Vector, Dimensions & Kinematics: B A K J I K I

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Vector, Dimensions & Kinematics

   
1. Given A  2iˆ  ˆj  2kˆ and B  iˆ  2 ˆj  2kˆ . The unit vector of A  B is
k̂ 3iˆ 3iˆ  ˆj  3iˆ  kˆ
(a) (b) (c) (d)
10 10 10 10

2. One of the rectangular components of a velocity of 10 km h 1 is 50 3 km h-1. The other

rectangular component is
(a) 50 3 km h 1 (b) 50 km h 1 (c) 50 2 km h 1 (d) none of these

3. A force of (10iˆ  3 ˆj  6kˆ ) newton acts on a body of mass 100g and displaces it from
(6iˆ  5 ˆj  7 kˆ ) m. The work done is
(a) 21J (b) 361 J (c) 121 J (d) 1000 J

4. Two vectors of 14 units and 10 units act at a point. The minimum and maximum value of
resultant lies between
(a) 4 and 10 (b) 4 and 24 (c) 10 and 6 (d) 136 and

     
5. The magnitude

of vectors A , B and C are 12, 5 and 13 units and A B  C. The angle
between A and B is
(a) 0 (b) 45 (c) 90 (d) 180
   
6. If A  2iˆ  3 ˆj  kˆ and B  4iˆ  6 ˆj  2kˆ the angle between A and B will be
 
(a)  (b) (c) (d) 0
3 2
   
7. Given A  3iˆ  2 ˆj  2kˆ
and B  6iˆ  4 ˆj  4kˆ . The two vectors A and B
(a) are parallel (b) are perpendicular
(c) make an angle of 30 to each other (d) make on angle of 60 to each other
   2
8. ( A . B) 2  A  B 

(a) A B (b) A 2 B 2 (c) zero (d) AB

 
9. The angle between two vectors A  2iˆ  4 ˆj  4kˆ and B  4iˆ  2 ˆj  4kˆ will be
 
(a) zero (b) (c) (d) none of these
2 3

10. Three forces ( 2iˆ  3 ˆj  4kˆ), (8iˆ  4 ˆj  6kˆ ) and miˆ  7 ˆj  mkˆ keep a body in equilibrium.
The value of m is
(a) 10 (b) 20 (c) –10 (d) –20

11. A force vector applied on a mass is represented as F  6iˆ  8 ˆj  10kˆ N and accelerates
the mass at 5 ms-2. The mass of the body is
(a) 2 2 kg (b) 40 kg (c) 1.6 kg (d) 2 10kg

Radical, 718, Mcleod Road, Nr. St. Francis School, Amritsar. Ph.No. 0183  2563465, 2220708 P1

12. The minimum number of vectors in different planes which can be added to give zero
resultant is
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5

13. Two forces each equal to , act at right angles. Their effect may be neutralized by a third
force acting along their bisector in the opposite direction with a magnitude of
(a) F (b) (c) 2F (d)
2 2
  
14. Given A  2iˆ  4 ˆj  6kˆ . When a vector B is added to A , we get a unit vector along x-

axis. Then B is
(a) iˆ  2 ˆj  3kˆ (b)  iˆ  4 ˆj  6kˆ (c)  iˆ  2 ˆj  6kˆ (d) none of these

15. At what angle must the two forces ( x  y ) and ( x  y ) act so that the resultant may be
( x 2  y 2 )1 / 2
1   x  y  1  2( x  y ) 
2 2 2 2

(a) cos  2  (b) cos  2 

 2( x  y )   x y 
2 2

1  x2  y2  1  x2  y2 
(c) cos  2 2  (d) cos  2 2 
x  y   x y 
       
16. Three vectors A, B and C satisfy the relation A. B =0 and A. C  0 . The vector A
is parallel

to     
(a) B (b) C (c) B .C (d) BC

17. Two forces each numerically equal to 10N are acting as shown in fig. Then the resultant is

(a) 10 N (b) 20 N

(c) 10 3 (d) 5 N

18. When the three forces 50N , 30 N and 15 N act on the body then the body is
(a) at rest (b) moving with uniform velocity
(c) in equilibrium (d) moving with an acceleration
19. The magnitude of the vector product of two vectors is 3 times their scalar product. The
angle between the vectors is
   
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2 6 3 4

20. Consider F  4iˆ  3 ˆj . A vector perpendicular to F is
(a) 6iˆ (b) 7 k̂ (c) 4iˆ  3 ˆj (d) 3iˆ  4 ˆj

Radical, 718, Mcleod Road, Nr. St. Francis School, Amritsar. Ph.No. 0183  2563465, 2220708 P2

21. From the top of a tower a stone is dropped. It covers a distance 24.5 m in the last second of
its motion. The height of tower is
(a) 44.1m (b) 39.7m (c) 341.1m (d) 29.7m

22. A ball is thrown vertically upward with a velocity of 5 m/s. If g = 10 m/sec 2, it will come
back to point of projection in
1 1 1
(a) s (b) 1s (c) s (d) s
3 2 5

23. The length of the second hand in a watch is 1cm. The displacement of its tip in 30 seconds is
(a) 2 2 cm (b) 2 cm (c) cm (d) 2 cm .
 
24. The value of m so that A  3iˆ  2 ˆj  kˆ may be  to B  2iˆ  6 ˆj  mkˆ is
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8

25. A bus starts from rest with an acceleration of 1 m/sec 2. A man who is 48 m behind the bus
starts with a uniform velocity of 10 ms 1. Then after how much time the man will catch the
(a) 12sec (b) 8 sec (c) 10 sec (d) 4 sec

26. A 120m long train is moving west at a speed of 10ms 1. A small bird flying east at a speed of
5 ms1 crosses the train. What is time taken by the bird to cross the train
(a) 4s (b) 8s (c) 12s (d) 24s

27. If A  4iˆ  4 ˆj  4kˆ, B  3iˆ  ˆj  4kˆ , the angle between vectors A and B is
(a) 0 (b) 45 (c) 90 (d) 180

28. A body starts from rest; what is the ratio of the distance travelled by the body during the 4 th
and 3rd second?
(a) 7/5 (b) 5/7 (c) 7/3 (d) 3/7
29. A body is dropped from a tower with zero velocity, reaches ground in 4 s. The height of the
tower is about:
(a) 80 m (b) 20 m (c) 160 m (d) 40 m
30. The velocity acquired by a body moving with uniform acceleration is 30 ms -1 in 2 seconds and
60 ms-1 in 4 seconds. The initial velocity is
(a) zero (b) 2 ms 1 (c) 4 ms 1 (d) 10 ms 1
31. A body moving with uniform acceleration has a displacement of 16 m in 4 second and 9 m in
3 second. Its acceleration is
(a) 1 ms-2 (b) 2 ms-2 (c) 3 ms-2 (d) 4 ms-2

32. A ball is dropped from the top of a tower 100m high. Simultaneously another ball is thrown
upward with a speed of 50 ms-1 . After what time do they cross each other?
(a) 1 s (b) 2 s (c) 3 s (d) 4 s

33. If a body starts from rest and travels 120 m in the 8th second, then acceleration is :
(a) 16 m / s 2 (b) 2 m / s 2 (c) 10 m / s 2 (d) 1 m / s 2

Radical, 718, Mcleod Road, Nr. St. Francis School, Amritsar. Ph.No. 0183  2563465, 2220708 P3

34. If a train travelling at 72 km/h is to be brought to rest in a distance of 200m, then its retardation
should be
(a) 20 m / s 2 (b) 2 m / s 2 (c) 10 m / s 2 (d) 1 m / s 2

35. A body travels 200 cm in the first two seconds and 220 cm in the next 4 sec with deceleration.
The velocity of the body at the end of the 7th second is
(a) 5 cm/s (b) 10 cm/s (c) 15 cm/s (d) 20 cm/s

36. A body is moving with uniform velocity of 8 ms -1 . When the body just crossed another body,
the second one starts and moves with uniform acceleration of 4 ms -2. The time after which two
bodies meet, will be
(a) 2 s (b) 4 s (c) 6 s (d) 8 s

37. An object projected upwards acquires a velocity of 9.8 ms -1 when it reaches half of the
maximum height. The maximum height reached is
(a) 4.9 m (b) 7.8 m (c) 8.8m (d) 9.8 m
38. A body is dropped from a height of 100m. At what height the velocity of the body will be equal
to one-half of velocity when it hits the ground?
(a) 45 m (b) 55m (c) 65 m (d) 75 m
39. A driver applies the brakes on seeing traffic signal 400 m ahead. At the time of applying the
brakes vehicle was moving with 15 ms-1 and retarding with 0.3 ms-2. The distance of vehicle
after 1 minute from the traffic light is
(a) 25 m (b) 375 m (c) 360 m (d) 40 m
40. A stone dropped from the top of tower is found to travel 5/9 of the height of the tower during
the last second of its fall. The time of fall is
(a) 2 s (b) 3 s (c) 4 s (d) 5 s

41. A window is 50 cm long. A stone is falling from a height of 40 cm above the window. It
crosses the window in
3 2 1 4
(a) s (b) s (c) s (d) s
7 7 7 7
42. A body dropped from the top of a tower clears 7/16 th of the total height of the tower in its last
second of flight. The time taken by the body to reach the ground is
(a) 2 s (b) 3 s (c) 4 s (d) 5 s

Radical, 718, Mcleod Road, Nr. St. Francis School, Amritsar. Ph.No. 0183  2563465, 2220708 P4
 
43. The maximum value of resultant of two vectors P and Q is
(a) P  Q (b) P  Q (c) P2  Q2 (d) P2  Q2

44. The magnitude of 3iˆ  2 ˆj  kˆ is

(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 14 (d) 24

45. What is the angle between the forces ( x  y ) and ( x  y ) if their resultant is
2( x 2  y 2 ) ?
(a) 0 (b) 30 (c) 60 (d) 90

46. If l, m and n are the direction cosines of a vector, then

1 1 1
(a) l  m  n  1 (b) l 2  m 2  n 2  1 (c)   1 (d) lmn  1
l m n

47. The minimum number of vectors in different planes which can be added to give zero
resultant is
(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2
 
48. If A isperpendicular

to B , then   
 
(a) A. ( A  B )  A  AB
(b) A .B  0 (c) A. ( A  B )  A 2
 
(d) A . B  AB

49. Two perpendicular forces of8N and 6N can produce the effect of a single force equal to
(a) 5N (b) 6N (c) 8N (d) 10N
   
50. The work done by a force is defined by W  F . S . In certain situation F and S are not
equal to zero but work done is zero. From this, we conclude that

(a) F S  (b) F and S are in the same direction
(c) F and S are in opposite directions (d) F and S are at right angle
        
51. For any two vectors A and B , if A. B  A  B , the magnitude of C  A B is
(a) A 2  B 2 (b) A + B

(c) A2  B 2  (d) A2  B 2  2 AB

52. A zero resultant cannot be obtained by combining

(a) two vectors of different magnitudes (b) three vectors of different magnitudes
(c) four vectors of different magnitudes (d) five vectors of different magnitudes
 
53. Given : P  3 ˆj  4kˆ and Q  2iˆ  5kˆ . The magnitude of the scalar product of these vectors is
(a) 20 (b) 23 (c) 26 (d) 5 33
  
54. Given : A  iˆ  2 ˆj  3kˆ . When a vectors B is added to A , we get a unit vector along

Xaxis. Then, B is
(a)  2 ˆj  3kˆ (b)  iˆ  2 ˆj (c)  iˆ  3kˆ (d) 2 ˆj  3kˆ

Radical, 718, Mcleod Road, Nr. St. Francis School, Amritsar. Ph.No. 0183  2563465, 2220708 P5

55. The resultant of two vectors of magnitudes 2A and 2 A acting at an angle  is 10 A .

The correct value of  is
(a) 30 (b) 45 (c) 60 (d) 90

56. The angle between iˆ  ˆj  kˆand 2iˆ  2 ˆj  2kˆ is

(a) 0 (b) 30 (c) 60 (d) 90

57. The x and y components of a force are 2N and 3N. The force is
(a) 2iˆ  3 ˆj (b) 2iˆ  3 ˆj (c)  2iˆ  3 ˆj (d) 3iˆ  2 ˆj

   
58. If P  2iˆ  3 ˆj  kˆ and Q  3iˆ  2 ˆj then P. Q is
(a) zero (b) 6 (c) 12 (d) 15
 
59. A vector A is along the positive Zaxis and its vector product with another vector B is
zero, then B could be
(a) (iˆ  ˆj ) (b) 4 ĵ (c)  9k̂ (d) ( ˆj  kˆ)
    
60. Given: R  A  B and R  A  B . The angle between A and B is
(a) 60 (b) 90 (c) 120 (d) 180

61. A force (3iˆ  2 ˆj ) N displaces an object through ( 2iˆ  3 ˆj ) m. The work done is
(a) zero (b) 5 J (c) 12 J (d) 13 J
 
62. The angle  between positive direction of forces A and B is 60 where A=10 dyne and
 
B= 6 dyne. If the resultant R makes an angle  with A then  is
(a) 30 (b) 60 (c) less than 30 (d) more than 30
    
63. Given: P  A  B and P  A  B . The angle between A and B is
 
(a) 0 (b) (c) (d) 
4 2
     
64. Given: A. B  0 and A C  0 . The angle between B and C is
(a) 0 (b) 90 (c) 180 (d) 270

65. Three forces ( 2iˆ  3 ˆj  4kˆ), (8iˆ  7 ˆj  6kˆ) and m (iˆ  ˆj  kˆ) keep a body in equilibrium.
The value of m is
(a) 10 (b) 10 (c) 20 (d) 20

Radical, 718, Mcleod Road, Nr. St. Francis School, Amritsar. Ph.No. 0183  2563465, 2220708 P6

66. The value of G  6.67  10 11 N m 2 (kg ) 2 . It value in CGS system will be
(a) 6.67  10 8 (b) 6.67  10 6 (c) 6.67  10 4 (d) 6.67  10 5

67. In SI system, the unit of pressure is

(a) dyne/cm2 (b) neuton  m 2 (c) pascal (d) none of these

68. Which of the following is a derived unit?

(a) newton (b) joule (c) volt (d) all of these

69. If x  at  bt 2 , where x is in metres and t is in hours, the units of b will be :

(a) metre (b) metre/hour (c) metre/(hour)2 (d) metre2/hour

70. The dimensions of force constant are:

(a) M 1 L1T 2 (b) M 1 L2 T 1 (c) ML2 T 2 (d) MLT 2

71. Dimensions of gravitational constant are

(a) ML2 T 2 (b) M 1 L3T 2 (c) M 0 L3T 2 (d) M 1 L3T 2

72. The dimensional formula for kinetic energy is

(a) [ M 2 L2 T ] (b) [ ML2 T 2 ] (c) [ M 0 L1 ] (d) [ ML2 T ]

73. Which of the following have the same dimensions as v 2 / r , where v is the speed of the
particle describing a circular pat of radius r?
(a) acceleration (b) momentum (c) force (d) impulse

74. The velocity v (in cm/sec) of a particle is given in terms of time t (in sec) by the equation ,
v  at 
the dimensions of a, b and c are:

a b c
(a) L2 T LT2
(b) LT 2 LT L
(c) LT 2 L T
(d) L LT T2

75. In the relation : y  a sin (t  Kx ), the dimensional formula for K is

(a) M 0 LT (b) M 0 L1T 0 (c) M 0 LT 1 (d) M 0 L1T 1

76. If V  , then dimensions of  are

(a) M 0 L0 T 0 (b) M 0 L0 T 1 (c) M 1 L0 T 0 (d) M 0 L1T 0

Radical, 718, Mcleod Road, Nr. St. Francis School, Amritsar. Ph.No. 0183  2563465, 2220708 P7

77. A physical quantity x depends on quantities y and z as follows x  Ay  B tan Cz , where A,

B and C are constants. Which of the following do not have the same dimensions?
(a) x and B (b) C and x 1 (c) y and B / A (d) x and A

78. The force F, on a sphere of radius ‘a’ moving in a medium with velocity  is given by
F  6av. The dimensions of  are
(a) ML1T 1 (b) MT 1 (c) MLT 2 (d) ML3

79. The velocity of water waves may depend on their wavelengh  , the density of water  ,
and the acceleration due to gravity g. The method of dimensional analysis gives the
following relation between these quantities:
(a)  2  K1 g 1   (b)  2  Kg (c)  2  Kg (d)  2  K3 g 1  1

80. If P is the pressure ,  is the density and E is the energy of a bubble, the quantity
P 5 / 6  1 / 2 E 1 / 3 has got the dimensions of
(a) length (b) mass (c) time (d) velocity

81. Which of the following is not a unit of energy?

(a) Ws (b) Kg-m/sec (c) N-m (d) joule

82. erg m-1 can be the unit of the measure of

(a) force (b) momentum (c) power (d) acceleration

83. The unit of potential energy is

(a) gm (cm/sec2) (b) gm (cm/sec)2 (c) gm(cm2/sec) (d) gm (cm/sec)
 a 
84. The equation  p  2 (V  b) = constant. The units of a are
 V 

(a) dyne cm 5
(b) dyne  cm4 (c) dyne / cm 3 (d) dyne / cm 2

85. Which of the following is a derived unit?

(a) unit of mass (b) unit of length (c) unit of time (d) unit of volume

86. A student writes four different expressions for the displacement ‘y’ in a periodic motion
(1) y  a sin (2) y  a sin Vt
a t a  2t 2t 
(3) y  sin (4) y  sin  cos
T a 2 T T 
where ‘a’ is maximum displacement , V is the speed and T is the time period, then
(a) 1 and 2 are wrong (b) 2 and 3 are wrong
(c) 3 and 4 are wrong (d) 4 and 1 are wrong

Radical, 718, Mcleod Road, Nr. St. Francis School, Amritsar. Ph.No. 0183  2563465, 2220708 P8

87. Dimensional analysis gives

(a) no information about dimensionless constants
(b) information about dimensionless constants
(c) information about dimensionless constants if quantity does not depend upon more than
three variables
(d) information about dimensionless constants if quantity depends upon single variable

88. The frequency of vibration of a string is given by

1/ 2
p F 
v m
2l  
here p is the number of segments in which the string is divided, F is the tension in the string
and l is its length. The dimensional formula for m is
(a) M 0 L0 T 0 (b) ML1T 0 (c) ML0 T 1 (d) M 0 LT 1

89. [ ML2 T 3 ] represents the dimensions of

(a) pressure (b) energy (c) power (d) force

90. Dimensional analysis can be used to derive formulae

(a) containing trigonometrical functions
(b) containing exponential functions
(c) containing logarithmic functions
(d) both (a) and (c)

91. Given that g is acceleration due to gravity and R is the radius of the earth. Then [ g / R]1 / 2
possesses the dimensions of
(a) orbital speed (b) angular speed (c) escape velocity (d) time period

92. A student writes the escape velocity as v e 
The equation is
(a) dimensionally incorrect (b) dimensionally correct
(c) numerically correct (d) both (a) and (c)

93. If area (A) , velocity (v) and density (  ) are taken as fundamental units, what is the
dimensional formula for force?
(a) Av 2  (b) A 2 v (c) Av  2 (d) Av 

94. If force (F), acceleration (a) and time (T) are used as the fundamental units, the dimensional
formula for length will be
(a) F 0 aT 2 (b) Fa 0 T 2 (c) Fa 2 T 0 (d) FaT

95. If the speed of light (c), acceleration due to gravity (g) and pressure (p) are taken as
fundamental units, the dimensions of gravitational constant (G) are
(a) c 0 gp 3 (b) c 2 g 3 p 2 (c) c 0 g 2 p 1 (d) c 2 g 2 p 2

Radical, 718, Mcleod Road, Nr. St. Francis School, Amritsar. Ph.No. 0183  2563465, 2220708 P9


1. C 33. A 65. B
2. B 34. D 66. A
3. C 35. B 67. C
4. B 36. B 68. D
5. C 37. D 69. C
6. D 38. D 70. D
7. A 39. A 71. D
8. B 40. B 72. B
9. C 41. A 73. A
10. C 42. C 74. C
11. A 43. A 75. B
12. C 44. C 76. A
13. B 45. D 77. D
14. B 46. B 78. A
15. A 47. B 79. B
16. D 48. C 80. C
17. A 49. D 81. B
18. D 50. D 82. A
19. C 51. D 83. B
20. B 52. A 84. B
21. A 53. A 85. D
22. B 54. A 86. B
23. D 55. B 87. A
24. C 56. A 88. B
25. B 57. A 89. C
26. B 58. A 90. D
27. C 59. C 91. B
28. A 60. C 92. A
29. A 61. A 93. A
30. A 62. C 94. A
31. B 63. A 95. C
32. B 64. B

Radical, 718, Mcleod Road, Nr. St. Francis School, Amritsar. Ph.No. 0183  2563465, 2220708 P10

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