Topographic Final Exam. Year - 2009 Semester - I Time Allowed - 2:00 Hours I. Choose The Best Answer From The Given Choice (20%)

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Wollega University

DEPARTMENT: Surveying Technology

Topographic surveying & mapping _ Final Exam.

Time allowed_2:00 hours

I. Choose the best answer from the given choice(20%)

______1. Which isn’t true about stadia tacheometry?

a) Efficient methods of measuring distances

b) Not accurate for high order surveys
c) Not accurate enough for locating Topographic details
d) A& B e) B & C

______2. The constant height difference between two consecutive contours is

a) Interpolation b) Spot height

c) Imaginary line d) A & B e) none of the above

_______3 . which is n’t done in stadia field data collection

a) Measuring instrument height
b) Measuring Horizpntal angle
c) Measuring stadia cross hairs d) All of the above e) None of the above

_______4. In Topographic surveying & mapping control points are used

a) In data collection of stadia features

b) In plotting of stadia features
c) To portray relief
d) All of the above e) None of the above

_______5 . which is n’t not true about contours

a) Have sharp turning c) Never branch

b) Not cross building d) All of the above e) None of the above

_______ 6. Which of the following map desighning element shows difference?

in coulrs map features

a) Contrast b) Harmeny c) Clarity d) Order e) None

_______ 7. Which is the application of Topographic Map?

a) To displays Industrial Plants

b) To displays Rail ways
C) To displays Irrigation
d) To displays building complex e) All of the above

_______ 8. Which is not true about purpose of plotting of stadia features?

a) Portray Architectural drawing

b) Shows 3D positions of features
c) To determine location of points
d) A, B, C are answers
e) None of the above

Refer the fig. below to answer questions number 9 &10


_______9. L shows

a) Length of staff rod

b) The horizontal distance between a and b
c) Angular distance between a and b
d) B & C are answers
e) None of the above

_______10. h shows

a) The height difference between a and b

b) Vertical distance between a and b
c) Height of instrument
d) a & b are answers
e) None of the above

II . Say True if the statement is correct or False if incorrect (10%)

_______1 Legend is indespensible element in Topographic map.

______ 2 Scale is usually selected after commencing field work.

_______3 . By ground survey detail information should be collected.

_______ 4. Main Pupose of Topographic surveying is to construct Topographic map.

_______5 . Stadia surveying is more accurate to show detail information than

photogrametric surveying.

III. Match (10%)

___1. Spot heights a) determination of location

___2. radial positioning b) any point elevation
___3. Reconnaissance survey c) Failure in recording
___4. Contrast d) Failure in instrument adjustment
___5. errors in Topographic mapping e) weight of line on map
f) elevated features
g) sketch map
h) weight of map elements

IV. Refer Fig._1 to do the following three questions (10%)

● In stadia field data collection the reading and recording parameters are as follows:

- horizontal Angle measurement (HA) 3o°00’50’’

- Vertical Angle measurement (V) 10°05’16’’
-Staff- intercept (S) 1. 4m

- Instrument station a -Station height (BM) 1690m

- Instrument height (hi) 1. 54m - Additive Constant (C) 0
-Multiplying Factor ( K) 100

1. Compute horizontal distance between a and b.

2. Find Zenith angle by referring given Vertical angle.
3. Compute Vertical Angle if horizontal distance between a and b
is 3 .5m

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