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May 14, 2017

Ellipse - a curve in a plane surrounding two focal points such that the sum of
the distances to the two focal points is constant for every point on the curve.


uilder, a term that is generally associated with the working class. A

B description that might conjure up images of a manual labourer trans-
porting bricks or hammering nails. Certainly not anything to do with prestige
or eminence. However, for the world viewed through the eyes of Rufus, the term
5 Builder implies nobility of the highest rank: natural born royalty.
On the Seventh Earth (7E), the latest planet in the expanding Common-
wealth of Realms, was the residence and the dominion of Rufus’ family. A
planet that experiences extreme polarity of weather during the summer months
and the winter months. An unintended phenomenon left behind due to a glitch
10 during the terraformation. The very reason why there is even an unusual per-
manent residence of a Builder family on this planet: to fix this problem.
Rufus’ parents took up residence here over a decade ago. The elliptical orbit
of the planet, the culprit of the extreme weather, has been gradually adjusted
by the family. The population has since bloomed, and the cities blossomed. For
15 Rufus, having been born on 7E, he has known no other worlds. Since memory,
Rufus has been able to manipulate the elements of the planet with a mere simple
thought - just like any other members of the Builder caste. Despite the best
efforts of his parents, little did Rufus comprehend the true nature of being a
Builder - of being him.

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Elliptical Alpha (2017)

* The End *

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