NEGLIGENCE Is A Term That Means

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NEGLIGENCE is a term that means negligence that can lead to a civil lawsuit.

carelessness or a breach of an obligation. example:
Negligence is used in general language to mean
 Property owners who let steps to their
someone was unreasonably lax in fulfilling some
house crumble and leave a railing
obligation. If someone is negligent in the eyes of
unrepaired could be considered negligent if
the law, he or she could face a civil lawsuit or even
they invites friends over to their house and
criminal charges.
their friends trip on the railing and steps
CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE and hurt themselves.
 A restaurant owner who mops the slippery
When a person breaches a legal obligation, or
floor and doesn't put up a "Wet Floor" sign
falls short of fulfilling an obligation, it is considered
could be considered negligent.
negligence. In some cases, a person is considered
 A store that knows things get really out-of-
criminally negligent. For example:
control on Black Friday and who hosts a big
 A parent who leaves a two-year-old child sales event, encouraging a mob scene with
alone in the house in order to go out to a no security, could be considered negligent.
bar and have a good time could face  A doctor who operates on the wrong
charges for criminal negligence. patient or on the wrong body part because
 A person who drives 40 miles over the he or she misreads the chart could be
speed limit in a really dangerous way and considered negligent.
who causes a car accident and injures  A company that releases a dangerous drug
someone could be charged with criminal without fully testing the medication and
negligence. identifying all of the side effects can be
 A person who breaks texting-and-driving considered negligent.
laws and who is typing a text message when  A driver who runs a stop sign and who
he or she gets into a car accident and kills drives well over the legal speed limit can be
someone could be considered criminally considered negligent.
negligent.  A person who owns a dog that he knows is
 A nurse in a nursing home who forgets to dangerous and who takes the dog to the
feed a patient who needs help to eat, park where the dog bites a small child could
causing the patient to starve to death, could be considered negligent.
be considered criminally negligent.  An employer who fails to follow OSHA
 A caregiver in a hospital who isn't paying guidelines and other workplace safety rules
attention and who gives someone a deadly can be considered negligent (although not
dose of a medication could be considered necessarily subject to a lawsuit because of
criminally negligent. workers' compensation rules).
 A doctor who prescribes addictive drugs to  A lawyer who doesn't really know how to
a known drug addict because the doctor prosecute a case but who takes the case
gets paid for his or her services could be anyway and doesn't adequately represent
considered criminally negligent. the client can be considered to be liable for
professional negligence.
Each state has its own criminal laws that define
criminal negligence. Someone charged with In each of these situations, a plaintiff could file
criminal negligence could go to jail. a lawsuit and obtain compensation if he or she can
prove the negligence was the direct cause of some
CIVIL NEGLIGENCE type of harm they endured.
When a person is negligent or careless in a way In the law, the term “negligence” refers to a
that causes harm to someone else, the victim of failure of a person or entity to exercise a level of
the negligence can sue. This is called civil liability care necessary to protect others, whether in
or civil negligence. There are lots of examples of interest, or from physical harm, from actions or
conditions that may cause them harm. Negligence
most often comes into play concerning a person’s occur in professional or commercial settings. For
or entity’s actions, however it may also be an example, a school has a duty to protect its
omission or failure to act when there is a duty. To students, a commercial establishment has a duty to
explore this concept, consider the following protect its customers, and a restaurant has a duty
negligence definition. to provide safe food to its customers. Certain
professionals have a built-in duty to protect others,
even to the point of rendering aid to others to keep
1. Conduct that falls beneath the standard of them safe. Such professionals include police
behavior either generally expected in officers, EMTs and paramedics, firefighters,
society, or established by law. doctors, and the like.
2. The failure to exercise a degree of care or
caution necessary to protect others from
harm. While all people have a duty to avoid taking
actions that may endanger others, they do not
Origin 1300-1350 Middle English necligence
generally have a duty to provide assistance to
ELEMENTS OF NEGLIGENCE protect others from being harmed by an unrelated
cause. For example, a woman who sees a person
There are a number of factors to consider in drowning at the public pool has no duty to jump in
determining whether an individual or entity has and save that person, though the lifeguard on duty
acted negligently. The first element of negligence does. Another example would be an off duty
is whether the party’s acts or omissions lack the paramedic who witnesses an automobile accident.
degree of care that would be taken by any While other bystanders have no duty to render
reasonable person in the same situation. The medical aid, the paramedic does, even when he is
second element of negligence is whether there was off the clock.
a predictable likelihood that the party’s conduct
could result in harm. Following these BREACH OF DUTY
considerations, there are additional elements of
After establishing that the defendant had a
negligence required to prove a claim of negligence.
duty to protect the plaintiff, it must be shown that
If a plaintiff fails to prove any one of these
he breached that duty. This can happen in two
elements, he loses the entire claim:
1. By knowingly exposing the plaintiff to the
Generally speaking, all people have a duty risk of harm or injury, and
to all others at all times to exercise reasonable 2. By failing to recognize a significant risk of
care for their physical safety, as well as the safety harm or injury which any other reasonable
of their property. This does have limitations, person would have recognized.
however. A common analogy is the homeowner
who digs a deep hole in his fenced back yard and,
because he knows the hole is there, does not put In order for a person to be held liable for
up a barrier or warning about the hole. If a guest negligence, it must be shown that his act or failure
then fell into the hole, the homeowner would be to act caused the plaintiff’s loss or injury. This is
liable, as he has a duty to keep his guest safe from often the most complex element of negligence to
injury on his property. If a burglar jumped the prove. For example, Bob negligently causes an
fence at night and fell into the hole, the automobile accident in which another driver was
homeowner would not be held liable for his forced into a utility pole and severely injured. Bob
injuries, as he has no duty to protect this criminal would be held liable for the other driver’s injury
from harm in the commission of his crime. and damage to his car, as his actions were
the direct cause of the injuries and damage.
The damage to the utility pole also caused a
Certain relationships create a duty where
power outage which caused Mary’s alarm clock to
none would otherwise exist. Such duties often
fail. Should Bob be held liable if Mary, who was late to the wrong patient, resulting in a severe
to work, gets fired from her job? This is referred to allergic reaction
as proximate cause, which is a thorny issue, as the  A surgeon amputates the wrong leg of a
courts must consider what is fair, and at what patient
point does it become unfair or unreasonable to  A surgeon leaves an instrument in a patient
hold a person liable for the results of his actions.
While the standard of civil negligence,
Once breach of duty and causation have whether regular or gross, is the defendant’s failure
been established, it becomes necessary to to act in the way another reasonable person would
determine a monetary value for the injury or act in the same situation, the standard of criminal
damages. In some cases, such as contract cases, negligence rises to include the defendant’s mental
this is as simple as awarding the plaintiff the value state at the time of the act or omission. To prove
he has invested in the contract. The award in any criminal negligence, it must be shown that the
civil lawsuit is intended to make the plaintiff defendant failed to perceive or recognize a
whole, or to put him back in the position he was in substantial risk of injury or damages in actions
before the negligent act, therefore proof of the that are contrary to the regard for human life, or
amount of the plaintiff’s damages must be that show an obvious indifference to the
provided in the form of receipts, cancelled checks, consequences of his actions. Criminal charges for
or other evidence. In certain cases, however, it is negligence are most often the result of acts that
appropriate for the court to award a monetary result in the death of another party.
amount to cover such things as medical costs,
For example, Sally and John leave their
property damages, and pain and suffering.
children, ages 7 and 9, at home while they go wood
GROSS NEGLIGENCE cutting. The children find John’s revolver in his
nightstand drawer and decide to play with it. Their
When negligent conduct is seen as extreme
young son ends up shooting his older sister, killing
when compared to regular negligence, it is
her. John may face charges of criminal negligence
considered to be “gross negligence” in the eyes of
as, while the act of leaving the children home alone
the law. Gross negligence is the conscious,
did not create a high risk of death, the act of
voluntary, reckless disregard for the safety or lives
leaving an unsecured, loaded firearm within reach
of other people. Grossly negligent conduct is so
extreme that it appears to be an intentional
violation of, or indifference to, the right of others MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE
to be safe.
When a medical professional fails to
While claims of regular negligence can provide care to the standard expected by other
sometimes be difficult to prove, gross negligence medical professionals in the same situation, it is
rises to the level of being clearly unreasonable or considered to be medical negligence. Such
dangerous. Examples of grossly negligent acts may negligence is the primary basis for allegations of
include: medical malpractice. Medical negligence requires
proof of the same elements as regular negligence:
 A driver speeding through a busy parking lot
duty, breach of duty, causation, and damages. The
where pedestrians are walking hits a
difference is that physicians and other medical
shopping cart, forcing it into a man,
professionals have a higher duty of care to their
resulting in serious injuries
 A provider of home care fails to show up as
scheduled, and giving food and water to his Causation, or proof of injury, may include
elderly patient only once in three days physical effects of the treatment rendered by the
 A nurse gives an injection without first physician, or the failure to provide treatment that
checking the patient’s wrist band, giving it another prudent physician would have deemed
necessary in the same circumstances. Injuries due
to medical negligence may also include emotional A copy of the Complaint and Summons
or psychological injury. Causation is a hotly must be personally served on the defendant by an
disputed issue in any medical negligence or individual not involved in the suit, such as a
malpractice lawsuit, as medical professionals often professional process server, the constable or
allege that the patient’s injuries were the result of sheriff, or even a friend. The defendant then has
other factors not related to the care provided by the opportunity to file an Answer addressing the
the professional. issues in the Complaint. The civil lawsuit moves
forward from that point with discovery, hearings,
settlement conferences, and perhaps a trial. Civil
Professional negligence may occur in a lawsuits may take anywhere from weeks to years
situation in which an individual has represented to come to a conclusion, depending on the issues
himself as having greater skills and abilities than involved.
the average person. For example, a person
claiming to be a plumbing contractor would be
assumed to have greater skills in plumbing than a Civil Lawsuit – A lawsuit brought about in court
neighbor who has a bit of experience tinkering with when one person claims to have suffered a loss due
his own plumbing. to the actions of another person.

Professionals, such as contractors, Discovery – The pre-trial efforts of each party to

accountants, architects, and attorneys, have a duty obtain information and evidence.
to provide services to their clients to the level of
Liable – Responsible by law; to be held legally
other competent professionals in the same field.
answerable for an act or omission.
Losses, damages, or injuries sustained by a client
due to a professional’s failure to provide that level Omission – The act of excluding or leaving
of skill and education may be considered something out; a failure to do something,
professional negligence. especially something for which there is a moral or
legal obligation to do.
For example, Mary hires an attorney to file
a personal injury lawsuit after she was involved in NEGLIGENCE
a car accident. The attorney failed to file the
lawsuit within the statute of limitations, and Mary In most claims that arise from accidents or
was left with no rights to recover damages for her injuries -- from car accidents to "slip and fall" cases
injuries. Mary then hired another attorney to assist -- the basis for holding a person or company legally
her with a claim of professional negligence against responsible for any resulting harm comes from a
the first attorney, who had acted negligently in theory called "negligence."
handling Mary’s claim.
Generally speaking, when someone acts in a
SUING FOR NEGLIGENCE careless way and causes an injury to another
person, under the legal principle of "negligence"
Any person or entity can sue another for the careless person will be legally liable for any
negligent conduct. Most employ an attorney with resulting harm. This basis for assessing and
experience in the specific area of law that pertains determining fault is utilized in most disputes
to the act, such as personal injury, employment involving an accident or injury, during informal
law, medical malpractice, and others. A lawsuit for settlement talks and up through a trial in a
negligence begins with the filing of a Complaint personal injury lawsuit.
and Summons with the court. The Complaint must
explain in detail the relationship between the ELEMENTS OF A NEGLIGENCE CLAIM
parties, the act or failure to act of the party being
In order to win a negligence case, the plaintiff
sued (the “defendant”), the injuries or damages
(the person injured) must prove the following four
sustained as a direct result of the defendant’s
elements to show that the defendant (the person
actions, and the specific award sought.
allegedly at fault) acted negligently:
1. Duty - The defendant owed a legal duty to unrelated fender bender that happened just across
the plaintiff under the circumstances; the street -- just because the driver was negligent.
2. Breach - The defendant breached that legal
Another aspect of this element looks at
duty by acting or failing to act in a certain
whether the defendant could reasonably have
foreseen that his or her actions might cause an
3. Causation - It was the defendant's actions
injury. If the defendant's actions somehow caused
(or inaction) that actually caused the
the plaintiff injury through a random, unexpected
plaintiff's injury; and
act of nature, the injury would most likely be
4. Damages - The plaintiff was harmed or
deemed unforeseeable -- and the defendant will
injured as a result of the defendant's
not likely be found liable.
The final element of a negligence case is
When assessing a negligence claim, the first
damages. This element requires that the court be
step is to look to see whether or not the defendant
able to compensate the plaintiff for his or her
owed the plaintiff a legal duty of care. In some
injury -- usually through monetary compensation
circumstances, the relationship between the
for expenses such as medical care or property
plaintiff and defendant might create a legal duty --
for instance, a doctor owes a patient a legal duty to
provide him or her with competent medical care.
Or, the defendant may owe the plaintiff a legal
duty to act with reasonable care in a certain
situation -- as is the case when one is expected to
operate a motor vehicle safely and with a certain
level of due care.


Next, the court will look to see whether the

defendant breached this duty by doing (or not
doing something) that a "reasonably prudent
person" would do under similar circumstances.
The term "reasonably prudent person" refers to a
legal standard that represents how the average
person would responsibly act in a certain situation.
Stated simply, the defendant likely will be found
negligent if the average person, knowing what the
defendant knew at the time, would have known
that someone might have been injured as a result
of his or her actions -- and would have acted
differently than the defendant did in that situation.


The third element requires that the plaintiff

show that the defendant's negligence actually
caused his or her injury. Sure, someone might be
acting negligently, but the plaintiff can only recover
if this negligence somehow causes the injury. For
example, it wouldn't be fair to sue someone who
was negligently texting and driving for a totally

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