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Weekly Report (October 7th to October 13th)

● ​Monday 10/7​:
○ ​I analyzed my topic proposal to understand
what research had to be done for me to better
understand the topic
● ​Tuesday 10/08​:
○ I​ made phone calls toward the end of the class. I called
the VP of AI at Microsoft, but I was met with a bad
○ ​This led me to revise my script to get better
○ ​Made thank you “cards” and sent it to the
professionals I met at Business Symposium.
● ​Wednesday 10/09:
○ ​Started working on the research assessment on
blockchain and data analysis in the medical sector.
○ ​Watched a Ted Talk.
● ​Thursday 10/10​:
○ ​Made more phone calls.
○ ​Worked on topic proposal.
● ​Friday 10/11​:
○ ​Made phone calls as it was a
holiday for me and people would
be working.
○ ​Completed Topic Proposal and Research
Assessment and turned it in
○ ​Landed a phone interview for October 25th
and a Webex meeting with Mr. Neeraj Madan
on November 1st.
● ​Saturday 10/12 - Sunday 10/13​:
○ ​Landed a phone interview for October 25th
and a Webex meeting with Mr. Neeraj Madan
on November 1st.
○ ​Made more phone calls. Tried reaching out to
more professionals.

This Research Assessment helped me get a better idea of how I can implement AI and
Data Science in the medical field. It gave me a better perspective on how to be a part of the
medical field and how to use blockchain to protect a researcher’s data and reputation. The
research on blockchain helped me think of ideas that are possible solutions to some of the
problems data scientists face. I enjoyed my research assessment because I understood a lot more
about blockchain and its applications. The use of blockchain can be applied to many sectors like
medical, financial, etc.

This week I also started calling many professionals to schedule interviews. I had to revise
my script a few times because it wasn’t communicating the message I intended, and these minor
tweaks helped me schedule two interviews. I also tried sounding more confident by standing in
front of a mirror so I can see my posture. I believe having the right posture makes a person look
and sound confident.

I understood the importance of a thank you message to a professional; it is the deciding

factor between a person getting hired or ignored. The replies to the thank you message motivate
me to enter the workforce because they seem less threatening as there are professionals who are
kind and understanding. The thank you cards also helped me reflect on the networking and
interview experiences.

What could I have done better? / Goals for next


I need to find out when something is going wrong. For example, I made a few calls and
it took me a while from realizing that the script was not working. I should have figured it
out earlier, so I did not burn through the contacts. I also need to improve on taking the
initiative and build my confidence because I am not content with the improvement. I am
going to do this by being more confident and speaking loudly and clearly.

My goals for next week are as follows:

● Enforce methods to increase confidence levels.

● Call all my contacts and maybe find new ones
● Come up with better research questions that include new information I learnt

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