Reading List - GENDER

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,\ Course to be Offered in Semester V


: Gender in lndian History l: Prehistory to 1500

1 l. Theories and Concepts

[a] Gender: A Tool of Historica! Analysis

1 [1] Scott, J. W, 'Gender a useful Category of Historical Analysis', The American Historical Review,
I Vol.91, no.9, 1986, pp.1056-1075.

[2] Kent, Susan. Kingley, Gender and History, New York, Palgrave McMillan., 2072 pp.49-75.

[1] Scott, J. W. Gender ond the Politics of History. New York: Columbia University Press, New York,
,.\ 1998.

[2] Rose, Sonya.o,: Whot is Gender History?, Cambridge, Polity Press, 1988, lndian reprint, 2010,
Chapter 1,pp. 1-L6..

[3] Bhasin, Kamla. Understanding Gender, New Delhi: Women Unlimited,2000.

[b] Understanding Structures of Patriarchy


[1] Bhasin, Kamla, What is Patriorchy? New Delhi: Women Unlimited,1993.

[2] Lerner, G. The Majority Finds its Post: Placing Women in History. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1979, Chapter- 10, pp.145-159.


,\ [1] Walby, S.,Theorizing Patriarchy, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1990, ppt-24, !09-127.

[2] Downs, Laura Lee, Writing Gender History, New Delhi: Bloomsbury, 2017, Chapter 5, pp.55-72.
[3] Geetha, Y., Gender, Calcutta: Stree, 2002, Chapter-5, pp.51-103.
ll. Gender in Ancient lndia: From Prehistory to 1200 CE

A [a] Women in Political Spaces: From Early to Early MedievalTimes




[1] Cynthia Talbot, ' Rudramba Devi The Female King: Gender and Political authority in medieval lndia,
in David Shulman(ed) , Syllables of the Sky: Studies in South lndion Civilisotion., OUP,-New Delhi, 1995,

[2] Roy, K. The Power of Gender ond the Gender of Power, Explorations in Eorly lndion History. New
Delhi: OUP, 2010, chap-8, pp.t42-1,63.

[1] Rangachari, Devika, Exploring Spoces for Women in Eorly Medievol Koshmir, NMML, Occasional

[2] Bhattacharya, S. 'lssues of Power and ldentity: Probing the absence of Mahorojm-A survey of the
Vakataka inscription' lndian Historicol Review ,4L (1) 20L4, pp. !9-34.

[3] Roy, Kumkum. Emergence of Monarchy in North lndio, Eighth-Fourth Centuries BC: As Reflected in
the Brohmanicol Trodition Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1994, Chapter-5, pp.131-173.

[b] Economic and Social Roles: Material Production, Property Relations and Patronagel Varno, tati,
Household, Sexuality and Marriage


[1] Wright, R. P. 'Women's Labour and Pottery Production in Prehistory' in Margret Conkey and Joan
Gero (ed./, Engendering Archoeology. USA: Basil Blackwell, 1997, pp.763-222.

[2] Shah, S.The Moking of Womonhood; Gender Relations in the Mohobharoto. Revised Edition, Delhi:
Manohar, 2012, chapters 2&3, pp. 32-83.

[3] Tyagi, J. 'Hierarchical Projections of Women in Household: Brahmanical Perceptions Recorded in

the Early Grhyasutros c.800-5008C', Social Scientist, Vol.32, No.5-6, May-June, 2004, pp.3-2O.

[4] Uma Chakravarti, Beyond the Kings ond Brahmans of Ancient lndia, New Delhi: Tulika, 2006,

[5] Jaiswal, Suvira, Caste , Gender and ldeology in the making of lndia, Sociol Scientist, Vol. 36, No. 1/2
(Jan. - Feb., 2008), pp. 3-39.

[6] N.N.Bhattacharya, 'Proprietary Rights of Women in Ancient lndia', in Kumkum Roy ed., Women in
Early lndian Societies, Delhi: Manohar, 1999, pp.1L3-722.

[7] Miller, B.S. ed., The Powers of An ond Potronage in lndion Culture,Delhi: OUP, lntroduction, pp.1-


[1] Altekar A. S. Ihe Position of Women in Hindu Society. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass , !956.

[2]R.S.Sharma, Perspectives in Socioil and Economic History of Eorly lndio, Delhi: Munshiram
Manoharlal, second edn., 1995, pp.62-76.

[3] Sahgal, Smita 'Exploring the Beneficiaries: A Gendered Peep into the lnstitution of Niyoga in Early
lndia' in lndion Historical Review,39, 2, December-2012, Sage Publications, New Delhi, pp 163-198.

[4] Singh, Snigdha, 'Exploring the Question of Gender at an Early Stupa: lnscriptions and lmages',
Snigdha Singh et al, BeyondtheWomon Question, Delhi: Primus,2Ot8,pp.2I-62.

[5] Shah, K. K. 'Legal Rights of Women to Landed Wealth: A case Study of the Chandella Queens' in
Kiran Pawar's ed. Women in lndian History: Social Economic ond Culturol Perspectives, Patiala: Vision
and Ventura, 1996, pp.68-84.

[6] Shalini Shah, 'naritva ka gadhan; Mahabharata me langik sambhabhon ki sonrochono',

Granthashilpi, 2OtG {in Hindi}

lTlOrr, Leslie.'Women's Wealth and Worship: Female Patronage of Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism
in Medieval Tamil Nadu,' in Mandaktranta Bose ed. Faces of the Feminine in Ancient Medieval and
Modern lndia. New Delhi: OUP,2000, pp. 124-146.

[c] Gender in Cultural and Religious Frames: Representations in Art and Literature; Goddess and


[1]Desai, V. N. 'Reflections on the History and Historiography of Male sexuality in Early lndia' in Vidya
Dehajiya, ed. Representing the Body: Gender lssues in Art. New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1.997, pp. 44-

[2] Ramaswamy, Vijaya, Walking Naked: Women, Society, Spirituality in South /ndio, Shimla, lndian
lnstitute of Advanced Study,1997, chapter-5. pp. 150-194.

[3] Mahalaksmi, R. 'lnscribing the Goddess: Female Deities in Early Medieval Inscriptions from Tamil
Region', in The Moking of the Goddess: Korrovoi-Durga in Tamil Troditions. New Delhi: Penguin Books
lndia, 2011, pp. 156-198.

[4] Chitgopekar, N, ed. lnvoking Goddess, Gender Politics in lndion Religion. Delhi: Shakti Books, 2002,
pp. t7-42.


[1] Blackstone, R. K. Women in the Footsteps of Buddho: Struggle for Liberotion in the Therigothas
Curzon Press, 1998., Chapter-5, pp. 119-154.

[2] Sahgal, S.,'Masculinity in Early lndia: Constructing an Embryonic Frame', Proceedings of lndian
History Congress, seventieth session, Delhi, May, 2010, pp.151-163.

ll. Gender in medieval lndia: c.1200 to 1500

^\ 1] Habib, lrfan. "Exploring Medieval Gender History" Symposia Paper No.23, lHC, Session, Calicut
2000, pp. 263-275.

2] Ramaswamy, Vijaya. 'Gender and the Writing of South lndian History'. ln S. Bhattacharya, ed.
Approaches to History: Essays in lndian Historiography, Delhi: lcHR, primus
,zo!!, pp.tgg-224

[a] Women and power in the Delhi Sultanate: Raziya Sultan



1l A. Ali 'Women in Delhi Sultanate'. ln The Oxford Encyclopoedio of lstom ond Women, in Vol. 1. New
York: Oxford University Press, pp. 197-200.
2] Gabbay, Alyssa, "ln Reality a Man: Sultan lltutmish, His Daughter, Raziya, and Gender Ambiguity in
< Thirteenth Century Northern lndia" Journal of Persianate Studies, vol. 4 (2011) 45-63.


1l Jackson, Peter. "sultan Radiyya Bint lltutmish" in Gavin Hambly (ed.) Women in the Medieval lslamic
,\ World: Power, Patronage and Piety (New York, 1998), pp.181-197.

2l Sunil Kumar, Emergence of the Delhi Sultanate, Permanent Black,2010, lndex, s.v. 'Raziyya'

[b] Gender and !iterature: love and manliness in Hindawi Romances

4 1l Sreenivasan, Ramya, Padmini, The ldeal Queen: Sufi and Rajput Codes in Malik Muhammad Jayasi's
Podomovot, in Vijaya Ramaswamy (ed.) Re-searching lndian Women, Manohar, New Delhi, 2003, pp.

2l Ernst, Carl W. and Bruce B. Lawrence. Sufi Martyrs of Love: The Chishti Order in South Asia and
Beyond. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002. lntroduction and Chapter 1- What is a Sufi Order, pp.

/\ Recommended:

1l Behl, Aditya, The Magic Doe, Desire and Narrative in a Hindavi Sufi Romance, circa 1503, in
Richard M. Eaton (ed.) lndia's lslamicTraditions, 7'J.1,-1750, OUP, New Delhi,2003, pp.180-208. (Also
available in Hindi, in Meenakshi Khanna (ed.) q?-"FFrfrfl sTI-[d 6r Hiq'h-fi SFE|IIT, Social Science
Press, New Delhi, 2007, pp.173-202)

2] Vanita, Ruth and Saleem Kidwai (eds.) Same-Sex Love in lndia: Readings from Literature and History,
r'\ New York, 2000. Chapter- L7, Amir Khusro (Persian and Hindavi).

[c] Representations of women and men in lndo-Persian, Sanskrit and Rajput Traditions.



1l Sharma, Sunil, Amir Khusraw, The Poet of Sultans and Sufis, Oxford, Oneworld, 2005. Chapte r 3.2-
Poetics ofthe Sacred and Profane Ghazal, pp 40-51.
2lJha, Pankaj, "Gender, Varna and Vidyapati", Occasional Papers Series, Nehru Museum and
Memorial Library,2013.
3] Sreenivasan, Ramya. "Alauddin Khalji Remembered: Conquest, Gender and Community in Medieval
Rajput Narratives" in Studies in History, vol. 18, no.2, (20021, pp.275-294.


1] Miller, Barbara Stoler (editor and translator), Jayadeva's Gitagovinda, Love Song of the Dark Lord.
(PART OF) lntroduction -Jayadeva's Language for Love. Pp.74-17.

Additional Readings
[1] Jaiswal, Suvira, Caste: Origin, Function, and Dimensions of Chonge. Delhi: Manohar, ,2000.
/\ [2]Tyagi, J. Engendering the Eorly Households, Brohmonicol Precepts in early GrhyosAtras, middle of
the First millennium BCE. Delhi: Orient Longman,2008.

[3] Singh, U. 'Sanchi: The History of Patronage of an Ancient Buddhist Establishment' , in The lndian
Economic and Social History Review, Vol.33, pp. 1-5.

[4] Uma Chakravarti, Gendering Coste Through a Feminist [ens, Calcutta: Stree,2003.

[5] Atre, S. The Archetypol Mother, A Systemotic Approoch to Horoppon Religion, Ravish Publishers,

[6] Bhattacharya, N. N. Ihe lndian Mother Goddess. Delhi: Manohar,7977.

[7] Bose, M, ed. Faces of the Feminine in Ancient, Medievol ond Modern lndio. New Delhi: OUP,

[8] Morgan, Sue. 'lntroduction: Writing Feminist History: Theoretical Debates and C'ritical Practices',
in The Feminist History Reoder, Routledge, 2006.

[9] Roy, K, ed. Women in Early lndion Societies. Delhi: Manohar, 1999.

[10] Shah, S. Love, Eroticism and Female Sexuolity in Classical Sonskrit Literature; Seventh toThirteenth
Century. Delhi: Manohar, 2009.

[11] Behl, Aditya, (Edited byWendy Doniger), Love's Subtle Magic. An lndian lslamic LiteraryTradition,
!379-1545. OUP, NY, 2012. (Chapter on Candayin)

,5 [12] Sreenivasan, Ramya, The'Marriage'of 'Hindu'and 'Turak': Medieval Rajput Histories of Jalor,

Medieval History Journal, 7,1, (2OO4l Sage Publications, New Delhi, Thousand Oaks, London, pp. 87-
.^ 108.




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