The Energy Crisis in Nigeria: The Impacts It Has Had On Development and The Strategic Call For Change To Focus On Renewable Resources

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17/10/19 191234016 Aliyu Rufai

The Energy Crisis in Nigeria: The impacts it has

had on development and the strategic call for
change to focus on renewable resources


Electricity is the prime mover that drives the economic development of

every country, the development and economic prosperity of a nation
greatly depends on its power or energy sector. Reliable access to
electrical power supply remains a huge obstacle for many homes and
businesses in Nigeria which has had a negative impact on the social-
economic wellbeing of Nigeria due to the formidable challenges in the
nations power sector. The electric power crisis has made so many
industries to relocate to a more environmental friendly nation. Some
researchers have investigated the root causes of low power generation in
Nigeria and they came up with diverse factors responsible for the lingering
electric power crisis. Research findings also revealed that the major
challenges confronting power generation in Nigeria are factors such as
poor plant maintenance, ageing equipments and gas pipe line vandalism
and that these challenges can be minimised or eliminated through
structured maintenance methodology. In this research, a review on
various renewable energy options available to Nigeria and the factors
responsible for the low power generation in Nigeria is carried out.

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