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1. Answer all seatworks for each Topic in 1 whole yp
2. Print lecture 4 for your copy of lecture

TOPIC: Work, Energy & Power

o .Energy is simply defined as the ability to do work. It means that if an object possesses
energy, then it is capable of doing work.
o We can say that energy and work are closely related; that to do work means to transfer
o The amount of work done is equal to the amount of energy transferred.
o Work and energy are expressed in the same unit, Joule (J)
Example Problem:
Take a stone with a mass of 2 kg and lift it to a height of 1 meter. The amount of work done
W = Fd but F = Fg and Fg = mag Fg = (2kg)(9.8 m/s2) = 20 N(1m) = 20 J
o Energy exists in many forms. One form is mechanical energy, which can be classified into
two types:
 Potential energy
 Kinetic energy
o Gravitational Potential energy (PEg) is the energy acquired by an object when work is
done on it against the force of gravity.
o Elastic PEg is the energy acquired by an object when work is done by it so that it is
displaced from the equilibrium position. Example is PEs in an elongated spring or a
stretched rubber.
o Kinetic energy is the energy of an object by virtue of its motion
o The change in KE of an object is equal to the work done on an object.
Sample problems:
1. How much potential energy is lost by a 5Kg object to kinetic energy due a decrease in height of
4.5 m
PE = mgh
PE = (5Kg)(10 m/s2)(4.5 m)
PE = 225 Kg m2/s2
PE = 225 J

2. Find the kinetic energy of an 4 Kg object moving at 5m/s.

KE = 1/2 mv2
KE = ½ (4Kg)(5m/s) 2
KE = 50 Kg m 2 /s 2
KE = 50 J
3. Potential energy is a form of energy that results from an object's position or arrangement of parts.
4. The measurement of potential energy in an object is calculated based on the object's mass and
its height or distance.
5. It is measured in Joules.

SW#____Write P.E if the following are examples of Potential Kinetic Energy; K.E if examples of Kinetic

1. A coiled spring.
2. Water that is behind a dam.
3. A downhill skier traveling down a hill
4. Wheels on roller skates before someone skates.
5. An insect flying
6. A raised weight
7. A car traveling down the road
8. A stretched rubber band.
9. A golf ball sitting on a tee before it is struck
10.A river flowing at a certain speed

Seatwork: # ___
1. A 3-kg stone is lifted to a height of 100 m. How much gravitational potential energy is gained
by the stone? Where ‘g’ = 9.8 m/s2
P.E. = mgh At what height must a 5-kg box be lifted to gain a gravitational PE of 150
P.E. = mgh
2. Calculate the KE of a 1000-kg car traveling at 60 km/h
KE = ½ mv2

Power is the rate by which work is done
In equation, Power = work done P = W/t
Units of Power
System Work,W time, t Power, P
MKS Joule (J) Second, s Joule/second = J/s = watt (W)
CGS Erg Second, s Erg/s (no other equivalent unit)
FPS Ft-lb Second, s (no other equivalent unit)

1. Another unit which is widely used is the horsepower (hp)

1 hp = 746 watts
1 kilowatt = 1 000 watts
1 hp = 550
2. Take note that Power is defined as P = Work/time P = W/t
But we defined work as W = Fd
Substituting W in equation for Power, we have P = W/t P = Fd/t
But we have learned that d/t = velocity, v
Therefore, the equation of Power from P = Fd/t becomes P=F
3. P = W/t = F x d/t = F v
4. The units for power :J/s; Kg m2 / s2 /s; Nm/s
5. Run upstairs, raising your 70 kg (700 N) mass 3 m (2,100 J) in 3 seconds  700 W output!

Seatwork: #____ show your complete solution for each

1. A crane lifts a 1 800-kg load of scrap metal to a distance of 12 m in 20 seconds. how much
horsepower is delivered to the load?
a. W = mgd = _________________
b. P = W/t = __________________
2.Pepe and Andoy, two carnival sideshow strong men, each lifts a 200-kg barbells 2.0 m off the
ground. Pepe lifts his barbells in 1.0 second and Andoy lifts his in 3.0 seconds.
a. Which strong man does more work? How much work done by each of them?
Both do the same amount of work = Fd =
b. Who is more powerful? Pepe or Andoy? Prove your answer.
Pepe’s Power = _____________________
Andoy’s Power = ____________________
3. A 2-hp motor is being used to lift a 150-kg load. What is the greatest speed at which the load
can be lifted with this motor?
F = Weight = mg = P = Fv v = P/F

1. Work done on object is the product of the force exerted on the object and the displacement of
the object along the direction of the force.
In symbol, W = Fd
2. The work done by a force is the product of two quantities:
a. The magnitude of the displacement, and
b. The magnitude of the force in the direction of the displacement.

6. Mathematically, work can be expressed by the following equation.

W= F x d cos q ( cos 00 = 1)
where F = force, d = displacement, and the angle (theta) is defined as the angle between the force
and the displacement vector
7. Work (force is parallel to distance)
8. Work is a measure of the amount of change (in general sense) that a force produces when
it acts on a body. Its change may be in the velocity of a body, in its position, in its size or
shape, and so forth.
9. Work is a scalar quantity; no direction is associated with it.
10. After an object has been lifted to a height, work is done.
PE = W= F x d= mgh
3. There are cases wherein the force applied is not in the same direction as the displacement but
at a certain angle, the applied force, Fa is at a certain angle with the horizontal. We have to get
the component of this force along the horizontal which is the direction of the displacement, d.
4. Therefore, the force now has a magnitude of Facosθ. Substituting this to the equation W = fd
W = (Facosθ) d
5. Then, the work done by a force F, during a displacement, d is equal to the product of three
a. The magnitude of the force
b. The magnitude of the displacement
c. The cosine of the angle between the force and the displacement

6. The units of work are shown in the table below;

System Force, F Displacement, d Work, W
(Meter, kilogram, second) Newton, N Meter, m Nm = joule (J)
(centimeter-gram-second) Dyne Centimeter, cm erg
(foot-pound-second) Pound (lb) Foot (ft) Lb-ft or ft-lb

7. Seatwork #_____ answer in NB

A. Write W if work is done and NW if there is no work done:
____1. A man is holding a child on his shoulder while watching a parade.
____2. A man is climbing a mountain with a heavy back pack.
____3. A boy running across the playground with his ball.
____4. A man with his backpack, climbs down the mountain
____5. The librarian lifting a stack of magazines from the floor to the top of the cabinet
____6. A mother dancing with her baby in her arms
____7. A stone whirled around in a horizontal circle
____8. A basket being lifted
____9. A big box dragged across the floor
____10. A person in an ascending elevator
B. Problem:
1. How much work is needed to lift a 2-kg hollow block to a height of 3m above the
a. W = mg W =
2. W = Fd W =
3. A farmer pulls a cart with a force of 40 N for 15 meters. If the farmer pulls the rope
attached to the cart at an angle of 30o, how much work is done?
a. W = (Facosθ) d W =

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