Circuit Theory

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Circuit Theory and EM Theory

Why EM Theory
Circuit Theory
• Circuit theory deals with electrical circuit.
• An engineer can predict the performance of
complicated electrical networks with the help
of circuit theory.
• But this theory has certain limitations like :
It cannot be applied in free space.
It is useful only at low frequencies.
• This theory is unsuccessful in explaining the
radiation of electromagnetic waves into space
in radio communications.
• It cannot be used to analyse or design a
complete communication system. Example:
Radio Communication System.
Field theory has following advantages
in comparison to circuit theory
• It is also applicable in free space.
• It is useful at all frequencies, particularly at
high frequencies,
• The radiation effect can be considered.
• This theory can be used to analyse or design a
complete communication system. Example:
Wireless Communication, Radio
Electromagnetic Field Theory
• Although electromagnetic Field Theory (EMFT)
is complex in comparison with circuit theory
but EMFT is simplified by using appropriate
mathematics. This theory deals with E and H
vectors, whereas circuit theory deals with
voltages and currents.
Relationship between Field Theory
and Circuit Theory
• At lower frequencies where physical circuit
dimensions are small compared to the
wavelength of electromagnetic waves, the
behaviour of circuits is accurately modelled using
“lumped element ” component models, together
with Kirchhoff’s laws
• At higher frequencies where the distances
between components are a significant fraction of
a wavelength and greater, the signals carrying
information or power from one place in a circuit
to another are treated as waves.
• Signals must be routed from one point to
another using transmission lines, modelled
using transmission line theory.
• If the component dimensions be comparable
to the wavelength then accurate
understanding and prediction of behaviour
may require modelling using electromagnetic
field and wave theory
why dB is used in microwaves
• A decibel is a convenient logarithmic ratio of
two RF power or RF voltage levels (usually
input and output levels).
• The beautiful thing about log ratios is that
multiplication of "linear" numbers becomes
addition, and division becomes subtraction.
• The conversion of linear ratios to dB is:
10xlog(power level2/power level1), or
20xlog(voltage level2/voltage level1)
• Decibels are very useful for talking about
increases (gains) or decreases (losses) without
talking about the actual power or voltage levels.
• Remember, though, that dB by itself isn't a unit
like millimeters or inch, it's all relative.
• A negative number of dB indicates loss or
reduction in signal strength, while a positive
number indicates gain or increase in signal
• When you refer to a loss in dB, it is customary to
eliminate the negative sign
• The decibel system is used when quantities can
vary by massive amounts.
Table I. Conversion between Linear
Units and Decibels
Linear Value dB Value
1e-10 -100 dB
1e-9 -90 dB
1e-6 -60 dB
1e-3 -30 dB
1e-1 -10 dB
0.5 -3 dB
1 0 dB
10 10 dB
100 20 dB
1e3 30 dB
1e6 60 dB

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