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What makes a good writer?

There is no simple or straight-forward answer to this question or any sort of formula to assess the
quality of a writer. What makes a good writer depends on a number of factors including style,
audience, and topic. So before moving on to our main question, we’ll have to look for answers to
some other questions as well. Let’s begin with the writing. Now writing is a form of
communication and can be regarded as more descriptive and persuasive form of interaction. One
may argue that it lacks emotions but definitely enjoys an edge when it comes to the expression of
thoughts and ideas. Writing is the best alternative of conveying a message or an idea for those
who find it difficult to express themselves in face-to-face communication. A good writer can
effectively communicate through written words and sentences.

Having known what writing is about; the second thing that makes a good writer is his way of
structuring the content. Some writers simply write down their ideas while others create a proper
outline before expressing. Creating a flow in the writing is also very important to avoid any sort
of confusion in the mind of readers. Flow comes with the clarity of thought. But then flow is also
meaningless if the writer is unaware of the writing basics such as grammar, vocabulary, and
spellings. Any mistake or shortcoming on that part can leave the entire content un-engaging for
the reader. There are different styles of writing. Your tone can be

 Serious
 Humorous
 Simple
 Complicated

The tone of the writing depends entirely on the targeted audience. Writing about entertainment
with serious tone will have little chance of creating reader’s interest. Similarly, nobody will like
to read a medical content written with a jolly tone. Emotions can be created with words after all
who likes to read a boring plethora of words. Balance is everything and a good writer knows how
to create and maintain it.
Lastly, there are various niches when it comes to article writing. Many would agree that writing
on every niche is something rather impossible at least for me. Some of the niches are as follows:

 Sports & Entertainment

 Health & Fitness
 Travel
 Finance
 Fashion

Also, there are various forms of writing most of which have been introduced with the evolution
of the web. Examples are SEO content, Blog writing, news writing, product descriptions and
reviews. So a good writer knows what he is writing about and then compiles his words for a
specific audience to create an engaging and well-expressed content.

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