Programming 1 (PRG510S) - Course Outline

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PROGRAMMING 1 (PRG510S) Course Outline


All staff and students of the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST), upon signing their
employment contracts and registration forms, commit themselves to abide by the policies and rules of the
institution. The core activity of the NUST is learning and in this respect academic honesty and integrity is very
important to ensure that learning is valid, reliable and credible.

The NUST therefore does not condone any form of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism and cheating on
tests and assessments, amongst other such practices. The NUST requires students to always do their own
assignments and to produce their own academic work, unless given a group assignment.

Academic Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:

• Using the ideas, words, works or inventions of someone else as if it is your own work.
• Using the direct words of someone else without quotation marks, even if it is referenced.
• Copying from writings (books, articles, webpages, other students’ assignments, etc.), published or
unpublished, without referencing.
• Syndication of a piece of work, all or part of an assignment, by a group of students, unless the assignment
was a legitimate group assignment.
• The borrowing and use of another person’s assignment, with or without their knowledge or permission.
• Infringing copyright, including documents copied or cut and pasted from the internet.
• Asking someone else to prepare an assignment for you or to write or sit an assessment for you, whether
this is against payment or not.
• Re-submitting work done already for another course or programme as new work, so-called self-
• Bringing notes into an examination or test venue, regardless of whether the notes were used to copy or
• Receiving any outside assistance in any form or shape during an examination or test.

All forms of academic dishonesty are viewed as misconduct under the NUST Student Rules and Regulations.
Students who make themselves guilty of academic dishonesty will be brought before a Disciplinary Committee
and may be suspended from studying for a certain time or may be expelled. All students who are found guilty of
academic dishonesty shall have an appropriate endorsement on their academic record, which will never be

Course Information
PGR510S, Programming 1

Computer Science

07BACS, Bachelor of Computer Science
07BCCS, Bachelor of Computer Science in Cyber Security
07BAIF, Bachelor of Informatics

Contact hours 35, 65 hours self-study


NQF level 5, 10 credits
This course is designed to enable students to break information system based problems into smaller parts and create a
program that will use such parts to solve the problem. Students will be exposed to the basics of Console programming using
an appropriate programming language.




The delivery of the course is by theory and practical. The practical will be based on student-centered approach and
may involve students grouped to carrying out stipulated task to further enhance students understanding of the
underpinning theory.

The following communication tools will be used in this course:

Materials, communication and most assessments for this course shall be on MyNUST eLearning platform (Moodle).
Should there be any glitches, ISNotes may be used as a temporary platform.

Course Format:
• 35 hours of face-to-face between students and lecturer
• 65 hours of out-of-class study time, to be used as follows:
o 28 hours of laboratory (practical) session
o 22 hours of reading prescribed material
o 5 hours of sorting, completing and annotating own lecture notes
o 10 hours of consultations with lecturer, laboratory session lecturer and fellow students
• 20 hours of Assessment
o 17 hours of Individual Assignment
o 3 hours of Tests

Effective Date:
06 February, 2019

Lecturer Information
Lecturer’s names: Mr. Herman Kandjimi Lecturer’s names: Dr. Cameron Macrae
Emails: Emails:
Office phone: 061 207 2782 Office phone: 061 207 2746
Office location: IT House Office location: IT House
Groups: ALL THEORY (FT & PT) Groups: FT 02 & 06

Lecturer’s name: Mr. Simon H. Muchinenyika Lecturer’s name: Mr. Jeremiah Lumbasi
Email: Email:
Office phone: 2072054 Office phone: 2072713
Office location: No 159, Red Floor, Office Building Office location: IT House
Groups: FT01 & 08 and PT 01/02 Groups: FT 05 & 10 and PT 03

Lecturer’s name: Ms. Ndinelago Nashandi Lecturer’s name: Mr. Steven Tjiraso
Email: Email:
Office phone: 2072911 Office phone: 207 2097
Office location: IT House Office location: TBA
Groups: FT04 & 09 Groups: FT 03 & 07

Technology & Equipment Readiness:

This course will only utilize already existing NUST equipment.

Student Commitments and Contact Times:

1. At least 80% of class attendance is expected by all students. Students are expected to make
appropriate notes of lectures in addition to the lecture slides that will be provided. The lecture slides used
in class will be made available on MyNUST eLearning platform(Moodle) and ISNotes or by email in the
event of a glitch. If a student fails to attend a class, it is their responsibility to catch-up on what was covered.
2. After every class, and before the start of the next class, the student should sort, complete and annotate own
lecture notes, and select further reading in case any particular item was not understood on first attempt.
3. Student must fully utilise their notational hours on revising, practicing or/and completing homework for the
4. Consult recommended material to further broaden knowledge and understanding of the subject.

Course Resources:
Presentation slides, laboratory materials and additional materials will be made available on MyNUST
eLearning platform(Moodle) and ISNOTES.

Prescribed Textbook:
1. Savitch, W., & Mock, K. (2018). Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving & Programming (8th ed.). Prentice
Hall. ISBN-10: 0-134-46203-3. ISBN-13: 978-0-134-46203-5

Recommended Reading:

1. Savitch, W., & Mock, K. (2016). Absolute JAVA (6th ed.). Pearson, ISBN- 10: 129210922X. ISBN-13:

2. Dean, J.S., & Dean, R.H. (2008). Introduction to programming with java: a problem solving approach.
McGraw-Hill, ISBN-978–0–07–304702–7

3. Deitel, P., & Deitel, H (2012). Java: How to program (9th ed.). Pearson. ISBN-10: 0-273-75976-0. ISBN-
4. Bryant, J., (2012). Java 7 for Absolute Beginners. Springer. ISBN-13 978-1-4302-3686-3/0


Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course of study, you should be able to:

1. Evaluate how a computer program affects the operation of a computer;

2. Utilise top down computer programming technique to break down a project into smaller
working parts
3. Understand basic real life problems and how their can be solved
4. Apply good programming styles;
5. Write programs to accomplish simple tasks.

Semester Week & Topic Assignments/Practical session

2. A. Introduction to Programming 1 - Setup students mails
- Course Outline and Schedule - Groupings and intro to practical
11 – 15 FEB
B. Tools and Online resources session
- Student Mails, Kiosk and Campus resources - Window/OS basics
- Moodle and Online resources - Installations of tools
C. Labs/Practical set-up and Student expectations - Compression and submission
3. A. Programming languages and examples -
18 – 22 FEB - High level programming languages - Setup IDE and Environments
- Low level programming languages - Lab 01
B. Interpreters and compilers
C. Approaches to Problem Solving;
D. Introduction to Java and IDEs
4. A. Input/output Operations
25 FEB – 01 MAR - Data Types; - Lab 02
- Variables; - In-class Exercise sample
- Expressions;
- Constants

5. A. Expression I
04 – 08 MAR - Arithmetic expressions
- Parentheses and Precedence Rules
- Increment and Decrement Operators - Lab 03
B. String Processing
- String variables and Constants
- String concatenation
- String methods and processing
6. A. Review on Concepts covered
11 – 15 MAR - Input / output operations
- Expressions
- String Processing - In-Class Exercise 1
- Type casting and data conversions

B. Introduction to classes and Methods

7. A. Expression II and Branching I
18 – 22 MAR - Flow control
- Lab 04
- Logical operators
- Primitive and Non-Primitive comparisons
- Linear if statements
8. A. Flow Control and Branching II
25 – 29 MAR - Nested if statements;
- Switch Statements; - TEST 01
- The Conditional Operator(Ternary)
- Lexicographic and Alphabetic Order

9. A. Loops
- for statements; - Lab 05
01 – 05 APR
- while statements; - Lab 06(2 WEEKS)
- do-while statements
- nested loops
10. A. Arrays I
08 – 12 APR - 1-D Arrays; - In-Class Exercise 2
- Paired arrays;
11. A. Arrays II
15 – 18 APR - 2-D Arrays and Multi-Dimensional Arrays - TEST 02
- Arrays traversing with nested loops


13. A. Arrays I and II Review

29 APR – 03 MAY B. Methods
- Lab 07
- Introduction to methods
- Passing by values and by reference
C. Recursion intro
14. A. Methods In depths
- Assignment Due date
06 – 10 MAY B. Recursion
- Assessment of Individual
13 – 17 MAY B. Consolidation of Marks - Assessment of Individual Assignment

NOTE: The following dates are subject to change based on the needs of the students at the lecturer’s prerogative.
Students will be notified ahead of time of any changes.
Date Important Information
29 March, 2019 Test 01
25 March, 2019 Individual Assignment Release
18 April, 2019 Test 02
15 May 2019 Supplementary Test
06 May 2019 Individual Assignment DUE DATE
06-17 May, 2019 Individual Assignment Presentation and Assessment
17 May, 2019 NB: Last Date for Consolidation of Semester marks


The semester (period) mark is determined by continuous evaluation made up of Test, Laboratory Exercises and
Individual Assignment weighted as follows.

Assessment Weight
Test 01 20%

Test 02 20%

Laboratory Exercises 20%

In-Class Exercises 10%

Individual Assignment 30%

Total: 100%

A minimum of 40% period mark will be required to qualify for Examination. The final mark for the course will comprise of
50% Period mark and 50% Examination mark. A minimum of 50% Final mark will be required to pass the course.

General Academic Policies:
It is the student's responsibility to be familiar with and adhere to NUST’s Policies. These Policies can be found in NUST
Prospectus or online at

Supplementary Policies:
Soft copy of your assignment should be submitted via Moodle. Details of the submission will be outlined in the
assignment document. All Late Submissions without prior arrangement with the lecturer will not be accepted and
thus, marked as 0%. Policy regarding extension if possible will be detailed out in the assignment document.
Lab activities and In-Class exercises Rules:
o All lab exercises are given a week to be attempted and late submission are allowed up to 2 days, with 15%
Marks deducted per day. Submissions after the second day are no considered hence ungraded (marked zero).
o All In-Class exercises are to be done within the stipulated Lab time (about 2 hours) and submitted at the end of
the session.
o Arrangement should be made for missed Labs or in-class exercise with the Practical lecturers in time and not
at the end of the Semester.

Failure to Pay Fees:

A student who fails to pay his or her fees may have his or her results withheld until all outstanding fees have been paid in full.

Important Student Services at NUST

There are a variety of services which you can use at the NUST. These services are to your advantage – Use them!!! They include
the following:

• Student Counseling and Career Development - Dean of Students Office.

• Writing centre and student academic problems – Centre for Teaching & Learning (CTL)
• Campus Health and Wellness Centre (CHWC) - Dean of Student’s office/ NUST Clinic

This course is authorised for use by:

___________________________________ __________________________
Head of Department Date

(To be completed by all students on the course, detached from the course outline and kept
on record in the department)

I, ____________________________________, student number____________________, hereby

acknowledge that I have received this course outline for Programming 1 (PRG510S) in semester 1
(2019), and that I have familiarized myself with its content, in particular the statement about
academic honesty and integrity. I agree to abide by the Policies and arrangements spelt out in this
course outline.

………………………… ………………………………….
Signature of student Date

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