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Written support from V.M. Samael to V.M.

Rabolu and the New Order


Patriarchal Headquarters of Mexico, considering indispensable establish

The Law and the Order on the Christian Gnostic Universal Movement,
authorizes the Venerable Master Rabolu (Joaquin Enrique Amortegui
Valbuena), to legislate, transform, judge and resolve problems related to
the Christian Gnostic Universal Movement in general.

The Venerable Master Rabolu has all the support of the Patriarchal
Headquarters of Mexico. If anyone disrespects Master Rabolu orders, they
could be sanctioned for immediate expulsion. Master Rabolu is a Master
of Karma, reincarnated and properly recognized by the Patriarchal
Headquarters of the Christian Gnostic Universal Movement, in the Capital
City, D.F. Mexico

Samael Aun Weor

Great International Gnostic Manifest of January, 1st 1976

The Venerable Master Rabolu, Master of Karma, reincarnated and in

absolute performance of his labors, has to, by orders of the Patriarch of
the International Gnostic Movement, Samael Aun Weor, to make perform
every decree of the Patriarchal Headquarters of Mexico. Any act of
disrespect to the Venerable Master Rabolu, will be sanctioned with the
note of immediate expulsion.

The Patriarchal Headquarters of Mexico will not accept the extremely

respected Venerable Master Rabolu to be disrespected and by consequence
any rudeness in this sense, these will be sanctioned with immediate
expulsion. The Master Rabolu as Judge of Karma, have absolute powers to
establish the order wherever is necessary.

Patriarchal Headquarters of Mexico firmly support every (all) labors and

conclusions of the Master Rabolu.

Doubtless Master Rabolu has to knock down many idols of clay and correct
many errors.

Samael Aun Weor

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