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DepartmentCapital University of Science and Technology

of Mathematics

MT1013 – Calculus and Analytic Geometry Fall 2019

Assignment 2 (Exercise 8) Differentiation I
Definition: The derivative of the function ƒ(x) with respect to the variable x is the function f (x)
whose value at x is
f ( x  h)  f ( x )
f ( x)  lim (1)
h 0 h
provided the limit exists.
If f (x) exists at a particular x, we say that ƒ is differentiable (has a derivative) at x. If

f (x) exists at every point in the domain of ƒ, we call ƒ differentiable.
The process of calculating a derivative is called differentiation.

Finding derivative by definition means to evaluate the limit given in the above formula (1).

Recall that the limit on the right hand side of one gives the slope of the curve at any point x.

By the slope of the curve at any point x we mean the slope of the tangent line at that point.

The tangent line at any point P(xo, yo) on the graph of the function f(x) is the line passing

through P and whose slope m is given by m  f ( x0 ) . The equation of the tangent line at P is
therefore given by: y  y 0  f ( x)( x  x0 )
The line that is perpendicular to the tangent line at the point of tangency is called the normal

line.Therefore, if m is the slope of the tangent line at any point P on the curve, then slope of
the normal line at that point is  .
There are many ways to denote the derivative of a function y  f (x ) where the independent

variable is x and the dependent variable is y.
dy df d
f ( x)  y     f ( x)  D x f ( x)
dx dx dx
The left hand derivative at a point xo is the left hand limit Lf ( x )  lim f ( x0  h)  f ( x0 )
 0
h0 h
The right hand derivative at xo is the right hand limit Rf ( x )  lim f ( x0  h)  f ( x0 )
 0
h0 h
A function y=f(x) will fail to have a derivative at a point P(xo,yo) if there is:

a corner at the point P, in this case Lf ( x 0 )  Rf ( x 0 )
a cusp at P, in this case the slope of the secant line PQ approaches ∞ from one side
and – ∞ from the other side.
a vertical tangent at P.
a discontinuity at the point P
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DepartmentCapital University of Science and Technology
of Mathematics

Every differentiable function is continuous. The converse is not true. That is, a function need

not have a derivative at apoint where it is continuous. For instance, in the above first three
cases (a corner, a cusp, a vertical tangent) f is continuous at P but not differentiable.
By using the rules for differentiation, we can differentiate functions without having to apply

the definition of the derivative each time. Following are the rules for differentiation:
If y = f(x) = c, has the constant value for all x, then y   f ( x)  0
Sum/ difference rule:
if y  f ( x)  g ( x) then y   f ( x)  g ( x)
Power rule:
if y  x n , then y   nx n 1
Product rule:
If y  f ( x) g ( x ) then y   f ( x) g ( x)  f ( x) g ( x)
Quotient rule:
f ( x) g ( x) f ( x)  f ( x) g ( x)
if y  ; g ( x)  0, then y  
g ( x) ( g ( x)) 2
The chain rule:
dy dy du
if y  f (u ) and u  g ( x) , then  
dx du dx
if y  ( f  g )( x)  f ( g ( x)), then y   f ( g ( x))  g ( x)
The general power rule:
if y  [ f ( x)]n , then y   n[ f ( x)] n 1  f ( x)
If y  f (x) is a differentiable function, then its derivative f (x) is also a function of x. If f 

is also differentiable, then we can differentiate f  to get new function f  or y  called the 2nd
d dy d2y
derivative of the function y  f (x) . That is, y   f ( x)  ( f )( x)  ( )  2 .
dx dx dx
If y  is differentiable, its derivative y  is the 3 derivative of y.we denote by y ( n ) the nth

derivative of y with respect to x.
Let s(t) be the position of a body moving along a coordinate line, with s meters and t in

ds d 2 s dv
seconds. Then s (t )   v, is the velocity of the body at any timet, s (t )  2   a, is
dt dt dt
d 3 s d 2 v da
the acceleration of the body at any time t and, s (t )   2   j , is the jerk in the
dt 3 dt dt
body at any time t.

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DepartmentCapital University of Science and Technology
of Mathematics

Q2. Show that f (x) = | x | is not differentiable at the origin (x = 0).

Q3. Find if x  tan( xy )  0 (Hint: use implicit differentiation).

 x if 0  x  1
Q4. Let f ( x)   , find f (1).
 2 x  1 if x  1
Q5. If gas in a cylinder is maintained at a constant temperature T, the pressure P is related to the
volume V by a formula of the form:
nRT an 2
P  2
V  nb V
in which a, n, b, and R are constants. Find .

Q6. The total solar radiation H, in watts per square meter, on a particular surface during an
average clear day is given by H  2 , where t (-6 ≤ t ≤ 6) is the number of hours from noon. Find
t  10
the instantaneous rate of change of H with respect to t at 3 P.M.

Q7. A company determines that the cost C, in dollars, of producing x machine parts per day is
given by C ( x)  x 3  300 x  100 . Find the marginal cost at the production level of x = 12 parts.

Q8. In thermodynamics, an equation relating the thermodynamic temperature T, pressure p, and

 a  V  b 
the volume V of a gas is T   p  2   , where a, b, and Rare constants. Find the derivative of
 V  R 
T with respect to V assuming p is constant.

Q9. During a chemical change the number n of grams of a compound being formed is given by
6t 2
n 2 , where t is measured in seconds. How many grams per second are being formed after 3.0
2t  3

Q10. Oil moves through a pipeline such that distance s (in meters) it moves and the time t (in
seconds) are related by s3 – t2 = 7t. Find the velocity and the acceleration of the oil for s = 4.01 m and
t = 5.25 s.

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DepartmentCapital University of Science and Technology
of Mathematics

Q11. The temperature T (in oC) in a freezer as a function of the time t (in hours) is given by
10(1  t ) dT
T  . Find .
0.5t  1 dt

Good Luck

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