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ECE 3004: Examination 1 February 20, 2006

1. (5 points) Express 40cos(50t)+30sin(50t+45) as aphasor.

Note that sin(x) = cos(x-90)
40cos(50t) + 30sin(50t +45) = 40cos(50t) + 30cos(50t +45-90) = 40cos(50t) + 30cos(50t-45)

In phasor notation, this becomes

40L0 + 30L - 45
Converting to rectangular coordinates
40cos(0) + j40sin(0) + 30cos(-45) + j30sin(-45)
= 61.21- j21.21
Converting back to phasor notation

abs(61.21- j21.21) = 64.8

¢ = tan- 1 ( -2 1.21 ) = -19.1°
The final result is 64.8L-19.l°

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ECE 3004: Examination 1 February 20, 2006

2. (5 points) Find the sinusoid i(t) for the following phasor if the frequency is 31.831 Hz:
I= _1 + 10L45
10L45 =10cos(45) + J10sin(45) = 7.07 + j7.07

I= 7.07 + jl2.07 =14.0L59.6
Converting to the frequency domain
i(t) = 14.0cos(200t + 59.6)
(Note that co=21t*31.83 = 200 rad/s)

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ECE 3004: Examination 1 February 20, 2006

3. (16 point.s/4 points) (a) Calculate the phasorsl1 and 12 in the follov,ing circuit. (b) What are
the values of the capacitor and inductor? The frequency of the voltage supply is 100 rad/s.


40~V jSU

(a) The total impedance is

j5-(-j10) 50 ·10
Z = 8 +~~~ 8 + - = 8 +;
j5-j10 -j5

The current from the source is

I= V 40 40-(8- j10) 320- j400

1.95- j2.44=3.12L-51.4
Z 8 + j10 (8+ j10) ·(8- j10) 64+100

The circuit is a current divider. Thus,

I1 =I j;~ ; 2I=6.24L-51.4 and

I2 = I j ~~lO I =-3.12L-51.4=3.12L128.6

(Note that KCLisvalid at the node.)

(b) For the inductor

jOJL= j5
L=5l100 =50 mH

For the capacitor

1 ·5 5
jt:d: =-; = j
1 1
C=- =--=2mF
50J 500

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ECE 3004: Examination 1 February 20, 2006

4. (25 points) Rnd the Thevenin equivalent as seen by the 2 Q resistor for the circuit shown.

Hl 2H

12 tOStV zn

First, convert to the frequency domain:

12cost ⇒ 12L0; ai=1

i, ⇒ r•
.!.p ⇒ 1 j4
4 }·1·..!..
.!.p ⇒ 1 j8
8 . 1
J· 1·-
2H ⇒ J•1·2=j2

Consider the two nodes on either end of the coil. Call the left-most V1 and the rigjltmost ½.
The Thevenin voltage is ½ when the 2 Q Ioad is open circuit. In this case

½-12 31 +-+-'-~
-'--+ ½ ½-½ 0
4 • -j4 j2
l 12-½
• 4
½-VI 31 + ½ =0
j2 • -j8

Substituting for l, and rearranging

(2+ })½- }2½ = 24

(6+ j4)½ - J3½ =72
Solving for VTh = ½

Yn.=½ =-2.36+ j1.99=3.07L140.2

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ECE 3004: Examination 1 February 20, 2006

To obtain the Thevenin impedance, we must replace the load with a test voltage Vr and we
must short-circuit the 12 V source. The Thevenin impedance is then the ratio of the test
voltage to the current leaving the test source. In this case, V2 become Vt. The necessary
equations are

½ 3/ +--+--=
-+ ½ ½- V2 0
4 ° -j4 j2
I= 0-½
0 4

v2 -vi -31 + V:1- -1 =O

j2 0 - j8 t

Substituting for / 0 and rearranging the first equation gives

= ~ (1 + ;"2)V2
2 2
(1- ;"2)v'.1 - 2V2 = 0 or V.1 = V
(1- j2) 5

Substituting for/0 and rearranging the second equation gives

Substituting for V 1 and rearranging gives

V2 =-/ (32 + jl36)

r 61 61


32 1136
zTh = vI 2 =-( 61 + 61
)=-0.525- 1·2.23

Or, Z Th = 2.29L -103.2

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ECE 3004: Examination 1 February 20, 2006

5, (10 point.s/5 points) (a) Evaluate the voltage gain Ay = VJV, in the op amp circuit below. (b)
What is the gain as ro ~ and as ro~. (Note: There is a node where the non-inverting input
crosses the branch from the negative side of V O to v•. )


Using the standard notation,

V.• =Vp =0


0-V 0-V O
--~'-+ •
~+-- R2+--
Jrd:1 J@Cz


c1 1+ J@R2c2
A.= V.
v, C2 I+ j@~CI

As ro~, Av⇒-C t/C2 while as ro~, Av⇒-R2fR1.

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ECE 3004: Examination 1 February 20, 2006

6, (20 points) For the circuit below, calculate the power factor and the complex power for the
8Q res! stor.

-is n i6 n
l6/ 45°V
10 fl sn

First. find the equivalent impedance and from that, the current supplied by the source

I 1 +-1- 10+j5+8-j6
Z 10- j5 8+ j6 125 100
Rearran @ingand simplifying
z = ~ _ 10(8+ j)
8- j 13
The total impedance is
Zi,-2+l0( + j) _ 1°6 + jlO = 8.15+ j0.769=8.19L5.39
13 13

1 16.0:::45 16cos(45)+ j16sin(45) 16-13(1+ j) 208(1+ j)(106-jl0) =1.Sl+ '1.2S

Z (106+ jl0)/13 ./2(106+ j10) J2'(11236+100) J

The circuit behaves as a current divider. Thus. the current in the branch with the resistor
under consideration is

I =l IO-j5 _ -./2(116+ j96) 10-j5 _ -./2(92+ j16)

IO - j5+8+j6 109 18+j 109

The voltage drop across the resi star is

V=l •S- 8./2(92+ j16)

I 109

The complex power Is

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ECE 3004: Examination 1 February 20, 2006

S=l-Vt' = _!_ 8✓2(92+ 116) ✓2(92+ 116)* = 640 =5.872 W

2 2 109 109 109

We note that the complex power is purely real and the power factor is unity as is required by
a purely resistive load.

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ECE 3004: Examination 1 February 20, 2006

7, (10 points) Calculate the total inductance of the three coupled coils below.

4H 51:1

6H SH 10 H

Label the total inductance at each coil as Lt, L2, and L3 from left to right. Then


The total inductance is

4+½+4 =4-1+7=10

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