Gita Karma Yoga

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I have talked about the Karma Yōga way of life during the first New

Year Talk. I have talked about the Karma Yōga way of life - Pancha
Angāni. What are they? I will only enumerate them.
mayi sarvāni karmāni sanyasya adhyātma chētasa
nirāhīr nirmamō bhūtva yudhyasva vigata jwaraha
1. Ask the Lord for spiritual growth as the primary goal.
2. Dedicate all the actions as an offering to the Lord remembering
that Bhagawān alone gives Karma Phalam. Therefore, any Karma
Phalam is fair. There is no unfair Karma Phalam in the world.
Therefore, I accept any experience as Ēshwara Prasāda.
3. Nirāhī - Don’t dwell upon expectations. Replace your expectations
with seeking courage to receive any result, whether it is tallying or
not tallying with my expectations.
4. Nirmamaha - Always remember that I am neither the owner nor
the controller. I am only the user and influencer.
5. If I follow the above four steps, the fifth one is yudhyasva vigata
jwaraha. vigata jwaraha means being equanimous in all situations.
Krishna gave this advice. I chant this Slōka and take a vow that I will
follow. But when I chant the Slōka, I have to make a correction.
Krishna says - you do that. If I repeat the Slōka, it will mean that I will
be advising Krishna to follow. Therefore, we will make a slight
tvayi sarvāni karmāni sanyasya adhyātma chētasa
nirāhīr nirmamō bhūtva yudhyēya vigata jwaraha
Thus, I take a Sankalpa that I will follow Karma Yōga. If I practice this
Upāsanam regularly, I will have peace of mind, I will have spiritual
growth, and my entire life will be a Karma Yōga way of life. At the
time of death, I will not go to Punar Janma, but I will merge into
Ēshwara himself. So, this is a very beautiful Nitya Karma

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