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Lesson planning

Name: Grace Cadena

Level: V “U”

Topic: : Clothing/Fashion Attitudes

Time: 50 -60 minutes


 Review vocabulary: frequency vocabulary (once a week), commands (stand up,

touch your ear)
 Review grammar: expressing opinions (I think that, I prefer to)
 New vocabulary: fashion, advertising terms (in style, out of style, good taste,
bad taste, traditional style, latest fashion, department store, boutique, model,
effective advertisement, ineffective advertisement)
 New grammatical structure: reporting survey results (all, most, the majority,
about half, the minority, some, a few, none + of the students)


o Introduction: pass out list of new vocabulary, ask if any are familiar.
Use pictures of magazines to discuss those that aren't familiar.
o Warm-up activity: Ask questions related to vocabulary and write key
words on the board, then have students stand up (touch their ears or put
their hands up if they agree). Report the results on the board.
 Stand up if you go to department stores more than once a year. Remain standing
if you go to department stores more than once a month. If not, sit down. (Twice
a month, three times a month, once a week, twice a week.)
 Do you think this woman is dressed in the latest fashion? If you do, lift up your
book; if you don't, touch your ear
 Where did you buy your shoes? If you bought them in a department store, touch
your nose. If you bought them in a boutique, put your hands under your desk.

o Introduce frequency vocabulary and demonstrate it describing results

using first two questions: "Most of the class thought . . ."; "Some of the
class thought . . ." If the material seems easy for the students, quickly ask
for summaries of the results of other questions. If the material seems
difficult, give them five minutes to work with their neighbors, then ask.
o Group work: worksheets with six new survey questions related to
personal shopping and fashion preferences. Break class up into groups
of six so that each person is responsible for a question. Each student is
responsible for asking all others in group his or her question and
recording the results.
 Do you wear the current fashion?
 Do you dress like your friends?
 Should people over thirty dress differently than people under thirty?
 Do you like to wear dark colors?
 Do you prefer to shop in large shopping malls or small boutiques?
 When you meet someone new, is their taste in clothing important to you?

o Homework: Explain to students that you want them to take the survey
questions home to ask people in their family. They should then prepare
five sentences comparing the preferences of their family with the
preferences of the class. The next class will begin with a discussion of
their results.
o Divide the class into three teams. Using three identical stacks of index
cards, have each student run to the front of the class, take the top card,
and write the answer to the question on the card on the board, then run
back to tag next person in line. Questions will ask students to make a
judgment based on looking at the rest of the class - "How many students
are wearing black shoes? The latest fashion? White shirts?" Students
have to write one of five answers on board: all, most, about half, some,
none. The winning team is the one that completes all of the questions
first without having an answer that disagrees with both other teams.

Materials: Lists of new vocabulary, pictures of models with different styles taken from
local magazines and newspapers, worksheets with surveys, index cards with questions.


Anorak, belt, blouse, cardigan, dress, gloves, jacket, jeans, jumper, overalls,
overcoat, pullover, raincoat, scarf, shirt, sweat-shirt, T-shirt ,tie, skirt, mini-skirt
shorts, socks ,suit, sweater, trousers


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