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Greetings everyone, I will inform you about climate change, its causes, effects, how it works, and more.
First, I want to ask you, do you think climate change is bad or is it something that we shouldn’t worry about? It is
bad, so we should change our ways for own sakes.

Global Warming is the long-term rise of the average temperature of Earth’s climate system. Over the past
50 years, the average global temperature has increased at the fastest rate in recorded history and it’s still rising
as we speak. Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants and greenhouse gases
collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the earth’s surface.
Radiation would normally escape, but pollutants which last for years and even centuries blocks the radiation
from leaving. This traps the heat and causes the temperature to rise making the planet hotter. That's what's
known as the greenhouse effect.

To stop global warming, first, we must know its causes. The first cause is fossil fuel, specifically burning fossil
fuels, like coal oil and gas to make electricity and gas. We burn fossil fuels 24/7, the burning of fossil fuels
releases CO2 into the air, too much CO2 can stop heat leaving the atmosphere. But thankfully we already have
the technology to reduce the use of coal and gas by using clean and renewable resources like solar, water, and

But even if we reduce our use of fossil fuels if we don’t stop deforestation and tree clearing, there will be no
trees left to regulate the air and absorb carbon dioxide and turn them into oxygen to be released back into the
atmosphere. Another thing, when we burn or remove vegetation its stored CO2 will be released, contributing to
global warming.

If global warming continues these things will happen, ice will melt, sea levels will raise, diseases will spread
like malaria, some animals might go extinct, and hurricanes and storms are likely to get stronger. Global
warming melts the ice releasing more water to the ocean causing it to rise. The sea level has risen between 1900
and 2016, the sea level rose by 16–21 cm. Freshwater will also decrease as glaciers melt. Glaciers store three-
quarters of the Earth’s freshwater.

Eventually when the earth gets too warm, polar bears will not be able to adapt and go extinct while some
species will move up north and thrive. Animals will start to migrate, the ecosystems will change, species like bark
beetles, crop pest, mosquito and ticks will thrive. Mosquitos and bark beetles are the most dangerous since
diseases like malaria will spread more and bark beetles feed on spruce and pine trees devastating millions of
forest acres. Rains and storms have increased although some places are experiencing severe droughts. The
reason for this is the rise of sea level and the warming of sea surface temperatures.

Global warming, it is something that will ruin the world, the lives of animals and ours. If we keep burning
fossil fuels, cutting trees, and things that will contribute to global warming, it will only bring harm to us. We have
to do something, we have to change for the better. But if we don’t change now we’ll regret it. Just like Obama
said “Climate change is no longer a far-off problem; it is happening here, it is happening now.” Why is it that the
earth is changing but we’re not? If we don’t change our ways it will be the end.

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