GGN Circle Rate

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Year 2oL8-2or9 w.e.f. -Q-T:Q.

Rates for the year 2OL6-2OL7 Rates for the Year of 2OL7-2OL8 Rates for the Year of 2OL8-2OL9
Rates of Land upto 2 Acre depth from NH-48,
rr, vur u6. e
AazA 1\oAl Mainr
.rvee '!!erv.

District Road 10%

Residentiol Commercidl Agriculture Residentiol Commercial Agriculture Residentiol Commercial
Sr. Name of Village Agriculture
NH-48, NPR, Gurugram
Major District Road /
Land (Rs. Per (Rs. Per Sq. Land (Rs. Per (Rs" Per 5q. Land (Rs. Per (Rs. Per Sq. Rs. Per Sq.
No. State Highway
Yards.) Acre) Yards.) Acrel Yards.) Yards.l Sohna Road
15300 32300 18139000 14800 3130C 18139000 27000 4200c 25% NPR 22673750 NA NA
1 Gurgaon Village 1870000c
2040000c 15300 32300 20400000 15300 3230C
2 lnayatpur 20400000 17000 4200c NA NA NA NA

na na na na 17000 42000 NA NA NA NA
3 Hidavatpur Chawani na na na
22950000 15300 3230C 2226L500 14800 31300 18000 44000 25% NH-48 27826875 10% STHW 24487650
4 Sarhaul 2226150C
22950000 18700 3570C 22261500 18100 3460C 19800 25% NH-48 27826875 10% STHW 24487650
5 Dundahera 2226L50C 4r'}OOO

2226L504 14900 212nn

6 Moalhera 22950000 15300 32300 2226L50C i7000 4ZUUU NA NA NA NA

Nathupur 22950000 14450 27200 2226150C 14100 26400 2226L50C 4500c 60000 NA NA NA NA
20400000 15300 37400 1999200C 15000 36700
8 Sikanderpur Ghosi
19992000 s000c 78000 NA NA NA NA

2295000C 15300 32300 2249LOOC 1500c 3170C 1800c 44000 25% NH-48 28LL3750 NA NA
9 Shahpur 2249LOOO

16150000 8s0c 18700C 15504000 820C t796C 15504000 1500c 3s000 NA NA NA NA

10 Bajghera
16150000 t275C 2295C 15504000 12200 22000 27000 40000 NA NA NA NA
11 SaraiAlawardi 15504000
18700000 1530C 34000 17952000 L4700 32700 18000 40000 NA NA NA NA
t2 Caterpuri 1795200C

r.7000000 12750 28050 17000000 12800 28100 17000000 31000 40000 25% NPR 21250000
13 Chauma
1445000C 8500 18700 1445000C 8500 18700 12000 25000 NA NA NA NA
'J.4 Babupur 14450000

15 Sukhrali 2295000C 15300 37400 2226tsOO 14800 3630C

2226tsOO 1800c 4400c 25% NH-48 27826875 NA NA

16 Chakkarpur 2125000C 1s300 37400 20612s00 14800 3630C

20612500 18000 4400c NA NA NA NA

229s0000 15300 37400 22950000 15300 3740C 4400c 25% NH-48 28687s00 NA NA
t7 Silokhara 22950000 18000
20400000 13600 32300 2040000c 31000 4500c 25% NH-48 25500000 NA NA
18 Naharpur Roppa 20400000 13600 32300
Note :
1. Any land for which change of land use (CLU) has been obtained the following rate will be applicable :-
A. Residential Plotted colony - Three times of Agriculture collector rate
B. Residential Group Housing - Four times of Agriculture Collector rate
C. Commercial - Five tirne of Agriculture Collector rate
D., Ware House - Two Time of agriculture Collector Rates
Z. Land falling on NH-48 and Gurgaon-Sohna Road & NPR the value of land will be 25% more upto 2 Acre depth.
|Lqrrv rgJJ +han
anal lacc rtrLrr looA
JY. Vd
rvr urill ha tra:tar{ rc rccir{ontialfnr <tamn drltv collection-
--_t --'----'----

4. will be LO% more upto 2 Acre depth.

Land falling on State Highway & Major District Road the value of land

Sub Registrar
Tehsil Gurugram
Deputy Commissioner-cum-
Registrar, Gurugram
Rate list of Tehsil Gurugram for the year 2OL8-20L9 w.e.f.9..?.:.9.7.;.?,n i.?.1
Name of Colony Rates for the Year of 2OL6-2OL7 Rates for the Year of 2OL7-2OLB Rates for the Year of 2OL8-2OL9

(Residential) (Residentiaii iResidentiali Commercial

Commercial Commercial
(Rs. Per Sq. (Rs. Per Sq. (Rs. Per Sq. (Rs. Per 5q.
(Rs. Per Sq. Yards.) (Rs. Per Sq. Yards.)
Yards.) Yards.I Yards.) Yards.)

L Rly Fatak to Daultabad with MC Area 8075 2295C 81_00 23000 12000 34000
2 4 Marla 18700 3995C 18200 38800 20000 42400
3 8 Marla 18700 399sC 18200 38800 20000 42400
4 Acharya Puri r.8700 3995C 18700 40000 20s00 43400
5 Adarsh Nagar 15300 3995C 15300 40000 1700c 43800
6 Amar Colony L4450 3400c 15000 34000 1700c 42000
7 Anand Garden 10200 2724C 10200 27204 1200c 32000
8 Arjun Nagar 18700 3995C 18000 38400 20000 42000
9 Ashok Puri 11900 3400c 11900 34000 17000 42000
10 Ashok Vihar 11050 2890C 10500 27sOO 30000 45000
11 Barafkhana 24650 6800c 23500 64600 26000 70000
t2 Bhim Garh Kheri r_0200 2890C 10000 28400 12000 34000
1_3 Bhim Nasar 15300 2890C L5000 28400 L7000 4200c
L4 Chandan Nagar/ S R Enclave L4450 39100 141_00 38000 18000 4700c
15 Chandan Vihar 15300 39950 15300 40000 36000 45000
16 Civil Line to Jail Road (Civil Line) 46750 80750 48200 84000 52800 8950C
L7 Civil Lines Backside 28900 70550 29800 72700 32800 7870C
18 Dayanand Colony L4450 34000 14500 34000 17000 4200c
ntonn ornn ltonn nrnn ltrnr
1v ulldnaK E a5u t\I. u)u LUneBe
AL----l- h--r: rl- h-h
20 DLF Colony Old 46750 LL4750 46800 114800 s0800 12000c
27 Dron Vihar 8500 23800 8500 23800 10000 2800c
22 Feroz Gandhi Colony 8500 23800 8500 23800 10000 2800c
23 Friends Colony 24650 70550 25200 72000 30000 7700c
24 Gandhi Nasar 15300 3s700 16100 37500 17500 4200c
25 Gopal Nagar 18700 39950 191_00 40800 25000 50000
26 Hans Enclave 14450 35700 14800 36500 31000 45000
27 Hari Nagar 14450 35700 14800 36500 31000 45000
28 Hira Nagar 14450 35700 14800 36500 17000 42000
29 ldgah Area 1_0200 280s0 1_0200 28100 17000 4200c
30 lnderpug.i 11900 39100 L2200 39900 uooa 42000

Rate list of Tehsit Gurugram for the year 2OL8-2A1''9 w.e.f..Q3.:.Q.:L.'*9
Sn Rates for the Year of 2OL7-2OL8 Rates for the Year of 2018-2019
Name of Colony

(Residential) (Residentiali iResicientiaii Commercial

Commercial Commercial
(Rs. Per Sq. (Rs. Per Sq. (Rs. Per Sq. (Rs. Per Sq.
(Rs. Per Sq. Yards.) (Rs. Per Sq. Yards.)
Yards.) Yards.) Yards.) Yards.)

31 lacubpura 2s500 70550 26L00 72000 30000 80000

32 lawahar Nagar 18700 399s0 19100 40800 20900 45000
33 Jyoti Park L4450 35700 14800 36s00 17000 42000
34 Kirti Nasar 18700 399s0 19100 40800 20900 45000
35 Krishna Colony L4450 35700 14800 35500 17000 42000
36 Krishna Nagar 11050 28900 11300 29500 17000 42000
37 Laipat Nasar L4450 5vv5u IZ}6UU 40800 17000 42000
38 Laxman Vihar L4450 39950 14800 40800 20000 43800
39 LaxmiGarden L4450 35700 14800 36500 17000 42000
40 Madanpuri 1s300 3s700 15700 36500 17000 42000
4L Mahavir Pura 18700 39950 19100 40800 20900 44400
42 Manohar Nagar/Baldev Nagar 11050 28900 TL4OO 29800 17000 42000
43 Mianwali Colony 28050 46750 28900 48200 31_700 52200
44 Na Abadi L4450 34000 14900 35100 17000 42000
45 Na Basti L4450 34000 14900 3s100 17000 42000
46 Na Basti (Shamshan Ghat) L4450 34000 14900 35100 17000 42000
47 Nehru Lane 280s0 68000 28900 70100 31700 80000
48 New Colony 280s0 45050 28900 46500 33000 53000
aonrn t tann l0ann ,{nnn
.+.I-vLrv rnnnn
+V r\ew Jyou rarK LZt)V ZO\,JU IJZUU 10JVV J\,t,,VL'
50 New Palam Vihar L2750 28050 13200 28900 17000 42000
51 North Side of Rly Road Bhim Garh Kheri-ll 10200 27204 1_0200 27200 12000 34000
52 Om Nagar 1s300 34000 r.5700 34700 17000 42000
53 Partap Nagar 16150 399sC L6200 40000 17500 43100
54 Patel Nasar 18700 3995C 19300 41204 s0000 65000
55 Prem Nagar (Gurgaon Village) L4454 3400c L4500 34000 25000 53000
56 Rai Nasar L4454 34000 14500 34000 17000 42000
57 Rajendra Park L4450 399s0 14900 4L200 17000 42000
58 Rajiv Colony L4450 35700 14500 35700 27000 40000
59 Rajiv Nagar L4450 280s0 14500 28100 17000 42000
60 Ram Nagar 14450 38250 14900 39400 17000 42000

Rate list of Tehsil Gurugram for the year 2Ot8-2Ot9 w.e.f..83.:*it.:*9.i.'*i
5i. Name of Colony Catei tor ihe Yeir of io,te-istt Rates for the Year.of 2Ot7-2OLg Rates for the Year of 2018-2019

(Residentiall (Residentiali (Resiclentiaii eommerciai

Commercial Commercial
(Rs. Per Sq. (Rs. Per Sq. (Rs. Per Sq. (Rs. Per Sq.
(Rs. Per Sq. Yards.) (Rs. Per Sq. Yards.)
Yards.) Yards.) Yards.) Yards.)

61 Rattan Garden L4450 35700 14900 36800 40000 55000

62 Ravi Nagar 9350 28050 9400 28100 17000 42000
63 Rosha npura/Manohar Street 2ss00 80750 26300 83200 30000 9s000
64 Sabzi MandiOld 28900 57800 28900 57800 34000 68000
65 Sanjay Colony L4450 34000 14500 34000 17000 42000
66 Saniav Gram 15300 28900 1s300 28900 17000 42000
67 Shankar Vihar 9350 22LOA 9400 22L40 12000 32000
68 Sheetla Colony L4454 34000 14500 34000 17000 42000
69 Sheetla Enclave 14454 34000 14500 34000 17000 42000
70 Sh v Nagar 14450 28900 L4800 29500 36000 45000
71, Sh v Puri 22954 51000 23500 52100 33000 56800
72 Sh vaji Nagar 2295C 51000 23s00 521_00 25000 56800
73 Subhash Nagar (Near Partap Nagar ) 17000 39950 L7400 40500 18900 43800
74 Subhash Nagar [Dhanak Basti) 11900 28050 L2200 28700 13000 31500
7q Suhhash NaoarfNear
\.'--_ lawahar ----o---t
r- Nasarl 11900 28050 L2200 28700 14000 33000
76 Surat Nagar Gurgaon Gaon 1.4450 34000 14900 35r_00 27000 42000
77 Surya Vihar 14450 34000 14500 34000 27000 42000
78 Swarup Garden L4450 34000 14900 35100 17000 42000
annrn 't^t.1al
tv tt::-,-
vuay h-rarK
l-6/UU J:'JJV N OlAA
J_O / tru .fvv\,r', LVJVV .+J.+VL'

80 Virendra Gram 11050 27200 11100 27200 13000 32000

81 Vishnu Garden L4450 34000 14900 35100 31000 45000
82 Aman Pura Na Na Na Na 36000 4s000
83 Bhim Colony Na Na Na Na 45000 ss000
84 Cancon Colony Na Na Na Na 41000 55000
85 Devilal Colonv Na Na Na Na 31000 42000
85 Ganga Vihar Na Na Na Na 36000 45000
86 Nihal Colony Na Na Na Na 27004 42000
87 Sai Kunj Na Na Na Na 27000 42000
88 Shri Ram Colony Na Na Na Na 36000 s0000
89 Vikas Nagar Na Na Na Na 2200a 42000

Rate f ist of T"hril G,.*,,gta. foi ttte year 2OL8-2OL9 w.e.f..93.:9Y.:.?.9.L4.1
Sr. Name of Colony Rates for the Year of 2OL6-2OI7 Rates for the Year of 2OL7-2Otg Rates for the Year of 2Ot8-2Ot9

(Residential) (Residential) (Residential) Commercial

Commercial Commercial
(Rs. Per Sq. (Rs. Per Sq. (Rs. Per Sq. (Rs. Per Sq.
(Rs. Per Sq. Yards.) (Rs. Per Sq. Yards.)
Yards.) Yards.) Yaids.) Yards.)

90 Anamika Enclave Na Na Na Na 20000 s0000

Near Dev Cinema Opposite DHBVN Office Na 20000 50000
Na Na Na
91 (Except Me[rrauli Gurugram Road)

Sub REgistrar SDO (C)'North Deputy aK.,rr,on,

(rrr.o Registrar, Gurugram
TehsilGurugram Gurugram
- y*ut 2or8-2o1e w.e.f. 9.?r9"9".'i! | S. ...)
Rate for the Year 2OL6'L7 Rates for the Year ot 2OL7-2OL8 Rates for the Year of 2Ot8-2Ot9

ngJrgsrrrtsr IE c ?ammotrial lElc Pocidontinl IR< Commercia! (R.s. R-esidentiol (Rs. eommereiol{Rs.
Sr. No. NOme oJ vutcrge ItrJ. tvaa,taavt

Per Sq. Yards.) Per Sq. Yards.) Per Sq. Yords.) Per Sq. Yords.) Per Sq. Yards.) Per Sq. Yords.)

L Old Railway Road, Railway Station to Rajiv chowk NA 79050 NA 79100

NA 93000
2 New Railway Road G Post Office to Huda Chowk NA 79050 NA 81500
(lncluding MCG ShoPs)
NA 93000
a^l^- h^--- c^l^- D^-^-+^ D]..'+^-L.^'--
E,clz'dl LU lJllulcJllYvql lrrorrurt 1\la 79050 NA 79100
5 )a(fal DdZdl, Jducll -aniir
(lncluding DDU Market)
NA 93000

4 Bhuteshwer Mandir to Pataudi Chowk & Bhuteshwer NA 79050 NA 80700

Mandir to Anaj Mandi
NA 93000
E New Colony Mor to Pataudi Chowk NA 79050 NA 81500
NA 93000

6 Post office chowk to Jail Chowk via Hospital Road NA 70550 NA 72000
(lncluding Gurudwara Road & Jail Road) NA 93000

7 Shama Resturant to Jharsa Chowk (lncluding Nehru NA 79050 NA 83100

NA 93000
NA 79050 NA 8r.50c NA 93000
8 Delhi Road and Mehrauli Road
r r-L-- -2- -L^.^.1- +^ nll l\l:F ,a^.]^
LU Lrlu lrJl. \lorll
l\vqu NA 70550 NA 70600 NA 83000
J lvldlldvll LlluwK
NA 70550 NA 74LOO NA 83000
10 Old JudicialComplex
Ll Major Atul Kataria Chowk to Sector 5 Chowk on Rly. NA 70550 NA 72700
NA 83000
Road (sheetla Mata Road)
NA 70550 NA 70600 NA 83000
t2 Sector 5 Chowk to Rly Road Chowk Sector-9

SuFTegistrar *k{"*n Registrar, Gurugram

the year 20 7 8 -ea 79 w. e. i. O. .? : * jt ;'-?. -o. i F. . . .. )t
Rates for the Year of 2016-2017 Rates for the Year of 2017-2018 Rates for the Year o'f 2018-2019

Commerci Office/lT Commercialr Office/lT Commerci Office/lT
Residential Commercial ial (Rs. Commerci Retail (Rs. Space Rs. Residentia Commerci allRetail Space Rs.
allRetail Space
$r. Huda Sectors (Rs. Per (Rs. Per Sq. Per al(Rs. Per
Per Sq. Per Sq.
| (Rs. Per al(Rs. Per (Rs. Per Per Sq.
No. (Rs. Per Rs. Per
Sy.Yards) Yards) Sy.Yards Sq. Yards) Sy.Yards) Sq. Yards)
Sq. Feet) Sq. Feet) Feet) Feet) Sq. Feet) Feet)

1 Sec-27,28,42,43 42500 140250 9000 6600 42500 140300 9000 6600 50000 1 s0000 1 0000 7000

2 Sec-14, 15, 16, 17,30,31,40 42500 140250 9000 6600 42500 140300 9000 6600 42500 140300 9000 6600

Sec- 38, 41 6300 37400 140300 8900 6300 40000 140000 8900 6300
3 37400 140250 8900

4 Sec- 21,22, 22A, 23, 234, 32300 140250 8600 61 00 32300 140300 8600 6100 35000 140300 8600 6100

Sector 1 ,2, 3,3A, 4, 5, 6, 7,

5 28050 114750 9000 6600 28050 114750 9000 6600 35000 1 35000 9000 6600
12,12A, 13
6 Sec-18, 19,20, t\l A o?Ann onnn AANN NA q?4nn qooo 6600 NA 1 10000 9000 6600

7 NA 1 87000 9000 6600 NA 187000 9000 6600 NA 220000 12000 8000

8 Sec-25 74800 7500 5300 NA 88000 9000 6600

na 74800 7500 5300 na

Sector 104,105, 106, 109,

110, 110A, 1 11, 112, 113, 114,
9 115 na na na na na na na na 2500c 50000 5000 4500

lr -/'
Sub Registrar
soo (cl north
w 'll
Deputy Commissioner-cu m-
Registrar, Gurugram
m ior the year 2o78.,'2079 w.e.i..0.?:*'re:Rat.S....)t

Rates for the Year ot 2O16-2017 Rates for the Year of 2O17-2O18 Rates for the Year of 2018-2019

Sr Commercial Office/l T Residential ( lommercial Commercia Office/lT Residential Commercia lommercial Office/lT
Plots in Licensed Colonies Residential ( 3ommercial
No" Rs. Per Sq. (Rs. Per Sq. /Retail( Rs. Space ( ls. Per Sq. iRs. Per Sq. l/Retail (Space ( ( Rs. Per (Rs. Per 'Retail ( Rs. Space ( Rs.
Yards) Yards) Per Sq. feet) Rs. Per Yards) Yards) Rs. Per Sq. Rs. Per Sq. Yards) Sq. Yards) rer Sq. Per Sq.
Sq. Feet) feet) Sq. Feet) leet) Feet)

1 DLF Phase l. Sushant Lok-l 65450 140250 9000 660C 65000 14030C 9000 660C 7700c 165000 10000 7000
2 Dlf Phase-ll, lV, Southcity-l 61200 140250 8900 650C 61200 14030C 8900 650C 72000 165000 10000 7000
3 DLF Phase-lll, National Media 56100 165000 9000 6600 5600 i65000 9000 6600
Center 66000 165000 10000 7000
4 Garden Estate 51000 140250 8400 6200 5'I UUU 140300 8400 OZUL 60000 165000 9000 6600
5 Palam Vihar, Uniworld Resorts 42500 1 19000 7100 5200 42500 1 1900C 7'loo 5200
(Sec-33 & 48) 50000 140000 9000 6600
Shopes & Office without Roof Right
6 in rest of Tehsil Guruqram NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9000 6000

7 Galleria Market. Hamilton Market NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15000 10000

o \)l
f,t^ll a Affiaao
l!,1 lvl€lll q Vlllv99
vl I hllJ-,1Q
lll l--v NA NA NA N.a. NA NA NA NA NA NA 13000 7500
Shopping Mall & Offices on
9 Mehrauli Guruqram Road NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 12000 7300
Shopping Mall & Offices on Golf
,tn NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 1000 7000
Course Road NA. NA-
License Colony Falling in sector in
104, 105, 106, 109, 110, 110A,
25500 5000 4500

11 111.112,113,114,115 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 85000

r) V

.l m
Deputy Commissioner-cu m-
Registrar, Gurugram
MultiStory Group Housing ( Licensed) by
developers/lndependent Floors Rates for the Year of 2016-2017 Rates for the Year of 2017-2018 Rates for the Year of 2018-2019
Sr. No.
( Rs. Per Sq. Feet) ( Rs. Per Sq. Feet) ( Rs. PerSq. Feet)

Group Housing in Sector 1 to 57 425Q 4300 5000

A Aahianaa
l9lqtlv 5950 6000 10000

Laburnum, Unitech World Spa, Parsvnath 5950 6000 7000

Exotica. The Verandas
in Case of floor Licensed Colonies & 4675 470Q 5000
Flats in Group Housing Societies In plots
5 of Licensed Colonies in Sec 104 to 115 2210 2300 3000

Housing Board Colony (Without Roof 3230 330C 3800

Housing Board Colony (lndependent Plot) Circle rate of particular HUDA sector will
It A
NA be applicable in v,'hich sectcr Hcusing
Board Falls

Deputy co#missioner-cum-
TehsilGurugram Gurugram Registrar, Gurugram
Rate list of Tehsii Gurugram for the year zorS-2ui9 w"e.i..0.7.:Qi-.'.R-9-i6.)
Waar af ,n'lA-ta'l'7 rlAc fdr lhc Vear of )O'17-?O18' ,tes for the Year o

Sr. No. lndustrial Commercial ( Rs. Commercial ( Rs. Per lommercial ( Rs. Per Sq. ]onstructed
Constructed Building Constructed Building t/ards)
Per Sq. Yards) Sq. Yards) 3uildino
Maruti Industrial Area Udyog Vihar Phase-l to V and Land cost +
Land eost + 700/- Per Land cost + TOOA Pel
Sec-18.35 JUOUU JUbUU ouu/- rer Dq.
Sq. Feet Sq. Feet
Pace City, Infocity, Sec-34, 37 Land Cost +
Land Cost + 800/- Per Land Cost + 800/- Per
z 28050 281 00 30000 800/- Per Sq.
Sq. Feet Sq. Feet
IDC (Opposite Sec-14) Land Cost +
Land Cost + 800/- Per Land Cost + 800/'Per
? 20400 20400 24000 800/- Per Sq.
Sq. Feet So. Feet
Industrial Area from Railway Fatak to Daultabad within Land Cost +
Land Cost + 800/- Per Land Cost + 800/- Per
4 MC Area 17000 17000 20000 800/- Per Sq.
Sq. Feet Sq. Feet
Any Land converted into Industrial use Land Cost +
Land Cost + 800/- Per Land Cost + 800/- Per
5 9350 9400 10000 800/- Per Sq.
Sq. Feet Sq. Feet

l\l t's- ' /1 -/ /r'1

Sub Registrar sokc#*n 2 Deputy Com-mission,
Tehsil Gurugram Gurugram Registrar, Gurugram

Rate list of Tehsil Gurugram for the year 2or8'2o19 w.e.f.O.9.'

Rates for the Year of 2016-2017 Rates for the Year of 2017-2O18 Rates for the Year of 2018-201 9

Sr. No Constructed
lonstructed Building 3onstructed Building Roof Right
Institutional ( Rs. Institutional ( Rs. Per Institutional ( Rs. Per Sq. i Rs. Per
Per Sc. Yards) So. Yards) Y.ards) Sa. feet)
)ec-18,32, 44 Land Cost +
Land Cost + 700/- Pet Land Cost + 700/- Per
1 65450 65500 70000 800/- Per Sq.
Sq. Fee' Sq. Fee'
nstilutional Plots/School Plots, Clubs, Hospitals etc. in Land Cost +
Land Cost + 700/- Per Land Cost + 7001 Pel
2 :{uda Sectors and Licensed Colonies 2s50c 2550C 28000 800/- Per Sq.
Sq. Fee' So. Fee
Institutional Plots/School Plots etc- in other area (except Land Cost +
Land cost + 650/- Per Land Cost + 700/- Per
? SrNol&2) 2040c 2040c 22000 800/- Per Sq.
So. Feel Sq. Fee
Institutional/School site in License Colony without Rool
4 !A NA NA NA \A 4000
Ridht NA

@istrar- ,kK"nn Deputy
Tehsil Gurugram Gurugram Registrar, Gurugram

RATE List of Tehsil Gurugram for the Year 2018-2019 (w.e.f 1 '9 ' t I )
Cost of Construction Rates for the Year of 2016-2017 Rates for the Year of 2017-2018 Rates for the Year of 2018-2019
Sr. No.
( Rs. Per Sq. Feet) ( Rs. Per Sq. Feet) ( Rs. Per So. Feet)
Constructed Area in Licensed
1 Colonies & Huda Sector 1 300 1 300 1 300

Constructed Area in Rest of

2 TehsilGurugram 700 700 700

Constructed Area in lndustrial

3 NA NA 800
L Constructed Area of Ware
NA. NA. 600

Group Housing Co-operative Rates for the Year of 2016-2017 Rates for the Year of 2017-2018 Rates for the Year of 2018-2019
Sr. No. Societies
( Rs. Per Sq. Feet) ( Rs. Per Sq. Feet) ( Rs. Per Sq. Feet)
Group Housin g Co-operative
Societies All Sectors
1 3060 31 00 3600

Sub Mstrar ,rk6..n Deput-v Com missioner-cu m-
TehsilGurugram Gurugram Registrar, Gurugram

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