As ND: Kirat Karni, Vand Chhakna Te Naam Japna

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Today I am going to explain you about the need of keeping DASWANDH, which means
keeping 10 percent of our honest and hard earnings.

Guru Nanak Devi Ji stressed on three things

Kirat Karni, Vand Chhakna Te Naam Japna
It means that whatever we earn, we must share with the needy and poor and do NAAM
SIMRAN. Later it was Guru Gobind Singh Ji who framed hard and fast rules (RAHAT
MARYADA) for his followers which included keeping this DASWANDH.
There are many Sikhs claiming that, no doubt, they do not keep any separate account
for DASWAND but they are donating more than 10% of their income. It may be alright but
they may face difficulties. Suppose we want to donate to a needy person but if we do not have
money with us at that time, we cannot do anything. It is true that if we have to donate from our
pocket we think many times before doing so. On the other hand if we have a DASWAND
account, we can donate immediately from this fund without any hesitations. It is, therefore,
advisable that we must have a separate purse or separate account in the bank where we can go
on keeping our monthly share.
It is said that if we want to do a good deed, not to think and do it immediately but if we
have to do something bad there should be no hurry and keep it pending for tomorrow as by that
time this thought will be forgotten. So when we want to donate, do it without any delay otherwise
our naughty and clever MANN will put hundreds of excuses and stop us from doing so. Even
if we have to repent later, do not worry.
Another advantage of keeping this DASWAND is that if we donate from our pocket we
will start thinking that we have become a big donor. Gurbani advises us that while donating if
we think “I am donating” it becomes fruitless. On the other hand if we donate from our
DASWAND account, the amount which is already kept in the name of Guru, then our ego, our
main enemy, will not fatten. But be careful that while donating keep it a secret as far as possible
even when we donate with our right hand, our left hand should not know.
It is hundred percent correct that when we donate, our income will not decrease but
instead it will increase. So our amount kept in DASWAND account will be refunded to us,
many times more, in various ways, such as when we sow a seed in the earth it gives us hundreds
of thousands in return. No doubt it is hard to believe but we can see the result ourselves after
keeping this DASWAND account.
I have tried this formula in my life, very successfully so I recommend all to follow suit.
When I came to know about keeping this DASWAND I wanted to start the same immediately.
Unfortunately my income was very low and had responsibilities of 3 children to fulfill. I prayed
to God that to help me and increase my sources of income. It seems that it was a real AARDAS
from my heart and the same was fulfilled immediately. I started keeping DASWANDH. A
separate purse was kept in the home for keeping the money. Believe it or not but from that date
onwards I have never faced any financial problem in my life. Seeing me, both my sons followed
suit and are keeping DASWAND from their first salary on ward. As a result of which both are
financially very sound.
There was a student studying in the college. He was very clever and intelligent in his
studies but his parents could not afford his expenses. I helped him meet all his expenses from
this DASWAND for three years. After completion of his studies, he got a very good job and
one day he asked me that he was now in a position to refund me the amount I spent on his
studies. I explained to him that if he felt that I had done something for him, this credit goes to
DASWAND account. In case he wanted to please me, he should start keeping DASWAND in
the name of Guru Ji. I am proud to say that he is keeping DASWAND and progressing in his
It is also worth mentioning here that when I started the Talwandi Project (visit web site
www// I had only Rs.30,000 in DASWANDH account and on this strength I
asked the village Sarpanch to start construction of two rooms of the school. With the grace of
Waheguru Ji, donations started coming from all sides and the result before us is that a project
worth lakhs of rupees has been completed.
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