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At the end of the lesson, you will be able to identify the characteristics of texts across different
academic disciplines.

What kinds of academic writing assignments do your professors require you to do?

What are some of the differences you have noticed in the writing assignments your teachers give?

Do you use the same writing conventions (e.g., style, vocabulary, organization) for all your academic

As a student, you will be asked to write different kinds of academic texts by your professors. It is
important that you know the basic text types or genres in various disciplines. In writing, genre refers
to any category of written text that has a particular set of rules or conventions. Some examples of
writing genres are critical reports, essays, case studies, book or film reviews, reflective diaries, and
research proposals. Equally, you need to understand the writing conventions that are common
across disciplines. Such knowledge can help you prepare for the typical writing tasks that you will
face in your chosen field or discipline.

The following are the three general disciplines that require academic writing:

 Sciences
 Humanities
 Business
 Sciences
 Sciences are generally divided into four main branches: natural sciences, social sciences,
formal sciences, and applied sciences. The following table shows some specific disciplines
that fall under each main branch:

Academic writing in the sciences is mainly done to inform the readers or to persuade them
(by supporting a claim). For whatever reason, the information you will present must be based
on verifiable data gathered through research or experimentation. Writing in the sciences
requires precision in the use of terminology, simple and direct language, objectivity,
and clarity. All information must be well supported by evidence and reliable sources.
Some examples of writing genres in the sciences are laboratory reports, research papers,
and journal articles.
 Example:
 The size of microbe A increased by 1.2 mm, which positively correlated with the increased
pH level of solution T-90. Therefore, the use of a more alkaline solution at pH level 8 is
effective in stimulating microbial growth by 21%.
 Explanation:
 The example is a scientific report that gives the result of an experiment. Notice that it uses
precise words (e.g., increased by 1.2 mm, positively correlated) to present the information.

This discipline deals with the study of the human culture and experience. Some of the specific
disciplines under the humanities are literature, languages, philosophy, music, history,
art, and theology. The common writing genres in the humanities include literature reviews, book
reports, literary analyses, essays, critical reviews, and argumentative papers.

Writing in the humanities usually requires you to analyze works or texts and to draw conclusions and
make your own interpretations about them. Using a subjective tone in writing which reveals your
thoughts, opinions, attitudes, and feelings on the topic is typical in this discipline.

The movie 300 has received a lot of criticisms for its historical inaccuracy and overuse of visual
effects. Perhaps those critics should see the movie as it is—pure entertainment. Personally, I think it
was imaginative. Zack Snyder, the director of the film and one of the writers of the screenplay,
adapted the graphic novel of the same title by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley. Faithful to the novel, the
movie with its stunning visuals retells the Battle of Thermopylae, the famous battle between the
Greeks and the Persians.

The example is an excerpt from a review of the movie 300. Observe the subjective nature of the text
through the use of the first person pronoun “I." Also, facts about the movie are given.

Business writing is often audience-centered and action-oriented. Business papers aim to motivate a
specific audience to perform an action. Writing in business includes documents (e.g., memos, claim
letters), economic research papers, résumés, school application essays, scholarship application
letters, and business proposals.

Writing in business requires you to have a specific purpose and target audience in mind. It uses
straightforward and concise sentences to deliver the message quickly and clearly. Usually, business
papers are structured or formatted for proper organization and optimal readability.

Dear Mr. Raymundo,

I am writing this letter to apply for the University of Manila Scholarship. I came to hear about it
through an advertisement on campus, and I believe that I am qualified for it. I graduated with honors
from Ramon Magsaysay High School. As a student, I actively participated in various school
activities. I was the president of our student council; I served as captain of our debate team; and I
was the editor in chief of our school paper.

The example shows the first paragraph of a scholarship application letter. The sender aims to
convince the addressee why the scholarship should be granted to him or her. The letter has a clear
purpose and target audience in mind. Also, it uses straightforward statements.

Key Points
 Different disciplines require certain writing genres and writing conventions.
 Academic writing in the sciences requires precision in the use of terminology, simple and
direct language, objectivity, and clarity. The common writing genres in this discipline are
laboratory reports, research papers, and journal articles.
 In humanities, academic writing is usually done by analyzing works or texts, drawing
conclusions, and then making interpretations about them. The common writing genres in the
humanities include literature reviews, book reports, literary analyses, essays, critical reviews,
and argumentative papers.
 Writing in business requires you to have a specific purpose and target audience in mind.
The common writing genres in business include memos, economic research papers,
résumés, school application essays, scholarship application letters, and business proposals.

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