?
3 - electrical hazards ?

Q2) 1- Define occupational safety?

2- what are personal protection equipment ?give examples ?

Explain the chemical hazards in the laboratory? How can prevent this risks ?
Q4) Describe industrial safety by the following terms and shapes?

A poisonous


Assist lecturer Head of the Department
IYtae./I ./Ila,meq
nounAation of Technical Educaiion Subject: Industrial safety
Technical College/Basrh Date al q
Fuel and energy Techniques Dept. Time: 3 Hohr
Third year Final Examl20ll-2012

Ql\ Personal protective equipment are classified into several varieties .enumerate and
give examples?
25 mark

Q2\ Explain briefly safety rules, standards and safety policy in plant design?
25 mark
Q3\ what are the most important objectives of industries safety?

25 mark

Q4\ Explain :

A ) Electricalhazard.
B)Mechanicalhazard .

C) Fires and explosion hazard.

D) Methods of prevention chemicalhazard.

25 mark


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